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all_vf.TTL (56263B)

      1 @prefix vf:    <> .
      2 @prefix rdf:   <> .
      3 @prefix owl:   <> .
      4 @prefix rdfs:  <> .
      5 @prefix foaf:  <> .
      6 @prefix org:   <> .
      7 @prefix dcterms: <> .
      8 @prefix om2: <> .
      9 @prefix xsd:   <> .
     10 @prefix time:  <> .
     11 @prefix geo:   <> .
     12 @prefix vs:    <> .
     13 @prefix dtype: <> .
     14 @prefix dfc:   <> .
     15 @prefix skos:  <> .
     18 <> a owl:Ontology;
     19     dcterms:title "Value Flows Ontology";
     20     dcterms:type <>;
     21     owl:versionIRI <> ;
     22     dcterms:status <>.
     25 #################################################################
     26 #    Classes
     27 #################################################################
     31 vf:Action  a                 owl:Class ;
     32         rdfs:label           "Action"@en ;
     33         vs:term_status       "testing" ;
     34         rdfs:comment         "An action verb defining the kind of flow and its behavior."@en .
     36 vf:PairsWith a              owl:Class ;
     37         rdfs:comment        "The action that should be included on the other direction of the process, for example accept with modify; also includes not applicable."@en ;
     38         rdfs:label          "Pairs With"@en ;
     39         vs:term_status      "unstable" .
     41 vf:InputOutput a            owl:Class ;
     42         rdfs:comment        "The action is an input or output of a process, or not related to a process."@en ;
     43         rdfs:label          "Input/Output"@en ;
     44         vs:term_status      "unstable" .
     46 vf:ResourceEffect a         owl:Class ;
     47         rdfs:comment        "The action has this effect on an inventoried resource."@en ;
     48         rdfs:label          "Resource Effect"@en ;
     49         vs:term_status      "unstable" .
     51 vf:AgentRelationshipRole  a  owl:Class ;
     52         rdfs:label           "Agent Relationship Role"@en ;
     53         vs:term_status       "testing" ;
     54         rdfs:comment         "A relationship role defining the kind of association one agent can have with another."@en .
     56 vf:RoleBehavior  a           owl:Class ;
     57         rdfs:label           "Role Behavior"@en ;
     58         vs:term_status       "unstable" ;
     59         rdfs:comment         "The general shape or behavior grouping of an agent relationship role."@en .
     61 vf:RecipeResource a         owl:Class ;
     62         rdfs:label          "Recipe Resource"@en ;
     63         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
     64         rdfs:comment        "Specifies the resource as part of a recipe, for use in planning from recipe."@en .
     66 vf:ResourceSpecification a  owl:Class ;
     67         rdfs:label          "Resource Specification"@en ;
     68         vs:term_status      "testing" ;
     69         rdfs:comment        "Specification of a kind of resource. Could define a material item, service, digital item, currency account, etc."@en .
     71 vf:RecipeProcess a          owl:Class ;
     72         rdfs:label          "Recipe Process"@en ;
     73         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
     74         rdfs:comment        "Specifies a process in a recipe for use in planning from recipe."@en .
     76 vf:ProcessSpecification a   owl:Class ;
     77         rdfs:label          "Process Specification"@en ;
     78         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
     79         rdfs:comment        "Specifies the kind of process."@en .
     81 vf:RecipeFlow a             owl:Class ;
     82         rdfs:label          "Recipe Flow"@en ;
     83         vs:term_status      "testing" ;
     84         rdfs:comment        "The specification of a resource inflow to, or outflow from, a recipe process."@en .
     86 vf:RecipeExchange a         owl:Class ;
     87         rdfs:label          "Recipe Exchange"@en ;
     88         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
     89         rdfs:comment        "Specifies an exchange type agreement as part of a recipe."@en .
     91 vf:ScenarioDefinition a     owl:Class ;
     92         rdfs:label          "Scenario Definition"@en ;
     93         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
     94         rdfs:comment        "The type definition of one or more scenarios."@en .
     97 # PLAN CLASSES
     99 vf:Plan  a                  owl:Class ;
    100         rdfs:label          "Plan"@en ;
    101         vs:term_status      "testing" ;
    102         rdfs:comment        "A logical collection of processes that constitute a body of scheduled work with defined deliverable(s)."@en .
    104 vf:Intent  a                owl:Class ;
    105         rdfs:label          "Intent"@en ;
    106         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    107         rdfs:comment        "A proposed or planned or estimated economic flow, prior to a commitment or agreement, which can lead to commitments and/or economic events."@en .
    109 vf:Proposal  a              owl:Class ;
    110         rdfs:label          "Proposal"@en ;
    111         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    112         rdfs:comment        "Published requests or offers, sometimes with what is expected in return."@en .
    114 vf:ProposedIntent  a        owl:Class ;
    115         rdfs:label          "Proposed Intent"@en ;
    116         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    117         rdfs:comment        "Represents many-to-many relationships between Proposals and Intents, supporting including intents in multiple proposals, as well as a proposal including multiple intents."@en .
    119 vf:ProposedTo  a            owl:Class ;
    120         rdfs:label          "Proposed To"@en ;
    121         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    122         rdfs:comment        "An agent to which the proposal is to be published."@en .
    124 vf:Commitment  a            owl:Class ;
    125         rdfs:label          "Commitment"@en ;
    126         vs:term_status      "stable" ;
    127         rdfs:comment        "A planned economic flow that has been promised by an agent to another agent."@en .
    129 vf:Satisfaction  a          owl:Class ;
    130         rdfs:label          "Satisfaction"@en ;
    131         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    132         rdfs:comment        "Represents many-to-many relationships between intents and commitments or events that partially or full satisfy one or more intents."@en .
    134 vf:Agreement  a             owl:Class ;
    135         rdfs:label          "Agreement"@en ;
    136         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    137         rdfs:comment        "Any type of agreement among economic agents."@en .
    139 vf:Scenario  a              owl:Class ;
    140         rdfs:label          "Scenario"@en ;
    141         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    142         rdfs:comment        "An estimated or analytical logical collection of higher level processes used for budgeting, analysis, plan refinement, etc."@en .
    147 vf:EconomicResource  a      owl:Class ;
    148         rdfs:label          "Economic Resource"@en ;
    149         vs:term_status      "stable" ;
    150         rdfs:comment        "A resource which is useful to people or the ecosystem."@en .
    152 vf:Process  a               owl:Class ;
    153         rdfs:label          "Process"@en ;
    154         vs:term_status      "stable" ;
    155         rdfs:comment        "An activity that changes inputs into outputs.  It could transform or transport economic resource(s)."@en .
