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redundant_blank_lines.ex (2396B)

      1 defmodule Credo.Check.Readability.RedundantBlankLines do
      2   use Credo.Check,
      3     base_priority: :low,
      4     tags: [:formatter],
      5     param_defaults: [max_blank_lines: 1],
      6     explanations: [
      7       check: """
      8       Files should not have two or more consecutive blank lines.
     10       Like all `Readability` issues, this one is not a technical concern.
     11       But you can improve the odds of others reading and liking your code by making
     12       it easier to follow.
     13       """,
     14       params: [
     15         max_blank_lines: "The maximum number of tolerated consecutive blank lines."
     16       ]
     17     ]
     19   alias Credo.Code.Charlists
     20   alias Credo.Code.Heredocs
     21   alias Credo.Code.Sigils
     22   alias Credo.Code.Strings
     24   @doc false
     25   # TODO: consider for experimental check front-loader (text)
     26   def run(%SourceFile{} = source_file, params) do
     27     issue_meta = IssueMeta.for(source_file, params)
     29     max_blank_lines = Params.get(params, :max_blank_lines, __MODULE__)
     31     source_file
     32     |> Charlists.replace_with_spaces("=")
     33     |> Sigils.replace_with_spaces("=", "=", source_file.filename)
     34     |> Strings.replace_with_spaces("=", "=", source_file.filename)
     35     |> Heredocs.replace_with_spaces("=", "=", "=", source_file.filename)
     36     |> Credo.Code.to_lines()
     37     |> blank_lines()
     38     |> consecutive_lines(max_blank_lines)
     39     |> Enum.map(fn line -> issue_for(issue_meta, line, max_blank_lines) end)
     40   end
     42   defp issue_for(issue_meta, line, max_blank_lines) do
     43     format_issue(
     44       issue_meta,
     45       message: "There should be no more than #{max_blank_lines} consecutive blank lines.",
     46       line_no: line
     47     )
     48   end
     50   defp blank_lines(lines) do
     51     lines
     52     |> Enum.filter(fn {_, content} -> content == "" end)
     53     |> Enum.map(fn {pos, _} -> pos end)
     54   end
     56   defp consecutive_lines([], _), do: []
     58   defp consecutive_lines([first_line | other_lines], max_blank_lines) do
     59     reducer = consecutive_lines_reducer(max_blank_lines)
     61     other_lines
     62     |> Enum.reduce({first_line, 0, []}, reducer)
     63     |> elem(2)
     64   end
     66   defp consecutive_lines_reducer(max_blank_lines) do
     67     fn line, {last, consecutive, lines} ->
     68       consecutive =
     69         if last && line == last + 1 do
     70           consecutive + 1
     71         else
     72           0
     73         end
     75       lines =
     76         if consecutive >= max_blank_lines do
     77           lines ++ [line]
     78         else
     79           lines
     80         end
     82       {line, consecutive, lines}
     83     end
     84   end
     85 end