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changeset.ex (126020B)

      1 defmodule Ecto.Changeset do
      2   @moduledoc ~S"""
      3   Changesets allow filtering, casting, validation and
      4   definition of constraints when manipulating structs.
      6   There is an example of working with changesets in the introductory
      7   documentation in the `Ecto` module. The functions `cast/4` and
      8   `change/2` are the usual entry points for creating changesets.
      9   The first one is used to cast and validate external parameters,
     10   such as parameters sent through a form, API, command line, etc.
     11   The second one is used to change data directly from your application.
     13   The remaining functions in this module, such as validations,
     14   constraints, association handling, are about manipulating
     15   changesets. Let's discuss some of this extra functionality.
     17   ## External vs internal data
     19   Changesets allow working with both kinds of data:
     21     * internal to the application - for example programmatically generated,
     22       or coming from other subsystems. This use case is primarily covered
     23       by the `change/2` and `put_change/3` functions.
     25     * external to the application - for example data provided by the user in
     26       a form that needs to be type-converted and properly validated. This
     27       use case is primarily covered by the `cast/4` function.
     29   ## Validations and constraints
     31   Ecto changesets provide both validations and constraints which
     32   are ultimately turned into errors in case something goes wrong.
     34   The difference between them is that most validations can be
     35   executed without a need to interact with the database and, therefore,
     36   are always executed before attempting to insert or update the entry
     37   in the database. Validations run immediately when a validation function
     38   is called on the data that is contained in the changeset at that time.
     40   Some validations may happen against the database but
     41   they are inherently unsafe. Those validations start with a `unsafe_`
     42   prefix, such as `unsafe_validate_unique/4`.
     44   On the other hand, constraints rely on the database and are always safe.
     45   As a consequence, validations are always checked before constraints.
     46   Constraints won't even be checked in case validations failed.
     48   Let's see an example:
     50       defmodule User do
     51         use Ecto.Schema
     52         import Ecto.Changeset
     54         schema "users" do
     55           field :name
     56           field :email
     57           field :age, :integer
     58         end
     60         def changeset(user, params \\ %{}) do
     61           user
     62           |> cast(params, [:name, :email, :age])
     63           |> validate_required([:name, :email])
     64           |> validate_format(:email, ~r/@/)
     65           |> validate_inclusion(:age, 18..100)
     66           |> unique_constraint(:email)
     67         end
     68       end
     70   In the `changeset/2` function above, we define three validations.
     71   They check that `name` and `email` fields are present in the
     72   changeset, the e-mail is of the specified format, and the age is
     73   between 18 and 100 - as well as a unique constraint in the email
     74   field.
     76   Let's suppose the e-mail is given but the age is invalid. The
     77   changeset would have the following errors:
     79       changeset = User.changeset(%User{}, %{age: 0, email: "mary@example.com"})
     80       {:error, changeset} = Repo.insert(changeset)
     81       changeset.errors #=> [age: {"is invalid", []}, name: {"can't be blank", []}]
     83   In this case, we haven't checked the unique constraint in the
     84   e-mail field because the data did not validate. Let's fix the
     85   age and the name, and assume that the e-mail already exists in the
     86   database:
     88       changeset = User.changeset(%User{}, %{age: 42, name: "Mary", email: "mary@example.com"})
     89       {:error, changeset} = Repo.insert(changeset)
     90       changeset.errors #=> [email: {"has already been taken", []}]
     92   Validations and constraints define an explicit boundary when the check
     93   happens. By moving constraints to the database, we also provide a safe,
     94   correct and data-race free means of checking the user input.
     96   ### Deferred constraints
     98   Some databases support deferred constraints, i.e., constraints which are
     99   checked at the end of the transaction rather than at the end of each statement.
    101   Changesets do not support this type of constraints. When working with deferred
    102   constraints, a violation while invoking `c:Ecto.Repo.insert/2` or `c:Ecto.Repo.update/2` won't
    103   return `{:error, changeset}`, but rather raise an error at the end of the
    104   transaction.
    106   ## Empty values
    108   Many times, the data given on cast needs to be further pruned, specially
    109   regarding empty values. For example, if you are gathering data to be
    110   cast from the command line or through an HTML form or any other text-based
    111   format, it is likely those means cannot express nil values. For
    112   those reasons, changesets include the concept of empty values.
    114   When applying changes using `cast/4`, an empty value will be automatically
    115   converted to the field's default value. If the field is an array type, any
    116   empty value inside the array will be removed.
    118   Empty values are stored in the changeset's `:empty_values` field and
    119   default to `[""]`. You can also pass the `:empty_values` option to
    120   `cast/4` in case you want to change how a particular `cast/4` work.
    122   ## Associations, embeds and on replace
    124   Using changesets you can work with associations as well as with embedded
    125   structs. There are two primary APIs:
    127     * `cast_assoc/3` and `cast_embed/3` - those functions are used when
    128       working with external data. In particular, they allow you to change
    129       associations and embeds alongside the parent struct, all at once.
    131     * `put_assoc/4` and `put_embed/4` - it allows you to replace the
    132       association or embed as a whole. This can be used to move associated
    133       data from one entry to another, to completely remove or replace
    134       existing entries.
    136   See the documentation for those functions for more information.
    138   ### The `:on_replace` option
    140   When using any of those APIs, you may run into situations where Ecto sees
    141   data is being replaced. For example, imagine a Post has many Comments where
    142   the comments have IDs 1, 2 and 3. If you call `cast_assoc/3` passing only
    143   the IDs 1 and 2, Ecto will consider 3 is being "replaced" and it will raise
    144   by default. Such behaviour can be changed when defining the relation by
    145   setting `:on_replace` option when defining your association/embed according
    146   to the values below:
    148     * `:raise` (default) - do not allow removing association or embedded
    149       data via parent changesets
    150     * `:mark_as_invalid` - if attempting to remove the association or
    151       embedded data via parent changeset - an error will be added to the parent
    152       changeset, and it will be marked as invalid
    153     * `:nilify` - sets owner reference column to `nil` (available only for
    154       associations). Use this on a `belongs_to` column to allow the association
    155       to be cleared out so that it can be set to a new value. Will set `action`
    156       on associated changesets to `:replace`
    157     * `:update` - updates the association, available only for `has_one`, `belongs_to`
    158       and `embeds_one`. This option will update all the fields given to the changeset
    159       including the id for the association
    160     * `:delete` - removes the association or related data from the database.
    161       This option has to be used carefully (see below). Will set `action` on associated
    162       changesets to `:replace`
    163     * `:delete_if_exists` - like `:delete` except that it ignores any stale entry
    164       error. For instance, if you set `on_replace: :delete` but the replaced
    165       resource was already deleted by a separate request, it will raise a
    166       `Ecto.StaleEntryError`. `:delete_if_exists` makes it so it will only delete
    167       if the entry still exists
    169   The `:delete` and `:delete_if_exists` options must be used carefully as they allow
    170   users to delete any associated data by simply setting it to `nil` or an empty list.
    171   If you need deletion, it is often preferred to add a separate boolean virtual field
    172   in the schema and manually mark the changeset for deletion if the `:delete` field is
    173   set in the params, as in the example below. Note that we don't call `cast/4` in this
    174   case because we don't want to prevent deletion if a change is invalid (changes are
    175   irrelevant if the entity needs to be deleted).
    177       defmodule Comment do
    178         use Ecto.Schema
    179         import Ecto.Changeset
    181         schema "comments" do
    182           field :body, :string
    183           field :delete, :boolean, virtual: true
    184         end
    186         def changeset(comment, %{"delete" => "true"}) do
    187           %{Ecto.Changeset.change(comment, delete: true) | action: :delete}
    188         end
    190         def changeset(comment, params) do
    191           cast(comment, params, [:body])
    192         end
    193       end
    195   ## Schemaless changesets
    197   In the changeset examples so far, we have always used changesets to validate
    198   and cast data contained in a struct defined by an Ecto schema, such as the `%User{}`
    199   struct defined by the `User` module.
    201   However, changesets can also be used with "regular" structs too by passing a tuple
    202   with the data and its types:
    204       user = %User{}
    205       types = %{first_name: :string, last_name: :string, email: :string}
    206       changeset =
    207         {user, types}
    208         |> Ecto.Changeset.cast(params, Map.keys(types))
    209         |> Ecto.Changeset.validate_required(...)
    210         |> Ecto.Changeset.validate_length(...)
    212   where the user struct refers to the definition in the following module:
    214       defmodule User do
    215         defstruct [:name, :age]
    216       end
    218   Changesets can also be used with data in a plain map, by following the same API:
    220       data  = %{}
    221       types = %{name: :string}
    222       params = %{name: "Callum"}
    223       changeset =
    224         {data, types}
    225         |> Ecto.Changeset.cast(params, Map.keys(types))
    226         |> Ecto.Changeset.validate_required(...)
    227         |> Ecto.Changeset.validate_length(...)
    229   Such functionality makes Ecto extremely useful to cast, validate and prune data even
    230   if it is not meant to be persisted to the database.
    232   ### Changeset actions
    234   Changesets have an action field which is usually set by `Ecto.Repo`
    235   whenever one of the operations such as `insert` or `update` is called:
    237       changeset = User.changeset(%User{}, %{age: 42, email: "mary@example.com"})
    238       {:error, changeset} = Repo.insert(changeset)
    239       changeset.action
    240       #=> :insert
    242   This means that when working with changesets that are not meant to be
    243   persisted to the database, such as schemaless changesets, you may need
    244   to explicitly set the action to one specific value. Frameworks such as
    245   Phoenix [use the action value to define how HTML forms should
    246   act](https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix_html/Phoenix.HTML.Form.html#module-a-note-on-errors).
    248   Instead of setting the action manually, you may use `apply_action/2` that
    249   emulates operations such as `c:Ecto.Repo.insert`. `apply_action/2` will return
    250   `{:ok, changes}` if the changeset is valid or `{:error, changeset}`, with
    251   the given `action` set in the changeset in case of errors.
    253   ## The Ecto.Changeset struct
    255   The public fields are:
    257     * `valid?`       - Stores if the changeset is valid
    258     * `data`         - The changeset source data, for example, a struct
    259     * `params`       - The parameters as given on changeset creation
    260     * `changes`      - The `changes` from parameters that were approved in casting
    261     * `errors`       - All errors from validations
    262     * `required`     - All required fields as a list of atoms
    263     * `action`       - The action to be performed with the changeset
    264     * `types`        - Cache of the data's field types
    265     * `empty_values` - A list of values to be considered empty
    266     * `repo`         - The repository applying the changeset (only set after a Repo function is called)
    267     * `repo_opts`    - A keyword list of options given to the underlying repository operation
    269   The following fields are private and must not be accessed directly.
    271     * `validations`
    272     * `constraints`
    273     * `filters`
    274     * `prepare`
    276   ### Redacting fields in inspect
    278   To hide a field's value from the inspect protocol of `Ecto.Changeset`, mark
    279   the field as `redact: true` in the schema, and it will display with the
    280   value `**redacted**`.
    281   """
    283   require Logger
    284   require Ecto.Query
    285   alias __MODULE__
    286   alias Ecto.Changeset.Relation
    287   alias Ecto.Schema.Metadata
    289   @empty_values [""]
    291   # If a new field is added here, def merge must be adapted
    292   defstruct valid?: false, data: nil, params: nil, changes: %{},
    293             errors: [], validations: [], required: [], prepare: [],
    294             constraints: [], filters: %{}, action: nil, types: nil,
    295             empty_values: @empty_values, repo: nil, repo_opts: []
    297   @type t(data_type) :: %Changeset{
    298           valid?: boolean(),
    299           repo: atom | nil,
    300           repo_opts: Keyword.t(),
    301           data: data_type,
    302           params: %{optional(String.t()) => term} | nil,
    303           changes: %{optional(atom) => term},
    304           required: [atom],
    305           prepare: [(t -> t)],
    306           errors: [{atom, error}],
    307           constraints: [constraint],
    308           validations: [{atom, term}],
    309           filters: %{optional(atom) => term},
    310           action: action,
    311           types: nil | %{atom => Ecto.Type.t() | {:assoc, term()} | {:embed, term()}}
    312         }
    314   @type t :: t(Ecto.Schema.t | map | nil)
    315   @type error :: {String.t, Keyword.t}
    316   @type action :: nil | :insert | :update | :delete | :replace | :ignore | atom
    317   @type constraint :: %{type: :check | :exclusion | :foreign_key | :unique,
    318                         constraint: String.t, match: :exact | :suffix | :prefix,
    319                         field: atom, error_message: String.t, error_type: atom}
    320   @type data :: map()
    321   @type types :: map()
    323   @number_validators %{
    324     less_than:                {&</2,  "must be less than %{number}"},
    325     greater_than:             {&>/2,  "must be greater than %{number}"},
    326     less_than_or_equal_to:    {&<=/2, "must be less than or equal to %{number}"},
    327     greater_than_or_equal_to: {&>=/2, "must be greater than or equal to %{number}"},
    328     equal_to:                 {&==/2, "must be equal to %{number}"},
    329     not_equal_to:             {&!=/2, "must be not equal to %{number}"},
    330   }
    332   @relations [:embed, :assoc]
    333   @match_types [:exact, :suffix, :prefix]
    335   @doc """
    336   Wraps the given data in a changeset or adds changes to a changeset.
    338   `changes` is a map or keyword where the key is an atom representing a
    339   field, association or embed and the value is a term. Note the `value` is
    340   directly stored in the changeset with no validation whatsoever. For this
    341   reason, this function is meant for working with data internal to the
    342   application.
    344   When changing embeds and associations, see `put_assoc/4` for a complete
    345   reference on the accepted values.
    347   This function is useful for:
    349     * wrapping a struct inside a changeset
    350     * directly changing a struct without performing castings nor validations
    351     * directly bulk-adding changes to a changeset
    353   Changed attributes will only be added if the change does not have the
    354   same value as the field in the data.
    356   When a changeset is passed as the first argument, the changes passed as the
    357   second argument are merged over the changes already in the changeset if they
    358   differ from the values in the struct.
    360   When a `{data, types}` is passed as the first argument, a changeset is
    361   created with the given data and types and marked as valid.
    363   See `cast/4` if you'd prefer to cast and validate external parameters.
    365   ## Examples
    367       iex> changeset = change(%Post{})
    368       %Ecto.Changeset{...}
    369       iex> changeset.valid?
    370       true
    371       iex> changeset.changes
    372       %{}
    374       iex> changeset = change(%Post{author: "bar"}, title: "title")
    375       iex> changeset.changes
    376       %{title: "title"}
    378       iex> changeset = change(%Post{title: "title"}, title: "title")
    379       iex> changeset.changes
    380       %{}
    382       iex> changeset = change(changeset, %{title: "new title", body: "body"})
    383       iex> changeset.changes.title
    384       "new title"
    385       iex> changeset.changes.body
    386       "body"
    388   """
    389   @spec change(Ecto.Schema.t | t | {data, types}, %{atom => term} | Keyword.t) :: t
    390   def change(data, changes \\ %{})
    392   def change({data, types}, changes) when is_map(data) do
    393     change(%Changeset{data: data, types: Enum.into(types, %{}), valid?: true}, changes)
    394   end
    396   def change(%Changeset{types: nil}, _changes) do
    397     raise ArgumentError, "changeset does not have types information"
    398   end
    400   def change(%Changeset{changes: changes, types: types} = changeset, new_changes)
    401       when is_map(new_changes) or is_list(new_changes) do
    402     {changes, errors, valid?} =
    403       get_changed(changeset.data, types, changes, new_changes,
    404                   changeset.errors, changeset.valid?)
    405     %{changeset | changes: changes, errors: errors, valid?: valid?}
    406   end
    408   def change(%{__struct__: struct} = data, changes) when is_map(changes) or is_list(changes) do
    409     types = struct.__changeset__()
    410     {changes, errors, valid?} = get_changed(data, types, %{}, changes, [], true)
    411     %Changeset{valid?: valid?, data: data, changes: changes,
    412                errors: errors, types: types}
    413   end
    415   defp get_changed(data, types, old_changes, new_changes, errors, valid?) do
    416     Enum.reduce(new_changes, {old_changes, errors, valid?}, fn
    417       {key, value}, {changes, errors, valid?} ->
    418         put_change(data, changes, errors, valid?, key, value, Map.get(types, key))
    419       _, _ ->
    420         raise ArgumentError,
    421               "invalid changes being applied to changeset. " <>
    422                 "Expected a keyword list or a map, got: #{inspect(new_changes)}"
    423     end)
    424   end
    426   @doc """
    427   Applies the given `params` as changes on the `data` according to
    428   the set of `permitted` keys. Returns a changeset.
