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mix.exs (5782B)

      1 defmodule Absinthe.Mixfile do
      2   use Mix.Project
      4   @source_url "https://github.com/absinthe-graphql/absinthe"
      5   @version "1.7.0"
      7   def project do
      8     [
      9       app: :absinthe,
     10       version: @version,
     11       elixir: "~> 1.10",
     12       elixirc_paths: elixirc_paths(Mix.env()),
     13       build_embedded: Mix.env() == :prod,
     14       start_permanent: Mix.env() == :prod,
     15       package: package(),
     16       source_url: @source_url,
     17       preferred_cli_env: [
     18         dialyzer: :test
     19       ],
     20       docs: [
     21         source_ref: "v#{@version}",
     22         main: "overview",
     23         logo: "logo.png",
     24         extra_section: "GUIDES",
     25         assets: "guides/assets",
     26         formatters: ["html", "epub"],
     27         groups_for_modules: groups_for_modules(),
     28         extras: extras(),
     29         groups_for_extras: groups_for_extras()
     30       ],
     31       deps: deps(),
     32       dialyzer: [
     33         plt_core_path: "priv/plts",
     34         plt_add_apps: [:mix, :dataloader, :decimal, :ex_unit]
     35       ]
     36     ]
     37   end
     39   defp package do
     40     [
     41       description: "GraphQL for Elixir",
     42       files: [
     43         "lib",
     44         "src/absinthe_parser.yrl",
     45         "priv",
     46         "mix.exs",
     47         "README.md",
     48         "CHANGELOG.md",
     49         ".formatter.exs"
     50       ],
     51       maintainers: [
     52         "Bruce Williams",
     53         "Ben Wilson",
     54         "Vince Foley"
     55       ],
     56       licenses: ["MIT"],
     57       links: %{
     58         Website: "https://absinthe-graphql.org",
     59         Changelog: "#{@source_url}/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md",
     60         GitHub: @source_url
     61       }
     62     ]
     63   end
     65   defp elixirc_paths(:test), do: ["lib", "test/support"]
     66   defp elixirc_paths(_), do: ["lib"]
     68   def application do
     69     [extra_applications: [:crypto, :logger]]
     70   end
     72   defp deps do
     73     [
     74       {:nimble_parsec, "~> 0.5 or ~> 1.0"},
     75       {:telemetry, "~> 1.0 or ~> 0.4"},
     76       {:dataloader, "~> 1.0.0", optional: true},
     77       {:decimal, "~> 1.0 or ~> 2.0", optional: true},
     78       {:ex_doc, "~> 0.22", only: :dev},
     79       {:benchee, ">= 1.0.0", only: :dev},
     80       {:dialyxir, "~> 1.1.0", only: [:dev, :test], runtime: false},
     81       {:mix_test_watch, "~> 1.0", only: :dev, runtime: false},
     82       {:makeup_graphql, "~> 0.1.0", only: :dev}
     83     ]
     84   end
     86   #
     87   # Documentation
     88   #
     90   defp extras do
     91     [
     92       "guides/introduction/overview.md",
     93       "guides/introduction/installation.md",
     94       "guides/introduction/learning.md",
     95       "guides/introduction/community.md",
     96       "guides/tutorial/start.md",
     97       "guides/tutorial/our-first-query.md",
     98       "guides/tutorial/query-arguments.md",
     99       "guides/tutorial/mutations.md",
    100       "guides/tutorial/complex-arguments.md",
    101       "guides/tutorial/conclusion.md",
    102       "guides/schemas.md",
    103       "guides/plug-phoenix.md",
    104       "guides/middleware-and-plugins.md",
    105       "guides/errors.md",
    106       "guides/batching.md",
    107       "guides/dataloader.md",
    108       "guides/context-and-authentication.md",