    157 vf:EconomicEvent  a         owl:Class ;
    158         rdfs:label          "Economic Event"@en ;
    159         vs:term_status      "stable" ;
    160         rdfs:comment        "An observed economic flow, as opposed to a flow planned to happen in the future. This could reflect a change in the quantity of an economic resource. It is also defined by its behavior in relation to the economic resource (see vf:action)"@en .
    162 vf:AgentRelationship  a     owl:Class ;
    163         rdfs:label          "Agent Relationship"@en ;
    164         vs:term_status      "stable" ;
    165         rdfs:comment        "An ongoing voluntary association between 2 agents of any kind."@en .
    167 vf:Fulfillment  a           owl:Class ;
    168         rdfs:label          "Fulfillment"@en ;
    169         vs:term_status      "testing" ;
    170         rdfs:comment        "Represents many-to-many relationships between commitments and economic events that fully or partially satisfy one or more commitments."@en .
    172 vf:Claim  a                 owl:Class ;
    173         rdfs:label          "Claim"@en ;
    174         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    175         rdfs:comment        "A claim for a future economic event(s) in reciprocity for an economic event that already occurred. For example, a claim for payment for goods received."@en .
    177 vf:Settlement  a            owl:Class ;
    178         rdfs:label          "Settlement"@en ;
    179         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    180         rdfs:comment        "Represents many-to-many relationships between claim and economic events that fully or partially settle one or more claims."@en .
    182 vf:Appreciation  a          owl:Class ;
    183         rdfs:label          "Appreciation"@en ;
    184         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    185         rdfs:comment        "A way to tie an economic event that is given in loose fulfilment for another economic event, without commitments or expectations. Supports the gift economy."@en .
    188 #################################################################
    189 #    Properties
    190 #################################################################
    192 vf:action
    193         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    194         rdfs:label          "action"@en ;
    195         rdfs:domain         [ owl:unionOf (vf:EconomicEvent vf:Commitment vf:Intent vf:RecipeFlow vf:Claim) ] ;
    196         rdfs:range          vf:Action ;
    197         vs:term_status      "testing" ;
    198         rdfs:comment        "Defines the kind of flow, such as consume, produce, work, transfer, etc."@en .
    200 vf:inputOf
    201         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    202         rdfs:label          "input of"@en ;
    203         rdfs:domain         [ owl:unionOf (vf:EconomicEvent vf:Commitment vf:Intent) ] ;
    204         rdfs:range          vf:Process ;
    205         vs:term_status      "testing" ;
    206         rdfs:comment        "Relates an input flow to its process."@en .
    208 vf:outputOf
    209         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    210         rdfs:label          "output of"@en ;
    211         rdfs:domain         [ owl:unionOf (vf:EconomicEvent vf:Commitment vf:Intent) ] ;
    212         rdfs:range          vf:Process ;
    213         vs:term_status      "testing" ;
    214         rdfs:comment        "Relates an output flow to its process."@en .
    216 vf:recipeInputOf
    217         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    218         rdfs:label          "recipe input of"@en ;
    219         rdfs:domain         vf:RecipeFlow ;
    220         rdfs:range          vf:RecipeProcess ;
    221         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    222         rdfs:comment        "Relates an input flow to its process in a recipe."@en .
    224 vf:recipeOutputOf
    225         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    226         rdfs:label          "recipe output of"@en ;
    227         rdfs:domain         vf:RecipeFlow ;
    228         rdfs:range          vf:RecipeProcess ;
    229         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    230         rdfs:comment        "Relates an output flow to its process in a recipe."@en .
    232 vf:recipeClauseOf
    233         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    234         rdfs:label          "recipe clause of"@en ;
    235         rdfs:domain         vf:RecipeFlow ;
    236         rdfs:range          vf:RecipeExchange ;
    237         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    238         rdfs:comment        "Relates a flow to its exchange agreement in a recipe."@en .
    240 vf:plannedWithin
    241         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    242         rdfs:label          "planned within"@en ;
    243         rdfs:domain         vf:Process ;
    244         rdfs:range          vf:Plan ;
    245         vs:term_status      "testing" ;
    246         rdfs:comment        "The process with its inputs and outputs is part of the plan."@en .
    248 vf:independentDemandOf
    249         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    250         rdfs:label         "independent demand of"@en ;
    251         rdfs:range          vf:Plan ;
    252         rdfs:domain         vf:Commitment ;
    253         vs:term_status      "testing" ;
    254         rdfs:comment        "Represents a desired deliverable expected from this plan."@en .
    256 vf:resourceInventoriedAs
    257         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    258         rdfs:label          "resource inventoried as"@en ;
    259         rdfs:domain         [ owl:unionOf (vf:Commitment vf:Intent vf:EconomicEvent) ] ; 
    260         rdfs:range          vf:EconomicResource ;
    261         vs:term_status      "testing" ;
    262         rdfs:comment        "Economic resource involved in the flow."@en .
    264 vf:toResourceInventoriedAs
    265         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    266         rdfs:label          "to resource inventoried as"@en ;
    267         rdfs:domain         vf:EconomicEvent ; 
    268         rdfs:range          vf:EconomicResource ;
    269         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    270         rdfs:comment        "Additional economic resource on the economic event when needed by the receiver. Used when a transfer or move, or sometimes other actions, requires explicitly identifying an economic resource on the receiving side."@en .
    272 vf:relationship  a          owl:ObjectProperty ;
    273         rdfs:label          "relationship"@en ;
    274         rdfs:domain         vf:AgentRelationship ;
    275         rdfs:range          vf:AgentRelationshipRole ;
    276         vs:term_status      "testing" ;
    277         rdfs:comment        "The role of an economic relationship that exists between 2 agents, such as member, trading partner."@en .
    279 vf:appreciationOf
    280         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    281         rdfs:label          "appreciation of"@en ;
    282         rdfs:domain         vf:Appreciation ;
    283         rdfs:range          vf:EconomicEvent ;
    284         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    285         rdfs:comment        "The economic event being appreciated (gift economy)."@en .
    287 vf:appreciationWith
    288         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    289         rdfs:label          "appreciation with"@en ;
    290         rdfs:domain         vf:Appreciation ;
    291         rdfs:range          vf:EconomicEvent ;
    292         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    293         rdfs:comment        "The economic event implemented in appreciation (gift economy)."@en .
    295 vf:provider  a              owl:ObjectProperty ;
    296         rdfs:domain         [ owl:unionOf (vf:EconomicEvent vf:Commitment vf:Intent vf:Claim) ] ;
    297         rdfs:label          "provider"@en ;
    298         rdfs:range          foaf:Agent ;
    299         vs:term_status      "testing" ;
    300         rdfs:comment        "The economic agent from whom the intended, committed, or actual economic event is initiated."@en .