    430   `data` may be either a changeset, a schema struct or a `{data, types}`
    431   tuple. The second argument is a map of `params` that are cast according
    432   to the type information from `data`. `params` is a map with string keys
    433   or a map with atom keys, containing potentially invalid data. Mixed keys
    434   are not allowed.
    436   During casting, all `permitted` parameters whose values match the specified
    437   type information will have their key name converted to an atom and stored
    438   together with the value as a change in the `:changes` field of the changeset.
    439   If the cast value matches the current value for the field, it will not be
    440   included in `:changes` unless the `:force_changes: true` option is
    441   provided. All parameters that are not explicitly permitted are ignored.
    443   If casting of all fields is successful, the changeset is returned as valid.
    445   Note that `cast/4` validates the types in the `params`, but not in the given
    446   `data`.
    448   ## Options
    450     * `:empty_values` - a list of values to be considered as empty when casting.
    451       Empty values are always replaced by the default value of the respective field.
    452       If the field is an array type, any empty value inside of the array will be removed.
    453       Defaults to `[""]`
    454     * `:force_changes` - a boolean indicating whether to include values that don't alter the current data in `:changes`. Defaults to `false`
    456   ## Examples
    458       iex> changeset = cast(post, params, [:title])
    459       iex> if changeset.valid? do
    460       ...>   Repo.update!(changeset)
    461       ...> end
    463       iex> params = %{title: "", topics: [""]}
    464       iex> changeset = cast(post, params, [:topics, :title], empty_values: ["", []])
    465       iex> changeset.changes
    466       %{title: nil, topics: nil}
    468   Passing a changeset as the first argument:
    470       iex> changeset = cast(post, %{title: "Hello"}, [:title])
    471       iex> new_changeset = cast(changeset, %{title: "Foo", body: "World"}, [:body])
    472       iex> new_changeset.params
    473       %{"title" => "Hello", "body" => "World"}
    475   Or creating a changeset from a simple map with types:
    477       iex> data = %{title: "hello"}
    478       iex> types = %{title: :string}
    479       iex> changeset = cast({data, types}, %{title: "world"}, [:title])
    480       iex> apply_changes(changeset)
    481       %{title: "world"}
    483   ## Composing casts
    485   `cast/4` also accepts a changeset as its first argument. In such cases, all
    486   the effects caused by the call to `cast/4` (additional errors and changes)
    487   are simply added to the ones already present in the argument changeset.
    488   Parameters are merged (**not deep-merged**) and the ones passed to `cast/4`
    489   take precedence over the ones already in the changeset.
    490   """
    491   @spec cast(Ecto.Schema.t | t | {data, types},
    492              %{binary => term} | %{atom => term} | :invalid,
    493              [atom],
    494              Keyword.t) :: t
    495   def cast(data, params, permitted, opts \\ [])
    497   def cast(_data, %{__struct__: _} = params, _permitted, _opts) do
    498     raise Ecto.CastError, type: :map, value: params,
    499                           message: "expected params to be a :map, got: `#{inspect(params)}`"
    500   end
    502   def cast({data, types}, params, permitted, opts) when is_map(data) do
    503     cast(data, types, %{}, params, permitted, opts)
    504   end
    506   def cast(%Changeset{types: nil}, _params, _permitted, _opts) do
    507     raise ArgumentError, "changeset does not have types information"
    508   end
    510   def cast(%Changeset{changes: changes, data: data, types: types, empty_values: empty_values} = changeset,
    511                       params, permitted, opts) do
    512     opts = Keyword.put_new(opts, :empty_values, empty_values)
    513     new_changeset = cast(data, types, changes, params, permitted, opts)
    514     cast_merge(changeset, new_changeset)
    515   end
    517   def cast(%{__struct__: module} = data, params, permitted, opts) do
    518     cast(data, module.__changeset__(), %{}, params, permitted, opts)
    519   end
    521   defp cast(%{} = data, %{} = types, %{} = changes, :invalid, permitted, _opts) when is_list(permitted) do
    522     _ = Enum.each(permitted, &cast_key/1)
    523     %Changeset{params: nil, data: data, valid?: false, errors: [],
    524                changes: changes, types: types}
    525   end
    527   defp cast(%{} = data, %{} = types, %{} = changes, %{} = params, permitted, opts) when is_list(permitted) do
    528     empty_values = Keyword.get(opts, :empty_values, @empty_values)
    529     force? = Keyword.get(opts, :force_changes, false)
    530     params = convert_params(params)
    532     defaults = case data do
    533       %{__struct__: struct} -> struct.__struct__()
    534       %{} -> %{}
    535     end
    537     {changes, errors, valid?} =
    538       Enum.reduce(permitted, {changes, [], true},
    539                   &process_param(&1, params, types, data, empty_values, defaults, force?, &2))
    541     %Changeset{params: params, data: data, valid?: valid?,
    542                errors: Enum.reverse(errors), changes: changes, types: types}
    543   end
    545   defp cast(%{}, %{}, %{}, params, permitted, _opts) when is_list(permitted) do
    546     raise Ecto.CastError, type: :map, value: params,
    547                           message: "expected params to be a :map, got: `#{inspect params}`"
    548   end
    550   defp process_param(key, params, types, data, empty_values, defaults, force?, {changes, errors, valid?}) do
    551     {key, param_key} = cast_key(key)
    552     type = cast_type!(types, key)
    554     current =
    555       case changes do
    556         %{^key => value} -> value
    557         _ -> Map.get(data, key)
    558       end
    560     case cast_field(key, param_key, type, params, current, empty_values, defaults, force?, valid?) do
    561       {:ok, value, valid?} ->
    562         {Map.put(changes, key, value), errors, valid?}
    563       :missing ->
    564         {changes, errors, valid?}
    565       {:invalid, custom_errors} ->
    566         {message, new_errors} =
    567           custom_errors
    568           |> Keyword.put_new(:validation, :cast)
    569           |> Keyword.put(:type, type)
    570           |> Keyword.pop(:message, "is invalid")
    571         {changes, [{key, {message, new_errors}} | errors], false}
    572     end
    573   end
    575   defp cast_type!(types, key) do
    576     case types do
    577       %{^key => {tag, _}} when tag in @relations ->
    578         raise "casting #{tag}s with cast/4 for #{inspect key} field is not supported, use cast_#{tag}/3 instead"
    579       %{^key => type} ->
    580         type
    581       _ ->
    582         known_fields = types |> Map.keys() |> Enum.map_join(", ", &inspect/1)
    583         raise ArgumentError,
    584               "unknown field `#{inspect(key)}` given to cast. Either the field does not exist or it is a " <>
    585                 ":through association (which are read-only). The known fields are: #{known_fields}"
    586     end
    587   end
    589   defp cast_key(key) when is_atom(key),
    590     do: {key, Atom.to_string(key)}
    592   defp cast_key(key) do
    593     raise ArgumentError, "cast/3 expects a list of atom keys, got key: `#{inspect key}`"
    594   end
    596   defp cast_field(key, param_key, type, params, current, empty_values, defaults, force?, valid?) do
    597     case params do
    598       %{^param_key => value} ->
    599         value = filter_empty_values(type, value, empty_values, defaults, key)
    600         case Ecto.Type.cast(type, value) do
    601           {:ok, value} ->
    602             if not force? and Ecto.Type.equal?(type, current, value) do
    603               :missing
    604             else
    605               {:ok, value, valid?}
    606             end
    608           :error ->
    609             {:invalid, []}
    611           {:error, custom_errors} when is_list(custom_errors) ->
    612             {:invalid, custom_errors}
    613         end
    615       _ ->
    616         :missing
    617     end
    618   end
    620   defp filter_empty_values(type, value, empty_values, defaults, key) do
    621     case Ecto.Type.filter_empty_values(type, value, empty_values) do
    622       :empty -> Map.get(defaults, key)
    623       {:ok, value} -> value
    624     end
    625   end
    627   # We only look at the first element because traversing the whole map
    628   # can be expensive and it was showing up during profiling. This means
    629   # we won't always raise, but the check only exists for user convenience
    630   # anyway, and it is not a guarantee.
    631   defp convert_params(params) do
    632     case :maps.next(:maps.iterator(params)) do
    633       {key, _, _} when is_atom(key) ->
    634         for {key, value} <- params, into: %{} do
    635           if is_atom(key) do
    636             {Atom.to_string(key), value}
    637           else
    638             raise Ecto.CastError, type: :map, value: params,
    639               message: "expected params to be a map with atoms or string keys, " <>
    640                          "got a map with mixed keys: #{inspect params}"
    641           end
    642         end
    644       _ ->
    645         params
    646     end
    647   end
    649   ## Casting related
    651   @doc """
    652   Casts the given association with the changeset parameters.
    654   This function should be used when working with the entire association at
    655   once (and not a single element of a many-style association) and receiving
    656   data external to the application.
    658   `cast_assoc/3` works matching the records extracted from the database
    659   and compares it with the parameters received from an external source.
    660   Therefore, it is expected that the data in the changeset has explicitly
    661   preloaded the association being cast and that all of the IDs exist and
    662   are unique.
    664   For example, imagine a user has many addresses relationship where
    665   post data is sent as follows
    667       %{"name" => "john doe", "addresses" => [
    668         %{"street" => "somewhere", "country" => "brazil", "id" => 1},
    669         %{"street" => "elsewhere", "country" => "poland"},
    670       ]}
    672   and then
    674       User
    675       |> Repo.get!(id)
    676       |> Repo.preload(:addresses) # Only required when updating data
    677       |> Ecto.Changeset.cast(params, [])
    678       |> Ecto.Changeset.cast_assoc(:addresses, with: &MyApp.Address.changeset/2)
    680   The parameters for the given association will be retrieved
    681   from `changeset.params`. Those parameters are expected to be
    682   a map with attributes, similar to the ones passed to `cast/4`.
    683   Once parameters are retrieved, `cast_assoc/3` will match those
    684   parameters with the associations already in the changeset data.
    686   Once `cast_assoc/3` is called, Ecto will compare each parameter
    687   with the user's already preloaded addresses and act as follows:
    689     * If the parameter does not contain an ID, the parameter data
    690       will be passed to `MyApp.Address.changeset/2` with a new struct
    691       and become an insert operation
    692     * If the parameter contains an ID and there is no associated child
    693       with such ID, the parameter data will be passed to
    694       `MyApp.Address.changeset/2` with a new struct and become an insert
    695       operation
    696     * If the parameter contains an ID and there is an associated child
    697       with such ID, the parameter data will be passed to
    698       `MyApp.Address.changeset/2` with the existing struct and become an
    699       update operation
    700     * If there is an associated child with an ID and its ID is not given
    701       as parameter, the `:on_replace` callback for that association will
    702       be invoked (see the "On replace" section on the module documentation)
    704   Every time the `MyApp.Address.changeset/2` function is invoked, it must
    705   return a changeset. This changeset will always be included under `changes`
    706   of the parent changeset, even if there are no changes. This is done for
    707   reflection purposes, allowing developers to introspect validations and
    708   other metadata from the association. Once the parent changeset is given
    709   to an `Ecto.Repo` function, all entries will be inserted/updated/deleted
    710   within the same transaction.
    712   Note developers are allowed to explicitly set the `:action` field of a
    713   changeset to instruct Ecto how to act in certain situations. Let's suppose
    714   that, if one of the associations has only empty fields, you want to ignore
    715   the entry altogether instead of showing an error. The changeset function could
    716   be written like this:
    718       def changeset(struct, params) do
    719         struct
    720         |> cast(params, [:title, :body])
    721         |> validate_required([:title, :body])
    722         |> case do
    723           %{valid?: false, changes: changes} = changeset when changes == %{} ->
    724             # If the changeset is invalid and has no changes, it is
    725             # because all required fields are missing, so we ignore it.
    726             %{changeset | action: :ignore}
    727           changeset ->
    728             changeset
    729         end
    730       end
    732   ## Partial changes for many-style associations
    734   By preloading an association using a custom query you can confine the behavior
    735   of `cast_assoc/3`. This opens up the possibility to work on a subset of the data,
    736   instead of all associations in the database.
    738   Taking the initial example of users having addresses imagine those addresses
    739   are set up to belong to a country. If you want to allow users to bulk edit all
    740   addresses that belong to a single country, you can do so by changing the preload
    741   query:
    743       query = from MyApp.Address, where: [country: ^edit_country]
    745       User
    746       |> Repo.get!(id)
    747       |> Repo.preload(addresses: query)
    748       |> Ecto.Changeset.cast(params, [])
    749       |> Ecto.Changeset.cast_assoc(:addresses)
    751   This will allow you to cast and update only the association for the given country.
    752   The important point for partial changes is that any addresses, which were not
    753   preloaded won't be changed.
    755   ## Options
    757     * `:required` - if the association is a required field
    758     * `:required_message` - the message on failure, defaults to "can't be blank"
    759     * `:invalid_message` - the message on failure, defaults to "is invalid"
    760     * `:force_update_on_change` - force the parent record to be updated in the
    761       repository if there is a change, defaults to `true`
    762     * `:with` - the function to build the changeset from params. Defaults to the
    763       `changeset/2` function of the associated module. It can be changed by passing
    764       an anonymous function or an MFA tuple.  If using an MFA, the default changeset
    765       and parameters arguments will be prepended to the given args. For example,
    766       using `with: {Author, :special_changeset, ["hello"]}` will be invoked as
    767       `Author.special_changeset(changeset, params, "hello")`
    769   """
    770   def cast_assoc(changeset, name, opts \\ []) when is_atom(name) do
    771     cast_relation(:assoc, changeset, name, opts)
    772   end
    774   @doc """
    775   Casts the given embed with the changeset parameters.
    777   The parameters for the given embed will be retrieved
    778   from `changeset.params`. Those parameters are expected to be
    779   a map with attributes, similar to the ones passed to `cast/4`.
    780   Once parameters are retrieved, `cast_embed/3` will match those
    781   parameters with the embeds already in the changeset record.
    782   See `cast_assoc/3` for an example of working with casts and
    783   associations which would also apply for embeds.
    785   The changeset must have been previously `cast` using
    786   `cast/4` before this function is invoked.
    788   ## Options
    790     * `:required` - if the embed is a required field
    791     * `:required_message` - the message on failure, defaults to "can't be blank"
    792     * `:invalid_message` - the message on failure, defaults to "is invalid"
    793     * `:force_update_on_change` - force the parent record to be updated in the
    794       repository if there is a change, defaults to `true`
    795     * `:with` - the function to build the changeset from params. Defaults to the
    796       `changeset/2` function of the embedded module. It can be changed by passing
    797       an anonymous function or an MFA tuple.  If using an MFA, the default changeset
    798       and parameters arguments will be prepended to the given args. For example,
    799       using `with: {Author, :special_changeset, ["hello"]}` will be invoked as
    800       `Author.special_changeset(changeset, params, "hello")`
    801   """
    802   def cast_embed(changeset, name, opts \\ []) when is_atom(name) do
    803     cast_relation(:embed, changeset, name, opts)
    804   end
    806   defp cast_relation(type, %Changeset{data: data, types: types}, _name, _opts)
    807       when data == nil or types == nil do
    808     raise ArgumentError, "cast_#{type}/3 expects the changeset to be cast. " <>
    809                          "Please call cast/4 before calling cast_#{type}/3"
    810   end
    812   defp cast_relation(type, %Changeset{} = changeset, key, opts) do
    813     {key, param_key} = cast_key(key)
    814     %{data: data, types: types, params: params, changes: changes} = changeset
    815     %{related: related} = relation = relation!(:cast, type, key, Map.get(types, key))
    816     params = params || %{}
    818     {changeset, required?} =
    819       if opts[:required] do
    820         {update_in(changeset.required, &[key|&1]), true}
    821       else
    822         {changeset, false}
    823       end
    825     on_cast  = Keyword.get_lazy(opts, :with, fn -> on_cast_default(type, related) end)
    826     original = Map.get(data, key)
    828     changeset =
    829       case Map.fetch(params, param_key) do
    830         {:ok, value} ->
    831           current  = Relation.load!(data, original)
    832           case Relation.cast(relation, data, value, current, on_cast) do
    833             {:ok, change, relation_valid?} when change != original ->
    834               valid? = changeset.valid? and relation_valid?
