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block_pipe.ex (2427B)

      1 defmodule Credo.Check.Readability.BlockPipe do
      2   use Credo.Check,
      3     tags: [:controversial],
      4     param_defaults: [
      5       exclude: []
      6     ],
      7     explanations: [
      8       check: """
      9       Pipes (`|>`) should not be used with blocks.
     11       The code in this example ...
     13           list
     14           |> Enum.take(5)
     15           |> Enum.sort()
     16           |> case do
     17             [[_h | _t] | _] -> true
     18             _ -> false
     19           end
     21       ... should be refactored to look like this:
     23           maybe_nested_lists =
     24             list
     25             |> Enum.take(5)
     26             |> Enum.sort()
     28           case maybe_nested_lists do
     29             [[_h | _t] | _] -> true
     30             _ -> false
     31           end
     33       ... or create a new function:
     35           list
     36           |> Enum.take(5)
     37           |> Enum.sort()
     38           |> contains_nested_list?()
     40       Piping to blocks may be harder to read because it can be said that it obscures intentions
     41       and increases cognitive load on the reader. Instead, prefer introducing variables to your code or
     42       new functions when it may be a sign that your function is getting too complicated and/or has too many concerns.
     44       Like all `Readability` issues, this one is not a technical concern, but you can improve the odds of others reading
     45       and understanding the intent of your code by making it easier to follow.
     46       """,
     47       params: [
     48         exclude: "Do not raise an issue for these macros and functions."
     49       ]
     50     ]
     52   @doc false
     53   @impl true
     54   def run(%SourceFile{} = source_file, params) do
     55     excluded_functions = Params.get(params, :exclude, __MODULE__)
     57     issue_meta = IssueMeta.for(source_file, params)
     59     Credo.Code.prewalk(
     60       source_file,
     61       &traverse(&1, &2, excluded_functions, issue_meta)
     62     )
     63   end
     65   defp traverse(
     66          {:|>, meta, [_, {function, _, [[{:do, _} | _]]}]} = ast,
     67          issues,
     68          excluded_functions,
     69          issue_meta
     70        ) do
     71     if Enum.member?(excluded_functions, function) do
     72       {ast, issues}
     73     else
     74       {nil, issues ++ [issue_for(issue_meta, meta[:line], "|>")]}
     75     end
     76   end
     78   defp traverse(ast, issues, _excluded_functions, _issue_meta) do
     79     {ast, issues}
     80   end
     82   defp issue_for(issue_meta, line_no, trigger) do
     83     format_issue(
     84       issue_meta,
     85       message: "Use a variable or create a new function instead of piping to a block",
     86       trigger: trigger,
     87       line_no: line_no
     88     )
     89   end
     90 end