    302 vf:receiver  a              owl:ObjectProperty ;
    303         rdfs:domain         [ owl:unionOf (vf:EconomicEvent vf:Commitment vf:Intent vf:Claim) ] ;
    304         rdfs:label          "receiver"@en ;
    305         rdfs:range          foaf:Agent ;
    306         vs:term_status      "testing" ;
    307         rdfs:comment        "The economic agent whom the intended, committed, or actual economic event is for."@en .
    309 vf:subject  a               owl:ObjectProperty ;
    310         rdfs:domain         vf:AgentRelationship ;
    311         rdfs:label          "subject"@en ;
    312         rdfs:range          foaf:Agent ;
    313         vs:term_status      "testing" ;
    314         rdfs:comment        "The subject of a relationship between 2 agents.  For example, if Mary is a member of a group, then Mary is the subject."@en .
    316 vf:object  a                owl:ObjectProperty ;
    317         rdfs:domain         vf:AgentRelationship ;
    318         rdfs:label          "object"@en ;
    319         rdfs:range          foaf:Agent ;
    320         vs:term_status      "testing" ;
    321         rdfs:comment        "The object of a relationship between 2 agents.  For example, if Mary is a member of a group, then the group is the object."@en .
    323 vf:inScopeOf  a             owl:ObjectProperty ;
    324         rdfs:domain         [ owl:unionOf (vf:Claim vf:Commitment vf:EconomicEvent vf:Proposal vf:Intent vf:Scenario vf:Process vf:AgentRelationship) ] ;
    325         rdfs:label          "in scope of"@en ;
    326         rdfs:range          owl:Thing ;
    327         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    328         rdfs:comment        "Grouping around something to create a boundary or context, used for documenting, accounting, planning."@en .
    330 vf:agreedIn  a              owl:ObjectProperty ;
    331         rdfs:domain         [ owl:unionOf (vf:EconomicEvent vf:Commitment vf:Intent vf:Claim) ] ; 
    332         rdfs:label          "agreed in"@en ;
    333         rdfs:range          owl:Thing ;
    334         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    335         rdfs:comment        "Reference to an agreement between agents which specifies the rules, terms, policies, calculations, etc. which govern this flow."@en .
    337 vf:triggeredBy  a           owl:ObjectProperty ;
    338         rdfs:label          "triggered by"@en ;
    339         rdfs:domain         [ owl:unionOf (vf:EconomicEvent vf:Claim) ] ;
    340         rdfs:range          vf:EconomicEvent ;
    341         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    342         rdfs:comment        "References an economic event that implied the claim or event, often based on a prior agreement."@en .
    344 vf:settles  a               owl:ObjectProperty ;
    345         rdfs:label          "settles"@en ;
    346         rdfs:domain         vf:Settlement ;
    347         rdfs:range          vf:Claim ;
    348         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    349         rdfs:comment        "References a claim that is fully or partially settled by the economic event."@en .
    351 vf:settledBy  a             owl:ObjectProperty ;
    352         rdfs:label          "settled by"@en ;
    353         rdfs:domain         vf:Settlement ;
    354         rdfs:range          vf:EconomicEvent ;
    355         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    356         rdfs:comment        "References an economic event that fully or partially settles the claim."@en .
    358 vf:containedIn a            owl:ObjectProperty ;
    359         rdfs:label          "contained in"@en ;
    360         rdfs:domain         vf:EconomicResource ;
    361         rdfs:range          vf:EconomicResource ;
    362         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    363         rdfs:comment        "Used when a stock economic resource contains units also defined as economic resources."@en .
    365 vf:primaryAccountable a      owl:ObjectProperty ;
    366         rdfs:label          "primary accountable"@en ;
    367         rdfs:domain         vf:EconomicResource ;
    368         rdfs:range          foaf:Agent ;
    369         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    370         rdfs:comment        "The agent currently with primary rights and responsibilites for the economic resource. It is the agent that is associated with the accountingQuantity of the economic resource."@en .
    372 vf:hasBeginning a           owl:DatatypeProperty ;
    373         rdfs:label          "has beginning"@en ;
    374         rdfs:domain         time:TemporalEntity ;
    375         rdfs:domain         [ owl:unionOf (
    376                                 vf:Commitment
    377                                 vf:EconomicEvent
    378                                 vf:Intent
    379                                 vf:Proposal
    380                                 vf:Scenario
    381                                 vf:Process) ] ;
    382         rdfs:range          xsd:dateTimeStamp ;
    383         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    384         owl:propertyChainAxiom (time:hasBeginning time:inXSDDateTimeStamp) ;
    385         rdfs:comment        "The planned or actual beginning of a flow or process."@en .
    387 vf:hasEnd a                 owl:DatatypeProperty ;
    388         rdfs:label          "has end"@en ;
    389         rdfs:domain         time:TemporalEntity ;
    390         rdfs:domain         [ owl:unionOf (
    391                                 vf:Commitment
    392                                 vf:EconomicEvent
    393                                 vf:Intent
    394                                 vf:Proposal
    395                                 vf:Scenario
    396                                 vf:Process) ] ;
    397         rdfs:range          xsd:dateTimeStamp ;
    398         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    399         owl:propertyChainAxiom (time:hasEnd time:inXSDDateTimeStamp) ;
    400         rdfs:comment        "The planned or actual end of a flow or process."@en .
    402 vf:hasPointInTime a         owl:DatatypeProperty ;
    403         rdfs:label          "has point in time"@en ;
    404         rdfs:domain         time:Instant ;
    405         rdfs:domain         [ owl:unionOf (
    406                                 vf:Commitment
    407                                 vf:EconomicEvent
    408                                 vf:Intent) ] ;
    409         rdfs:range          xsd:dateTimeStamp ;
    410         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    411         owl:propertyChainAxiom (time:hasEnd time:inXSDDateTimeStamp) ;
    412         rdfs:comment        "The planned or actual time of a flow; can be used instead of hasBeginning and hasEnd, if so, hasBeginning and hasEnd should be able to be returned with this value."@en .
    414 time:hasDuration
    415         rdfs:label          "has duration"@en ;
    416         rdfs:domain         [ owl:unionOf (vf:RecipeProcess vf:ScenarioDefinition) ] .
    418 vf:due a                    owl:DatatypeProperty ;
    419         rdfs:label          "due"@en ;
    420         rdfs:domain         [ owl:unionOf (
    421                                 vf:Plan
    422                                 vf:Commitment
    423                                 vf:Claim
    424                                 vf:Intent) ] ;
    425         rdfs:range          xsd:dateTimeStamp ;
    426         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    427         rdfs:comment        "The time something is expected to be complete."@en .
    429 vf:accountingQuantity a     owl:ObjectProperty ;
    430         rdfs:label          "accounting quantity"@en ;
    431         rdfs:domain         vf:EconomicResource ;
    432         rdfs:range          om2:Measure ;
    433         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    434         rdfs:comment        "The current amount and unit of the economic resource for which the agent has primary rights and responsibilities, sometimes thought of as ownership. This can be either stored or derived from economic events affecting the resource."@en .
