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variables.ex (2430B)

      1 defmodule Absinthe.Phase.Document.Variables do
      2   @moduledoc false
      4   # Provided a set of variable values:
      5   #
      6   # - Set the `variables` field on the `Blueprint.Document.Operation.t` to the reconciled
      7   #   mapping of variable values, supporting defined default values.
      8   #
      9   # ## Examples
     10   #
     11   # Given a GraphQL document that looks like:
     12   #
     13   # ```graphql
     14   # query Item($id: ID!, $text = String = "Another") {
     15   #   item(id: $id, category: "Things") {
     16   #     name
     17   #   }
     18   # }
     19   # ```
     20   #
     21   # And this phase configuration:
     22   #
     23   # ```
     24   # run(blueprint, %{"id" => "1234"})
     25   # ``
     26   #
     27   # - The operation's `variables` field would have an `"id"` value set to
     28   #   `%Blueprint.Input.String{value: "1234"}`
     29   # - The operation's `variables` field would have an `"text"` value set to
     30   #   `%Blueprint.Input.String{value: "Another"}`
     31   #
     32   # ```
     33   # run(blueprint, %{})
     34   # ```
     35   #
     36   # - The operation's `variables` field would have an `"id"` value set to
     37   #   `nil`
     38   # - The operation's `variables` field would have an `"text"` value set to
     39   #   `%Blueprint.Input.String{value: "Another"}`
     40   #
     41   # Note that no validation occurs in this phase.
     43   use Absinthe.Phase
     44   alias Absinthe.Blueprint
     46   @spec run(Blueprint.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, Blueprint.t()}
     47   def run(input, options \\ []) do
     48     variables = options[:variables] || %{}
     49     {:ok, update_operations(input, variables)}
     50   end
     52   def update_operations(input, variables) do
     53     operations =
     54       for op <- input.operations do
     55         update_operation(op, variables)
     56       end
     58     %{input | operations: operations}
     59   end
     61   def update_operation(%{variable_definitions: variable_definitions} = operation, variables) do
     62     {variable_definitions, provided_values} =
     63       Enum.map_reduce(variable_definitions, %{}, fn node, acc ->
     64         provided_value = calculate_value(node, variables)
     66         {
     67           %{node | provided_value: provided_value},
     68           Map.put(acc, node.name, provided_value)
     69         }
     70       end)
     72     %{operation | variable_definitions: variable_definitions, provided_values: provided_values}
     73   end
     75   defp calculate_value(node, variables) do
     76     case Map.fetch(variables, node.name) do
     77       :error ->
     78         node.default_value
     80       {:ok, value} ->
     81         value
     82         |> preparse_nil
     83         |> Blueprint.Input.parse()
     84     end
     85   end
     87   defp preparse_nil(nil), do: %Blueprint.Input.Null{}
     88   defp preparse_nil(other), do: other
     89 end