
zenflows testing
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.template.check.ex (1843B)

      1 defmodule <%= @check_name %> do
      2   @moduledoc """
      3     Checks all lines for a given Regex.
      5     This is fun!
      6   """
      8   @explanation [
      9     check: @moduledoc,
     10     params: [
     11       regex: "All lines matching this Regex will yield an issue.",
     12     ]
     13   ]
     14   @default_params [
     15     regex: ~r/Creeeedo/, # our check will find this line.
     16   ]
     18   # you can configure the basics of your check via the `use Credo.Check` call
     19   use Credo.Check, base_priority: :high, category: :custom, exit_status: 0
     21   @doc false
     22   @impl true
     23   def run(%SourceFile{} = source_file, params) do
     24     lines = SourceFile.lines(source_file)
     26     # IssueMeta helps us pass down both the source_file and params of a check
     27     # run to the lower levels where issues are created, formatted and returned
     28     issue_meta = IssueMeta.for(source_file, params)
     30     # we use the `params` parameter and the `Params` module to extract a
     31     # configuration parameter from `.credo.exs` while also providing a
     32     # default value
     33     line_regex = params |> Params.get(:regex, __MODULE__)
     35     # Finally, we can run our custom made analysis.
     36     # In this example, we look for lines in source code matching our regex:
     37     Enum.reduce(lines, [], &process_line(&1, &2, line_regex, issue_meta))
     38   end
     40   defp process_line({line_no, line}, issues, line_regex, issue_meta) do
     41     case Regex.run(line_regex, line) do
     42       nil -> issues
     43       matches ->
     44         trigger = matches |> List.last
     45         new_issue = issue_for(issue_meta, line_no, trigger)
     46         [new_issue] ++ issues
     47     end
     48   end
     50   defp issue_for(issue_meta, line_no, trigger) do
     51     # format_issue/2 is a function provided by Credo.Check to help us format the
     52     # found issue
     53     format_issue issue_meta,
     54       message: "OMG! This line matches our Regexp in @default_params!",
     55       line_no: line_no,
     56       trigger: trigger
     57   end
     58 end