    835               changes = Map.put(changes, key, change)
    836               changeset = %{force_update(changeset, opts) | changes: changes, valid?: valid?}
    837               missing_relation(changeset, key, current, required?, relation, opts)
    839             {:error, {message, meta}} ->
    840               meta = [validation: type] ++ meta
    841               error = {key, {message(opts, :invalid_message, message), meta}}
    842               %{changeset | errors: [error | changeset.errors], valid?: false}
    844             # ignore or ok with change == original
    845             _ ->
    846               missing_relation(changeset, key, current, required?, relation, opts)
    847           end
    849         :error ->
    850           missing_relation(changeset, key, original, required?, relation, opts)
    851       end
    853     update_in changeset.types[key], fn {type, relation} ->
    854       {type, %{relation | on_cast: on_cast}}
    855     end
    856   end
    858   defp on_cast_default(type, module) do
    859     fn struct, params ->
    860       try do
    861         module.changeset(struct, params)
    862       rescue
    863         e in UndefinedFunctionError ->
    864           case __STACKTRACE__ do
    865             [{^module, :changeset, args_or_arity, _}] when args_or_arity == 2
    866                                                       when length(args_or_arity) == 2 ->
    867               raise ArgumentError, """
    868               the module #{inspect module} does not define a changeset/2 function,
    869               which is used by cast_#{type}/3. You need to either:
    871                 1. implement the #{type}.changeset/2 function
    872                 2. pass the :with option to cast_#{type}/3 with an anonymous
    873                    function that expects 2 args or an MFA tuple
    875               When using an inline embed, the :with option must be given
    876               """
    877             stacktrace ->
    878               reraise e, stacktrace
    879           end
    880       end
    881     end
    882   end
    884   defp missing_relation(%{changes: changes, errors: errors} = changeset,
    885                         name, current, required?, relation, opts) do
    886     current_changes = Map.get(changes, name, current)
    887     if required? and Relation.empty?(relation, current_changes) do
    888       errors = [{name, {message(opts, :required_message, "can't be blank"), [validation: :required]}} | errors]
    889       %{changeset | errors: errors, valid?: false}
    890     else
    891       changeset
    892     end
    893   end
    895   defp relation!(_op, type, _name, {type, relation}),
    896     do: relation
    897   defp relation!(op, :assoc, name, nil),
    898     do: raise(ArgumentError, "cannot #{op} assoc `#{name}`, assoc `#{name}` not found. Make sure it is spelled correctly and that the association type is not read-only")
    899   defp relation!(op, type, name, nil),
    900     do: raise(ArgumentError, "cannot #{op} #{type} `#{name}`, #{type} `#{name}` not found. Make sure that it exists and is spelled correctly")
    901   defp relation!(op, type, name, {other, _}) when other in @relations,
    902     do: raise(ArgumentError, "expected `#{name}` to be an #{type} in `#{op}_#{type}`, got: `#{other}`")
    903   defp relation!(op, type, name, schema_type),
    904     do: raise(ArgumentError, "expected `#{name}` to be an #{type} in `#{op}_#{type}`, got: `#{inspect schema_type}`")
    906   defp force_update(changeset, opts) do
    907     if Keyword.get(opts, :force_update_on_change, true) do
    908       put_in(changeset.repo_opts[:force], true)
    909     else
    910       changeset
    911     end
    912   end
    914   ## Working with changesets
    916   @doc """
    917   Merges two changesets.
    919   This function merges two changesets provided they have been applied to the
    920   same data (their `:data` field is equal); if the data differs, an
    921   `ArgumentError` exception is raised. If one of the changesets has a `:repo`
    922   field which is not `nil`, then the value of that field is used as the `:repo`
    923   field of the resulting changeset; if both changesets have a non-`nil` and
    924   different `:repo` field, an `ArgumentError` exception is raised.
    926   The other fields are merged with the following criteria:
    928     * `params` - params are merged (not deep-merged) giving precedence to the
    929       params of `changeset2` in case of a conflict. If both changesets have their
    930       `:params` fields set to `nil`, the resulting changeset will have its params
    931       set to `nil` too.
    932     * `changes` - changes are merged giving precedence to the `changeset2`
    933       changes.
    934     * `errors` and `validations` - they are simply concatenated.
    935     * `required` - required fields are merged; all the fields that appear
    936       in the required list of both changesets are moved to the required
    937       list of the resulting changeset.
    939   ## Examples
    941       iex> changeset1 = cast(%Post{}, %{title: "Title"}, [:title])
    942       iex> changeset2 = cast(%Post{}, %{title: "New title", body: "Body"}, [:title, :body])
    943       iex> changeset = merge(changeset1, changeset2)
    944       iex> changeset.changes
    945       %{body: "Body", title: "New title"}
    947       iex> changeset1 = cast(%Post{body: "Body"}, %{title: "Title"}, [:title])
    948       iex> changeset2 = cast(%Post{}, %{title: "New title"}, [:title])
    949       iex> merge(changeset1, changeset2)
    950       ** (ArgumentError) different :data when merging changesets
    952   """
    953   @spec merge(t, t) :: t
    954   def merge(changeset1, changeset2)
    956   def merge(%Changeset{data: data} = cs1, %Changeset{data: data} = cs2) do
    957     new_repo        = merge_identical(cs1.repo, cs2.repo, "repos")
    958     new_repo_opts   = Keyword.merge(cs1.repo_opts, cs2.repo_opts)
    959     new_action      = merge_identical(cs1.action, cs2.action, "actions")
    960     new_filters     = Map.merge(cs1.filters, cs2.filters)
    961     new_validations = cs1.validations ++ cs2.validations
    962     new_constraints = cs1.constraints ++ cs2.constraints
    964     cast_merge %{cs1 | repo: new_repo, repo_opts: new_repo_opts, filters: new_filters,
    965                        action: new_action, validations: new_validations,
    966                        constraints: new_constraints}, cs2
    967   end
    969   def merge(%Changeset{}, %Changeset{}) do
    970     raise ArgumentError, message: "different :data when merging changesets"
    971   end
    973   defp cast_merge(cs1, cs2) do
    974     new_params   = (cs1.params || cs2.params) && Map.merge(cs1.params || %{}, cs2.params || %{})
    975     new_changes  = Map.merge(cs1.changes, cs2.changes)
    976     new_errors   = Enum.uniq(cs1.errors ++ cs2.errors)
    977     new_required = Enum.uniq(cs1.required ++ cs2.required)
    978     new_types    = cs1.types || cs2.types
    979     new_valid?   = cs1.valid? and cs2.valid?
    981     %{cs1 | params: new_params, valid?: new_valid?, errors: new_errors, types: new_types,
    982             changes: new_changes, required: new_required}
    983   end
    985   defp merge_identical(object, nil, _thing), do: object
    986   defp merge_identical(nil, object, _thing), do: object
    987   defp merge_identical(object, object, _thing), do: object
    988   defp merge_identical(lhs, rhs, thing) do
    989     raise ArgumentError, "different #{thing} (`#{inspect lhs}` and " <>
    990                          "`#{inspect rhs}`) when merging changesets"
    991   end
    993   @doc """
    994   Fetches the given field from changes or from the data.
    996   While `fetch_change/2` only looks at the current `changes`
    997   to retrieve a value, this function looks at the changes and
    998   then falls back on the data, finally returning `:error` if
    999   no value is available.
   1001   For relations, these functions will return the changeset
   1002   original data with changes applied. To retrieve raw changesets,
   1003   please use `fetch_change/2`.
   1005   ## Examples
   1007       iex> post = %Post{title: "Foo", body: "Bar baz bong"}
   1008       iex> changeset = change(post, %{title: "New title"})
   1009       iex> fetch_field(changeset, :title)
   1010       {:changes, "New title"}
   1011       iex> fetch_field(changeset, :body)
   1012       {:data, "Bar baz bong"}
   1013       iex> fetch_field(changeset, :not_a_field)
   1014       :error
   1016   """
   1017   @spec fetch_field(t, atom) :: {:changes, term} | {:data, term} | :error
   1018   def fetch_field(%Changeset{changes: changes, data: data, types: types}, key) when is_atom(key) do
   1019     case Map.fetch(changes, key) do
   1020       {:ok, value} ->
   1021         {:changes, change_as_field(types, key, value)}
   1022       :error ->
   1023         case Map.fetch(data, key) do
   1024           {:ok, value} -> {:data, data_as_field(data, types, key, value)}
   1025           :error       -> :error
   1026         end
   1027     end
   1028   end
   1030   @doc """
   1031   Same as `fetch_field/2` but returns the value or raises if the given key was not found.
   1033   ## Examples
   1035       iex> post = %Post{title: "Foo", body: "Bar baz bong"}
   1036       iex> changeset = change(post, %{title: "New title"})
   1037       iex> fetch_field!(changeset, :title)
   1038       "New title"
   1039       iex> fetch_field!(changeset, :other)
   1040       ** (KeyError) key :other not found in: %Post{...}
   1041   """
   1042   @spec fetch_field!(t, atom) :: term
   1043   def fetch_field!(changeset, key) do
   1044     case fetch_field(changeset, key) do
   1045       {_, value} ->
   1046         value
   1048       :error ->
   1049         raise KeyError, key: key, term: changeset.data
   1050     end
   1051   end
   1053   @doc """
   1054   Gets a field from changes or from the data.
   1056   While `get_change/3` only looks at the current `changes`
   1057   to retrieve a value, this function looks at the changes and
   1058   then falls back on the data, finally returning `default` if
   1059   no value is available.
   1061   For relations, these functions will return the changeset data
   1062   with changes applied. To retrieve raw changesets, please use `get_change/3`.
   1064       iex> post = %Post{title: "A title", body: "My body is a cage"}
   1065       iex> changeset = change(post, %{title: "A new title"})
   1066       iex> get_field(changeset, :title)
   1067       "A new title"
   1068       iex> get_field(changeset, :not_a_field, "Told you, not a field!")
   1069       "Told you, not a field!"
   1071   """
   1072   @spec get_field(t, atom, term) :: term
   1073   def get_field(%Changeset{changes: changes, data: data, types: types}, key, default \\ nil) do
   1074     case Map.fetch(changes, key) do
   1075       {:ok, value} ->
   1076         change_as_field(types, key, value)
   1077       :error ->
   1078         case Map.fetch(data, key) do
   1079           {:ok, value} -> data_as_field(data, types, key, value)
   1080           :error       -> default
   1081         end
   1082     end
   1083   end
   1085   defp change_as_field(types, key, value) do
   1086     case Map.get(types, key) do
   1087       {tag, relation} when tag in @relations ->
   1088         Relation.apply_changes(relation, value)
   1089       _other ->
   1090         value
   1091     end
   1092   end
   1094   defp data_as_field(data, types, key, value) do
   1095     case Map.get(types, key) do
   1096       {tag, _relation} when tag in @relations ->
   1097         Relation.load!(data, value)
   1098       _other ->
   1099         value
   1100     end
   1101   end
   1103   @doc """
   1104   Fetches a change from the given changeset.
   1106   This function only looks at the `:changes` field of the given `changeset` and
   1107   returns `{:ok, value}` if the change is present or `:error` if it's not.
   1109   ## Examples
   1111       iex> changeset = change(%Post{body: "foo"}, %{title: "bar"})
   1112       iex> fetch_change(changeset, :title)
   1113       {:ok, "bar"}
   1114       iex> fetch_change(changeset, :body)
   1115       :error
   1117   """
   1118   @spec fetch_change(t, atom) :: {:ok, term} | :error
   1119   def fetch_change(%Changeset{changes: changes} = _changeset, key) when is_atom(key) do
   1120     Map.fetch(changes, key)
   1121   end
   1123   @doc """
   1124   Same as `fetch_change/2` but returns the value or raises if the given key was not found.
   1126   ## Examples
   1128       iex> changeset = change(%Post{body: "foo"}, %{title: "bar"})
   1129       iex> fetch_change!(changeset, :title)
   1130       "bar"
   1131       iex> fetch_change!(changeset, :body)
   1132       ** (KeyError) key :body not found in: %{title: "bar"}
   1133   """
   1134   @spec fetch_change!(t, atom) :: term
   1135   def fetch_change!(changeset, key) do
   1136     case fetch_change(changeset, key) do
   1137       {:ok, value} ->
   1138         value
   1140       :error ->
   1141         raise KeyError, key: key, term: changeset.changes
   1142     end
   1143   end
   1145   @doc """
   1146   Gets a change or returns a default value.
   1148   ## Examples
   1150       iex> changeset = change(%Post{body: "foo"}, %{title: "bar"})
   1151       iex> get_change(changeset, :title)
   1152       "bar"
   1153       iex> get_change(changeset, :body)
   1154       nil
   1156   """
   1157   @spec get_change(t, atom, term) :: term
   1158   def get_change(%Changeset{changes: changes} = _changeset, key, default \\ nil) when is_atom(key) do
   1159     Map.get(changes, key, default)
   1160   end
   1162   @doc """
   1163   Updates a change.
   1165   The given `function` is invoked with the change value only if there
   1166   is a change for `key`. Note that the value of the change
   1167   can still be `nil` (unless the field was marked as required on `validate_required/3`).
   1169   ## Examples
   1171       iex> changeset = change(%Post{}, %{impressions: 1})
   1172       iex> changeset = update_change(changeset, :impressions, &(&1 + 1))
   1173       iex> changeset.changes.impressions
   1174       2
   1176   """
   1177   @spec update_change(t, atom, (term -> term)) :: t
   1178   def update_change(%Changeset{changes: changes} = changeset, key, function) when is_atom(key) do
   1179     case Map.fetch(changes, key) do
   1180       {:ok, value} ->
   1181         put_change(changeset, key, function.(value))
   1182       :error ->
   1183         changeset
   1184     end
   1185   end
   1187   @doc """
   1188   Puts a change on the given `key` with `value`.
   1190   `key` is an atom that represents any field, embed or
   1191   association in the changeset. Note the `value` is directly
   1192   stored in the changeset with no validation whatsoever.
   1193   For this reason, this function is meant for working with
   1194   data internal to the application.
   1196   If the change is already present, it is overridden with
   1197   the new value. If the change has the same value as in the
   1198   changeset data, it is not added to the list of changes.
   1200   When changing embeds and associations, see `put_assoc/4`
   1201   for a complete reference on the accepted values.
   1203   ## Examples
   1205       iex> changeset = change(%Post{}, %{title: "foo"})
   1206       iex> changeset = put_change(changeset, :title, "bar")
   1207       iex> changeset.changes
   1208       %{title: "bar"}
   1210       iex> changeset = change(%Post{title: "foo"})
   1211       iex> changeset = put_change(changeset, :title, "foo")
   1212       iex> changeset.changes
   1213       %{}
   1215   """
   1216   @spec put_change(t, atom, term) :: t
   1217   def put_change(%Changeset{types: nil}, _key, _value) do
   1218     raise ArgumentError, "changeset does not have types information"
   1219   end
   1221   def put_change(%Changeset{data: data, types: types} = changeset, key, value) do
   1222     type = Map.get(types, key)
   1223     {changes, errors, valid?} =
   1224       put_change(data, changeset.changes, changeset.errors, changeset.valid?, key, value, type)
   1225     %{changeset | changes: changes, errors: errors, valid?: valid?}
   1226   end
   1228   defp put_change(data, changes, errors, valid?, key, value, {tag, relation})
   1229        when tag in @relations do
   1230     original = Map.get(data, key)
   1231     current = Relation.load!(data, original)
   1233     case Relation.change(relation, value, current) do
   1234       {:ok, change, relation_valid?} when change != original ->
   1235         {Map.put(changes, key, change), errors, valid? and relation_valid?}
   1236       {:error, error} ->
   1237         {changes, [{key, error} | errors], false}
   1238       # ignore or ok with change == original
   1239       _ ->
   1240         {Map.delete(changes, key), errors, valid?}
   1241     end
   1242   end
   1244   defp put_change(data, _changes, _errors, _valid?, key, _value, nil) when is_atom(key) do
   1245     raise ArgumentError, "unknown field `#{inspect(key)}` in #{inspect(data)}"
   1246   end
   1248   defp put_change(_data, _changes, _errors, _valid?, key, _value, nil) when not is_atom(key) do
   1249     raise ArgumentError, "field names given to change/put_change must be atoms, got: `#{inspect(key)}`"
   1250   end
   1252   defp put_change(data, changes, errors, valid?, key, value, type) do
   1253     if not Ecto.Type.equal?(type, Map.get(data, key), value) do
   1254       {Map.put(changes, key, value), errors, valid?}
   1255     else
   1256       {Map.delete(changes, key), errors, valid?}
   1257     end
   1258   end
   1260   @doc """
   1261   Puts the given association entry or entries as a change in the changeset.
   1263   This function is used to work with associations as a whole. For example,
   1264   if a Post has many Comments, it allows you to add, remove or change all
   1265   comments at once. If your goal is to simply add a new comment to a post,
   1266   then it is preferred to do so manually, as we will describe later in the
   1267   "Example: Adding a comment to a post" section.