    436 vf:onhandQuantity a         owl:ObjectProperty ;
    437         rdfs:label          "onhand quantity"@en ;
    438         rdfs:domain         vf:EconomicResource ;
    439         rdfs:range          om2:Measure ;
    440         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    441         rdfs:comment        "The current amount and unit of the economic resource which is under direct control of the agent.  It may be more or less than the accounting quantity. This can be either stored or derived from economic events affecting the resource."@en .
    443 vf:resourceQuantity a       owl:ObjectProperty ;
    444         rdfs:label          "resource quantity"@en ;
    445         rdfs:domain         [ owl:unionOf (vf:EconomicEvent vf:Commitment vf:Intent vf:RecipeFlow vf:Fulfillment vf:Satisfaction vf:Claim vf:Settlement) ] ;
    446         rdfs:range          om2:Measure ;
    447         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    448         rdfs:comment        "The amount and unit of the economic resource counted or inventoried."@en .
    450 vf:effortQuantity a         owl:ObjectProperty ;
    451         rdfs:label          "effort quantity"@en ;
    452         rdfs:domain         [ owl:unionOf (vf:EconomicEvent vf:Commitment vf:Intent vf:RecipeFlow vf:Fulfillment vf:Satisfaction vf:Claim vf:Settlement) ] ;
    453         rdfs:range          om2:Measure ;
    454         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    455         rdfs:comment        "The amount and unit of the work or use or citation effort-based action. This is often a time duration, but also could be cycle counts or other measures of effort or usefulness."@en .
    457 vf:availableQuantity a      owl:ObjectProperty ;
    458         rdfs:label          "available quantity"@en ;
    459         rdfs:domain         vf:Intent ;
    460         rdfs:range          om2:Measure ;
    461         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    462         rdfs:comment        "The quantity of the offered resource currently available."@en .
    464 om2:hasNumericalValue
    465         rdfs:range          dtype:numericUnion .
    467 vf:unitBased  a             owl:DatatypeProperty ;
    468         rdfs:label          "unit based"@en ;
    469         rdfs:domain         vf:Proposal ;
    470         rdfs:range          xsd:boolean ;
    471         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    472         rdfs:comment        "This proposal contains unit based quantities, which can be multipied to create commitments; commonly seen in a price list or e-commerce."@en .
    474 dcterms:created 
    475         rdfs:domain         [ owl:unionOf (vf:Agreement vf:Claim vf:Commitment vf:Plan vf:Proposal) ] .
    477 geo:long
    478         rdfs:range          xsd:double .
    480 geo:lat
    481         rdfs:range          xsd:double .
    483 geo:alt
    484         rdfs:range          xsd:double .
    486 vf:currentLocation a        owl:ObjectProperty ;
    487         rdfs:label          "current location"@en ;
    488         rdfs:domain         vf:EconomicResource ;
    489         rdfs:range          geo:SpatialThing ;
    490         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    491         rdfs:comment        "The current place an economic resource is located.  Could be at any level of granularity, from a town to an address to a warehouse location.  Usually mappable."@en .
    493 vf:primaryLocation a        owl:ObjectProperty ;
    494         rdfs:label          "primary location"@en ;
    495         rdfs:domain         foaf:Agent ;
    496         rdfs:range          geo:SpatialThing ;
    497         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    498         rdfs:comment        "The main place an agent is located, often an address where activities occur and mail can be sent. This is usually a mappable geographic location.  It also could be a website address, as in the case of agents who have no physical location."@en .
    500 vf:eligibleLocation a       owl:ObjectProperty ;
    501         rdfs:label          "eligible location"@en ;
    502         rdfs:domain         vf:Proposal ;
    503         rdfs:range          geo:SpatialThing ;
    504         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    505         rdfs:comment        "Location or area where the proposal is valid."@en .
    507 vf:atLocation a             owl:ObjectProperty ;
    508         rdfs:label          "at location"@en ;
    509         rdfs:domain         [ owl:unionOf (vf:EconomicEvent vf:Commitment vf:Intent) ] ;
    510         rdfs:range          geo:SpatialThing ;
    511         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    512         rdfs:comment        "The place where an intent, commitment, or economic event occurs.  Usually mappable."@en .
    514 vf:image a                  owl:DatatypeProperty ;
    515         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    516         rdfs:label          "image"@en ;
    517         rdfs:domain         [ owl:unionOf (
    518                                 foaf:Agent 
    519                                 vf:EconomicEvent 
    520                                 vf:EconomicResource 
    521                                 vf:Intent 
    522                                 vf:RecipeResource 
    523                                 vf:ResourceSpecification) ] ;
    524         rdfs:range          xsd:anyURI ;
    525         rdfs:comment        "The uri to an image relevant to the entity, such as a logo, avatar, photo, diagram, etc."@en .
    527 vf:uri a                    owl:DatatypeProperty ;
    528         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    529         rdfs:range          xsd:anyURI ;
    530         rdfs:label          "uri"@en ;
    531         rdfs:comment        "The web address relevant to the entity."@en .
    533 vf:name a                   owl:DatatypeProperty ;
    534         rdfs:label          "name"@en ;
    535         rdfs:range          xsd:string ;
    536         rdfs:domain         [ owl:unionOf (
    537                                 geo:SpatialThing 
    538                                 foaf:Agent 
    539                                 vf:Agreement 
    540                                 vf:Commitment 
    541                                 vf:EconomicResource 
    542                                 vf:Intent 
    543                                 vf:Plan 
    544                                 vf:Process 
    545                                 vf:ProcessSpecification 
    546                                 vf:Proposal 
    547                                 vf:RecipeProcess 
    548                                 vf:RecipeResource 
    549                                 vf:ResourceSpecification 
    550                                 vf:RoleBehavior 
    551                                 vf:Scenario 
    552                                 vf:ScenarioDefinition) ] ;
    553         vs:term_status      "testing" ;
    554         rdfs:comment        "An informal or formal textual identifier for an object. Does not imply uniqueness."@en .
    556 skos:note 
    557         rdfs:domain         [ owl:unionOf (
    558                                 geo:SpatialThing 
    559                                 foaf:Agent 
    560                                 vf:AgentRelationship 
    561                                 vf:AgentRelationshipRole 
    562                                 vf:Agreement 
    563                                 vf:Appreciation 
    564                                 vf:Claim 
    565                                 vf:Commitment 
    566                                 vf:EconomicEvent 
    567                                 vf:EconomicResource 
    568                                 vf:ExternalLink 
    569                                 vf:Fulfillment 
    570                                 vf:Intent 
    571                                 vf:Plan 
    572                                 vf:Process 
    573                                 vf:ProcessSpecification 
    574                                 vf:Proposal 
    575                                 vf:RecipeFlow 
    576                                 vf:RecipeProcess 
    577                                 vf:RecipeResource 
    578                                 vf:ResourceSpecification 
    579                                 vf:RoleBehavior 
    580                                 vf:Satisfaction 
    581                                 vf:Scenario 
    582                                 vf:ScenarioDefinition 
    583                                 vf:Settlement) ] .
