
zenflows testing
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complexity.ex (727B)

      1 defmodule Absinthe.Complexity do
      2   @moduledoc """
      3   Extra metadata passed to aid complexity analysis functions, describing the
      4   current field's environment.
      5   """
      6   alias Absinthe.{Blueprint, Schema}
      8   @enforce_keys [:context, :root_value, :schema, :definition]
      9   defstruct [:context, :root_value, :schema, :definition]
     11   @typedoc """
     12   - `:definition` - The Blueprint definition for this field.
     13   - `:context` - The context passed to `Absinthe.run`.
     14   - `:root_value` - The root value passed to `Absinthe.run`, if any.
     15   - `:schema` - The current schema.
     16   """
     17   @type t :: %__MODULE__{
     18           definition: Blueprint.node_t(),
     19           context: map,
     20           root_value: any,
     21           schema: Schema.t()
     22         }
     23 end