   1269   This function requires the associated data to have been preloaded, except
   1270   when the parent changeset has been newly built and not yet persisted.
   1271   Missing data will invoke the `:on_replace` behaviour defined on the
   1272   association.
   1274   For associations with cardinality one, `nil` can be used to remove the existing
   1275   entry. For associations with many entries, an empty list may be given instead.
   1277   If the association has no changes, it will be skipped. If the association is
   1278   invalid, the changeset will be marked as invalid. If the given value is not any
   1279   of values below, it will raise.
   1281   The associated data may be given in different formats:
   1283     * a map or a keyword list representing changes to be applied to the
   1284       associated data. A map or keyword list can be given to update the
   1285       associated data as long as they have matching primary keys.
   1286       For example, `put_assoc(changeset, :comments, [%{id: 1, title: "changed"}])`
   1287       will locate the comment with `:id` of 1 and update its title.
   1288       If no comment with such id exists, one is created on the fly.
   1289       Since only a single comment was given, any other associated comment
   1290       will be replaced. On all cases, it is expected the keys to be atoms.
   1291       Opposite to `cast_assoc` and `embed_assoc`, the given map (or struct)
   1292       is not validated in any way and will be inserted as is.
   1293       This API is mostly used in scripts and tests, to make it straight-
   1294       forward to create schemas with associations at once, such as:
   1296           Ecto.Changeset.change(
   1297             %Post{},
   1298             title: "foo",
   1300               %{body: "first"},
   1301               %{body: "second"}
   1302             ]
   1303           )
   1305     * changesets - when changesets are given, they are treated as the canonical
   1306       data and the associated data currently stored in the association is either
   1307       updated or replaced. For example, if you call
   1308       `put_assoc(post_changeset, :comments, [list_of_comments_changesets])`,
   1309       all comments with matching IDs will be updated according to the changesets.
   1310       New comments or comments not associated to any post will be correctly
   1311       associated. Currently associated comments that do not have a matching ID
   1312       in the list of changesets will act according to the `:on_replace` association
   1313       configuration (you can chose to raise, ignore the operation, update or delete
   1314       them). If there are changes in any of the changesets, they will be
   1315       persisted too.
   1317     * structs - when structs are given, they are treated as the canonical data
   1318       and the associated data currently stored in the association is replaced.
   1319       For example, if you call
   1320       `put_assoc(post_changeset, :comments, [list_of_comments_structs])`,
   1321       all comments with matching IDs will be replaced by the new structs.
   1322       New comments or comments not associated to any post will be correctly
   1323       associated. Currently associated comments that do not have a matching ID
   1324       in the list of changesets will act according to the `:on_replace`
   1325       association configuration (you can chose to raise, ignore the operation,
   1326       update or delete them). Different to passing changesets, structs are not
   1327       change tracked in any fashion. In other words, if you change a comment
   1328       struct and give it to `put_assoc/4`, the updates in the struct won't be
   1329       persisted. You must use changesets instead. `put_assoc/4` with structs
   1330       only takes care of guaranteeing that the comments and the parent data
   1331       are associated. This is extremely useful when associating existing data,
   1332       as we will see in the "Example: Adding tags to a post" section.
   1334   Once the parent changeset is given to an `Ecto.Repo` function, all entries
   1335   will be inserted/updated/deleted within the same transaction.
   1337   ## Example: Adding a comment to a post
   1339   Imagine a relationship where Post has many comments and you want to add a
   1340   new comment to an existing post. While it is possible to use `put_assoc/4`
   1341   for this, it would be unnecessarily complex. Let's see an example.
   1343   First, let's fetch the post with all existing comments:
   1345       post = Post |> Repo.get!(1) |> Repo.preload(:comments)
   1347   The following approach is **wrong**:
   1349       post
   1350       |> Ecto.Changeset.change()
   1351       |> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:comments, [%Comment{body: "bad example!"}])
   1352       |> Repo.update!()
   1354   The reason why the example above is wrong is because `put_assoc/4` always
   1355   works with the **full data**. So the example above will effectively **erase
   1356   all previous comments** and only keep the comment you are currently adding.
   1357   Instead, you could try:
   1359       post
   1360       |> Ecto.Changeset.change()
   1361       |> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:comments, [%Comment{body: "so-so example!"} | post.comments])
   1362       |> Repo.update!()
   1364   In this example, we prepend the new comment to the list of existing comments.
   1365   Ecto will diff the list of comments currently in `post` with the list of comments
   1366   given, and correctly insert the new comment to the database. Note, however,
   1367   Ecto is doing a lot of work just to figure out something we knew since the
   1368   beginning, which is that there is only one new comment.
   1370   In cases like above, when you want to work only on a single entry, it is
   1371   much easier to simply work on the associated directly. For example, we
   1372   could instead set the `post` association in the comment:
   1374       %Comment{body: "better example"}
   1375       |> Ecto.Changeset.change()
   1376       |> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:post, post)
   1377       |> Repo.insert!()
   1379   Alternatively, we can make sure that when we create a comment, it is already
   1380   associated to the post:
   1382       Ecto.build_assoc(post, :comments)
   1383       |> Ecto.Changeset.change(body: "great example!")
   1384       |> Repo.insert!()
   1386   Or we can simply set the post_id in the comment itself:
   1388       %Comment{body: "better example", post_id: post.id}
   1389       |> Repo.insert!()
   1391   In other words, when you find yourself wanting to work only with a subset
   1392   of the data, then using `put_assoc/4` is most likely unnecessary. Instead,
   1393   you want to work on the other side of the association.
   1395   Let's see an example where using `put_assoc/4` is a good fit.
   1397   ## Example: Adding tags to a post
   1399   Imagine you are receiving a set of tags you want to associate to a post.
   1400   Let's imagine that those tags exist upfront and are all persisted to the
   1401   database. Imagine we get the data in this format:
   1403       params = %{"title" => "new post", "tags" => ["learner"]}
   1405   Now, since the tags already exist, we will bring all of them from the
   1406   database and put them directly in the post:
   1408       tags = Repo.all(from t in Tag, where: t.name in ^params["tags"])
   1410       post
   1411       |> Repo.preload(:tags)
   1412       |> Ecto.Changeset.cast(params, [:title]) # No need to allow :tags as we put them directly
   1413       |> Ecto.Changeset.put_assoc(:tags, tags) # Explicitly set the tags
   1415   Since in this case we always require the user to pass all tags
   1416   directly, using `put_assoc/4` is a great fit. It will automatically
   1417   remove any tag not given and properly associate all of the given
   1418   tags with the post.
   1420   Furthermore, since the tag information is given as structs read directly
   1421   from the database, Ecto will treat the data as correct and only do the
   1422   minimum necessary to guarantee that posts and tags are associated,
   1423   without trying to update or diff any of the fields in the tag struct.
   1425   Although it accepts an `opts` argument, there are no options currently
   1426   supported by `put_assoc/4`.
   1427   """
   1428   def put_assoc(%Changeset{} = changeset, name, value, opts \\ []) do
   1429     put_relation(:assoc, changeset, name, value, opts)
   1430   end
   1432   @doc """
   1433   Puts the given embed entry or entries as a change in the changeset.
   1435   This function is used to work with embeds as a whole. For embeds with
   1436   cardinality one, `nil` can be used to remove the existing entry. For
   1437   embeds with many entries, an empty list may be given instead.
   1439   If the embed has no changes, it will be skipped. If the embed is
   1440   invalid, the changeset will be marked as invalid.
   1442   The list of supported values and their behaviour is described in
   1443   `put_assoc/4`. If the given value is not any of values listed there,
   1444   it will raise.
   1446   Although this function accepts an `opts` argument, there are no options
   1447   currently supported by `put_embed/4`.
   1448   """
   1449   def put_embed(%Changeset{} = changeset, name, value, opts \\ []) do
   1450     put_relation(:embed, changeset, name, value, opts)
   1451   end
   1453   defp put_relation(_tag, %{types: nil}, _name, _value, _opts) do
   1454     raise ArgumentError, "changeset does not have types information"
   1455   end
   1457   defp put_relation(tag, changeset, name, value, _opts) do
   1458     %{data: data, types: types, changes: changes, errors: errors, valid?: valid?} = changeset
   1459     relation = relation!(:put, tag, name, Map.get(types, name))
   1460     {changes, errors, valid?} =
   1461       put_change(data, changes, errors, valid?, name, value, {tag, relation})
   1462     %{changeset | changes: changes, errors: errors, valid?: valid?}
   1463   end
   1465   @doc """
   1466   Forces a change on the given `key` with `value`.
   1468   If the change is already present, it is overridden with
   1469   the new value.
   1471   ## Examples
   1473       iex> changeset = change(%Post{author: "bar"}, %{title: "foo"})
   1474       iex> changeset = force_change(changeset, :title, "bar")
   1475       iex> changeset.changes
   1476       %{title: "bar"}
   1478       iex> changeset = force_change(changeset, :author, "bar")
   1479       iex> changeset.changes
   1480       %{title: "bar", author: "bar"}
   1482   """
   1483   @spec force_change(t, atom, term) :: t
   1484   def force_change(%Changeset{types: nil}, _key, _value) do
   1485     raise ArgumentError, "changeset does not have types information"
   1486   end
   1488   def force_change(%Changeset{types: types} = changeset, key, value) do
   1489     case Map.get(types, key) do
   1490       {tag, _} when tag in @relations ->
   1491         raise "changing #{tag}s with force_change/3 is not supported, " <>
   1492               "please use put_#{tag}/4 instead"
   1493       nil ->
   1494         raise ArgumentError, "unknown field `#{inspect(key)}` in #{inspect(changeset.data)}"
   1495       _ ->
   1496         put_in changeset.changes[key], value
   1497     end
   1498   end
   1500   @doc """
   1501   Deletes a change with the given key.
   1503   ## Examples
   1505       iex> changeset = change(%Post{}, %{title: "foo"})
   1506       iex> changeset = delete_change(changeset, :title)
   1507       iex> get_change(changeset, :title)
   1508       nil
   1510   """
   1511   @spec delete_change(t, atom) :: t
   1512   def delete_change(%Changeset{} = changeset, key) when is_atom(key) do
   1513     update_in changeset.changes, &Map.delete(&1, key)
   1514   end
   1517   @doc """
   1518   Applies the changeset changes to the changeset data.
   1520   This operation will return the underlying data with changes
   1521   regardless if the changeset is valid or not. See `apply_action/2`
   1522   for a similar function that ensures the changeset is valid.
   1524   ## Examples
   1526       iex> changeset = change(%Post{author: "bar"}, %{title: "foo"})
   1527       iex> apply_changes(changeset)
   1528       %Post{author: "bar", title: "foo"}
   1530   """
   1531   @spec apply_changes(t) :: Ecto.Schema.t | data
   1532   def apply_changes(%Changeset{changes: changes, data: data}) when changes == %{} do
   1533     data
   1534   end
   1536   def apply_changes(%Changeset{changes: changes, data: data, types: types}) do
   1537     Enum.reduce(changes, data, fn {key, value}, acc ->
   1538       case Map.fetch(types, key) do
   1539         {:ok, {tag, relation}} when tag in @relations ->
   1540           apply_relation_changes(acc, key, relation, value)
   1542         {:ok, _} ->
   1543           Map.put(acc, key, value)
   1544         :error ->
   1545           acc
   1546       end
   1547     end)
   1548   end
   1550   @doc """
   1551   Applies the changeset action only if the changes are valid.
   1553   If the changes are valid, all changes are applied to the changeset data.
   1554   If the changes are invalid, no changes are applied, and an error tuple
   1555   is returned with the changeset containing the action that was attempted
   1556   to be applied.
   1558   The action may be any atom.
   1560   ## Examples
   1562       iex> {:ok, data} = apply_action(changeset, :update)
   1564       iex> {:ok, data} = apply_action(changeset, :my_action)
   1566       iex> {:error, changeset} = apply_action(changeset, :update)
   1567       %Ecto.Changeset{action: :update}
   1568   """
   1569   @spec apply_action(t, atom) :: {:ok, Ecto.Schema.t() | data} | {:error, t}
   1570   def apply_action(%Changeset{} = changeset, action) when is_atom(action) do
   1571     if changeset.valid? do
   1572       {:ok, apply_changes(changeset)}
   1573     else
   1574       {:error, %Changeset{changeset | action: action}}
   1575     end
   1576   end
   1578   def apply_action(%Changeset{}, action) do
   1579     raise ArgumentError, "expected action to be an atom, got: #{inspect action}"
   1580   end
   1582   @doc """
   1583   Applies the changeset action if the changes are valid or raises an error.
   1585   ## Examples
   1587       iex> changeset = change(%Post{author: "bar"}, %{title: "foo"})
   1588       iex> apply_action!(changeset, :update)
   1589       %Post{author: "bar", title: "foo"}
   1591       iex> changeset = change(%Post{author: "bar"}, %{title: :bad})
   1592       iex> apply_action!(changeset, :update)
   1593       ** (Ecto.InvalidChangesetError) could not perform update because changeset is invalid.
   1595   See `apply_action/2` for more information.
   1596   """
   1597   @spec apply_action!(t, atom) :: Ecto.Schema.t() | data
   1598   def apply_action!(%Changeset{} = changeset, action) do
   1599     case apply_action(changeset, action) do
   1600       {:ok, data} ->
   1601         data
   1603       {:error, changeset} ->
   1604         raise Ecto.InvalidChangesetError, action: action, changeset: changeset
   1605     end
   1606   end
   1608   ## Validations
   1610   @doc ~S"""
   1611   Returns a keyword list of the validations for this changeset.
   1613   The keys in the list are the names of fields, and the values are a
   1614   validation associated with the field. A field may occur multiple
   1615   times in the list.
   1617   ## Example
   1619       %Post{}
   1620       |> change()
   1621       |> validate_format(:title, ~r/^\w+:\s/, message: "must start with a topic")
   1622       |> validate_length(:title, max: 100)
   1623       |> validations()
   1624       #=> [
   1625         title: {:length, [ max: 100 ]},
   1626         title: {:format, ~r/^\w+:\s/}
   1627       ]
   1629   The following validations may be included in the result. The list is
   1630   not necessarily exhaustive. For example, custom validations written
   1631   by the developer will also appear in our return value.
   1633   This first group contains validations that hold a keyword list of validators.
   1634   This list may also include a `:message` key.
   1636     * `{:length, [option]}`
   1638       * `min: n`
   1639       * `max: n`
   1640       * `is: n`
   1641       * `count: :graphemes | :codepoints`
   1643     * `{:number,  [option]}`
   1645       * `equal_to: n`
   1646       * `greater_than: n`
   1647       * `greater_than_or_equal_to: n`
   1648       * `less_than: n`
   1649       * `less_than_or_equal_to: n`
   1651   The other validators simply take a value:
   1653     * `{:exclusion, Enum.t}`
   1654     * `{:format, ~r/pattern/}`
   1655     * `{:inclusion, Enum.t}`
   1656     * `{:subset, Enum.t}`
   1658   Note that calling `validate_required/3` does not store the validation under the
   1659   `changeset.validations` key (and so won't be included in the result of this
   1660   function). The required fields are stored under the `changeset.required` key.
