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      1 defmodule Ecto.Repo do
      2   @moduledoc """
      3   Defines a repository.
      5   A repository maps to an underlying data store, controlled by the
      6   adapter. For example, Ecto ships with a Postgres adapter that
      7   stores data into a PostgreSQL database.
      9   When used, the repository expects the `:otp_app` and `:adapter` as
     10   option. The `:otp_app` should point to an OTP application that has
     11   the repository configuration. For example, the repository:
     13       defmodule Repo do
     14         use Ecto.Repo,
     15           otp_app: :my_app,
     16           adapter: Ecto.Adapters.Postgres
     17       end
     19   Could be configured with:
     21       config :my_app, Repo,
     22         database: "ecto_simple",
     23         username: "postgres",
     24         password: "postgres",
     25         hostname: "localhost"
     27   Most of the configuration that goes into the `config` is specific
     28   to the adapter. For this particular example, you can check
     29   [`Ecto.Adapters.Postgres`](https://hexdocs.pm/ecto_sql/Ecto.Adapters.Postgres.html)
     30   for more information. In spite of this, the following configuration values
     31   are shared across all adapters:
     33     * `:name`- The name of the Repo supervisor process
     35     * `:priv` - the directory where to keep repository data, like
     36       migrations, schema and more. Defaults to "priv/YOUR_REPO".
     37       It must always point to a subdirectory inside the priv directory
     39     * `:url` - an URL that specifies storage information. Read below
     40       for more information
     42     * `:log` - the log level used when logging the query with Elixir's
     43       Logger. If false, disables logging for that repository.
     44       Defaults to `:debug`
     46     * `:pool_size` - the size of the pool used by the connection module.
     47       Defaults to `10`
     49     * `:telemetry_prefix` - we recommend adapters to publish events
     50       using the `Telemetry` library. By default, the telemetry prefix
     51       is based on the module name, so if your module is called
     52       `MyApp.Repo`, the prefix will be `[:my_app, :repo]`. See the
     53       "Telemetry Events" section to see which events we recommend
     54       adapters to publish. Note that if you have multiple databases, you
     55       should keep the `:telemetry_prefix` consistent for each repo and
     56       use the `:repo` property in the event metadata for distinguishing
     57       between repos.
     59     * `:stacktrace`- when true, publishes the stacktrace in telemetry events
     60       and allows more advanced logging.
     62   ## URLs
     64   Repositories by default support URLs. For example, the configuration
     65   above could be rewritten to:
     67       config :my_app, Repo,
     68         url: "ecto://postgres:postgres@localhost/ecto_simple"
     70   The schema can be of any value. The path represents the database name
     71   while options are simply merged in.
     73   URL can include query parameters to override shared and adapter-specific
     74   options, like `ssl`, `timeout` and `pool_size`. The following example
     75   shows how to pass these configuration values:
     77       config :my_app, Repo,
     78         url: "ecto://postgres:postgres@localhost/ecto_simple?ssl=true&pool_size=10"
     80   In case the URL needs to be dynamically configured, for example by
     81   reading a system environment variable, such can be done via the
     82   `c:init/2` repository callback:
     84       def init(_type, config) do
     85         {:ok, Keyword.put(config, :url, System.get_env("DATABASE_URL"))}
     86       end
     88   ## Shared options
     90   Almost all of the repository functions outlined in this module accept the following
     91   options:
     93     * `:timeout` - The time in milliseconds (as an integer) to wait for the query call to
     94       finish. `:infinity` will wait indefinitely (default: `15_000`)
     95     * `:log` - When false, does not log the query
     96     * `:telemetry_event` - The telemetry event name to dispatch the event under.
     97       See the next section for more information
     98     * `:telemetry_options` - Extra options to attach to telemetry event name.
     99       See the next section for more information
    101   ## Telemetry events
    103   There are two types of telemetry events. The ones emitted by Ecto and the
    104   ones that are adapter specific.
    106   ### Ecto telemetry events
    108   The following events are emitted by all Ecto repositories:
    110     * `[:ecto, :repo, :init]` - it is invoked whenever a repository starts.
    111       The measurement is a single `system_time` entry in native unit. The
    112       metadata is the `:repo` and all initialization options under `:opts`.
    114   ### Adapter-specific events
    116   We recommend adapters to publish certain `Telemetry` events listed below.
    117   Those events will use the `:telemetry_prefix` outlined above which defaults
    118   to `[:my_app, :repo]`.
    120   For instance, to receive all query events published by a repository called
    121   `MyApp.Repo`, one would define a module:
    123       defmodule MyApp.Telemetry do
    124         def handle_event([:my_app, :repo, :query], measurements, metadata, config) do
    125           IO.inspect binding()
    126         end
    127       end
    129   Then, in the `Application.start/2` callback, attach the handler to this event using
    130   a unique handler id:
    132       :ok = :telemetry.attach("my-app-handler-id", [:my_app, :repo, :query], &MyApp.Telemetry.handle_event/4, %{})
    134   For details, see [the telemetry documentation](https://hexdocs.pm/telemetry/).
    136   Below we list all events developers should expect from Ecto. All examples
    137   below consider a repository named `MyApp.Repo`:
    139   #### `[:my_app, :repo, :query]`
    141   This event should be invoked on every query sent to the adapter, including
    142   queries that are related to the transaction management.
