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normalize.ex (1620B)

      1 defmodule Absinthe.Phase.Document.Arguments.Normalize do
      2   @moduledoc false
      4   # Populate all arguments in the document with their provided values:
      5   #
      6   # - If a literal value is provided for an argument, set the `Argument.t`'s
      7   #   `normalized_value` field to that value.
      8   # - If a variable is provided for an argument, set the `Argument.t`'s
      9   #   `normalized_value` to the reconciled value for the variable
     10   #   (Note: this requires the `Phase.Document.Variables` phase as a
     11   #   prerequisite).
     12   #
     13   # Note that no validation occurs in this phase.
     15   use Absinthe.Phase
     16   alias Absinthe.Blueprint
     17   alias Absinthe.Blueprint.Input
     19   @spec run(Blueprint.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, Blueprint.t()}
     20   def run(input, _options \\ []) do
     21     provided_values = get_provided_values(input)
     22     node = Blueprint.prewalk(input, &handle_node(&1, provided_values))
     23     {:ok, node}
     24   end
     26   @spec get_provided_values(Blueprint.t()) :: map
     27   defp get_provided_values(input) do
     28     case Blueprint.current_operation(input) do
     29       nil -> %{}
     30       operation -> operation.provided_values
     31     end
     32   end
     34   defp handle_node(
     35          %Input.RawValue{content: %Input.Variable{name: variable_name}} = node,
     36          provided_values
     37        ) do
     38     %Input.Value{
     39       normalized: Map.get(provided_values, variable_name),
     40       raw: node
     41     }
     42   end
     44   # Argument not using a variable: Set provided value from the raw value
     45   defp handle_node(%Input.RawValue{} = node, _provided_values) do
     46     %Input.Value{
     47       normalized: node.content,
     48       raw: node
     49     }
     50   end
     52   defp handle_node(node, _provided_values) do
     53     node
     54   end
     55 end