    585 vf:trackingIdentifier a     owl:DatatypeProperty ;
    586         rdfs:label          "tracking identifier"@en ;
    587         rdfs:domain         vf:EconomicResource ;
    588         rdfs:range          xsd:string ;
    589         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    590         rdfs:comment        "Sometimes called serial number, used when each item must have a trackable identifier (like a computer). Could also be used for other unique tracking identifiers needed for resources."@en .  
    592 vf:lot a                    owl:ObjectProperty ;
    593         rdfs:label          "lot"@en ;
    594         rdfs:domain         vf:EconomicResource ;
    595         rdfs:range          dfc:ProductBatch ;
    596         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    597         rdfs:comment        "Lot or batch of an economic resource, used to track forward or backwards to all occurrences of resources of that lot."@en .  
    599 vf:fulfilledBy a            owl:ObjectProperty ;
    600         rdfs:label          "fulfilled by"@en ;
    601         rdfs:range          vf:EconomicEvent ;
    602         rdfs:domain         vf:Fulfillment ;
    603         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    604         rdfs:comment        "The economic event which completely or partially fulfills a commitment."@en .
    606 vf:fulfills  a              owl:ObjectProperty ;
    607         rdfs:label          "fulfills"@en ;
    608         rdfs:range          vf:Commitment ;
    609         rdfs:domain         vf:Fulfillment ;
    610         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    611         rdfs:comment        "The commitment which is completely or partially fulfilled by an economic event."@en .
    613 vf:satisfies
    614         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    615         rdfs:label         "satisfies"@en ;
    616         rdfs:domain         vf:Satisfaction ;
    617         rdfs:range          vf:Intent ;
    618         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    619         rdfs:comment        "An intent satisfied fully or partially by an economic event or commitment."@en .
    621 vf:satisfiedBy
    622         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    623         rdfs:label         "satisfied by"@en ;
    624         rdfs:domain         vf:Satisfaction ;
    625         rdfs:range          [ owl:unionOf (vf:Commitment vf:EconomicEvent ) ] ;
    626         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    627         rdfs:comment        "A commitment or economic event fully or partially satisfying an intent"@en .
    629 vf:publishes
    630         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    631         rdfs:label          "publishes"@en ;
    632         rdfs:domain         vf:ProposedIntent ;
    633         rdfs:range          vf:Intent ;
    634         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    635         rdfs:comment        "The intent which is part of this published proposal."@en .
    637 vf:publishedIn
    638         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    639         rdfs:label          "published in"@en ;
    640         rdfs:domain         vf:ProposedIntent ;
    641         rdfs:range          vf:Proposal ;
    642         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    643         rdfs:comment        "The published proposal which this intent is part of."@en .
    645 vf:proposed
    646         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    647         rdfs:label          "proposed"@en ;
    648         rdfs:domain         vf:ProposedTo ;
    649         rdfs:range          vf:Proposal ;
    650         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    651         rdfs:comment        "The proposal that is published to a specific agent."@en .
    653 vf:proposedTo
    654         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    655         rdfs:label          "proposed to"@en ;
    656         rdfs:domain         vf:ProposedTo ;
    657         rdfs:range          foaf:Agent ;
    658         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    659         rdfs:comment        "The agent to which the proposal is published."@en .
    661 vf:reciprocal
    662         a                   owl:DatatypeProperty ;
    663         rdfs:label          "reciprocal"@en ;
    664         rdfs:domain         vf:ProposedIntent ;
    665         rdfs:range          xsd:boolean ;
    666         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    667         rdfs:comment        "This is a reciprocal intent of this proposal, not primary. Not meant to be used for intent matching."@en .
    669 vf:finished  a              owl:DatatypeProperty ;
    670         rdfs:domain         [ owl:unionOf (vf:Commitment vf:Process vf:Intent vf:Claim) ] ; 
    671         rdfs:label          "finished"@en ;
    672         rdfs:range          xsd:boolean ;
    673         vs:term_status      "testing" ;
    674         rdfs:comment        "The commitment or intent or process is complete or not.  This is irrespective of if the original goal has been met, and indicates that no more will be done."@en .
    676 vf:substitutable a          owl:DatatypeProperty ;
    677         rdfs:label          "substitutable"@en ;
    678         rdfs:domain         vf:RecipeResource ;
    679         rdfs:range          xsd:boolean ;
    680         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    681         rdfs:comment        "Defines if any resource of that type can be freely substituted for any other resource of that type when used, consumed, traded, etc."@en .
    683 vf:unitOfResource a         owl:ObjectProperty ;
    684         rdfs:label          "unit of resource"@en ;
    685         rdfs:domain         vf:RecipeResource ;
    686         rdfs:range          om2:Unit ;
    687         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    688         rdfs:comment        "The unit used for this resource in the recipe."@en .
    690 vf:unitOfEffort a           owl:ObjectProperty ;
    691         rdfs:label          "unit of effort"@en ;
    692         rdfs:domain         [ owl:unionOf (vf:RecipeResource vf:EconomicResource) ] ;
    693         rdfs:range          om2:Unit ;
    694         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    695         rdfs:comment        "The unit used for use or work or sometimes cite actions."@en .
    697 vf:defaultUnitOfEffort a    owl:ObjectProperty ;
    698         rdfs:label          "default unit of effort"@en ;
    699         rdfs:domain         vf:ResourceSpecification ;
    700         rdfs:range          om2:Unit ;
    701         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    702         rdfs:comment        "The default unit used for use or work."@en .
    704 vf:defaultUnitOfResource a  owl:ObjectProperty ;
    705         rdfs:label          "default unit of resource"@en ;
    706         rdfs:domain         vf:ResourceSpecification ;
    707         rdfs:range          om2:Unit ;
    708         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    709         rdfs:comment        "The default unit used for the resource itself."@en .
    711 vf:basedOn
    712         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    713         rdfs:label          "based on"@en ;
    714         rdfs:domain         vf:Process ;
    715         rdfs:range          vf:ProcessSpecification ;
    716         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    717         rdfs:comment        "The definition or standard specification for a process."@en .
    719 vf:classifiedAs
    720         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    721         rdfs:label          "classified as"@en ;
    722         rdfs:domain         [ owl:unionOf (vf:Process vf:EconomicResource org:Organization) ] ;
    723         rdfs:range          owl:Thing ;
    724         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    725         rdfs:comment        "References one or more concepts in a common taxonomy or other classification scheme for purposes of categorization or grouping."@en .
