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tabs_or_spaces.ex (1656B)

      1 defmodule Credo.Check.Consistency.TabsOrSpaces do
      2   use Credo.Check,
      3     run_on_all: true,
      4     base_priority: :high,
      5     tags: [:formatter],
      6     param_defaults: [
      7       force: nil
      8     ],
      9     explanations: [
     10       check: """
     11       Tabs should be used consistently.
     13       NOTE: This check does not verify the indentation depth, but checks whether
     14       or not soft/hard tabs are used consistently across all source files.
     16       It is very common to use 2 spaces wide soft-tabs, but that is not a strict
     17       requirement and you can use hard-tabs if you like that better.
     19       While this is not necessarily a concern for the correctness of your code,
     20       you should use a consistent style throughout your codebase.
     21       """,
     22       params: [
     23         force: "Force a choice, values can be `:spaces` or `:tabs`."
     24       ]
     25     ]
     27   @collector Credo.Check.Consistency.TabsOrSpaces.Collector
     29   @doc false
     30   @impl true
     31   def run_on_all_source_files(exec, source_files, params) do
     32     @collector.find_and_append_issues(source_files, exec, params, &issues_for/3)
     33   end
     35   defp issues_for(expected, source_file, params) do
     36     issue_meta = IssueMeta.for(source_file, params)
     38     lines_with_issues = @collector.find_locations_not_matching(expected, source_file)
     40     Enum.map(lines_with_issues, fn line_no ->
     41       format_issue(issue_meta, message: message_for(expected), line_no: line_no)
     42     end)
     43   end
     45   defp message_for(:spaces = _expected) do
     46     "File is using tabs while most of the files use spaces for indentation."
     47   end
     49   defp message_for(:tabs = _expected) do
     50     "File is using spaces while most of the files use tabs for indentation."
     51   end
     52 end