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strict_module_layout.ex (6554B)

      1 defmodule Credo.Check.Readability.StrictModuleLayout do
      2   use Credo.Check,
      3     base_priority: :low,
      4     tags: [:controversial],
      5     explanations: [
      6       check: """
      7       Provide module parts in a required order.
      9           # preferred
     11           defmodule MyMod do
     12             @moduledoc "moduledoc"
     13             use Foo
     14             import Bar
     15             alias Baz
     16             require Qux
     17           end
     19       Like all `Readability` issues, this one is not a technical concern.
     20       But you can improve the odds of others reading and liking your code by making
     21       it easier to follow.
     22       """,
     23       params: [
     24         order: """
     25         List of atoms identifying the desired order of module parts.
     27         Supported values are:
     29         - `:moduledoc` - `@moduledoc` module attribute
     30         - `:shortdoc` - `@shortdoc` module attribute
     31         - `:behaviour` - `@behaviour` module attribute
     32         - `:use` - `use` expression
     33         - `:import` - `import` expression
     34         - `:alias` - `alias` expression
     35         - `:require` - `require` expression
     36         - `:defstruct` - `defstruct` expression
     37         - `:opaque` - `@opaque` module attribute
     38         - `:type` - `@type` module attribute
     39         - `:typep` - `@typep` module attribute
     40         - `:callback` - `@callback` module attribute
     41         - `:macrocallback` - `@macrocallback` module attribute
     42         - `:optional_callbacks` - `@optional_callbacks` module attribute
     43         - `:module_attribute` - other module attribute
     44         - `:public_fun` - public function
     45         - `:private_fun` - private function or a public function marked with `@doc false`
     46         - `:public_macro` - public macro
     47         - `:private_macro` - private macro or a public macro marked with `@doc false`
     48         - `:callback_impl` - public function or macro marked with `@impl`
     49         - `:public_guard` - public guard
     50         - `:private_guard` - private guard or a public guard marked with `@doc false`
     51         - `:module` - inner module definition (`defmodule` expression inside a module)
     53         Notice that the desired order always starts from the top.
     55         For example, if you provide the order `~w/public_fun private_fun/a`,
     56         it means that everything else (e.g. `@moduledoc`) must appear after
     57         function definitions.
     58         """,
     59         ignore: """
     60         List of atoms identifying the module parts which are not checked, and may
     61         therefore appear anywhere in the module. Supported values are the same as
     62         in the `:order` param.
     63         """
     64       ]
     65     ],
     66     param_defaults: [
     67       order: ~w/shortdoc moduledoc behaviour use import alias require/a,
     68       ignore: []
     69     ]
     71   alias Credo.CLI.Output.UI
     73   @doc false
     74   @impl true
     75   def run(%SourceFile{} = source_file, params \\ []) do
     76     params = normalize_params(params)
     78     source_file
     79     |> Credo.Code.ast()
     80     |> Credo.Code.Module.analyze()
     81     |> all_errors(params, IssueMeta.for(source_file, params))
     82     |> Enum.sort_by(&{&1.line_no, &1.column})
     83   end
     85   defp normalize_params(params) do
     86     order =
     87       params
     88       |> Params.get(:order, __MODULE__)
     89       |> Enum.map(fn element ->
     90         # TODO: This is done for backward compatibility and should be removed in some future version.
     91         with :callback_fun <- element do
     92           UI.warn([
     93             :red,
     94             "** (StrictModuleLayout) Check param `:callback_fun` has been deprecated. Use `:callback_impl` instead.\n\n",
     95             "  Use `mix credo explain #{Credo.Code.Module.name(__MODULE__)}` to learn more. \n"
     96           ])
     98           :callback_impl
     99         end
    100       end)
    102     Keyword.put(params, :order, order)
    103   end
    105   defp all_errors(modules_and_parts, params, issue_meta) do
    106     expected_order = expected_order(params)
    107     ignored_parts = Keyword.get(params, :ignore, [])
    109     Enum.reduce(
    110       modules_and_parts,
    111       [],
    112       fn {module, parts}, errors ->
    113         parts =
    114           parts
    115           |> Stream.map(fn
    116             # Converting `callback_macro` and `callback_fun` into a common `callback_impl`,
    117             # because enforcing an internal order between these two kinds is counterproductive if
    118             # a module implements multiple behaviours. In such cases, we typically want to group
    119             # callbacks by the implementation, not by the kind (fun vs macro).
    120             {callback_impl, location} when callback_impl in ~w/callback_macro callback_fun/a ->
    121               {:callback_impl, location}
    123             other ->
    124               other
    125           end)
    126           |> Stream.reject(fn {part, _location} -> part in ignored_parts end)
    128         module_errors(module, parts, expected_order, issue_meta) ++ errors
    129       end
    130     )
    131   end
    133   defp expected_order(params) do
    134     params
    135     |> Keyword.fetch!(:order)
    136     |> Enum.with_index()
    137     |> Map.new()
    138   end
    140   defp module_errors(module, parts, expected_order, issue_meta) do
    141     Enum.reduce(
    142       parts,
    143       %{module: module, current_part: nil, errors: []},
    144       &check_part_location(&2, &1, expected_order, issue_meta)
    145     ).errors
    146   end
    148   defp check_part_location(state, {part, file_pos}, expected_order, issue_meta) do
    149     state
    150     |> validate_order(part, file_pos, expected_order, issue_meta)
    151     |> Map.put(:current_part, part)
    152   end
    154   defp validate_order(state, part, file_pos, expected_order, issue_meta) do
    155     if is_nil(state.current_part) or
    156          order(state.current_part, expected_order) <= order(part, expected_order),
    157        do: state,
    158        else: add_error(state, part, file_pos, issue_meta)
    159   end
    161   defp order(part, expected_order), do: Map.get(expected_order, part, map_size(expected_order))
    163   defp add_error(state, part, file_pos, issue_meta) do
    164     update_in(
    165       state.errors,
    166       &[error(issue_meta, part, state.current_part, state.module, file_pos) | &1]
    167     )
    168   end
    170   defp error(issue_meta, part, current_part, module, file_pos) do
    171     format_issue(
    172       issue_meta,
    173       message: "#{part_to_string(part)} must appear before #{part_to_string(current_part)}",
    174       trigger: inspect(module),
    175       line_no: Keyword.get(file_pos, :line),
    176       column: Keyword.get(file_pos, :column)
    177     )
    178   end
    180   defp part_to_string(:module_attribute), do: "module attribute"
    181   defp part_to_string(:public_guard), do: "public guard"
    182   defp part_to_string(:public_macro), do: "public macro"
    183   defp part_to_string(:public_fun), do: "public function"
    184   defp part_to_string(:private_fun), do: "private function"
    185   defp part_to_string(:callback_impl), do: "callback implementation"
    186   defp part_to_string(part), do: "#{part}"
    187 end