    727 vf:resourceClassifiedAs
    728         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    729         rdfs:label          "resource classified as"@en ;
    730         rdfs:domain         [ owl:unionOf (vf:ResourceSpecification vf:RecipeResource vf:Intent vf:Commitment vf:EconomicEvent vf:Claim) ] ;
    731         rdfs:range          owl:Thing ;
    732         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    733         rdfs:comment        "References a concept in a common taxonomy or other classification scheme for purposes of categorization or grouping."@en .
    735 vf:processClassifiedAs
    736         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    737         rdfs:label          "process classified as"@en ;
    738         rdfs:domain         vf:RecipeProcess ;
    739         rdfs:range          owl:Thing ;
    740         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    741         rdfs:comment        "References a concept in a common taxonomy or other classification scheme for purposes of categorization or grouping."@en .
    743 vf:processConformsTo
    744         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    745         rdfs:label          "process conforms to"@en ;
    746         rdfs:domain         vf:RecipeProcess ;
    747         rdfs:range          vf:ProcessSpecification ;
    748         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    749         rdfs:comment        "The standard specification or definition of a process."@en .
    751 vf:resourceConformsTo
    752         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    753         rdfs:label          "resource conforms to"@en ;
    754         rdfs:domain         [ owl:unionOf (vf:Commitment vf:Intent vf:EconomicEvent vf:Claim vf:RecipeResource) ] ;
    755         rdfs:range          vf:ResourceSpecification ;
    756         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    757         rdfs:comment        "The primary resource specification or definition of an existing or potential economic resource. A resource will have only one, as this specifies exactly what the resource is."@en .
    759 vf:conformsTo
    760         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    761         rdfs:label          "conforms to"@en ;
    762         rdfs:domain         vf:EconomicResource ;
    763         rdfs:range          vf:ResourceSpecification ;
    764         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    765         rdfs:comment        "The primary resource knowledge specification or definition of an existing or potential resource."@en .
    767 vf:stage
    768         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    769         rdfs:label          "stage"@en ;
    770         rdfs:domain         vf:EconomicResource ;
    771         rdfs:range          vf:ProcessSpecification ;
    772         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    773         rdfs:comment        "References the ProcessSpecification of the last process the economic resource went through. Stage is used when the last process is important for finding proper resources, such as where the publishing process wants only documents that have gone through the editing process."@en .
    775 vf:state
    776         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    777         rdfs:label          "state"@en ;
    778         rdfs:domain         vf:EconomicResource ;
    779         rdfs:range          xsd:string ;
    780         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    781         rdfs:comment        "The state of the desired economic resource, after coming out of a test or review process."@en .
    783 vf:refinementOf
    784         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    785         rdfs:label          "refinement of"@en ;
    786         rdfs:domain         [ owl:unionOf (vf:Scenario vf:Plan) ] ;
    787         rdfs:range          vf:Scenario ;
    788         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    789         rdfs:comment        "This scenario or plan refines another scenario, often as time moves closer or for more detail."@en .
    791 vf:nestedIn
    792         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    793         rdfs:label          "nested in"@en ;
    794         rdfs:domain         vf:Process ;
    795         rdfs:range          vf:Scenario ;
    796         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    797         rdfs:comment        "The process with its inputs and outputs is part of the scenario."@en .
    799 vf:definedAs
    800         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    801         rdfs:label          "defined as"@en ;
    802         rdfs:domain         vf:Scenario ;
    803         rdfs:range          vf:ScenarioDefinition ;
    804         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    805         rdfs:comment        "The scenario definition for this scenario, for example yearly budget."@en .
    807 vf:recipeFlowResource
    808         a                   owl:ObjectProperty ;
    809         rdfs:label          "recipe flow resource"@en ;
    810         rdfs:domain         vf:RecipeFlow ;
    811         rdfs:range          vf:RecipeResource ;
    812         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    813         rdfs:comment        "The resource definition referenced by this flow in the recipe."@en .
    815 vf:clauseOf a               owl:ObjectProperty ;
    816         rdfs:label          "clause of"@en ;
    817         rdfs:domain         vf:Commitment ;
    818         rdfs:range          vf:Agreement ;
    819         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    820         rdfs:comment        "This commitment is part of the agreement."@en .
    822 vf:realizationOf a          owl:ObjectProperty ;
    823         rdfs:label          "realization of"@en ;
    824         rdfs:domain         vf:EconomicEvent ;
    825         rdfs:range          vf:Agreement ;
    826         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    827         rdfs:comment        "This economic event occurs as part of this agreement."@en .
    829 vf:mappableAddress a        owl:ObjectProperty ;
    830         rdfs:label          "mappable address"@en ;
    831         rdfs:domain         geo:SpatialThing ;
    832         rdfs:range          xsd:string ;
    833         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    834         rdfs:comment        "A textual address that can be mapped using mapping software."@en .
    836 vf:roleLabel a              owl:DatatypeProperty ;
    837         rdfs:label          "role label"@en ;
    838         rdfs:domain         vf:AgentRelationshipRole ;
    839         rdfs:range          xsd:string ;
    840         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    841         rdfs:comment        "The human readable name of the role, inverse from the object to the subject. For example, 'is member of'."@en .
    843 vf:inverseRoleLabel a       owl:DatatypeProperty ;
    844         rdfs:label          "inverse role label"@en ;
    845         rdfs:domain         vf:AgentRelationshipRole ;
    846         rdfs:range          xsd:string ;
    847         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    848         rdfs:comment        "The human readable name of the role, inverse from the object to the subject. For example, 'has member'."@en .
    850 vf:roleBehavior a           owl:ObjectProperty ;
    851         rdfs:label          "role behavior"@en ;
    852         rdfs:domain         vf:AgentRelationshipRole ;
    853         rdfs:range          vf:RoleBehavior ;
    854         vs:term_status      "unstable" ;
    855         rdfs:comment        "The generalized behavior of this agent relationship role."@en .
    857 vf:inputOutput a            owl:ObjectProperty ;
    858         rdfs:domain         vf:Action ;
    859         rdfs:range          vf:InputOutput ;
    860         rdfs:comment        "Denotes if a process input or output, or not related to a process."@en ;
    861         rdfs:label          "input/output"@en ;
    862         vs:term_status      "unstable" .
    864 vf:pairsWith a              owl:ObjectProperty ;
    865         rdfs:domain         vf:Action ;
    866         rdfs:range          vf:Action ;
    867         rdfs:comment        "The action that should be included on the other direction of the process, for example accept with modify."@en ;
    868         rdfs:label          "pairs with"@en ;
    869         vs:term_status      "unstable" .