    144   The `:measurements` map will include the following, all given in the
    145   `:native` time unit:
    147     * `:idle_time` - the time the connection spent waiting before being checked out for the query
    148     * `:queue_time` - the time spent waiting to check out a database connection
    149     * `:query_time` - the time spent executing the query
    150     * `:decode_time` - the time spent decoding the data received from the database
    151     * `:total_time` - the sum of (`queue_time`, `query_time`, and `decode_time`)️
    153   All measurements are given in the `:native` time unit. You can read more
    154   about it in the docs for `System.convert_time_unit/3`.
    156   A telemetry `:metadata` map including the following fields. Each database
    157   adapter may emit different information here. For Ecto.SQL databases, it
    158   will look like this:
    160     * `:type` - the type of the Ecto query. For example, for Ecto.SQL
    161       databases, it would be `:ecto_sql_query`
    162     * `:repo` - the Ecto repository
    163     * `:result` - the query result
    164     * `:params` - the query parameters
    165     * `:query` - the query sent to the database as a string
    166     * `:source` - the source the query was made on (may be `nil`)
    167     * `:stacktrace` - the stacktrace information, if enabled, or `nil`
    168     * `:options` - extra options given to the repo operation under
    169       `:telemetry_options`
    171   ## Read-only repositories
    173   You can mark a repository as read-only by passing the `:read_only`
    174   flag on `use`:
    176       use Ecto.Repo, otp_app: ..., adapter: ..., read_only: true
    178   By passing the `:read_only` option, none of the functions that perform
    179   write operations, such as `c:insert/2`, `c:insert_all/3`, `c:update_all/3`,
    180   and friends will be defined.
    181   """
    183   @type t :: module
    185   @doc """
    186   Returns all running Ecto repositories.
    188   The list is returned in no particular order. The list
    189   contains either atoms, for named Ecto repositories, or
    190   PIDs.
    191   """
    192   @spec all_running() :: [atom() | pid()]
    193   defdelegate all_running(), to: Ecto.Repo.Registry
    195   @doc false
    196   defmacro __using__(opts) do
    197     quote bind_quoted: [opts: opts] do
    198       @behaviour Ecto.Repo
    200       {otp_app, adapter, behaviours} =
    201         Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.compile_config(__MODULE__, opts)
    203       @otp_app otp_app
    204       @adapter adapter
    205       @default_dynamic_repo opts[:default_dynamic_repo] || __MODULE__
    206       @read_only opts[:read_only] || false
    207       @before_compile adapter
    208       @aggregates [:count, :avg, :max, :min, :sum]
    210       def config do
    211         {:ok, config} = Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.runtime_config(:runtime, __MODULE__, @otp_app, [])
    212         config
    213       end
    215       def __adapter__ do
    216         @adapter
    217       end
    219       def child_spec(opts) do
    220         %{
    221           id: __MODULE__,
    222           start: {__MODULE__, :start_link, [opts]},
    223           type: :supervisor
    224         }
    225       end
    227       def start_link(opts \\ []) do
    228         Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, @otp_app, @adapter, opts)
    229       end
    231       def stop(timeout \\ 5000) do
    232         Supervisor.stop(get_dynamic_repo(), :normal, timeout)
    233       end
    235       def load(schema_or_types, data) do
    236         Ecto.Repo.Schema.load(@adapter, schema_or_types, data)
    237       end
    239       def checkout(fun, opts \\ []) when is_function(fun) do
    240         %{adapter: adapter} = meta = Ecto.Repo.Registry.lookup(get_dynamic_repo())
    241         adapter.checkout(meta, opts, fun)
    242       end
    244       def checked_out? do
    245         %{adapter: adapter} = meta = Ecto.Repo.Registry.lookup(get_dynamic_repo())
    246         adapter.checked_out?(meta)
    247       end
    249       @compile {:inline, get_dynamic_repo: 0, prepare_opts: 2}
    251       def get_dynamic_repo() do
    252         Process.get({__MODULE__, :dynamic_repo}, @default_dynamic_repo)
    253       end
    255       def put_dynamic_repo(dynamic) when is_atom(dynamic) or is_pid(dynamic) do
    256         Process.put({__MODULE__, :dynamic_repo}, dynamic) || @default_dynamic_repo
    257       end
    259       def default_options(_operation), do: []
    260       defoverridable default_options: 1
    262       defp prepare_opts(operation_name, opts) do
    263         operation_name
    264         |> default_options()
    265         |> Keyword.merge(opts)
    266       end
    268       ## Transactions
    270       if Ecto.Adapter.Transaction in behaviours do
    271         def transaction(fun_or_multi, opts \\ []) do
    272           repo = get_dynamic_repo()
    273           Ecto.Repo.Transaction.transaction(__MODULE__, repo, fun_or_multi, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:transaction, opts)))
    274         end
    276         def in_transaction? do
    277           Ecto.Repo.Transaction.in_transaction?(get_dynamic_repo())
    278         end
    280         @spec rollback(term) :: no_return
    281         def rollback(value) do
    282           Ecto.Repo.Transaction.rollback(get_dynamic_repo(), value)
    283         end
    284       end
    286       ## Schemas
    288       if Ecto.Adapter.Schema in behaviours and not @read_only do
    289         def insert(struct, opts \\ []) do
    290           repo = get_dynamic_repo()
