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dialyzer.ex (624B)

      1 defmodule Dialyxir.Formatter.Dialyzer do
      2   @moduledoc false
      4   @behaviour Dialyxir.Formatter
      6   @impl Dialyxir.Formatter
      7   def format(warning) do
      8     # OTP 22 uses indented output, but that's incompatible with dialyzer.ignore-warnings format.
      9     # Can be disabled, but OTP 21 and older only accept an atom, so only disable on OTP 22+.
     10     opts =
     11       if String.to_integer(System.otp_release()) < 22,
     12         do: :fullpath,
     13         else: [{:filename_opt, :fullpath}, {:indent_opt, false}]
     15     warning
     16     |> :dialyzer.format_warning(opts)
     17     |> String.Chars.to_string()
     18     |> String.replace_trailing("\n", "")
     19   end
     20 end