    871 vf:resourceEffect a         owl:ObjectProperty ;
    872         rdfs:domain         vf:Action ;
    873         rdfs:range          vf:ResourceEffect ;
    874         rdfs:comment        "The increment and/or decrement effect the action will have on the accounting quantity of an inventoried resource."@en ;
    875         rdfs:label          "resource effect"@en ;
    876         vs:term_status      "unstable" .
    878 vf:onhandEffect a           owl:ObjectProperty ;
    879         rdfs:domain         vf:Action ;
    880         rdfs:range          vf:ResourceEffect ;
    881         rdfs:comment        "The increment and/or decrement effect the action will have on the onhand quantity of an inventoried resource."@en ;
    882         rdfs:label          "onhand effect"@en ;
    883         vs:term_status      "unstable" .
    886 #################################################################
    887 #    Individuals
    888 #################################################################
    890 # Actions
    892 vf:accept a                 owl:NamedIndividual ,
    893                             vf:Action ,
    894                             vf:PairsWith ;
    895         vf:inputOutput      vf:input ;
    896         vf:pairsWith        vf:modify ;
    897         vf:resourceEffect   vf:noEffect ;
    898         vf:onhandEffect     vf:decrement ;
    899         rdfs:comment        "In processes like repair or modification or testing, the same resource will appear in the output."@en ;
    900         rdfs:label          "accept"@en ;
    901         vs:term_status      "testing" .
    903 vf:consume a                owl:NamedIndividual ,
    904                             vf:Action ;
    905         vf:inputOutput      vf:input ;
    906         vf:pairsWith        vf:notApplicable ;
    907         vf:resourceEffect   vf:decrement ;
    908         vf:onhandEffect     vf:decrement ;
    909         rdfs:comment        "For example an ingredient or component composed into the output, after the process the ingredient is gone."@en ;
    910         rdfs:label          "consume"@en ;
    911         vs:term_status      "testing" .
    913 vf:cite a                   owl:NamedIndividual ,
    914                             vf:Action ;
    915         vf:inputOutput      vf:input ;
    916         vf:pairsWith        vf:notApplicable ;
    917         vf:resourceEffect   vf:noEffect ;
    918         vf:onhandEffect     vf:noEffect ;
    919         rdfs:comment        "For example a design file, neither used nor consumed, the file remains available at all times."@en ;
    920         rdfs:label          "cite"@en ;
    921         vs:term_status      "testing" .
    923 vf:deliver-service a        owl:NamedIndividual ,
    924                             vf:Action ;
    925         vf:inputOutput      vf:output ;
    926         vf:pairsWith        vf:notApplicable ;
    927         vf:resourceEffect   vf:noEffect ;
    928         vf:onhandEffect     vf:noEffect ;
    929         rdfs:comment        "New service produced and delivered (a service implies that an agent actively receives the service)."@en ;
    930         rdfs:label          "deliver service"@en ;
    931         vs:term_status      "unstable" .
    933 vf:dropoff a                owl:NamedIndividual ,
    934                             vf:Action ,
    935                             vf:PairsWith ;
    936         vf:inputOutput      vf:output ;
    937         vf:pairsWith        vf:pickup ;
    938         vf:resourceEffect   vf:noEffect ;
    939         vf:onhandEffect     vf:noEffect ;
    940         rdfs:comment        "Transported resource or person leaves the process; the same resource or person appeared in the input."@en ;
    941         rdfs:label          "dropoff"@en ;
    942         vs:term_status      "unstable" .
    944 vf:lower a                  owl:NamedIndividual ,
    945                             vf:Action ;
    946         vf:inputOutput      vf:notApplicable ;
    947         vf:pairsWith        vf:notApplicable ;
    948         vf:resourceEffect   vf:decrement ;
    949         vf:onhandEffect     vf:decrement ;
    950         rdfs:comment        "Adjusts a quantity down based on a beginning balance or inventory count."@en ;
    951         rdfs:label          "lower"@en ;
    952         vs:term_status      "unstable" .
    954 vf:modify a                 owl:NamedIndividual ,
    955                             vf:Action ,
    956                             vf:PairsWith ;
    957         vf:inputOutput      vf:output ;
    958         vf:pairsWith        vf:accept ;
    959         vf:resourceEffect   vf:noEffect ;
    960         vf:onhandEffect     vf:increment ;
    961         rdfs:comment        "In processes like repair or modification, the same resource will appear in the input."@en ;
    962         rdfs:label          "modify"@en ;
    963         vs:term_status      "testing" .
    965 vf:move a                   owl:NamedIndividual ,
    966                             vf:Action ;
    967         vf:inputOutput      vf:notApplicable ;
    968         vf:pairsWith        vf:notApplicable ;
    969         vf:resourceEffect   vf:decrementIncrement ;
    970         vf:onhandEffect     vf:decrementIncrement ;
    971         rdfs:comment        "Change location and possibly identifier, if location is part of the identification, of a resource with no change of agent rights or possession."@en ;
    972         rdfs:label          "move"@en ;
    973         vs:term_status      "unstable" .
    975 vf:pack a                   owl:NamedIndividual ,
    976                             vf:Action ,
    977                             vf:PairsWith ;
    978         vf:inputOutput      vf:input ;
    979         vf:pairsWith        vf:modify ;
    980         vf:resourceEffect   vf:noEffect ;
    981         vf:onhandEffect     vf:decrement ;
    982         rdfs:comment        "A resource is put into the container resource that is being modified."@en ;
    983         rdfs:label          "pack"@en ;
    984         vs:term_status      "unstable" .
    986 vf:pickup a                 owl:NamedIndividual ,
    987                             vf:Action ,
    988                             vf:PairsWith ;
    989         vf:inputOutput      vf:input ;
    990         vf:pairsWith        vf:dropoff ;
    991         vf:resourceEffect   vf:noEffect ;
    992         vf:onhandEffect     vf:noEffect ;
    993         rdfs:comment        "Transported resource or person enters the process; the same resource will appear in the output."@en ;
    994         rdfs:label          "pickup"@en ;
    995         vs:term_status      "unstable" .
    997 vf:produce a                owl:NamedIndividual ,
    998                             vf:Action ;
    999         vf:inputOutput      vf:output ;
   1000         vf:pairsWith        vf:notApplicable ;
   1001         vf:resourceEffect   vf:increment ;
   1002         vf:onhandEffect     vf:increment ;
   1003         rdfs:comment        "New resource was created in that process or an existing stock resource was added to."@en ;
   1004         rdfs:label          "produce"@en ;
   1005         vs:term_status      "testing" .
