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warning.ex (1199B)

      1 defmodule Dialyxir.Warning do
      2   @moduledoc """
      3   Behaviour for defining warning semantics.
      5   Contains callbacks for various warnings
      6   """
      8   @doc """
      9   By expressing the warning that is to be matched on, error handling
     10   and dispatching can be avoided in format functions.
     11   """
     12   @callback warning() :: atom
     14   @doc """
     15   The default documentation when seeing an error without the user
     16   otherwise overriding the format.
     17   """
     18   @callback format_long([String.t()] | {String.t(), String.t(), String.t()} | String.t()) ::
     19               String.t()
     21   @doc """
     22   A short message, often missing things like success types and expected types for space.
     23   """
     24   @callback format_short([String.t()] | {String.t(), String.t(), String.t()} | String.t()) ::
     25               String.t()
     27   @doc """
     28   Explanation for a warning of this type. Should include a simple example of how to trigger it.
     29   """
     30   @callback explain() :: String.t()
     32   @spec default_explain() :: String.t()
     33   def default_explain() do
     34     """
     35     This warning type does not have an explanation yet. If you have
     36     code that causes it, please file an issue or pull request in
     37     https://github.com/jeremyjh/dialyxir/issues
     38     """
     39   end
     40 end