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combination.ex (1124B)

      1 import Kernel, except: [apply: 2]
      3 defmodule Ecto.Query.Builder.Combination do
      4   @moduledoc false
      6   alias Ecto.Query.Builder
      8   @doc """
      9   Builds a quoted expression.
     11   The quoted expression should evaluate to a query at runtime.
     12   If possible, it does all calculations at compile time to avoid
     13   runtime work.
     14   """
     15   @spec build(atom, Macro.t, Macro.t, Macro.Env.t) :: Macro.t
     16   def build(kind, query, {:^, _, [expr]}, env) do
     17     expr = quote do: Ecto.Queryable.to_query(unquote(expr))
     18     Builder.apply_query(query, __MODULE__, [[{kind, expr}]], env)
     19   end
     21   def build(kind, _query, other, _env) do
     22     Builder.error! "`#{Macro.to_string(other)}` is not a valid #{kind}. " <>
     23                    "#{kind} must always be an interpolated query, such as ^existing_query"
     24   end
     26   @doc """
     27   The callback applied by `build/4` to build the query.
     28   """
     29   @spec apply(Ecto.Queryable.t, term) :: Ecto.Query.t
     30   def apply(%Ecto.Query{combinations: combinations} = query, value) do
     31     %{query | combinations: combinations ++ value}
     32   end
     33   def apply(query, value) do
     34     apply(Ecto.Queryable.to_query(query), value)
     35   end
     36 end