   1007 vf:raise a                  owl:NamedIndividual ,
   1008                             vf:Action ;
   1009         vf:inputOutput      vf:notApplicable ;
   1010         vf:pairsWith        vf:notApplicable ;
   1011         vf:resourceEffect   vf:increment ;
   1012         vf:onhandEffect     vf:increment ;
   1013         rdfs:comment        "Adjusts a quantity up based on a beginning balance or inventory count."@en ;
   1014         rdfs:label          "raise"@en ;
   1015         vs:term_status      "unstable" .
   1017 vf:transfer-all-rights a    owl:NamedIndividual ,
   1018                             vf:Action ;
   1019         vf:inputOutput      vf:notApplicable ;
   1020         vf:pairsWith        vf:notApplicable ;
   1021         vf:resourceEffect   vf:decrementIncrement ;
   1022         vf:onhandEffect     vf:noEffect ;
   1023         rdfs:comment        "Give full (in the human realm) rights and responsibilities to another agent, without transferring physical custody."@en ;
   1024         rdfs:label          "transfer all rights"@en ;
   1025         vs:term_status      "unstable" .
   1027 vf:transfer a               owl:NamedIndividual ,
   1028                             vf:Action ;
   1029         vf:inputOutput      vf:notApplicable ;
   1030         vf:pairsWith        vf:notApplicable ;
   1031         vf:resourceEffect   vf:decrementIncrement ;
   1032         vf:onhandEffect     vf:decrementIncrement ;
   1033         rdfs:comment        "Give full rights and responsibilities plus physical custody."@en ;
   1034         rdfs:label          "transfer"@en ;
   1035         vs:term_status      "unstable" .
   1037 vf:transfer-custody a       owl:NamedIndividual ,
   1038                             vf:Action ;
   1039         vf:inputOutput      vf:notApplicable ;
   1040         vf:pairsWith        vf:notApplicable ;
   1041         vf:resourceEffect   vf:noEffect ;
   1042         vf:onhandEffect     vf:decrementIncrement ;
   1043         rdfs:comment        "Give physical custody and control of a resource, without full accounting or ownership rights."@en ;
   1044         rdfs:label          "transfer custody"@en ;
   1045         vs:term_status      "unstable" .
   1047 vf:unpack a                 owl:NamedIndividual ,
   1048                             vf:Action ,
   1049                             vf:PairsWith ;
   1050         vf:inputOutput      vf:output ;
   1051         vf:pairsWith        vf:accept ;
   1052         vf:resourceEffect   vf:noEffect ;
   1053         vf:onhandEffect     vf:increment ;
   1054         rdfs:comment        "A resource is removed from the container resource that was accepted to the process."@en ;
   1055         rdfs:label          "unpack"@en ;
   1056         vs:term_status      "unstable" .
   1058 vf:use a                    owl:NamedIndividual ,
   1059                             vf:Action ;
   1060         vf:inputOutput      vf:input ;
   1061         vf:pairsWith        vf:notApplicable ;
   1062         vf:resourceEffect   vf:noEffect ;
   1063         vf:onhandEffect     vf:noEffect ;
   1064         rdfs:comment        "For example a tool used in process; after the process, the tool still exists."@en ;
   1065         rdfs:label          "use"@en ;
   1066         vs:term_status      "testing" .
   1068 vf:work a                   owl:NamedIndividual ,
   1069                             vf:Action ;
   1070         vf:inputOutput      vf:input ;
   1071         vf:pairsWith        vf:notApplicable ;
   1072         vf:resourceEffect   vf:noEffect ;
   1073         vf:onhandEffect     vf:noEffect ;
   1074         rdfs:comment        "Labor power applied to a process."@en ;
   1075         rdfs:label          "work"@en ;
   1076         vs:term_status      "testing" .
   1078 # Resource effects
   1080 vf:decrement a              owl:NamedIndividual ,
   1081                             vf:ResourceEffect ;
   1082         rdfs:comment        "The effect is to subtract from the inventoried resource."@en ;
   1083         rdfs:label          "decrement"@en ;
   1084         vs:term_status      "unstable" .
   1086 vf:decrementIncrement a     owl:NamedIndividual ,
   1087                             vf:ResourceEffect ;
   1088         rdfs:comment        "The effect is to subtract from the 'from' inventoried resource, and add to the 'to' inventoried resource."@en ;
   1089         rdfs:label          "decrement/increment"@en ;
   1090         vs:term_status      "unstable" .
   1092 vf:increment a              owl:NamedIndividual ,
   1093                             vf:ResourceEffect ;
   1094         rdfs:comment        "The effect is to add to the inventoried resource."@en ;
   1095         rdfs:label          "increment"@en ;
   1096         vs:term_status      "unstable" .
   1098 vf:noEffect a               owl:NamedIndividual ,
   1099                             vf:ResourceEffect ;
   1100         rdfs:comment        "The effect is to do nothing to the inventoried resource."@en ;
   1101         rdfs:label          "no effect"@en ;
   1102         vs:term_status      "unstable" .
   1104 # Input/output (and N/A for pairs with)
   1106 vf:input a                  owl:NamedIndividual ,
   1107                             vf:InputOutput ;
   1108         rdfs:comment        "This kind of flow can be an input to a process."@en ;
   1109         rdfs:label          "input"@en ;
   1110         vs:term_status      "unstable" .
   1112 vf:notApplicable a          owl:NamedIndividual ,
   1113                             vf:InputOutput ,
   1114                             vf:PairsWith ;
   1115         rdfs:comment        "This property is not applicable to this kind of flow."@en ;
   1116         rdfs:label          "not applicable"@en ;
   1117         vs:term_status      "unstable" .
   1119 vf:output a                  owl:NamedIndividual ,
   1120                             vf:InputOutput ;
   1121         rdfs:comment        "This kind of flow can be an output to a process."@en ;
   1122         rdfs:label          "output"@en ;
   1123         vs:term_status      "unstable" .
   1125 # Agent Relationship Role Behaviors
   1127 vf:member a                 owl:NamedIndividual ,
   1128                             vf:RoleBehavior ;
   1129         rdfs:comment        "The role is a member type role in relation to an organization.  An agent can be a member of many organizations."@en ;
   1130         rdfs:label          "member"@en ;
   1131         vs:term_status      "testing" .
   1133 vf:subOrganization a        owl:NamedIndividual ,
   1134                             vf:RoleBehavior ;
   1135         rdfs:comment        "The role is a sub-organization type role in relation to an organization. An agent can be a sub-organization of no more than one organization."@en ;
   1136         rdfs:label          "sub-organization"@en ;
   1137         vs:term_status      "testing" .
   1139 vf:peer a                   owl:NamedIndividual ,
   1140                             vf:RoleBehavior ;
   1141         rdfs:comment        "The role is a peer type role in relation to an agent. Examples are trading partners or mentors."@en ;
   1142         rdfs:label          "peer"@en ;
   1143         vs:term_status      "unstable" .