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missing_literals.ex (4115B)

      1 defmodule Absinthe.Phase.Document.MissingLiterals do
      2   @moduledoc false
      4   # Fills out missing arguments and input object fields.
      5   #
      6   # Filling out means inserting a stubbed `Input.Argument` or `Input.Field` struct.
      7   #
      8   # Only those arguments which are non null and / or have a default value are filled
      9   # out.
     10   #
     11   # If an argument or input object field is non null and missing, it is marked invalid
     13   use Absinthe.Phase
     14   alias Absinthe.{Blueprint, Type}
     16   @spec run(Blueprint.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, Blueprint.t()}
     17   def run(input, _options \\ []) do
     18     node = Blueprint.prewalk(input, &populate_node(&1, input.adapter, input.schema))
     19     {:ok, node}
     20   end
     22   defp populate_node(%{schema_node: nil} = node, _adapter, _schema), do: node
     24   defp populate_node(
     25          %{arguments: arguments, schema_node: %{args: schema_args}} = node,
     26          adapter,
     27          schema
     28        ) do
     29     arguments =
     30       fill_missing_nodes(
     31         Blueprint.Input.Argument,
     32         arguments,
     33         schema_args,
     34         node.source_location,
     35         adapter,
     36         schema
     37       )
     39     %{node | arguments: arguments}
     40   end
     42   defp populate_node(
     43          %Blueprint.Input.Object{fields: fields, schema_node: %{fields: schema_fields}} = node,
     44          adapter,
     45          schema
     46        ) do
     47     fields =
     48       fill_missing_nodes(
     49         Blueprint.Input.Field,
     50         fields,
     51         schema_fields,
     52         node.source_location,
     53         adapter,
     54         schema
     55       )
     57     %{node | fields: fields}
     58   end
     60   defp populate_node(
     61          %Blueprint.Input.Object{schema_node: %{of_type: type}} = node,
     62          adapter,
     63          schema
     64        ) do
     65     %{node | schema_node: type}
     66     |> populate_node(adapter, schema)
     67   end
     69   defp populate_node(node, _adapter, _schema), do: node
     71   defp fill_missing_nodes(type, arguments, schema_args, source_location, adapter, schema) do
     72     missing_schema_args = find_missing_schema_nodes(arguments, schema_args)
     74     missing_schema_args
     75     |> Map.values()
     76     |> Enum.reduce(arguments, fn
     77       # If it's deprecated without a default, ignore it
     78       %{deprecation: %{}, default_value: nil}, arguments ->
     79         arguments
     81       # If it has a default value, we want it.
     82       %{default_value: val} = schema_node, arguments when not is_nil(val) ->
     83         arg = build_node(type, schema_node, val, source_location, adapter, schema)
     84         [arg | arguments]
     86       # It isn't deprecated, it is null, and there's no default value. It's missing
     87       %{type: %Type.NonNull{}} = missing_mandatory_arg_schema_node, arguments ->
     88         arg =
     89           type
     90           |> build_node(
     91             missing_mandatory_arg_schema_node,
     92             missing_mandatory_arg_schema_node.default_value,
     93             source_location,
     94             adapter,
     95             schema
     96           )
     97           |> flag_invalid(:missing)
     99         [arg | arguments]
    101       # No default value, and it's allowed to be null. Ignore it.
    102       _, arguments ->
    103         arguments
    104     end)
    105   end
    107   # Given the set of possible schema args, return only those not supplied in
    108   # the document argument / fields
    109   defp find_missing_schema_nodes(nodes, schema_nodes) do
    110     nodes
    111     |> Enum.filter(& &1.schema_node)
    112     |> Enum.reduce(schema_nodes, fn
    113       %{schema_node: %{identifier: id}}, acc ->
    114         Map.delete(acc, id)
    116       _, acc ->
    117         acc
    118     end)
    119   end
    121   defp build_node(type, schema_node_arg, default, source_location, adapter, schema) do
    122     struct!(type, %{
    123       name: schema_node_arg.name |> build_name(adapter, type),
    124       input_value: %Blueprint.Input.Value{
    125         data: default,
    126         normalized:
    127           if(is_nil(default), do: nil, else: %Blueprint.Input.Generated{by: __MODULE__}),
    128         raw: nil,
    129         schema_node: Type.expand(schema_node_arg.type, schema)
    130       },
    131       schema_node: schema_node_arg,
    132       source_location: source_location
    133     })
    134   end
    136   defp build_name(name, adapter, Blueprint.Input.Argument) do
    137     adapter.to_external_name(name, :argument)
    138   end
    140   defp build_name(name, adapter, Blueprint.Input.Field) do
    141     adapter.to_external_name(name, :field)
    142   end
    143 end