   1661   """
   1662   @spec validations(t) :: [{atom, term}]
   1663   def validations(%Changeset{validations: validations}) do
   1664     validations
   1665   end
   1667   @doc """
   1668   Adds an error to the changeset.
   1670   An additional keyword list `keys` can be passed to provide additional
   1671   contextual information for the error. This is useful when using
   1672   `traverse_errors/2` and when translating errors with `Gettext`
   1674   ## Examples
   1676       iex> changeset = change(%Post{}, %{title: ""})
   1677       iex> changeset = add_error(changeset, :title, "empty")
   1678       iex> changeset.errors
   1679       [title: {"empty", []}]
   1680       iex> changeset.valid?
   1681       false
   1683       iex> changeset = change(%Post{}, %{title: ""})
   1684       iex> changeset = add_error(changeset, :title, "empty", additional: "info")
   1685       iex> changeset.errors
   1686       [title: {"empty", [additional: "info"]}]
   1687       iex> changeset.valid?
   1688       false
   1690       iex> changeset = change(%Post{}, %{tags: ["ecto", "elixir", "x"]})
   1691       iex> changeset = add_error(changeset, :tags, "tag '%{val}' is too short", val: "x")
   1692       iex> changeset.errors
   1693       [tags: {"tag '%{val}' is too short", [val: "x"]}]
   1694       iex> changeset.valid?
   1695       false
   1696   """
   1697   @spec add_error(t, atom, String.t, Keyword.t) :: t
   1698   def add_error(%Changeset{errors: errors} = changeset, key, message, keys \\ []) when is_binary(message) do
   1699     %{changeset | errors: [{key, {message, keys}}|errors], valid?: false}
   1700   end
   1702   @doc """
   1703   Validates the given `field` change.
   1705   It invokes the `validator` function to perform the validation
   1706   only if a change for the given `field` exists and the change
   1707   value is not `nil`. The function must return a list of errors
   1708   (with an empty list meaning no errors).
   1710   In case there's at least one error, the list of errors will be appended to the
   1711   `:errors` field of the changeset and the `:valid?` flag will be set to
   1712   `false`.
   1714   ## Examples
   1716       iex> changeset = change(%Post{}, %{title: "foo"})
   1717       iex> changeset = validate_change changeset, :title, fn :title, title  ->
   1718       ...>   # Value must not be "foo"!
   1719       ...>   if title == "foo" do
   1720       ...>     [title: "cannot be foo"]
   1721       ...>   else
   1722       ...>     []
   1723       ...>   end
   1724       ...> end
   1725       iex> changeset.errors
   1726       [title: {"cannot be foo", []}]
   1728   """
   1729   @spec validate_change(t, atom, (atom, term -> [{atom, String.t} | {atom, {String.t, Keyword.t}}])) :: t
   1730   def validate_change(%Changeset{} = changeset, field, validator) when is_atom(field) do
   1731     %{changes: changes, types: types, errors: errors} = changeset
   1732     ensure_field_exists!(changeset, types, field)
   1734     value = Map.get(changes, field)
   1735     new   = if is_nil(value), do: [], else: validator.(field, value)
   1736     new   =
   1737       Enum.map(new, fn
   1738         {key, val} when is_atom(key) and is_binary(val) ->
   1739           {key, {val, []}}
   1740         {key, {val, opts}} when is_atom(key) and is_binary(val) and is_list(opts) ->
   1741           {key, {val, opts}}
   1742       end)
   1744     case new do
   1745       []    -> changeset
   1746       [_|_] -> %{changeset | errors: new ++ errors, valid?: false}
   1747     end
   1748   end
   1750   @doc """
   1751   Stores the validation `metadata` and validates the given `field` change.
   1753   Similar to `validate_change/3` but stores the validation metadata
   1754   into the changeset validators. The validator metadata is often used
   1755   as a reflection mechanism, to automatically generate code based on
   1756   the available validations.
   1758   ## Examples
   1760       iex> changeset = change(%Post{}, %{title: "foo"})
   1761       iex> changeset = validate_change changeset, :title, :useless_validator, fn
   1762       ...>   _, _ -> []
   1763       ...> end
   1764       iex> changeset.validations
   1765       [title: :useless_validator]
   1767   """
   1768   @spec validate_change(t, atom, term, (atom, term -> [{atom, String.t} | {atom, {String.t, Keyword.t}}])) :: t
   1769   def validate_change(%Changeset{validations: validations} = changeset,
   1770                       field, metadata, validator) do
   1771     changeset = %{changeset | validations: [{field, metadata}|validations]}
   1772     validate_change(changeset, field, validator)
   1773   end
   1775   @doc """
   1776   Validates that one or more fields are present in the changeset.
   1778   You can pass a single field name or a list of field names that
   1779   are required.
   1781   If the value of a field is `nil` or a string made only of whitespace,
   1782   the changeset is marked as invalid, the field is removed from the
   1783   changeset's changes, and an error is added. An error won't be added if
   1784   the field already has an error.
   1786   If a field is given to `validate_required/3` but it has not been passed
   1787   as parameter during `cast/3` (i.e. it has not been changed), then
   1788   `validate_required/3` will check for its current value in the data.
   1789   If the data contains an non-empty value for the field, then no error is
   1790   added. This allows developers to use `validate_required/3` to perform
   1791   partial updates. For example, on `insert` all fields would be required,
   1792   because their default values on the data are all `nil`, but on `update`,
   1793   if you don't want to change a field that has been previously set,
   1794   you are not required to pass it as a parameter, since `validate_required/3`
   1795   won't add an error for missing changes as long as the value in the
   1796   data given to the `changeset` is not empty.
   1798   Do not use this function to validate associations that are required,
   1799   instead pass the `:required` option to `cast_assoc/3` or `cast_embed/3`.
   1801   Opposite to other validations, calling this function does not store
   1802   the validation under the `changeset.validations` key. Instead, it
   1803   stores all required fields under `changeset.required`.
   1805   ## Options
   1807     * `:message` - the message on failure, defaults to "can't be blank"
   1808     * `:trim` - a boolean that sets whether whitespaces are removed before
   1809       running the validation on binaries/strings, defaults to true
   1811   ## Examples
   1813       validate_required(changeset, :title)
   1814       validate_required(changeset, [:title, :body])
   1816   """
   1817   @spec validate_required(t, list | atom, Keyword.t) :: t
   1818   def validate_required(%Changeset{} = changeset, fields, opts \\ []) when not is_nil(fields) do
   1819     %{required: required, errors: errors, changes: changes, types: types} = changeset
   1820     trim = Keyword.get(opts, :trim, true)
   1821     fields = List.wrap(fields)
   1823     fields_with_errors =
   1824       for field <- fields,
   1825           ensure_field_not_many!(types, field),
   1826           missing?(changeset, field, trim),
   1827           ensure_field_exists!(changeset, types, field),
   1828           is_nil(errors[field]),
   1829           do: field
   1831     case fields_with_errors do
   1832       [] ->
   1833         %{changeset | required: fields ++ required}
   1835       _  ->
   1836         message = message(opts, "can't be blank")
   1837         new_errors = Enum.map(fields_with_errors, &{&1, {message, [validation: :required]}})
   1838         changes = Map.drop(changes, fields_with_errors)
   1839         %{changeset | changes: changes, required: fields ++ required, errors: new_errors ++ errors, valid?: false}
   1840     end
   1841   end
   1843   @doc """
   1844   Validates that no existing record with a different primary key
   1845   has the same values for these fields.
   1847   This function exists to provide quick feedback to users of your
   1848   application. It should not be relied on for any data guarantee as it
   1849   has race conditions and is inherently unsafe. For example, if this
   1850   check happens twice in the same time interval (because the user
   1851   submitted a form twice), both checks may pass and you may end-up with
   1852   duplicate entries in the database. Therefore, a `unique_constraint/3`
   1853   should also be used to ensure your data won't get corrupted.
   1855   However, because constraints are only checked if all validations
   1856   succeed, this function can be used as an early check to provide
   1857   early feedback to users, since most conflicting data will have been
   1858   inserted prior to the current validation phase.
   1860   ## Options
   1862     * `:message` - the message in case the constraint check fails,
   1863       defaults to "has already been taken".
   1865     * `:error_key` - the key to which changeset error will be added when
   1866       check fails, defaults to the first field name of the given list of
   1867       fields.
   1869     * `:prefix` - the prefix to run the query on (such as the schema path
   1870       in Postgres or the database in MySQL). See `Ecto.Repo` documentation
   1871       for more information.
   1873     * `:repo_opts` - the options to pass to the `Ecto.Repo` call.
   1875     * `:query` - the base query to use for the check. Defaults to the schema of
   1876       the changeset. If the primary key is set, a clause will be added to exclude
   1877       the changeset row itself from the check.
   1879   ## Examples
   1881       unsafe_validate_unique(changeset, :city_name, repo)
   1882       unsafe_validate_unique(changeset, [:city_name, :state_name], repo)
   1883       unsafe_validate_unique(changeset, [:city_name, :state_name], repo, message: "city must be unique within state")
   1884       unsafe_validate_unique(changeset, [:city_name, :state_name], repo, prefix: "public")
   1885       unsafe_validate_unique(changeset, [:city_name, :state_name], repo, query: from(c in City, where: is_nil(c.deleted_at)))
   1887   """
   1888   @spec unsafe_validate_unique(t, atom | [atom, ...], Ecto.Repo.t, Keyword.t) :: t
   1889   def unsafe_validate_unique(%Changeset{} = changeset, fields, repo, opts \\ []) when is_list(opts) do
   1890     {repo_opts, opts} = Keyword.pop(opts, :repo_opts, [])
   1891     %{data: data, validations: validations} = changeset
   1893     unless is_struct(data) and function_exported?(data.__struct__, :__schema__, 1) do
   1894       raise ArgumentError,
   1895             "unsafe_validate_unique/4 does not work with schemaless changesets, got #{inspect(data)}"
   1896     end
   1898     schema =
   1899       case {changeset.data, opts[:query]} do
   1900         # regular schema
   1901         {%schema{__meta__: %Metadata{}}, _} ->
   1902           schema
   1904         # embedded schema with base query
   1905         {%schema{}, base_query} when base_query != nil ->
   1906           schema
   1908         # embedded schema without base query
   1909         {data, _} ->
   1910           raise ArgumentError,
   1911                 "unsafe_validate_unique/4 does not work with embedded schemas unless " <>
   1912                   "the `:query` option is specified, got: #{inspect(data)}"
   1913       end
   1915     fields = List.wrap(fields)
   1916     changeset = %{changeset | validations: [{hd(fields), {:unsafe_unique, fields: fields}} | validations]}
   1918     where_clause = for field <- fields do
   1919       {field, get_field(changeset, field)}
   1920     end
   1922     # No need to query if there is a prior error for the fields
   1923     any_prior_errors_for_fields? = Enum.any?(changeset.errors, &(elem(&1, 0) in fields))
   1925     # No need to query if we haven't changed any of the fields in question
   1926     unrelated_changes? = Enum.all?(fields, &not Map.has_key?(changeset.changes, &1))
   1928     # If we don't have values for all fields, we can't query for uniqueness
   1929     any_nil_values_for_fields? = Enum.any?(where_clause, &(&1 |> elem(1) |> is_nil()))
   1931     if unrelated_changes? or any_nil_values_for_fields? or any_prior_errors_for_fields? do
   1932       changeset
   1933     else
   1934       query =
   1935         Keyword.get(opts, :query, schema)
   1936         |> maybe_exclude_itself(schema, changeset)
   1937         |> Ecto.Query.where(^where_clause)
   1939       query =
   1940         if prefix = opts[:prefix] do
   1941           Ecto.Query.put_query_prefix(query, prefix)
   1942         else
   1943           query
   1944         end
   1946       if repo.exists?(query, repo_opts) do
   1947         error_key = Keyword.get(opts, :error_key, hd(fields))
   1949         add_error(changeset, error_key, message(opts, "has already been taken"),
   1950                   validation: :unsafe_unique, fields: fields)
   1951       else
   1952         changeset
   1953       end
   1954     end
   1955   end
   1957   defp maybe_exclude_itself(base_query, schema, changeset) do
   1958     :primary_key
   1959     |> schema.__schema__()
   1960     |> Enum.map(&{&1, get_field(changeset, &1)})
   1961     |> case do
   1962       [{_pk_field, nil} | _remaining_pks] ->
   1963         base_query
   1965       [{pk_field, value} | remaining_pks] ->
   1966         # generate a clean query (one that does not start with 'TRUE OR ...')
   1967         first_expr = Ecto.Query.dynamic([q], field(q, ^pk_field) == ^value)
   1969         Enum.reduce_while(remaining_pks, first_expr, fn
   1970           {_pk_field, nil}, _expr ->
   1971             {:halt, nil}
   1973           {pk_field, value}, expr ->
   1974             {:cont, Ecto.Query.dynamic([q], ^expr and field(q, ^pk_field) == ^value)}
   1975         end)
   1976         |> case do
   1977           nil ->
   1978             base_query
   1980           matches_pk ->
   1981             Ecto.Query.where(base_query, ^Ecto.Query.dynamic(not (^matches_pk)))
   1982         end
   1984       [] ->
   1985         base_query
   1986     end
   1987   end
   1989   defp ensure_field_exists!(changeset = %Changeset{}, types, field) do
   1990     unless Map.has_key?(types, field) do
   1991       raise ArgumentError, "unknown field #{inspect(field)} in #{inspect(changeset.data)}"
   1992     end
   1993     true
   1994   end
   1996   defp ensure_field_not_many!(types, field) do
   1997     case types do
   1998       %{^field => {:assoc, %Ecto.Association.Has{cardinality: :many}}} ->
   1999         IO.warn("attempting to validate has_many association #{inspect(field)} " <>
   2000                 "with validate_required/3 which has no effect. You can pass the " <>
   2001                 ":required option to Ecto.Changeset.cast_assoc/3 to achieve this.")
   2003       %{^field => {:embed, %Ecto.Embedded{cardinality: :many}}} ->
   2004         IO.warn("attempting to validate embed_many field #{inspect(field)} " <>
   2005                 "with validate_required/3 which has no effect. You can pass the " <>
   2006                 ":required option to Ecto.Changeset.cast_embed/3 to achieve this.")
   2008       _ ->
   2009         true
   2010     end
   2011   end
   2013   defp missing?(changeset, field, trim) when is_atom(field) do
   2014     case get_field(changeset, field) do
   2015       %{__struct__: Ecto.Association.NotLoaded} ->
   2016         raise ArgumentError, "attempting to validate association `#{field}` " <>
   2017                              "that was not loaded. Please preload your associations " <>
   2018                              "before calling validate_required/3 or pass the :required " <>
   2019                              "option to Ecto.Changeset.cast_assoc/3"
   2020       value when is_binary(value) and trim -> String.trim_leading(value) == ""
   2021       value when is_binary(value) -> value == ""
   2022       nil -> true
   2023       _ -> false
   2024     end
   2025   end
   2027   defp missing?(_changeset, field, _trim) do
   2028     raise ArgumentError, "validate_required/3 expects field names to be atoms, got: `#{inspect field}`"
   2029   end
   2031   @doc """
   2032   Validates a change has the given format.
   2034   The format has to be expressed as a regular expression.
   2036   ## Options
   2038     * `:message` - the message on failure, defaults to "has invalid format"
   2040   ## Examples
   2042       validate_format(changeset, :email, ~r/@/)
   2044   """
   2045   @spec validate_format(t, atom, Regex.t, Keyword.t) :: t
   2046   def validate_format(changeset, field, format, opts \\ []) do
   2047     validate_change changeset, field, {:format, format}, fn _, value ->
   2048       if value =~ format, do: [], else: [{field, {message(opts, "has invalid format"), [validation: :format]}}]
   2049     end
   2050   end
   2052   @doc """
   2053   Validates a change is included in the given enumerable.
   2055   ## Options
   2057     * `:message` - the message on failure, defaults to "is invalid"
   2059   ## Examples
   2061       validate_inclusion(changeset, :cardinal_direction, ["north", "east", "south", "west"])
   2062       validate_inclusion(changeset, :age, 0..99)
   2064   """
   2065   @spec validate_inclusion(t, atom, Enum.t, Keyword.t) :: t
   2066   def validate_inclusion(changeset, field, data, opts \\ []) do
   2067     validate_change changeset, field, {:inclusion, data}, fn _, value ->
   2068       type = Map.fetch!(changeset.types, field)
   2070       if Ecto.Type.include?(type, value, data),
   2071         do: [],
   2072         else: [{field, {message(opts, "is invalid"), [validation: :inclusion, enum: data]}}]
   2073     end
   2074   end
   2076   @doc ~S"""
   2077   Validates a change, of type enum, is a subset of the given enumerable.
   2079   This validates if a list of values belongs to the given enumerable.
   2080   If you need to validate if a single value is inside the given enumerable,
   2081   you should use `validate_inclusion/4` instead.
