
zenflows testing
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data.ex (2734B)

      1 defmodule Absinthe.Phase.Document.Arguments.Data do
      2   @moduledoc false
      4   # Populate all arguments in the document with their provided data values:
      5   #
      6   # - If valid data is available for an argument, set the `Argument.t`'s
      7   #   `data_value` field to that value.
      8   # - If no valid data is available for an argument, set the `Argument.t`'s
      9   #   `data_value` to `nil`.
     10   # - When determining the value of the argument, mark any invalid nodes
     11   #   in the `Argument.t`'s `normalized_value` tree with `:invalid` and a
     12   #   reason.
     13   # - If non-null arguments are not provided (eg, a `Argument.t` is missing
     14   #   from `normalized_value`), add a stub `Argument.t` and flag it as
     15   #   `:invalid` and `:missing`.
     16   # - If non-null input fields are not provided (eg, an `Input.Field.t` is
     17   #   missing from `normalized_value`), add a stub `Input.Field.t` and flag it as
     18   #   `:invalid` and `:missing`.
     19   #
     20   # Note that the limited validation that occurs in this phase is limited to
     21   # setting the `data_value` to `nil`, adding flags to the `normalized_value`,
     22   # and building stub fields/arguments when missing values are required. Actual
     23   # addition of errors is handled by validation phases.
     25   alias Absinthe.Blueprint.Input
     26   alias Absinthe.{Blueprint}
     27   use Absinthe.Phase
     29   def run(input, _options \\ []) do
     30     # By using a postwalk we can worry about leaf nodes first (scalars, enums),
     31     # and then for list and objects merely grab the data values.
     32     result = Blueprint.postwalk(input, &handle_node/1)
     33     {:ok, result}
     34   end
     36   def handle_node(%Blueprint.Document.Field{arguments: []} = node) do
     37     node
     38   end
     40   def handle_node(%Blueprint.Document.Field{arguments: args} = node) do
     41     %{node | argument_data: Input.Argument.value_map(args)}
     42   end
     44   def handle_node(%Input.Argument{input_value: input} = node) do
     45     %{node | value: input.data}
     46   end
     48   def handle_node(%Input.Value{normalized: %Input.List{items: items}} = node) do
     49     data_list = for %{data: data} = item <- items, Input.Value.valid?(item), do: data
     50     %{node | data: data_list}
     51   end
     53   def handle_node(%Input.Value{normalized: %Input.Object{fields: fields}} = node) do
     54     data =
     55       for field <- fields, include_field?(field), into: %{} do
     56         # Scalar child nodes will not have a schema_node
     57         if field.schema_node != nil do
     58           {field.schema_node.identifier, field.input_value.data}
     59         else
     60           {field.name, field.input_value.data}
     61         end
     62       end
     64     %{node | data: data}
     65   end
     67   def handle_node(node) do
     68     node
     69   end
     71   defp include_field?(%{input_value: %{normalized: %Input.Null{}}}), do: true
     72   defp include_field?(%{input_value: %{data: nil}}), do: false
     73   defp include_field?(_), do: true
     74 end