
zenflows testing
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input_value_definition.ex (1225B)

      1 defmodule Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.InputValueDefinition do
      2   @moduledoc false
      4   alias Absinthe.Blueprint
      6   defstruct [
      7     :name,
      8     :identifier,
      9     :type,
     10     :module,
     11     # InputValueDefinitions can have different placements depending on Whether
     12     # they model an argument definition or a value of an input object type
     13     # definition
     14     placement: :argument_definition,
     15     description: nil,
     16     default_value: nil,
     17     default_value_blueprint: nil,
     18     directives: [],
     19     source_location: nil,
     20     # Added by phases
     21     flags: %{},
     22     errors: [],
     23     __reference__: nil,
     24     __private__: [],
     25     deprecation: nil
     26   ]
     28   @type t :: %__MODULE__{
     29           name: String.t(),
     30           description: nil | String.t(),
     31           type: Blueprint.TypeReference.t(),
     32           default_value: Blueprint.Input.t(),
     33           default_value_blueprint: Blueprint.Draft.t(),
     34           directives: [Blueprint.Directive.t()],
     35           source_location: nil | Blueprint.SourceLocation.t(),
     36           # The struct module of the parent
     37           placement: :argument_definition | :input_field_definition,
     38           # Added by phases
     39           flags: Blueprint.flags_t(),
     40           errors: [Absinthe.Phase.Error.t()]
     41         }
     42 end