   2083   Type of the field must be array.
   2085   ## Options
   2087     * `:message` - the message on failure, defaults to "has an invalid entry"
   2089   ## Examples
   2091       validate_subset(changeset, :pets, ["cat", "dog", "parrot"])
   2092       validate_subset(changeset, :lottery_numbers, 0..99)
   2094   """
   2095   @spec validate_subset(t, atom, Enum.t, Keyword.t) :: t
   2096   def validate_subset(changeset, field, data, opts \\ []) do
   2097     validate_change changeset, field, {:subset, data}, fn _, value ->
   2098       element_type =
   2099         case Map.fetch!(changeset.types, field) do
   2100           {:array, element_type} ->
   2101             element_type
   2103           type ->
   2104             # backwards compatibility: custom types use underlying type
   2105             {:array, element_type} = Ecto.Type.type(type)
   2106             element_type
   2107         end
   2109       case Enum.any?(value, fn element -> not Ecto.Type.include?(element_type, element, data) end) do
   2110         true -> [{field, {message(opts, "has an invalid entry"), [validation: :subset, enum: data]}}]
   2111         false -> []
   2112       end
   2113     end
   2114   end
   2116   @doc """
   2117   Validates a change is not included in the given enumerable.
   2119   ## Options
   2121     * `:message` - the message on failure, defaults to "is reserved"
   2123   ## Examples
   2125       validate_exclusion(changeset, :name, ~w(admin superadmin))
   2127   """
   2128   @spec validate_exclusion(t, atom, Enum.t, Keyword.t) :: t
   2129   def validate_exclusion(changeset, field, data, opts \\ []) do
   2130     validate_change changeset, field, {:exclusion, data}, fn _, value ->
   2131       type = Map.fetch!(changeset.types, field)
   2133       if Ecto.Type.include?(type, value, data), do:
   2134         [{field, {message(opts, "is reserved"), [validation: :exclusion, enum: data]}}], else: []
   2135     end
   2136   end
   2138   @doc """
   2139   Validates a change is a string or list of the given length.
   2141   Note that the length of a string is counted in graphemes by default. If using
   2142   this validation to match a character limit of a database backend,
   2143   it's likely that the limit ignores graphemes and limits the number
   2144   of unicode characters. Then consider using the `:count` option to
   2145   limit the number of codepoints (`:codepoints`), or limit the number of bytes (`:bytes`).
   2147   ## Options
   2149     * `:is` - the length must be exactly this value
   2150     * `:min` - the length must be greater than or equal to this value
   2151     * `:max` - the length must be less than or equal to this value
   2152     * `:count` - what length to count for string, `:graphemes` (default), `:codepoints` or `:bytes`
   2153     * `:message` - the message on failure, depending on the validation, is one of:
   2154       * for strings:
   2155         * "should be %{count} character(s)"
   2156         * "should be at least %{count} character(s)"
   2157         * "should be at most %{count} character(s)"
   2158       * for binary:
   2159         * "should be %{count} byte(s)"
   2160         * "should be at least %{count} byte(s)"
   2161         * "should be at most %{count} byte(s)"
   2162       * for lists:
   2163         * "should have %{count} item(s)"
   2164         * "should have at least %{count} item(s)"
   2165         * "should have at most %{count} item(s)"
   2167   ## Examples
   2169       validate_length(changeset, :title, min: 3)
   2170       validate_length(changeset, :title, max: 100)
   2171       validate_length(changeset, :title, min: 3, max: 100)
   2172       validate_length(changeset, :code, is: 9)
   2173       validate_length(changeset, :topics, is: 2)
   2174       validate_length(changeset, :icon, count: :bytes, max: 1024 * 16)
   2176   """
   2177   @spec validate_length(t, atom, Keyword.t) :: t
   2178   def validate_length(changeset, field, opts) when is_list(opts) do
   2179     validate_change changeset, field, {:length, opts}, fn
   2180       _, value ->
   2181         count_type = opts[:count] || :graphemes
   2182         {type, length} = case {value, count_type} do
   2183           {value, :codepoints} when is_binary(value) ->
   2184             {:string, codepoints_length(value, 0)}
   2185           {value, :graphemes} when is_binary(value) ->
   2186             {:string, String.length(value)}
   2187           {value, :bytes} when is_binary(value) ->
   2188             {:binary, byte_size(value)}
   2189           {value, _} when is_list(value) ->
   2190             {:list, list_length(changeset, field, value)}
   2191         end
   2193         error = ((is = opts[:is]) && wrong_length(type, length, is, opts)) ||
   2194                 ((min = opts[:min]) && too_short(type, length, min, opts)) ||
   2195                 ((max = opts[:max]) && too_long(type, length, max, opts))
   2197         if error, do: [{field, error}], else: []
   2198     end
   2199   end
   2201   defp codepoints_length(<<_::utf8, rest::binary>>, acc), do: codepoints_length(rest, acc + 1)
   2202   defp codepoints_length(<<_, rest::binary>>, acc), do: codepoints_length(rest, acc + 1)
   2203   defp codepoints_length(<<>>, acc), do: acc
   2205   defp list_length(%{types: types}, field, value) do
   2206     case Map.fetch(types, field) do
   2207       {:ok, {tag, _association}} when tag in [:embed, :assoc] ->
   2208         length(Relation.filter_empty(value))
   2209       _ ->
   2210         length(value)
   2211     end
   2212   end
   2214   defp wrong_length(_type, value, value, _opts), do: nil
   2215   defp wrong_length(:string, _length, value, opts), do:
   2216     {message(opts, "should be %{count} character(s)"), count: value, validation: :length, kind: :is, type: :string}
   2217   defp wrong_length(:binary, _length, value, opts), do:
   2218     {message(opts, "should be %{count} byte(s)"), count: value, validation: :length, kind: :is, type: :binary}
   2219   defp wrong_length(:list, _length, value, opts), do:
   2220     {message(opts, "should have %{count} item(s)"), count: value, validation: :length, kind: :is, type: :list}
   2222   defp too_short(_type, length, value, _opts) when length >= value, do: nil
   2223   defp too_short(:string, _length, value, opts), do:
   2224     {message(opts, "should be at least %{count} character(s)"), count: value, validation: :length, kind: :min, type: :string}
   2225   defp too_short(:binary, _length, value, opts), do:
   2226     {message(opts, "should be at least %{count} byte(s)"), count: value, validation: :length, kind: :min, type: :binary}
   2227   defp too_short(:list, _length, value, opts), do:
   2228     {message(opts, "should have at least %{count} item(s)"), count: value, validation: :length, kind: :min, type: :list}
   2230   defp too_long(_type, length, value, _opts) when length <= value, do: nil
   2231   defp too_long(:string, _length, value, opts), do:
   2232     {message(opts, "should be at most %{count} character(s)"), count: value, validation: :length, kind: :max, type: :string}
   2233   defp too_long(:binary, _length, value, opts), do:
   2234     {message(opts, "should be at most %{count} byte(s)"), count: value, validation: :length, kind: :max, type: :binary}
   2235   defp too_long(:list, _length, value, opts), do:
   2236     {message(opts, "should have at most %{count} item(s)"), count: value, validation: :length, kind: :max, type: :list}
   2238   @doc """
   2239   Validates the properties of a number.
   2241   ## Options
   2243     * `:less_than`
   2244     * `:greater_than`
   2245     * `:less_than_or_equal_to`
   2246     * `:greater_than_or_equal_to`
   2247     * `:equal_to`
   2248     * `:not_equal_to`
   2249     * `:message` - the message on failure, defaults to one of:
   2250       * "must be less than %{number}"
   2251       * "must be greater than %{number}"
   2252       * "must be less than or equal to %{number}"
   2253       * "must be greater than or equal to %{number}"
   2254       * "must be equal to %{number}"
   2255       * "must be not equal to %{number}"
   2257   ## Examples
   2259       validate_number(changeset, :count, less_than: 3)
   2260       validate_number(changeset, :pi, greater_than: 3, less_than: 4)
   2261       validate_number(changeset, :the_answer_to_life_the_universe_and_everything, equal_to: 42)
   2263   """
   2264   @spec validate_number(t, atom, Keyword.t) :: t
   2265   def validate_number(changeset, field, opts) do
   2266     validate_change changeset, field, {:number, opts}, fn
   2267       field, value ->
   2268         {message, opts} = Keyword.pop(opts, :message)
   2270         unless valid_number?(value) do
   2271           raise ArgumentError, "expected field `#{field}` to be a decimal, integer, or float, got: #{inspect(value)}"
   2272         end
   2274         Enum.find_value opts, [], fn {spec_key, target_value} ->
   2275           case Map.fetch(@number_validators, spec_key) do
   2276             {:ok, {spec_function, default_message}} ->
   2277               unless valid_number?(target_value) do
   2278                 raise ArgumentError, "expected option `#{spec_key}` to be a decimal, integer, or float, got: #{inspect(target_value)}"
   2279               end
   2281               compare_numbers(field, value, message || default_message,
   2282                               spec_key, spec_function, target_value)
   2284             :error ->
   2285               supported_options = @number_validators |> Map.keys() |> Enum.map_join("\n", &"  * #{inspect(&1)}")
   2287               raise ArgumentError, """
   2288               unknown option #{inspect spec_key} given to validate_number/3
   2290               The supported options are:
   2292               #{supported_options}
   2293               """
   2294           end
   2295         end
   2296     end
   2297   end
   2299   defp valid_number?(%Decimal{}), do: true
   2300   defp valid_number?(other), do: is_number(other)
   2302   defp compare_numbers(field, %Decimal{} = value, message, spec_key, _spec_function, %Decimal{} = target_value) do
   2303     result = Decimal.compare(value, target_value) |> normalize_compare()
   2304     case decimal_compare(result, spec_key) do
   2305       true -> nil
   2306       false -> [{field, {message, validation: :number, kind: spec_key, number: target_value}}]
   2307     end
   2308   end
   2310   defp compare_numbers(field, value, message, spec_key, spec_function, %Decimal{} = target_value) do
   2311     compare_numbers(field, decimal_new(value), message, spec_key, spec_function, target_value)
   2312   end
   2314   defp compare_numbers(field, %Decimal{} = value, message, spec_key, spec_function, target_value) do
   2315     compare_numbers(field, value, message, spec_key, spec_function, decimal_new(target_value))
   2316   end
   2318   defp compare_numbers(field, value, message, spec_key, spec_function, target_value) do
   2319     case apply(spec_function, [value, target_value]) do
   2320       true  -> nil
   2321       false -> [{field, {message, validation: :number, kind: spec_key, number: target_value}}]
   2322     end
   2323   end
   2325   # TODO: Remove me once we support Decimal 2.0 only
   2326   # Support mismatch between API for Decimal.compare/2 for versions 1.6 and 2.0
   2327   defp normalize_compare(result) do
   2328     case result do
   2329       %Decimal{coef: 1, sign: -1} -> :lt
   2330       %Decimal{coef: 0} -> :eq
   2331       %Decimal{coef: 1, sign: 1} -> :gt
   2332       _ -> result
   2333     end
   2334   end
   2336   defp decimal_new(term) when is_float(term), do: Decimal.from_float(term)
   2337   defp decimal_new(term), do: Decimal.new(term)
   2339   defp decimal_compare(:lt, spec), do: spec in [:less_than, :less_than_or_equal_to, :not_equal_to]
   2340   defp decimal_compare(:gt, spec), do: spec in [:greater_than, :greater_than_or_equal_to, :not_equal_to]
   2341   defp decimal_compare(:eq, spec), do: spec in [:equal_to, :less_than_or_equal_to, :greater_than_or_equal_to]
   2343   @doc """
   2344   Validates that the given parameter matches its confirmation.
   2346   By calling `validate_confirmation(changeset, :email)`, this
   2347   validation will check if both "email" and "email_confirmation"
   2348   in the parameter map matches. Note this validation only looks
   2349   at the parameters themselves, never the fields in the schema.
   2350   As such as, the "email_confirmation" field does not need to be
   2351   added as a virtual field in your schema.
   2353   Note that if the confirmation field is nil or missing, this does
   2354   not add a validation error. You can specify that the confirmation
   2355   parameter is required in the options (see below).
   2357   ## Options
   2359     * `:message` - the message on failure, defaults to "does not match confirmation"
   2360     * `:required` - boolean, sets whether existence of confirmation parameter
   2361       is required for addition of error. Defaults to false
   2363   ## Examples
   2365       validate_confirmation(changeset, :email)
   2366       validate_confirmation(changeset, :password, message: "does not match password")
   2368       cast(data, params, [:password])
   2369       |> validate_confirmation(:password, message: "does not match password")
   2371   """
   2372   @spec validate_confirmation(t, atom, Keyword.t) :: t
   2373   def validate_confirmation(changeset, field, opts \\ [])
   2374   def validate_confirmation(%{params: params} = changeset, field, opts) when is_map(params) do
   2375     param = Atom.to_string(field)
   2376     error_param = "#{param}_confirmation"
   2377     error_field = String.to_atom(error_param)
   2378     value = Map.get(params, param)
   2380     errors =
   2381       case Map.fetch(params, error_param) do
   2382         {:ok, ^value} ->
   2383           []
   2384         {:ok, _} ->
   2385           [{error_field,
   2386            {message(opts, "does not match confirmation"), [validation: :confirmation]}}]
   2387         :error ->
   2388           confirmation_missing(opts, error_field)
   2389       end
   2391     %{changeset | validations: [{field, {:confirmation, opts}} | changeset.validations],
   2392                   errors: errors ++ changeset.errors,
   2393                   valid?: changeset.valid? and errors == []}
   2394   end
   2395   def validate_confirmation(%{params: nil} = changeset, _, _) do
   2396     changeset
   2397   end
   2399   defp confirmation_missing(opts, error_field) do
   2400     required = Keyword.get(opts, :required, false)
   2401     if required, do: [{error_field, {message(opts, "can't be blank"), [validation: :required]}}], else: []
   2402   end
   2404   defp message(opts, key \\ :message, default) do
   2405     Keyword.get(opts, key, default)
   2406   end
   2408   @doc """
   2409   Validates the given parameter is true.
   2411   Note this validation only checks the parameter itself is true, never
   2412   the field in the schema. That's because acceptance parameters do not need
   2413   to be persisted, as by definition they would always be stored as `true`.
   2415   ## Options
   2417     * `:message` - the message on failure, defaults to "must be accepted"
   2419   ## Examples
   2421       validate_acceptance(changeset, :terms_of_service)
   2422       validate_acceptance(changeset, :rules, message: "please accept rules")
   2424   """
   2425   @spec validate_acceptance(t, atom, Keyword.t) :: t
   2426   def validate_acceptance(changeset, field, opts \\ [])
   2427   def validate_acceptance(%{params: params} = changeset, field, opts) do
   2428     errors = validate_acceptance_errors(params, field, opts)
   2430     %{changeset | validations: [{field, {:acceptance, opts}} | changeset.validations],
   2431                   errors: errors ++ changeset.errors,
   2432                   valid?: changeset.valid? and errors == []}
   2433   end
   2435   defp validate_acceptance_errors(nil, _field, _opts), do: []
   2437   defp validate_acceptance_errors(params, field, opts) do
   2438     param = Atom.to_string(field)
   2439     value = Map.get(params, param)
   2441     case Ecto.Type.cast(:boolean, value) do
   2442       {:ok, true} -> []
   2443       _ -> [{field, {message(opts, "must be accepted"), validation: :acceptance}}]
   2444     end
   2445   end
   2447   ## Optimistic lock
   2449   @doc ~S"""
   2450   Applies optimistic locking to the changeset.
   2452   [Optimistic
   2453   locking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optimistic_concurrency_control) (or
   2454   *optimistic concurrency control*) is a technique that allows concurrent edits
   2455   on a single record. While pessimistic locking works by locking a resource for
   2456   an entire transaction, optimistic locking only checks if the resource changed
   2457   before updating it.
