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categories_command.ex (2036B)

      1 defmodule Credo.CLI.Command.Categories.CategoriesCommand do
      2   @moduledoc false
      4   alias Credo.CLI.Command.Categories.CategoriesOutput
      5   alias Credo.CLI.Switch
      7   use Credo.CLI.Command,
      8     short_description: "Show and explain all issue categories",
      9     cli_switches: [
     10       Switch.string("format"),
     11       Switch.boolean("help", alias: :h)
     12     ]
     14   @categories [
     15     %{
     16       id: :readability,
     17       name: "readability",
     18       color: :blue,
     19       title: "Code Readability",
     20       description: """
     21       Readability checks do not concern themselves with the technical correctness
     22       of your code, but how easy it is to digest.
     23       """
     24     },
     25     %{
     26       id: :design,
     27       name: "design",
     28       color: :olive,
     29       title: "Software Design",
     30       description: """
     31       While refactor checks show you possible problems, these checks try to
     32       highlight possibilities, like - potentially intended - duplicated code or
     33       TODO and FIXME comments.
     34       """
     35     },
     36     %{
     37       id: :refactor,
     38       name: "refactor",
     39       color: :yellow,
     40       title: "Refactoring opportunities",
     41       description: """
     42       The Refactor checks show you opportunities to avoid future problems and
     43       technical debt.
     44       """
     45     },
     46     %{
     47       id: :warning,
     48       name: "warning",
     49       color: :red,
     50       title: "Warnings - please take a look",
     51       description: """
     52       These checks warn you about things that are potentially dangerous, like a
     53       missed call to `IEx.pry` you put in during a debugging session or a call
     54       to String.downcase without using the result.
     55       """
     56     },
     57     %{
     58       id: :consistency,
     59       name: "consistency",
     60       color: :cyan,
     61       title: "Consistency",
     62       description: """
     63       These checks take a look at your code and ensure a consistent coding style.
     64       Using tabs or spaces? Both is fine, just don't mix them or Credo will tell
     65       you.
     66       """
     67     }
     68   ]
     70   @doc false
     71   def call(exec, _opts) do
     72     CategoriesOutput.print_categories(exec, @categories)
     74     exec
     75   end
     76 end