    109       "guides/subscriptions.md",
    110       "guides/custom-scalars.md",
    111       "guides/importing-types.md",
    112       "guides/importing-fields.md",
    113       "guides/variables.md",
    114       "guides/introspection.md",
    115       "guides/telemetry.md",
    116       "guides/deprecation.md",
    117       "guides/adapters.md",
    118       "guides/complexity-analysis.md",
    119       "guides/file-uploads.md",
    120       "guides/testing.md",
    121       "guides/client/javascript.md",
    122       "guides/client/apollo.md",
    123       "guides/client/relay.md",
    124       "guides/upgrading/v1.4.md",
    125       "guides/upgrading/v1.5.md",
    126       "CHANGELOG.md"
    127     ]
    128   end
    130   defp groups_for_extras do
    131     [
    132       Introduction: ~r/guides\/introduction\/.*/,
    133       Tutorial: ~r/guides\/tutorial\/.*/,
    134       Topics: ~r/guides\/[^\/]+\.md/,
    135       "Client Guides": ~r/guides\/client\/.*/,
    136       "Upgrade Guides": ~r/guides\/upgrading\/.*/,
    137       Changelog: "CHANGELOG.md"
    138     ]
    139   end
    141   defp groups_for_modules do
    142     # Ungrouped:
    143     # - Absinthe
    145     [
    146       "Schema Definition and Types": [
    147         Absinthe.Schema,
    148         Absinthe.Schema.Hydrator,
    149         Absinthe.Schema.Notation,
    150         Absinthe.Schema.Prototype,
    151         Absinthe.Resolution.Helpers,
    152         Absinthe.Type,
    153         Absinthe.Type.Custom,
    154         Absinthe.Type.Argument,
    155         Absinthe.Type.Custom,
    156         Absinthe.Type.Directive,
    157         Absinthe.Type.Enum,
    158         Absinthe.Type.Enum.Value,
    159         Absinthe.Type.Field,
    160         Absinthe.Type.InputObject,
    161         Absinthe.Type.Interface,
    162         Absinthe.Type.List,
    163         Absinthe.Type.NonNull,
    164         Absinthe.Type.Object,
    165         Absinthe.Type.Scalar,
    166         Absinthe.Type.Union
    167       ],
    168       "Middleware and Plugins": [
    169         Absinthe.Middleware,
    170         Absinthe.Plugin,
    171         Absinthe.Middleware.Async,
    172         Absinthe.Middleware.Batch,
    173         Absinthe.Middleware.Dataloader,
    174         Absinthe.Middleware.MapGet,
    175         Absinthe.Middleware.PassParent,
    176         Absinthe.Middleware.Telemetry
    177       ],
    178       Subscriptions: [
    179         Absinthe.Subscription,
    180         Absinthe.Subscription.Pubsub,
    181         Absinthe.Subscription.Local,
    182         Absinthe.Subscription.PipelineSerializer
    183       ],
    184       Extensibility: [
    185         Absinthe.Pipeline,
    186         Absinthe.Phase,
    187         Absinthe.Phase.Document.Context,
    188         Absinthe.Phase.Telemetry
    189       ],
    190       "Document Adapters": [
    191         Absinthe.Adapter,
    192         Absinthe.Adapter.LanguageConventions,
    193         Absinthe.Adapter.Passthrough,
    194         Absinthe.Adapter.StrictLanguageConventions,
    195         Absinthe.Adapter.Underscore
    196       ],
    197       Execution: [
    198         Absinthe.Blueprint,
    199         Absinthe.Blueprint.Execution,
    200         Absinthe.Resolution,
    201         Absinthe.Complexity
    202       ],
    203       Introspection: [
    204         Absinthe.Introspection
    205       ],
    206       Testing: [
    207         Absinthe.Test
    208       ],
    209       Utilities: [
    210         Absinthe.Logger,
    211         Absinthe.Utils,
    212         Absinthe.Utils.Suggestion
    213       ]
    214     ]
    215   end
    216 end