   2459   This is done by regularly fetching the record from the database, then checking
   2460   whether another user has made changes to the record *only when updating the
   2461   record*. This behaviour is ideal in situations where the chances of concurrent
   2462   updates to the same record are low; if they're not, pessimistic locking or
   2463   other concurrency patterns may be more suited.
   2465   ## Usage
   2467   Optimistic locking works by keeping a "version" counter for each record; this
   2468   counter gets incremented each time a modification is made to a record. Hence,
   2469   in order to use optimistic locking, a field must exist in your schema for
   2470   versioning purpose. Such field is usually an integer but other types are
   2471   supported.
   2473   ## Examples
   2475   Assuming we have a `Post` schema (stored in the `posts` table), the first step
   2476   is to add a version column to the `posts` table:
   2478       alter table(:posts) do
   2479         add :lock_version, :integer, default: 1
   2480       end
   2482   The column name is arbitrary and doesn't need to be `:lock_version`. Now add
   2483   a field to the schema too:
   2485       defmodule Post do
   2486         use Ecto.Schema
   2488         schema "posts" do
   2489           field :title, :string
   2490           field :lock_version, :integer, default: 1
   2491         end
   2493         def changeset(:update, struct, params \\ %{}) do
   2494           struct
   2495           |> Ecto.Changeset.cast(params, [:title])
   2496           |> Ecto.Changeset.optimistic_lock(:lock_version)
   2497         end
   2498       end
   2500   Now let's take optimistic locking for a spin:
   2502       iex> post = Repo.insert!(%Post{title: "foo"})
   2503       %Post{id: 1, title: "foo", lock_version: 1}
   2504       iex> valid_change = Post.changeset(:update, post, %{title: "bar"})
   2505       iex> stale_change = Post.changeset(:update, post, %{title: "baz"})
   2506       iex> Repo.update!(valid_change)
   2507       %Post{id: 1, title: "bar", lock_version: 2}
   2508       iex> Repo.update!(stale_change)
   2509       ** (Ecto.StaleEntryError) attempted to update a stale entry:
   2511       %Post{id: 1, title: "baz", lock_version: 1}
   2513   When a conflict happens (a record which has been previously fetched is
   2514   being updated, but that same record has been modified since it was
   2515   fetched), an `Ecto.StaleEntryError` exception is raised.
   2517   Optimistic locking also works with delete operations. Just call the
   2518   `optimistic_lock/3` function with the data before delete:
   2520       iex> changeset = Ecto.Changeset.optimistic_lock(post, :lock_version)
   2521       iex> Repo.delete(changeset)
   2523   `optimistic_lock/3` by default assumes the field
   2524   being used as a lock is an integer. If you want to use another type,
   2525   you need to pass the third argument customizing how the next value
   2526   is generated:
   2528       iex> Ecto.Changeset.optimistic_lock(post, :lock_uuid, fn _ -> Ecto.UUID.generate end)
   2530   """
   2531   @spec optimistic_lock(Ecto.Schema.t | t, atom, (term -> term)) :: t
   2532   def optimistic_lock(data_or_changeset, field, incrementer \\ &increment_with_rollover/1) do
   2533     changeset = change(data_or_changeset, %{})
   2534     current = get_field(changeset, field)
   2536     # Apply these changes only inside the repo because we
   2537     # don't want to permanently track the lock change.
   2538     changeset = prepare_changes(changeset, fn changeset ->
   2539       put_in(changeset.changes[field], incrementer.(current))
   2540     end)
   2542     if is_nil(current) do
   2543       Logger.warn """
   2544       the current value of `#{field}` is `nil` and will not be used as a filter for optimistic
   2545       locking. To ensure `#{field}` is never `nil`, consider setting a default value.
   2546       """
   2547       changeset
   2548     else
   2549       put_in(changeset.filters[field], current)
   2550     end
   2551   end
   2553   # increment_with_rollover expect to be used with lock_version set as :integer in db schema
   2554   # 2_147_483_647 is upper limit for signed integer for both PostgreSQL and MySQL
   2555   defp increment_with_rollover(val) when val >= 2_147_483_647 do
   2556     1
   2557   end
   2559   defp increment_with_rollover(val) when is_integer(val) do
   2560     val + 1
   2561   end
   2563   @doc """
   2564   Provides a function executed by the repository on insert/update/delete.
   2566   If the changeset given to the repository is valid, the function given to
   2567   `prepare_changes/2` will be called with the changeset and must return a
   2568   changeset, allowing developers to do final adjustments to the changeset or
   2569   to issue data consistency commands. The repository itself can be accessed
   2570   inside the function under the `repo` field in the changeset. If the
   2571   changeset given to the repository is invalid, the function will not be
   2572   invoked.
   2574   The given function is guaranteed to run inside the same transaction
   2575   as the changeset operation for databases that do support transactions.
   2577   ## Example
   2579   A common use case is updating a counter cache, in this case updating a post's
   2580   comment count when a comment is created:
   2582       def create_comment(comment, params) do
   2583         comment
   2584         |> cast(params, [:body, :post_id])
   2585         |> prepare_changes(fn changeset ->
   2586              if post_id = get_change(changeset, :post_id) do
   2587                query = from Post, where: [id: ^post_id]
   2588                changeset.repo.update_all(query, inc: [comment_count: 1])
   2589              end
   2590              changeset
   2591            end)
   2592       end
   2594   We retrieve the repo from the comment changeset itself and use
   2595   update_all to update the counter cache in one query. Finally, the original
   2596   changeset must be returned.
   2597   """
   2598   @spec prepare_changes(t, (t -> t)) :: t
   2599   def prepare_changes(%Changeset{prepare: prepare} = changeset, function) when is_function(function, 1) do
   2600     %{changeset | prepare: [function | prepare]}
   2601   end
   2603   ## Constraints
   2605   @doc """
   2606   Returns all constraints in a changeset.
   2608   A constraint is a map with the following fields:
   2610     * `:type` - the type of the constraint that will be checked in the database,
   2611       such as `:check`, `:unique`, etc
   2612     * `:constraint` - the database constraint name as a string
   2613     * `:match` - the type of match Ecto will perform on a violated constraint
   2614       against the `:constraint` value. It is `:exact`, `:suffix` or `:prefix`
   2615     * `:field` - the field a violated constraint will apply the error to
   2616     * `:error_message` - the error message in case of violated constraints
   2617     * `:error_type` - the type of error that identifies the error message
   2619   """
   2620   @spec constraints(t) :: [constraint]
   2621   def constraints(%Changeset{constraints: constraints}) do
   2622     constraints
   2623   end
   2625   @doc """
   2626   Checks for a check constraint in the given field.
   2628   The check constraint works by relying on the database to check
   2629   if the check constraint has been violated or not and, if so,
   2630   Ecto converts it into a changeset error.
   2632   In order to use the check constraint, the first step is
   2633   to define the check constraint in a migration:
   2635       create constraint("users", :age_must_be_positive, check: "age > 0")
   2637   Now that a constraint exists, when modifying users, we could
   2638   annotate the changeset with a check constraint so Ecto knows
   2639   how to convert it into an error message:
   2641       cast(user, params, [:age])
   2642       |> check_constraint(:age, name: :age_must_be_positive)
   2644   Now, when invoking `c:Ecto.Repo.insert/2` or `c:Ecto.Repo.update/2`,
   2645   if the age is not positive, the underlying operation will fail
   2646   but Ecto will convert the database exception into a changeset error
   2647   and return an `{:error, changeset}` tuple. Note that the error will
   2648   occur only after hitting the database, so it will not be visible
   2649   until all other validations pass. If the constraint fails inside a
   2650   transaction, the transaction will be marked as aborted.
   2652   ## Options
   2654     * `:message` - the message in case the constraint check fails.
   2655       Defaults to "is invalid"
   2656     * `:name` - the name of the constraint. Required.
   2657     * `:match` - how the changeset constraint name is matched against the
   2658       repo constraint, may be `:exact`, `:suffix` or `:prefix`. Defaults to
   2659       `:exact`. `:suffix` matches any repo constraint which `ends_with?` `:name`
   2660       to this changeset constraint. `:prefix` matches any repo constraint which
   2661       `starts_with?` `:name` to this changeset constraint.
   2663   """
   2664   def check_constraint(changeset, field, opts \\ []) do
   2665     constraint = opts[:name] || raise ArgumentError, "must supply the name of the constraint"
   2666     message    = message(opts, "is invalid")
   2667     match_type = Keyword.get(opts, :match, :exact)
   2668     add_constraint(changeset, :check, to_string(constraint), match_type, field, message)
   2669   end
   2671   @doc """
   2672   Checks for a unique constraint in the given field or list of fields.
   2674   The unique constraint works by relying on the database to check
   2675   if the unique constraint has been violated or not and, if so,
   2676   Ecto converts it into a changeset error.
   2678   In order to use the uniqueness constraint, the first step is
   2679   to define the unique index in a migration:
   2681       create unique_index(:users, [:email])
   2683   Now that a constraint exists, when modifying users, we could
   2684   annotate the changeset with a unique constraint so Ecto knows
   2685   how to convert it into an error message:
   2687       cast(user, params, [:email])
   2688       |> unique_constraint(:email)
   2690   Now, when invoking `c:Ecto.Repo.insert/2` or `c:Ecto.Repo.update/2`,
   2691   if the email already exists, the underlying operation will fail but
   2692   Ecto will convert the database exception into a changeset error and
   2693   return an `{:error, changeset}` tuple. Note that the error will occur
   2694   only after hitting the database, so it will not be visible until all
   2695   other validations pass. If the constraint fails inside a transaction,
   2696   the transaction will be marked as aborted.
   2698   ## Options
   2700     * `:message` - the message in case the constraint check fails,
   2701       defaults to "has already been taken"
   2703     * `:name` - the constraint name. By default, the constraint
   2704       name is inferred from the table + field(s). May be required
   2705       explicitly for complex cases
   2707     * `:match` - how the changeset constraint name is matched against the
   2708       repo constraint, may be `:exact`, `:suffix` or `:prefix`. Defaults to
   2709       `:exact`. `:suffix` matches any repo constraint which `ends_with?` `:name`
   2710       to this changeset constraint. `:prefix` matches any repo constraint which
   2711       `starts_with?` `:name` to this changeset constraint.
   2713     * `:error_key` - the key to which changeset error will be added when
   2714       check fails, defaults to the first field name of the given list of
   2715       fields.
   2717   ## Complex constraints
   2719   Because the constraint logic is in the database, we can leverage
   2720   all the database functionality when defining them. For example,
   2721   let's suppose the e-mails are scoped by company id:
   2723       # In migration
   2724       create unique_index(:users, [:email, :company_id])
   2726       # In the changeset function
   2727       cast(user, params, [:email])
   2728       |> unique_constraint([:email, :company_id])
   2730   The first field name, `:email` in this case, will be used as the error
   2731   key to the changeset errors keyword list. For example, the above
   2732   `unique_constraint/3` would generate something like:
   2734       Repo.insert!(%User{email: "john@elixir.org", company_id: 1})
   2735       changeset = User.changeset(%User{}, %{email: "john@elixir.org", company_id: 1})
   2736       {:error, changeset} = Repo.insert(changeset)
   2737       changeset.errors #=> [email: {"has already been taken", []}]
   2739   In complex cases, instead of relying on name inference, it may be best
   2740   to set the constraint name explicitly:
   2742       # In the migration
   2743       create unique_index(:users, [:email, :company_id], name: :users_email_company_id_index)
   2745       # In the changeset function
   2746       cast(user, params, [:email])
   2747       |> unique_constraint(:email, name: :users_email_company_id_index)
   2749   ### Partitioning
   2751   If your table is partitioned, then your unique index might look different
   2752   per partition, e.g. Postgres adds p<number> to the middle of your key, like:
   2754       users_p0_email_key
   2755       users_p1_email_key
   2756       ...
   2757       users_p99_email_key
   2759   In this case you can use the name and suffix options together to match on
   2760   these dynamic indexes, like:
   2762       cast(user, params, [:email])
   2763       |> unique_constraint(:email, name: :email_key, match: :suffix)
   2765   ## Case sensitivity
   2767   Unfortunately, different databases provide different guarantees
   2768   when it comes to case-sensitiveness. For example, in MySQL, comparisons
   2769   are case-insensitive by default. In Postgres, users can define case
   2770   insensitive column by using the `:citext` type/extension. In your migration:
   2772       execute "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS citext"
   2773       create table(:users) do
   2774         ...
   2775         add :email, :citext
   2776         ...
   2777       end
   2779   If for some reason your database does not support case insensitive columns,
   2780   you can explicitly downcase values before inserting/updating them:
   2782       cast(data, params, [:email])
   2783       |> update_change(:email, &String.downcase/1)
   2784       |> unique_constraint(:email)
   2786   """
   2787   @spec unique_constraint(t, atom | [atom, ...], Keyword.t) :: t
   2788   def unique_constraint(changeset, field_or_fields, opts \\ [])
   2790   def unique_constraint(changeset, field, opts) when is_atom(field) do
   2791     unique_constraint(changeset, [field], opts)
   2792   end
   2794   def unique_constraint(changeset, [first_field | _] = fields, opts) do
   2795     constraint = opts[:name] || unique_index_name(changeset, fields)
   2796     message    = message(opts, "has already been taken")
   2797     match_type = Keyword.get(opts, :match, :exact)
   2798     error_key  = Keyword.get(opts, :error_key, first_field)
   2799     add_constraint(changeset, :unique, to_string(constraint), match_type, error_key, message)
   2800   end
   2802   defp unique_index_name(changeset, fields) do
   2803     field_names = Enum.map(fields, &get_field_source(changeset, &1))
   2804     Enum.join([get_source(changeset)] ++ field_names ++ ["index"], "_")
   2805   end
   2807   @doc """
   2808   Checks for foreign key constraint in the given field.
   2810   The foreign key constraint works by relying on the database to
   2811   check if the associated data exists or not. This is useful to
   2812   guarantee that a child will only be created if the parent exists
   2813   in the database too.
   2815   In order to use the foreign key constraint the first step is
   2816   to define the foreign key in a migration. This is often done
   2817   with references. For example, imagine you are creating a
   2818   comments table that belongs to posts. One would have:
   2820       create table(:comments) do
   2821         add :post_id, references(:posts)
   2822       end
   2824   By default, Ecto will generate a foreign key constraint with
   2825   name "comments_post_id_fkey" (the name is configurable).
   2827   Now that a constraint exists, when creating comments, we could
   2828   annotate the changeset with foreign key constraint so Ecto knows
   2829   how to convert it into an error message:
   2831       cast(comment, params, [:post_id])
   2832       |> foreign_key_constraint(:post_id)
   2834   Now, when invoking `c:Ecto.Repo.insert/2` or `c:Ecto.Repo.update/2`,
   2835   if the associated post does not exist, the underlying operation will
   2836   fail but Ecto will convert the database exception into a changeset
   2837   error and return an `{:error, changeset}` tuple. Note that the error
   2838   will occur only after hitting the database, so it will not be visible
   2839   until all other validations pass. If the constraint fails inside a
   2840   transaction, the transaction will be marked as aborted.
   2842   ## Options
   2844     * `:message` - the message in case the constraint check fails,
   2845       defaults to "does not exist"
   2846     * `:name` - the constraint name. By default, the constraint
   2847       name is inferred from the table + field. May be required
   2848       explicitly for complex cases
   2849     * `:match` - how the changeset constraint name is matched against the
   2850       repo constraint, may be `:exact`, `:suffix` or `:prefix`. Defaults to
   2851       `:exact`. `:suffix` matches any repo constraint which `ends_with?` `:name`
   2852       to this changeset constraint. `:prefix` matches any repo constraint which
   2853       `starts_with?` `:name` to this changeset constraint.