    291           Ecto.Repo.Schema.insert(__MODULE__, repo, struct, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:insert, opts)))
    292         end
    294         def update(struct, opts \\ []) do
    295           repo = get_dynamic_repo()
    296           Ecto.Repo.Schema.update(__MODULE__, get_dynamic_repo(), struct, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:update, opts)))
    297         end
    299         def insert_or_update(changeset, opts \\ []) do
    300           repo = get_dynamic_repo()
    301           Ecto.Repo.Schema.insert_or_update(__MODULE__, get_dynamic_repo(), changeset, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:insert_or_update, opts)))
    302         end
    304         def delete(struct, opts \\ []) do
    305           repo = get_dynamic_repo()
    306           Ecto.Repo.Schema.delete(__MODULE__, get_dynamic_repo(), struct, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:delete, opts)))
    307         end
    309         def insert!(struct, opts \\ []) do
    310           repo = get_dynamic_repo()
    311           Ecto.Repo.Schema.insert!(__MODULE__, get_dynamic_repo(), struct, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:insert, opts)))
    312         end
    314         def update!(struct, opts \\ []) do
    315           repo = get_dynamic_repo()
    316           Ecto.Repo.Schema.update!(__MODULE__, get_dynamic_repo(), struct, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:update, opts)))
    317         end
    319         def insert_or_update!(changeset, opts \\ []) do
    320           repo = get_dynamic_repo()
    321           Ecto.Repo.Schema.insert_or_update!(__MODULE__, get_dynamic_repo(), changeset, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:insert_or_update, opts)))
    322         end
    324         def delete!(struct, opts \\ []) do
    325           repo = get_dynamic_repo()
    326           Ecto.Repo.Schema.delete!(__MODULE__, get_dynamic_repo(), struct, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:delete, opts)))
    327         end
    329         def insert_all(schema_or_source, entries, opts \\ []) do
    330           repo = get_dynamic_repo()
    331           Ecto.Repo.Schema.insert_all(__MODULE__, get_dynamic_repo(), schema_or_source, entries, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:insert_all, opts)))
    332         end
    333       end
    335       ## Queryable
    337       if Ecto.Adapter.Queryable in behaviours do
    338         if not @read_only do
    339           def update_all(queryable, updates, opts \\ []) do
    340             repo = get_dynamic_repo()
    341             Ecto.Repo.Queryable.update_all(get_dynamic_repo(), queryable, updates, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:update_all, opts)))
    342           end
    344           def delete_all(queryable, opts \\ []) do
    345             repo = get_dynamic_repo()
    346             Ecto.Repo.Queryable.delete_all(get_dynamic_repo(), queryable, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:delete_all, opts)))
    347           end
    348         end
    350         def all(queryable, opts \\ []) do
    351           repo = get_dynamic_repo()
    352           Ecto.Repo.Queryable.all(get_dynamic_repo(), queryable, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:all, opts)))
    353         end
    355         def stream(queryable, opts \\ []) do
    356           repo = get_dynamic_repo()
    357           Ecto.Repo.Queryable.stream(get_dynamic_repo(), queryable, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:stream, opts)))
    358         end
    360         def get(queryable, id, opts \\ []) do
    361           repo = get_dynamic_repo()
    362           Ecto.Repo.Queryable.get(get_dynamic_repo(), queryable, id, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:all, opts)))
    363         end
    365         def get!(queryable, id, opts \\ []) do
    366           repo = get_dynamic_repo()
    367           Ecto.Repo.Queryable.get!(get_dynamic_repo(), queryable, id, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:all, opts)))
    368         end
    370         def get_by(queryable, clauses, opts \\ []) do
    371           repo = get_dynamic_repo()
    372           Ecto.Repo.Queryable.get_by(get_dynamic_repo(), queryable, clauses, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:all, opts)))
    373         end
    375         def get_by!(queryable, clauses, opts \\ []) do
    376           repo = get_dynamic_repo()
    377           Ecto.Repo.Queryable.get_by!(get_dynamic_repo(), queryable, clauses, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:all, opts)))
    378         end
    380         def reload(queryable, opts \\ []) do
    381           repo = get_dynamic_repo()
    382           Ecto.Repo.Queryable.reload(get_dynamic_repo(), queryable, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:reload, opts)))
    383         end
    385         def reload!(queryable, opts \\ []) do
    386           repo = get_dynamic_repo()
    387           Ecto.Repo.Queryable.reload!(get_dynamic_repo(), queryable, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:reload, opts)))
    388         end
    390         def one(queryable, opts \\ []) do
    391           repo = get_dynamic_repo()
    392           Ecto.Repo.Queryable.one(get_dynamic_repo(), queryable, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:all, opts)))
    393         end
    395         def one!(queryable, opts \\ []) do
    396           repo = get_dynamic_repo()
    397           Ecto.Repo.Queryable.one!(get_dynamic_repo(), queryable, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:all, opts)))
    398         end
    400         def aggregate(queryable, aggregate, opts \\ [])
