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object.ex (3385B)

      1 defmodule Absinthe.Type.Object do
      2   @moduledoc """
      3   Represents a non-leaf node in a GraphQL tree of information.
      5   Objects represent a list of named fields, each of which yield a value of a
      6   specific type. Object values are serialized as unordered maps, where the
      7   queried field names (or aliases) are the keys and the result of evaluating the
      8   field is the value.
     10   Also see `Absinthe.Type.Scalar`.
     12   ## Examples
     14   Given a type defined as the following (see `Absinthe.Schema.Notation.object/3`):
     16   ```
     17   @desc "A person"
     18   object :person do
     19     field :name, :string
     20     field :age, :integer
     21     field :best_friend, :person
     22     field :pets, list_of(:pet)
     23   end
     24   ```
     26   The "Person" type (referred inside Absinthe as `:person`) is an object, with
     27   fields that use `Absinthe.Type.Scalar` types (namely `:name` and `:age`), and
     28   other `Absinthe.Type.Object` types (`:best_friend` and `:pets`, assuming
     29   `:pet` is an object).
     31   Given we have a query that supports getting a person by name
     32   (see `Absinthe.Schema`), and a query document like the following:
     34   ```graphql
     35   {
     36     person(name: "Joe") {
     37       name
     38       best_friend {
     39         name
     40         age
     41       }
     42       pets {
     43         breed
     44       }
     45     }
     46   }
     47   ```
     49   We could get a result like this:
     51   ```
     52   %{
     53     data: %{
     54       "person" => %{
     55         "best_friend" => %{
     56           "name" => "Jill",
     57           "age" => 29
     58         },
     59         "pets" => [
     60           %{"breed" => "Wyvern"},
     61           %{"breed" => "Royal Griffon"}
     62         ]
     63       }
     64     }
     65   }
     66   ```
     67   """
     69   alias Absinthe.Type
     70   use Absinthe.Introspection.TypeKind, :object
     72   @typedoc """
     73   A defined object type.
     75   Note new object types (with the exception of the root-level `query`, `mutation`, and `subscription`)
     76   should be defined using `Absinthe.Schema.Notation.object/3`.
     78   * `:name` - The name of the object type. Should be a TitleCased `binary`. Set automatically.
     79   * `:description` - A nice description for introspection.
     80   * `:fields` - A map of `Absinthe.Type.Field` structs. Usually built via `Absinthe.Schema.Notation.field/4`.
     81   * `:interfaces` - A list of interfaces that this type guarantees to implement. See `Absinthe.Type.Interface`.
     82   * `:is_type_of` - A function used to identify whether a resolved object belongs to this defined type. For use with `:interfaces` entry and `Absinthe.Type.Interface`. This function will be passed one argument; the object whose type needs to be identified, and should return `true` when the object matches this type.
     84   The `__private__` and `:__reference__` keys are for internal use.
     85   """
     86   @type t :: %__MODULE__{
     87           identifier: atom,
     88           name: binary,
     89           description: binary,
     90           fields: map,
     91           interfaces: [Absinthe.Type.Interface.t()],
     92           __private__: Keyword.t(),
     93           definition: module,
     94           __reference__: Type.Reference.t()
     95         }
     97   defstruct identifier: nil,
     98             name: nil,
     99             description: nil,
    100             fields: nil,
    101             interfaces: [],
    102             __private__: [],
    103             definition: nil,
    104             __reference__: nil,
    105             is_type_of: nil
    107   @doc false
    108   defdelegate functions, to: Absinthe.Blueprint.Schema.ObjectTypeDefinition
    110   @doc false
    111   @spec field(t, atom) :: Absinthe.Type.Field.t()
    112   def field(%{fields: fields}, identifier) do
    113     fields
    114     |> Map.get(identifier)
    115   end
    116 end