   2855   """
   2856   @spec foreign_key_constraint(t, atom, Keyword.t) :: t
   2857   def foreign_key_constraint(changeset, field, opts \\ []) do
   2858     constraint = opts[:name] || "#{get_source(changeset)}_#{get_field_source(changeset, field)}_fkey"
   2859     match_type = Keyword.get(opts, :match, :exact)
   2860     message    = message(opts, "does not exist")
   2861     add_constraint(changeset, :foreign_key, to_string(constraint), match_type, field, message, :foreign)
   2862   end
   2864   @doc """
   2865   Checks the associated field exists.
   2867   This is similar to `foreign_key_constraint/3` except that the
   2868   field is inferred from the association definition. This is useful
   2869   to guarantee that a child will only be created if the parent exists
   2870   in the database too. Therefore, it only applies to `belongs_to`
   2871   associations.
   2873   As the name says, a constraint is required in the database for
   2874   this function to work. Such constraint is often added as a
   2875   reference to the child table:
   2877       create table(:comments) do
   2878         add :post_id, references(:posts)
   2879       end
   2881   Now, when inserting a comment, it is possible to forbid any
   2882   comment to be added if the associated post does not exist:
   2884       comment
   2885       |> Ecto.Changeset.cast(params, [:post_id])
   2886       |> Ecto.Changeset.assoc_constraint(:post)
   2887       |> Repo.insert
   2889   ## Options
   2891     * `:message` - the message in case the constraint check fails,
   2892       defaults to "does not exist"
   2893     * `:name` - the constraint name. By default, the constraint
   2894       name is inferred from the table + association field.
   2895       May be required explicitly for complex cases
   2896     * `:match` - how the changeset constraint name is matched against the
   2897       repo constraint, may be `:exact`, `:suffix` or `:prefix`. Defaults to
   2898       `:exact`. `:suffix` matches any repo constraint which `ends_with?` `:name`
   2899       to this changeset constraint. `:prefix` matches any repo constraint which
   2900       `starts_with?` `:name` to this changeset constraint.
   2901   """
   2902   @spec assoc_constraint(t, atom, Keyword.t) :: t
   2903   def assoc_constraint(changeset, assoc, opts \\ []) do
   2904     constraint = opts[:name] ||
   2905       case get_assoc(changeset, assoc) do
   2906         %Ecto.Association.BelongsTo{owner_key: owner_key} ->
   2907           "#{get_source(changeset)}_#{owner_key}_fkey"
   2908         other ->
   2909           raise ArgumentError,
   2910             "assoc_constraint can only be added to belongs to associations, got: #{inspect other}"
   2911       end
   2913     match_type = Keyword.get(opts, :match, :exact)
   2914     message = message(opts, "does not exist")
   2915     add_constraint(changeset, :foreign_key, to_string(constraint), match_type, assoc, message, :assoc)
   2916   end
   2918   @doc """
   2919   Checks the associated field does not exist.
   2921   This is similar to `foreign_key_constraint/3` except that the
   2922   field is inferred from the association definition. This is useful
   2923   to guarantee that parent can only be deleted (or have its primary
   2924   key changed) if no child exists in the database. Therefore, it only
   2925   applies to `has_*` associations.
   2927   As the name says, a constraint is required in the database for
   2928   this function to work. Such constraint is often added as a
   2929   reference to the child table:
   2931       create table(:comments) do
   2932         add :post_id, references(:posts)
   2933       end
   2935   Now, when deleting the post, it is possible to forbid any post to
   2936   be deleted if they still have comments attached to it:
   2938       post
   2939       |> Ecto.Changeset.change
   2940       |> Ecto.Changeset.no_assoc_constraint(:comments)
   2941       |> Repo.delete
   2943   ## Options
   2945     * `:message` - the message in case the constraint check fails,
   2946       defaults to "is still associated with this entry" (for `has_one`)
   2947       and "are still associated with this entry" (for `has_many`)
   2948     * `:name` - the constraint name. By default, the constraint
   2949       name is inferred from the association table + association
   2950       field. May be required explicitly for complex cases
   2951     * `:match` - how the changeset constraint name is matched against the
   2952       repo constraint, may be `:exact`, `:suffix` or `:prefix`. Defaults to
   2953       `:exact`. `:suffix` matches any repo constraint which `ends_with?` `:name`
   2954       to this changeset constraint. `:prefix` matches any repo constraint which
   2955       `starts_with?` `:name` to this changeset constraint.
   2957   """
   2958   @spec no_assoc_constraint(t, atom, Keyword.t) :: t
   2959   def no_assoc_constraint(changeset, assoc, opts \\ []) do
   2960     {constraint, message} =
   2961       case get_assoc(changeset, assoc) do
   2962         %Ecto.Association.Has{cardinality: cardinality,
   2963                               related_key: related_key, related: related} ->
   2964           {opts[:name] || "#{related.__schema__(:source)}_#{related_key}_fkey",
   2965            message(opts, no_assoc_message(cardinality))}
   2966         other ->
   2967           raise ArgumentError,
   2968             "no_assoc_constraint can only be added to has one/many associations, got: #{inspect other}"
   2969       end
   2971     match_type = Keyword.get(opts, :match, :exact)
   2972     add_constraint(changeset, :foreign_key, to_string(constraint), match_type, assoc, message, :no_assoc)
   2973   end
   2975   @doc """
   2976   Checks for an exclusion constraint in the given field.
   2978   The exclusion constraint works by relying on the database to check
   2979   if the exclusion constraint has been violated or not and, if so,
   2980   Ecto converts it into a changeset error.
   2982   ## Options
   2984     * `:message` - the message in case the constraint check fails,
   2985       defaults to "violates an exclusion constraint"
   2986     * `:name` - the constraint name. By default, the constraint
   2987       name is inferred from the table + field. May be required
   2988       explicitly for complex cases
   2989     * `:match` - how the changeset constraint name is matched against the
   2990       repo constraint, may be `:exact`, `:suffix` or `:prefix`. Defaults to
   2991       `:exact`. `:suffix` matches any repo constraint which `ends_with?` `:name`
   2992       to this changeset constraint. `:prefix` matches any repo constraint which
   2993       `starts_with?` `:name` to this changeset constraint.
   2995   """
   2996   def exclusion_constraint(changeset, field, opts \\ []) do
   2997     constraint = opts[:name] || "#{get_source(changeset)}_#{get_field_source(changeset, field)}_exclusion"
   2998     message    = message(opts, "violates an exclusion constraint")
   2999     match_type = Keyword.get(opts, :match, :exact)
   3000     add_constraint(changeset, :exclusion, to_string(constraint), match_type, field, message, :exclusion)
   3001   end
   3003   defp no_assoc_message(:one), do: "is still associated with this entry"
   3004   defp no_assoc_message(:many), do: "are still associated with this entry"
   3006   defp add_constraint(changeset, type, constraint, match, field, message) do
   3007     add_constraint(changeset, type, constraint, match, field, message, type)
   3008   end
   3010   defp add_constraint(%Changeset{constraints: constraints} = changeset,
   3011                       type, constraint, match, field, error_message, error_type)
   3012        when is_binary(constraint) and is_atom(field) and is_binary(error_message) do
   3013     unless match in @match_types do
   3014       raise ArgumentError, "invalid match type: #{inspect match}. Allowed match types: #{inspect @match_types}"
   3015     end
   3017     constraint = %{
   3018       constraint: constraint,
   3019       error_message: error_message,
   3020       error_type: error_type,
   3021       field: field,
   3022       match: match,
   3023       type: type
   3024     }
   3026     %{changeset | constraints: [constraint | constraints]}
   3027   end
   3029   defp get_source(%{data: %{__meta__: %{source: source}}}) when is_binary(source),
   3030     do: source
   3032   defp get_source(%{data: data}) do
   3033     raise ArgumentError, "cannot add constraint to changeset because it does not have a source, got: #{inspect data}"
   3034   end
   3036   defp get_source(item) do
   3037     raise ArgumentError, "cannot add constraint because a changeset was not supplied, got: #{inspect item}"
   3038   end
   3040   defp get_assoc(%{types: types}, assoc) do
   3041     case Map.fetch(types, assoc) do
   3042       {:ok, {:assoc, association}} ->
   3043         association
   3044       _ ->
   3045         raise_invalid_assoc(types, assoc)
   3046     end
   3047   end
   3049   defp raise_invalid_assoc(types, assoc) do
   3050     associations = for {_key, {:assoc, %{field: field}}} <- types, do: field
   3051     one_of = if match?([_], associations), do: "", else: "one of "
   3053     raise ArgumentError,
   3054           "cannot add constraint to changeset because association `#{assoc}` does not exist. " <>
   3055             "Did you mean #{one_of}`#{Enum.join(associations, "`, `")}`?"
   3056   end
   3058   defp get_field_source(%{data: %{__struct__: schema}}, field) when is_atom(schema),
   3059     do: schema.__schema__(:field_source, field) || field
   3060   defp get_field_source(%{}, field),
   3061     do: field
   3063   @doc ~S"""
   3064   Traverses changeset errors and applies the given function to error messages.
   3066   This function is particularly useful when associations and embeds
   3067   are cast in the changeset as it will traverse all associations and
   3068   embeds and place all errors in a series of nested maps.
   3070   A changeset is supplied along with a function to apply to each
   3071   error message as the changeset is traversed. The error message
   3072   function receives an error tuple `{msg, opts}`, for example:
   3074       {"should be at least %{count} characters", [count: 3, validation: :length, min: 3]}
   3076   ## Examples
   3078       iex> traverse_errors(changeset, fn {msg, opts} ->
   3079       ...>   Regex.replace(~r"%{(\w+)}", msg, fn _, key ->
   3080       ...>     opts |> Keyword.get(String.to_existing_atom(key), key) |> to_string()
   3081       ...>   end)
   3082       ...> end)
   3083       %{title: ["should be at least 3 characters"]}
   3085   Optionally function can accept three arguments: `changeset`, `field`
   3086   and error tuple `{msg, opts}`. It is useful whenever you want to extract
   3087   validations rules from `changeset.validations` to build detailed error
   3088   description.
   3089   """
   3090   @spec traverse_errors(t, (error -> String.t) | (Changeset.t, atom, error -> String.t)) :: %{atom => [term]}
   3091   def traverse_errors(%Changeset{errors: errors, changes: changes, types: types} = changeset, msg_func)
   3092       when is_function(msg_func, 1) or is_function(msg_func, 3) do
   3093     errors
   3094     |> Enum.reverse()
   3095     |> merge_keyword_keys(msg_func, changeset)
   3096     |> merge_related_keys(changes, types, msg_func, &traverse_errors/2)
   3097   end
   3099   defp merge_keyword_keys(keyword_list, msg_func, _) when is_function(msg_func, 1)  do
   3100     Enum.reduce(keyword_list, %{}, fn({key, val}, acc) ->
   3101       val = msg_func.(val)
   3102       Map.update(acc, key, [val], &[val|&1])
   3103     end)
   3104   end
   3106   defp merge_keyword_keys(keyword_list, msg_func, changeset) when is_function(msg_func, 3)  do
   3107     Enum.reduce(keyword_list, %{}, fn({key, val}, acc) ->
   3108       val = msg_func.(changeset, key, val)
   3109       Map.update(acc, key, [val], &[val|&1])
   3110     end)
   3111   end
   3113   defp merge_related_keys(_, _, nil, _, _) do
   3114     raise ArgumentError, "changeset does not have types information"
   3115   end
   3117   defp merge_related_keys(map, changes, types, msg_func, traverse_function) do
   3118     Enum.reduce types, map, fn
   3119       {field, {tag, %{cardinality: :many}}}, acc when tag in @relations ->
   3120         if changesets = Map.get(changes, field) do
   3121           {child, all_empty?} =
   3122             Enum.map_reduce(changesets, true, fn changeset, all_empty? ->
   3123               child = traverse_function.(changeset, msg_func)
   3124               {child, all_empty? and child == %{}}
   3125             end)
   3127           case all_empty? do
   3128             true  -> acc
   3129             false -> Map.put(acc, field, child)
   3130           end
   3131         else
   3132           acc
   3133         end
   3134       {field, {tag, %{cardinality: :one}}}, acc when tag in @relations ->
   3135         if changeset = Map.get(changes, field) do
   3136           case traverse_function.(changeset, msg_func) do
   3137             child when child == %{} -> acc
   3138             child -> Map.put(acc, field, child)
   3139           end
   3140         else
   3141           acc
   3142         end
   3143       {_, _}, acc ->
   3144         acc
   3145     end
   3146   end
   3148   defp apply_relation_changes(acc, key, relation, value) do
   3149     relation_changed = Relation.apply_changes(relation, value)
   3151     acc = Map.put(acc, key, relation_changed)
   3153     with %Ecto.Association.BelongsTo{related_key: related_key} <- relation,
   3154          %{^related_key => id} <- relation_changed do
   3155       Map.put(acc, relation.owner_key, id)
   3156     else
   3157       _ -> acc
   3158     end
   3159   end
   3161   @doc ~S"""
   3162   Traverses changeset validations and applies the given function to validations.
   3164   This behaves the same as `traverse_errors/2`, but operates on changeset
   3165   validations instead of errors.
   3167   ## Examples
   3169       iex> traverse_validations(changeset, &(&1))
   3170       %{title: [format: ~r/pattern/, length: [min: 1, max: 20]]}
   3172       iex> traverse_validations(changeset, fn
   3173       ...>   {:length, opts} -> {:length, "#{Keyword.get(opts, :min, 0)}-#{Keyword.get(opts, :max, 32)}"}
   3174       ...>   {:format, %Regex{source: source}} -> {:format, "/#{source}/"}
   3175       ...>   {other, opts} -> {other, inspect(opts)}
   3176       ...> end)
   3177       %{title: [format: "/pattern/", length: "1-20"]}
   3178   """
   3179   @spec traverse_validations(t, (error -> String.t) | (Changeset.t, atom, error -> String.t)) :: %{atom => [term]}
   3180   def traverse_validations(%Changeset{validations: validations, changes: changes, types: types} = changeset, msg_func)
   3181       when is_function(msg_func, 1) or is_function(msg_func, 3) do
   3182     validations
   3183     |> Enum.reverse()
   3184     |> merge_keyword_keys(msg_func, changeset)
   3185     |> merge_related_keys(changes, types, msg_func, &traverse_validations/2)
   3186   end
   3187 end
   3189 defimpl Inspect, for: Ecto.Changeset do
   3190   import Inspect.Algebra
   3192   def inspect(%Ecto.Changeset{data: data} = changeset, opts) do
   3193     list = for attr <- [:action, :changes, :errors, :data, :valid?] do
   3194       {attr, Map.get(changeset, attr)}
   3195     end
   3197     redacted_fields = case data do
   3198       %type{} ->
   3199         if function_exported?(type, :__schema__, 1) do
   3200           type.__schema__(:redact_fields)
   3201         else
   3202           []
   3203         end
   3204       _ -> []
   3205     end
   3207     container_doc("#Ecto.Changeset<", list, ">", opts, fn
   3208       {:action, action}, opts   -> concat("action: ", to_doc(action, opts))
   3209       {:changes, changes}, opts -> concat("changes: ", changes |> filter(redacted_fields) |> to_doc(opts))
   3210       {:data, data}, _opts      -> concat("data: ", to_struct(data, opts))
   3211       {:errors, errors}, opts   -> concat("errors: ", to_doc(errors, opts))
   3212       {:valid?, valid?}, opts   -> concat("valid?: ", to_doc(valid?, opts))
   3213     end)
   3214   end
   3216   defp to_struct(%{__struct__: struct}, _opts), do: "#" <> Kernel.inspect(struct) <> "<>"
   3217   defp to_struct(other, opts), do: to_doc(other, opts)
   3219   defp filter(changes, redacted_fields) do
   3220     Enum.reduce(redacted_fields, changes, fn redacted_field, changes ->
   3221       if Map.has_key?(changes, redacted_field) do
   3222         Map.put(changes, redacted_field, "**redacted**")
   3223       else
   3224         changes
   3225       end
   3226     end)
   3227   end
   3228 end