    402         def aggregate(queryable, aggregate, opts)
    403             when aggregate in [:count] and is_list(opts) do
    404           repo = get_dynamic_repo()
    405           Ecto.Repo.Queryable.aggregate(get_dynamic_repo(), queryable, aggregate, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:all, opts)))
    406         end
    408         def aggregate(queryable, aggregate, field)
    409             when aggregate in @aggregates and is_atom(field) do
    410           repo = get_dynamic_repo()
    411           Ecto.Repo.Queryable.aggregate(get_dynamic_repo(), queryable, aggregate, field, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:all, [])))
    412         end
    414         def aggregate(queryable, aggregate, field, opts)
    415             when aggregate in @aggregates and is_atom(field) and is_list(opts) do
    416           repo = get_dynamic_repo()
    417           Ecto.Repo.Queryable.aggregate(get_dynamic_repo(), queryable, aggregate, field, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:all, opts)))
    418         end
    420         def exists?(queryable, opts \\ []) do
    421           repo = get_dynamic_repo()
    422           Ecto.Repo.Queryable.exists?(get_dynamic_repo(), queryable, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:all, opts)))
    423         end
    425         def preload(struct_or_structs_or_nil, preloads, opts \\ []) do
    426           repo = get_dynamic_repo()
    427           Ecto.Repo.Preloader.preload(struct_or_structs_or_nil, get_dynamic_repo(), preloads, Ecto.Repo.Supervisor.tuplet(repo, prepare_opts(:preload, opts)))
    428         end
    430         def prepare_query(operation, query, opts), do: {query, opts}
    431         defoverridable prepare_query: 3
    432       end
    433     end
    434   end
    436   ## User callbacks
    438   @optional_callbacks init: 2
    440   @doc """
    441   A callback executed when the repo starts or when configuration is read.
    443   The first argument is the context the callback is being invoked. If it
    444   is called because the Repo supervisor is starting, it will be `:supervisor`.
    445   It will be `:runtime` if it is called for reading configuration without
    446   actually starting a process.
    448   The second argument is the repository configuration as stored in the
    449   application environment. It must return `{:ok, keyword}` with the updated
    450   list of configuration or `:ignore` (only in the `:supervisor` case).
    451   """
    452   @doc group: "User callbacks"
    453   @callback init(context :: :supervisor | :runtime, config :: Keyword.t()) ::
    454               {:ok, Keyword.t()} | :ignore
    456   ## Ecto.Adapter
    458   @doc """
    459   Returns the adapter tied to the repository.
    460   """
    461   @doc group: "Runtime API"
    462   @callback __adapter__ :: Ecto.Adapter.t()
    464   @doc """
    465   Returns the adapter configuration stored in the `:otp_app` environment.
    467   If the `c:init/2` callback is implemented in the repository,
    468   it will be invoked with the first argument set to `:runtime`.
    469   """
    470   @doc group: "Runtime API"
    471   @callback config() :: Keyword.t()
    473   @doc """
    474   Starts any connection pooling or supervision and return `{:ok, pid}`
    475   or just `:ok` if nothing needs to be done.
    477   Returns `{:error, {:already_started, pid}}` if the repo is already
    478   started or `{:error, term}` in case anything else goes wrong.
    480   ## Options
    482   See the configuration in the moduledoc for options shared between adapters,
    483   for adapter-specific configuration see the adapter's documentation.
    484   """
    485   @doc group: "Runtime API"
    486   @callback start_link(opts :: Keyword.t()) ::
    487               {:ok, pid}
    488               | {:error, {:already_started, pid}}
    489               | {:error, term}
    491   @doc """
    492   Shuts down the repository.
    493   """
    494   @doc group: "Runtime API"
    495   @callback stop(timeout) :: :ok
    497   @doc """
    498   Checks out a connection for the duration of the function.
    500   It returns the result of the function. This is useful when
    501   you need to perform multiple operations against the repository
    502   in a row and you want to avoid checking out the connection
    503   multiple times.
    505   `checkout/2` and `transaction/2` can be combined and nested
    506   multiple times. If `checkout/2` is called inside the function
    507   of another `checkout/2` call, the function is simply executed,
    508   without checking out a new connection.
    510   ## Options
    512   See the ["Shared options"](#module-shared-options) section at the module
    513   documentation for more options.
    514   """
    515   @doc group: "Transaction API"
    516   @callback checkout((() -> result), opts :: Keyword.t()) :: result when result: var
    518   @doc """
    519   Returns true if a connection has been checked out.
    521   This is true if inside a `c:Ecto.Repo.checkout/2` or
    522   `c:Ecto.Repo.transaction/2`.
    524   ## Examples
    526       MyRepo.checked_out?
    527       #=> false
    529       MyRepo.transaction(fn ->
    530         MyRepo.checked_out? #=> true
    531       end)
    533       MyRepo.checkout(fn ->
    534         MyRepo.checked_out? #=> true
    535       end)
    537   """
    538   @doc group: "Transaction API"
    539   @callback checked_out?() :: boolean
    541   @doc """
    542   Loads `data` into a schema or a map.
    544   The first argument can be a a schema module or a map (of types).
    545   The first argument determines the return value: a struct or a map,
    546   respectively.
