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with_clauses.ex (3483B)

      1 defmodule Credo.Check.Refactor.WithClauses do
      2   use Credo.Check,
      3     base_priority: :high,
      4     explanations: [
      5       check: ~S"""
      6       `with` statements are useful when you need to chain a sequence
      7       of pattern matches, stopping at the first one that fails.
      9       But sometimes, we go a little overboard with them (pun intended).
     11       If the first or last clause in a `with` statement is not a `<-` clause,
     12       it still compiles and works, but is not really utilizing what the `with`
     13       macro provides and can be misleading.
     15           with ref = make_ref(),
     16                {:ok, user} <- User.create(ref),
     17                :ok <- send_email(user),
     18                Logger.debug("Created user: #{inspect(user)}") do
     19             user
     20           end
     22       Here, both the first and last clause are actually not matching anything.
     24       If we move them outside of the `with` (the first ones) or inside the body
     25       of the `with` (the last ones), the code becomes more focused and .
     27       This `with` should be refactored like this:
     29           ref = make_ref()
     31           with {:ok, user} <- User.create(ref),
     32                :ok <- send_email(user) do
     33             Logger.debug("Created user: #{inspect(user)}")
     34             user
     35           end
     36       """
     37     ]
     39   @message_first_clause_not_pattern "`with` doesn't start with a <- clause, move the non-pattern <- clauses outside of the `with`"
     40   @message_last_clause_not_pattern "`with` doesn't end with a <- clause, move the non-pattern <- clauses inside the body of the `with`"
     42   @doc false
     43   @impl true
     44   def run(%SourceFile{} = source_file, params) do
     45     issue_meta = IssueMeta.for(source_file, params)
     46     Credo.Code.prewalk(source_file, &traverse(&1, &2, issue_meta))
     47   end
     49   # TODO: consider for experimental check front-loader (ast)
     50   defp traverse({:with, meta, [_, _ | _] = clauses_and_body} = ast, issues, issue_meta)
     51        when is_list(clauses_and_body) do
     52     # If clauses_and_body is a list with at least two elements in it, we think
     53     # this might be a call to the special form "with". To be sure of that,
     54     # we get the last element of clauses_and_body and check that it's a keyword
     55     # list with a :do key in it (the body).
     57     # We can hard-match on [maybe_body] here since we know that clauses_and_body
     58     # has at least two elements.
     59     {maybe_clauses, [maybe_body]} = Enum.split(clauses_and_body, -1)
     61     if Keyword.keyword?(maybe_body) and Keyword.has_key?(maybe_body, :do) do
     62       {ast, issues_for_with(maybe_clauses, meta[:line], issue_meta) ++ issues}
     63     else
     64       {ast, issues}
     65     end
     66   end
     68   defp traverse(ast, issues, _issue_meta) do
     69     {ast, issues}
     70   end
     72   defp issues_for_with(clauses, line, issue_meta) do
     73     issue_if_not_starting_with_pattern_clause(clauses, line, issue_meta) ++
     74       issue_if_not_ending_with_pattern_clause(clauses, line, issue_meta)
     75   end
     77   defp issue_if_not_starting_with_pattern_clause(
     78          [{:<-, _meta, _args} | _rest],
     79          _line,
     80          _issue_meta
     81        ) do
     82     []
     83   end
     85   defp issue_if_not_starting_with_pattern_clause(_clauses, line, issue_meta) do
     86     [format_issue(issue_meta, message: @message_first_clause_not_pattern, line_no: line)]
     87   end
     89   defp issue_if_not_ending_with_pattern_clause(clauses, line, issue_meta) do
     90     if length(clauses) > 1 and not match?({:<-, _, _}, Enum.at(clauses, -1)) do
     91       [format_issue(issue_meta, message: @message_last_clause_not_pattern, line_no: line)]
     92     else
     93       []
     94     end
     95   end
     96 end