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absinthe.ex (3944B)

      1 defmodule Absinthe do
      2   @moduledoc """
      3   Documentation for the Absinthe package, a toolkit for building GraphQL
      4   APIs with Elixir.
      6   For usage information, see [the documentation](http://hexdocs.pm/absinthe), which
      7   includes guides, API information for important modules, and links to useful resources.
      8   """
     10   defmodule SerializationError do
     11     @moduledoc """
     12     An error during serialization.
     13     """
     14     defexception message: "serialization failed"
     15   end
     17   defmodule ExecutionError do
     18     @moduledoc """
     19     An error during execution.
     20     """
     21     defexception message: "execution failed"
     22   end
     24   defmodule AnalysisError do
     25     @moduledoc """
     26     An error during analysis.
     27     """
     28     defexception message: "analysis failed"
     29   end
     31   @type result_selection_t :: %{
     32           String.t() =>
     33             nil
     34             | integer
     35             | float
     36             | boolean
     37             | binary
     38             | atom
     39             | result_selection_t
     40             | [result_selection_t]
     41         }
     43   @type result_error_t ::
     44           %{message: String.t()}
     45           | %{message: String.t(), locations: [%{line: pos_integer, column: integer}]}
     47   @type result_t ::
     48           %{data: nil | result_selection_t}
     49           | %{data: nil | result_selection_t, errors: [result_error_t]}
     50           | %{errors: [result_error_t]}
     52   @doc """
     53   Evaluates a query document against a schema, with options.
     55   ## Options
     57   * `:adapter` - The name of the adapter to use. See the `Absinthe.Adapter`
     58     behaviour and the `Absinthe.Adapter.Passthrough` and
     59     `Absinthe.Adapter.LanguageConventions` modules that implement it.
     60     (`Absinthe.Adapter.LanguageConventions` is the default value for this option.)
     61   * `:operation_name` - If more than one operation is present in the provided
     62     query document, this must be provided to select which operation to execute.
     63   * `:variables` - A map of provided variable values to be used when filling in
     64     arguments in the provided query document.
     65   * `:context` -> A map of the execution context.
     66   * `:root_value` -> A root value to use as the source for toplevel fields.
     67   * `:analyze_complexity` -> Whether to analyze the complexity before
     68   executing an operation.
     69   * `:max_complexity` -> An integer (or `:infinity`) for the maximum allowed
     70   complexity for the operation being executed.
     72   ## Examples
     74   ```
     75   \"""
     76   query GetItemById($id: ID) {
     77     item(id: $id) {
     78       name
     79     }
     80   }
     81   \"""
     82   |> Absinthe.run(App.Schema, variables: %{"id" => params[:item_id]})
     83   ```
     85   See the `Absinthe` module documentation for more examples.
     87   """
     88   @type run_opts :: [
     89           context: %{},
     90           adapter: Absinthe.Adapter.t(),
     91           root_value: term,
     92           operation_name: String.t(),
     93           analyze_complexity: boolean,
     94           variables: %{optional(String.t()) => any()},
     95           max_complexity: non_neg_integer | :infinity
     96         ]
     98   @type run_result :: {:ok, result_t} | {:error, String.t()}
    100   @spec run(
    101           binary | Absinthe.Language.Source.t() | Absinthe.Language.Document.t(),
    102           Absinthe.Schema.t(),
    103           run_opts
    104         ) :: run_result
    105   def run(document, schema, options \\ []) do
    106     pipeline =
    107       schema
    108       |> Absinthe.Pipeline.for_document(options)
    110     case Absinthe.Pipeline.run(document, pipeline) do
    111       {:ok, %{result: result}, _phases} ->
    112         {:ok, result}
    114       {:error, msg, _phases} ->
    115         {:error, msg}
    116     end
    117   end
    119   @doc """
    120   Evaluates a query document against a schema, without options.
    122   ## Options
    124   See `run/3` for the available options.
    125   """
    126   @spec run!(
    127           binary | Absinthe.Language.Source.t() | Absinthe.Language.Document.t(),
    128           Absinthe.Schema.t(),
    129           Keyword.t()
    130         ) :: result_t | no_return
    131   def run!(input, schema, options \\ []) do
    132     case run(input, schema, options) do
    133       {:ok, result} -> result
    134       {:error, err} -> raise ExecutionError, message: err
    135     end
    136   end
    137 end