    548   The second argument `data` specifies fields and values that are to be loaded.
    549   It can be a map, a keyword list, or a `{fields, values}` tuple.
    550   Fields can be atoms or strings.
    552   Fields that are not present in the schema (or `types` map) are ignored.
    553   If any of the values has invalid type, an error is raised.
    555   To load data from non-database sources, use `Ecto.embedded_load/3`.
    557   ## Examples
    559       iex> MyRepo.load(User, %{name: "Alice", age: 25})
    560       %User{name: "Alice", age: 25}
    562       iex> MyRepo.load(User, [name: "Alice", age: 25])
    563       %User{name: "Alice", age: 25}
    565   `data` can also take form of `{fields, values}`:
    567       iex> MyRepo.load(User, {[:name, :age], ["Alice", 25]})
    568       %User{name: "Alice", age: 25, ...}
    570   The first argument can also be a `types` map:
    572       iex> types = %{name: :string, age: :integer}
    573       iex> MyRepo.load(types, %{name: "Alice", age: 25})
    574       %{name: "Alice", age: 25}
    576   This function is especially useful when parsing raw query results:
    578       iex> result = Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query!(MyRepo, "SELECT * FROM users", [])
    579       iex> Enum.map(result.rows, &MyRepo.load(User, {result.columns, &1}))
    580       [%User{...}, ...]
    582   """
    583   @doc group: "Schema API"
    584   @callback load(
    585               schema_or_map :: module | map(),
    586               data :: map() | Keyword.t() | {list, list}
    587             ) :: Ecto.Schema.t() | map()
    589   @doc """
    590   Returns the atom name or pid of the current repository.
    592   See `c:put_dynamic_repo/1` for more information.
    593   """
    594   @doc group: "Runtime API"
    595   @callback get_dynamic_repo() :: atom() | pid()
    597   @doc """
    598   Sets the dynamic repository to be used in further interactions.
    600   Sometimes you may want a single Ecto repository to talk to
    601   many different database instances. By default, when you call
    602   `MyApp.Repo.start_link/1`, it will start a repository with
    603   name `MyApp.Repo`. But if you want to start multiple repositories,
    604   you can give each of them a different name:
    606       MyApp.Repo.start_link(name: :tenant_foo, hostname: "foo.example.com")
    607       MyApp.Repo.start_link(name: :tenant_bar, hostname: "bar.example.com")
    609   You can also start repositories without names by explicitly
    610   setting the name to nil:
    612       MyApp.Repo.start_link(name: nil, hostname: "temp.example.com")
    614   However, once the repository is started, you can't directly interact with
    615   it, since all operations in `MyApp.Repo` are sent by default to the repository
    616   named `MyApp.Repo`. You can change the default repo at compile time with:
    618       use Ecto.Repo, default_dynamic_repo: :name_of_repo
    620   Or you can change it anytime at runtime by calling `put_dynamic_repo/1`:
    622       MyApp.Repo.put_dynamic_repo(:tenant_foo)
    624   From this moment on, all future queries done by the current process will
    625   run on `:tenant_foo`.
    626   """
    627   @doc group: "Runtime API"
    628   @callback put_dynamic_repo(name_or_pid :: atom() | pid()) :: atom() | pid()
    630   ## Ecto.Adapter.Queryable
    632   @optional_callbacks get: 3, get!: 3, get_by: 3, get_by!: 3, reload: 2, reload!: 2, aggregate: 3,
    633                       aggregate: 4, exists?: 2, one: 2, one!: 2, preload: 3, all: 2, stream: 2,
    634                       update_all: 3, delete_all: 2
    636   @doc """
    637   Fetches a single struct from the data store where the primary key matches the
    638   given id.
    640   Returns `nil` if no result was found. If the struct in the queryable
    641   has no or more than one primary key, it will raise an argument error.
    643   ## Options
    645     * `:prefix` - The prefix to run the query on (such as the schema path
    646       in Postgres or the database in MySQL). This will be applied to all `from`
    647       and `join`s in the query that did not have a prefix previously given
    648       either via the `:prefix` option on `join`/`from` or via `@schema_prefix`
    649       in the schema. For more information see the "Query Prefix" section of the
    650       `Ecto.Query` documentation.
    652   See the ["Shared options"](#module-shared-options) section at the module
    653   documentation for more options.
    655   ## Example
    657       MyRepo.get(Post, 42)
    659       MyRepo.get(Post, 42, prefix: "public")
    661   """
    662   @doc group: "Query API"
    663   @callback get(queryable :: Ecto.Queryable.t(), id :: term, opts :: Keyword.t()) ::
    664               Ecto.Schema.t() | term | nil
    666   @doc """
    667   Similar to `c:get/3` but raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if no record was found.
    669   ## Options
    671     * `:prefix` - The prefix to run the query on (such as the schema path
    672       in Postgres or the database in MySQL). This will be applied to all `from`
    673       and `join`s in the query that did not have a prefix previously given
    674       either via the `:prefix` option on `join`/`from` or via `@schema_prefix`
    675       in the schema. For more information see the "Query Prefix" section of the
    676       `Ecto.Query` documentation.
    678   See the ["Shared options"](#module-shared-options) section at the module
    679   documentation for more options.
