
zenflows testing
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skip_test_without_comment.ex (2314B)

      1 defmodule Credo.Check.Design.SkipTestWithoutComment do
      2   use Credo.Check,
      3     base_priority: :normal,
      4     explanations: [
      5       check: """
      6       Skipped tests should have a comment documenting why the test is skipped.
      8       Tests are often skipped using `@tag :skip` when some issue arises that renders
      9       the test temporarily broken or unable to run. This temporary skip often becomes
     10       a permanent one because the reason for the test being skipped is not documented.
     12       A comment should exist on the line prior to the skip tag describing why the test is
     13       skipped.
     15       Example:
     17           # john: skipping this since our credentials expired, working on getting new ones
     18           @tag :skip
     19           test "vendor api returns data" do
     20             # ...
     21           end
     23       While the pure existence of a comment does not change anything per se, a thoughtful
     24       comment can improve the odds for future iteration on the issue.
     25       """
     26     ],
     27     param_defaults: [included: ["test/**/*_test.exs"]]
     29   @tag_skip_regex ~r/^\s*\@tag :skip\s*$/
     30   @comment_regex ~r/^\s*\#.*$/
     32   @doc false
     33   @impl true
     34   def run(source_file, params) do
     35     issue_meta = IssueMeta.for(source_file, params)
     37     source_file
     38     |> Credo.Code.clean_charlists_strings_and_sigils()
     39     |> String.split("\n")
     40     |> Enum.with_index(1)
     41     |> Enum.map(&transform_line/1)
     42     |> check_lines([], issue_meta)
     43   end
     45   defp transform_line({line, line_number}) do
     46     cond do
     47       line =~ @tag_skip_regex -> {:tag_skip, line_number}
     48       line =~ @comment_regex -> {:comment, line_number}
     49       true -> {line, line_number}
     50     end
     51   end
     53   defp check_lines([{:tag_skip, line_number} | rest], issues, issue_meta) do
     54     check_lines(rest, [issue_for(issue_meta, line_number) | issues], issue_meta)
     55   end
     57   defp check_lines([{:comment, _}, {:tag_skip, _} | rest], issues, issue_meta) do
     58     check_lines(rest, issues, issue_meta)
     59   end
     61   defp check_lines([_hd | tl], issues, issue_meta), do: check_lines(tl, issues, issue_meta)
     62   defp check_lines([], issues, _issue_meta), do: issues
     64   defp issue_for(issue_meta, line_no) do
     65     format_issue(
     66       issue_meta,
     67       message: "Tests tagged to be skipped should have a comment preceding the `@tag :skip`",
     68       trigger: "@tag :skip",
     69       line_no: line_no
     70     )
     71   end
     72 end