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graphiql_workspace.html.eex (2556B)

      1 <!--
      2 The request to this GraphQL server provided the header "Accept: text/html"
      3 and as a result has been presented GraphiQL - an in-browser IDE for
      4 exploring GraphQL.
      5 If you wish to receive JSON, provide the header "Accept: application/json" or
      6 add "&raw" to the end of the URL within a browser.
      7 -->
      8 <!DOCTYPE html>
      9 <html lang="en">
     10 <head>
     11   <meta charset="utf-8">
     12   <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
     14   <title>GraphiQL Workspace</title>
     16   <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="<%= assets["bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css"] %>">
     17   <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="<%= assets["graphiql/graphiql.css"] %>">
     18   <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="<%= assets["graphiql-workspace/graphiql-workspace.css"] %>">
     19 </head>
     20 <body>
     21   <div id="root" class="graphiql-workspace"></div>
     22   <script src="<%= assets["react/react.js"] %>"></script>
     23   <script src="<%= assets["react-dom/react-dom.js"] %>"></script>
     24   <script src="<%= assets["graphiql-workspace/graphiql-workspace.js"] %>"></script>
     25   <script src="<%= assets["@absinthe/socket-graphiql/socket-graphiql.js"] %>"></script>
     26   <script type="text/javascript">
     27     function absintheSubscriptionsClientBuilder(url, connectionParams) {
     29       const urlObject = new URL(url);
     31       const urlParams = urlObject.search
     32                           .slice(1)
     33                           .split('&')
     34                           .filter(s => s !== '')
     35                           .map(p => p.split('='))
     36                           .reduce((obj, [key, value]) => {
     37                             obj[key] = value;
     38                             return obj;
     39                           }, {});
     41       return new AbsintheSocketGraphiql.SubscriptionsClient(`${urlObject.origin}${urlObject.pathname}`,
     42                                                             {params: Object.assign(urlParams, connectionParams)});
     43     }
     45     var protocol = window.location.protocol === "https:" ? "wss:" : "ws:";
     46     var config = new graphiqlWorkspace.AppConfig("graphiql", {
     47       defaultUrl: <%= default_url %>,
     48       <%= if socket_url do %>
     49         defaultWebsocketUrl: <%= socket_url %>,
     50         subscriptionsClientBuilder: absintheSubscriptionsClientBuilder,
     51       <% end %>
     52       defaultQuery: '<%= query_string %>',
     53       defaultVariables: '<%= variables_string %>',
     54       defaultHeaders: <%= default_headers %>
     55     });
     57     ReactDOM.render(
     58       React.createElement(graphiqlWorkspace.GraphiQLWorkspace, {config: config}),
     59       document.getElementById("root")
     60     );
     61   </script>
     62 </body>
     63 </html>