    681   ## Example
    683       MyRepo.get!(Post, 42)
    685       MyRepo.get!(Post, 42, prefix: "public")
    687   """
    688   @doc group: "Query API"
    689   @callback get!(queryable :: Ecto.Queryable.t(), id :: term, opts :: Keyword.t()) ::
    690               Ecto.Schema.t() | term
    692   @doc """
    693   Fetches a single result from the query.
    695   Returns `nil` if no result was found. Raises if more than one entry.
    697   ## Options
    699     * `:prefix` - The prefix to run the query on (such as the schema path
    700       in Postgres or the database in MySQL). This will be applied to all `from`
    701       and `join`s in the query that did not have a prefix previously given
    702       either via the `:prefix` option on `join`/`from` or via `@schema_prefix`
    703       in the schema. For more information see the "Query Prefix" section of the
    704       `Ecto.Query` documentation.
    706   See the ["Shared options"](#module-shared-options) section at the module
    707   documentation for more options.
    709   ## Example
    711       MyRepo.get_by(Post, title: "My post")
    713       MyRepo.get_by(Post, [title: "My post"], prefix: "public")
    715   """
    716   @doc group: "Query API"
    717   @callback get_by(
    718               queryable :: Ecto.Queryable.t(),
    719               clauses :: Keyword.t() | map,
    720               opts :: Keyword.t()
    721             ) :: Ecto.Schema.t()  | term | nil
    723   @doc """
    724   Similar to `c:get_by/3` but raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if no record was found.
    726   Raises if more than one entry.
    728   ## Options
    730     * `:prefix` - The prefix to run the query on (such as the schema path
    731       in Postgres or the database in MySQL). This will be applied to all `from`
    732       and `join`s in the query that did not have a prefix previously given
    733       either via the `:prefix` option on `join`/`from` or via `@schema_prefix`
    734       in the schema. For more information see the "Query Prefix" section of the
    735       `Ecto.Query` documentation.
    737   See the ["Shared options"](#module-shared-options) section at the module
    738   documentation for more options.
    740   ## Example
    742       MyRepo.get_by!(Post, title: "My post")
    744       MyRepo.get_by!(Post, [title: "My post"], prefix: "public")
    746   """
    747   @doc group: "Query API"
    748   @callback get_by!(
    749               queryable :: Ecto.Queryable.t(),
    750               clauses :: Keyword.t() | map,
    751               opts :: Keyword.t()
    752             ) :: Ecto.Schema.t() | term
    754   @doc """
    755   Reloads a given schema or schema list from the database.
    757   When using with lists, it is expected that all of the structs in the list belong
    758   to the same schema. Ordering is guaranteed to be kept. Results not found in
    759   the database will be returned as `nil`.
    761   ## Example
    763       MyRepo.reload(post)
    764       %Post{}
    766       MyRepo.reload([post1, post2])
    767       [%Post{}, %Post{}]
    769       MyRepo.reload([deleted_post, post1])
    770       [nil, %Post{}]
    771   """
    772   @doc group: "Schema API"
    773   @callback reload(
    774               struct_or_structs :: Ecto.Schema.t() | [Ecto.Schema.t()],
    775               opts :: Keyword.t()
    776             ) :: Ecto.Schema.t() | [Ecto.Schema.t() | nil] | nil
    778   @doc """
    779   Similar to `c:reload/2`, but raises when something is not found.
    781   When using with lists, ordering is guaranteed to be kept.
    783   ## Example
    785       MyRepo.reload!(post)
    786       %Post{}
    788       MyRepo.reload!([post1, post2])
    789       [%Post{}, %Post{}]
    790   """
    791   @doc group: "Schema API"
    792   @callback reload!(struct_or_structs, opts :: Keyword.t()) :: struct_or_structs
    793             when struct_or_structs: Ecto.Schema.t() | [Ecto.Schema.t()]
    795   @doc """
    796   Calculate the given `aggregate`.
    798   If the query has a limit, offset, distinct or combination set, it will be
    799   automatically wrapped in a subquery in order to return the
    800   proper result.
    802   Any preload or select in the query will be ignored in favor of
    803   the column being aggregated.
    805   The aggregation will fail if any `group_by` field is set.
    807   ## Options
    809     * `:prefix` - The prefix to run the query on (such as the schema path
    810       in Postgres or the database in MySQL). This will be applied to all `from`
    811       and `join`s in the query that did not have a prefix previously given
    812       either via the `:prefix` option on `join`/`from` or via `@schema_prefix`
    813       in the schema. For more information see the "Query Prefix" section of the
    814       `Ecto.Query` documentation.
    816   See the ["Shared options"](#module-shared-options) section at the module
    817   documentation for more options.
    819   ## Examples
    821       # Returns the number of blog posts
    822       Repo.aggregate(Post, :count)
    824       # Returns the number of blog posts in the "private" schema path
    825       # (in Postgres) or database (in MySQL)
    826       Repo.aggregate(Post, :count, prefix: "private")
    828   """
    829   @doc group: "Query API"
    830   @callback aggregate(
    831               queryable :: Ecto.Queryable.t(),
    832               aggregate :: :count,
    833               opts :: Keyword.t()
    834             ) :: term | nil
    836   @doc """
    837   Calculate the given `aggregate` over the given `field`.
    839   See `c:aggregate/3` for general considerations and options.
    841   ## Examples
    843       # Returns the number of visits per blog post
    844       Repo.aggregate(Post, :count, :visits)
    846       # Returns the number of visits per blog post in the "private" schema path
    847       # (in Postgres) or database (in MySQL)
    848       Repo.aggregate(Post, :count, :visits, prefix: "private")
    850       # Returns the average number of visits for the top 10
    851       query = from Post, limit: 10
    852       Repo.aggregate(query, :avg, :visits)
    853   """
    854   @doc group: "Query API"
    855   @callback aggregate(
    856               queryable :: Ecto.Queryable.t(),
    857               aggregate :: :avg | :count | :max | :min | :sum,
    858               field :: atom,
    859               opts :: Keyword.t()
    860             ) :: term | nil
    862   @doc """
    863   Checks if there exists an entry that matches the given query.
    865   Returns a boolean.
    867   ## Options
    869     * `:prefix` - The prefix to run the query on (such as the schema path
    870       in Postgres or the database in MySQL). This will be applied to all `from`
    871       and `join`s in the query that did not have a prefix previously given
    872       either via the `:prefix` option on `join`/`from` or via `@schema_prefix`
    873       in the schema. For more information see the "Query Prefix" section of the
    874       `Ecto.Query` documentation.
    876   See the ["Shared options"](#module-shared-options) section at the module
    877   documentation for more options.
    879   ## Examples
    881       # checks if any posts exist
    882       Repo.exists?(Post)
    884       # checks if any posts exist in the "private" schema path (in Postgres) or
    885       # database (in MySQL)
    886       Repo.exists?(Post, schema: "private")
    888       # checks if any post with a like count greater than 10 exists
    889       query = from p in Post, where: p.like_count > 10
    890       Repo.exists?(query)
    891   """
    892   @doc group: "Query API"
    893   @callback exists?(queryable :: Ecto.Queryable.t(), opts :: Keyword.t()) :: boolean()
    895   @doc """
    896   Fetches a single result from the query.
    898   Returns `nil` if no result was found. Raises if more than one entry.
    900   ## Options
    902     * `:prefix` - The prefix to run the query on (such as the schema path
    903       in Postgres or the database in MySQL). This will be applied to all `from`
    904       and `join`s in the query that did not have a prefix previously given
    905       either via the `:prefix` option on `join`/`from` or via `@schema_prefix`
    906       in the schema. For more information see the "Query Prefix" section of the
    907       `Ecto.Query` documentation.
    909   See the ["Shared options"](#module-shared-options) section at the module
    910   documentation for more options.
    912   ## Examples
    914       Repo.one(from p in Post, join: c in assoc(p, :comments), where: p.id == ^post_id)
    916       query = from p in Post, join: c in assoc(p, :comments), where: p.id == ^post_id
    917       Repo.one(query, prefix: "private")
    918   """
    919   @doc group: "Query API"
    920   @callback one(queryable :: Ecto.Queryable.t(), opts :: Keyword.t()) ::
    921               Ecto.Schema.t() | term | nil
    923   @doc """
    924   Similar to `c:one/2` but raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if no record was found.
    926   Raises if more than one entry.
    928   ## Options
    930     * `:prefix` - The prefix to run the query on (such as the schema path
    931       in Postgres or the database in MySQL). This will be applied to all `from`
    932       and `join`s in the query that did not have a prefix previously given
    933       either via the `:prefix` option on `join`/`from` or via `@schema_prefix`
    934       in the schema. For more information see the "Query Prefix" section of the
    935       `Ecto.Query` documentation.
    937   See the ["Shared options"](#module-shared-options) section at the module
    938   documentation for more options.
    939   """
    940   @doc group: "Query API"
    941   @callback one!(queryable :: Ecto.Queryable.t(), opts :: Keyword.t()) ::
    942               Ecto.Schema.t() | term
    944   @doc """
    945   Preloads all associations on the given struct or structs.
    947   This is similar to `Ecto.Query.preload/3` except it allows
    948   you to preload structs after they have been fetched from the
    949   database.
    951   In case the association was already loaded, preload won't attempt
    952   to reload it.
    954   ## Options
    956     * `:force` - By default, Ecto won't preload associations that
    957       are already loaded. By setting this option to true, any existing
    958       association will be discarded and reloaded.
    959     * `:in_parallel` - If the preloads must be done in parallel. It can
    960       only be performed when we have more than one preload and the
    961       repository is not in a transaction. Defaults to `true`.
    962     * `:prefix` - the prefix to fetch preloads from. By default, queries
    963       will use the same prefix as the first struct in the given collection.
    964       This option allows the prefix to be changed.
    966   See the ["Shared options"](#module-shared-options) section at the module
    967   documentation for more options.
    969   ## Examples
    971       # Use a single atom to preload an association
    972       posts = Repo.preload posts, :comments
    974       # Use a list of atoms to preload multiple associations
    975       posts = Repo.preload posts, [:comments, :authors]
    977       # Use a keyword list to preload nested associations as well
    978       posts = Repo.preload posts, [comments: [:replies, :likes], authors: []]
    980       # You can mix atoms and keywords, but the atoms must come first
    981       posts = Repo.preload posts, [:authors, comments: [:likes, replies: [:reactions]]]
    983       # Use a keyword list to customize how associations are queried
    984       posts = Repo.preload posts, [comments: from(c in Comment, order_by: c.published_at)]
    986       # Use a two-element tuple for a custom query and nested association definition
    987       query = from c in Comment, order_by: c.published_at
    988       posts = Repo.preload posts, [comments: {query, [:replies, :likes]}]
    990   The query given to preload may also preload its own associations.
    991   """
    992   @doc group: "Schema API"
    993   @callback preload(structs_or_struct_or_nil, preloads :: term, opts :: Keyword.t()) ::
    994               structs_or_struct_or_nil
    995             when structs_or_struct_or_nil: [Ecto.Schema.t()] | Ecto.Schema.t() | nil
    997   @doc """
    998   A user customizable callback invoked for query-based operations.
   1000   This callback can be used to further modify the query and options
   1001   before it is transformed and sent to the database.
   1003   This callback is invoked for all query APIs, including the `stream`
   1004   functions. It is also invoked for `insert_all` if a source query is
   1005   given. It is not invoked for any of the other schema functions.
   1007   ## Examples
   1009   Let's say you want to filter out records that were "soft-deleted"
   1010   (have `deleted_at` column set) from all operations unless an admin
   1011   is running the query; you can define the callback like this:
   1013       @impl true
   1014       def prepare_query(_operation, query, opts) do
   1015         if opts[:admin] do
   1016           {query, opts}
   1017         else
   1018           query = from(x in query, where: is_nil(x.deleted_at))
   1019           {query, opts}
   1020         end
   1021       end
   1023   And then execute the query:
   1025       Repo.all(query)              # only non-deleted records are returned
   1026       Repo.all(query, admin: true) # all records are returned
   1028   The callback will be invoked for all queries, including queries
   1029   made from associations and preloads. It is not invoked for each
   1030   individual join inside a query.
   1031   """
   1032   @doc group: "User callbacks"
   1033   @callback prepare_query(operation, query :: Ecto.Query.t(), opts :: Keyword.t()) ::
   1034               {Ecto.Query.t(), Keyword.t()}
   1035             when operation: :all | :update_all | :delete_all | :stream | :insert_all
   1037   @doc """
   1038   A user customizable callback invoked to retrieve default options
   1039   for operations.
   1041   This can be used to provide default values per operation that
   1042   have higher precedence than the values given on configuration
   1043   or when starting the repository. It can also be used to set
   1044   query specific options, such as `:prefix`.
   1046   This callback is invoked as the entry point for all repository
   1047   operations. For example, if you are executing a query with preloads,
   1048   this callback will be invoked once at the beginning, but the
   1049   options returned here will be passed to all following operations.
   1050   """
   1051   @doc group: "User callbacks"
   1052   @callback default_options(operation) :: Keyword.t()
   1053             when operation: :all | :insert_all | :update_all | :delete_all | :stream |
   1054                               :transaction | :insert | :update | :delete | :insert_or_update
   1056   @doc """
   1057   Fetches all entries from the data store matching the given query.
   1059   May raise `Ecto.QueryError` if query validation fails.
   1061   ## Options
   1063     * `:prefix` - The prefix to run the query on (such as the schema path
   1064       in Postgres or the database in MySQL). This will be applied to all `from`
   1065       and `join`s in the query that did not have a prefix previously given
   1066       either via the `:prefix` option on `join`/`from` or via `@schema_prefix`
   1067       in the schema. For more information see the "Query Prefix" section of the
   1068       `Ecto.Query` documentation.
   1070   See the ["Shared options"](#module-shared-options) section at the module
   1071   documentation for more options.
   1073   ## Example
   1075       # Fetch all post titles
   1076       query = from p in Post,
   1077            select: p.title
   1078       MyRepo.all(query)
   1079   """
   1080   @doc group: "Query API"
   1081   @callback all(queryable :: Ecto.Queryable.t(), opts :: Keyword.t()) :: [Ecto.Schema.t() | term]
   1083   @doc """
   1084   Returns a lazy enumerable that emits all entries from the data store
   1085   matching the given query.
   1087   SQL adapters, such as Postgres and MySQL, can only enumerate a stream
   1088   inside a transaction.
   1090   May raise `Ecto.QueryError` if query validation fails.
   1092   ## Options
   1094     * `:prefix` - The prefix to run the query on (such as the schema path
   1095       in Postgres or the database in MySQL). This will be applied to all `from`
   1096       and `join`s in the query that did not have a prefix previously given
   1097       either via the `:prefix` option on `join`/`from` or via `@schema_prefix`
   1098       in the schema. For more information see the "Query Prefix" section of the
   1099       `Ecto.Query` documentation.
   1101     * `:max_rows` - The number of rows to load from the database as we stream.
   1102       It is supported at least by Postgres and MySQL and defaults to 500.
   1104   See the ["Shared options"](#module-shared-options) section at the module
   1105   documentation for more options.
   1107   ## Example
   1109       # Fetch all post titles
   1110       query = from p in Post,
   1111            select: p.title
   1112       stream = MyRepo.stream(query)
   1113       MyRepo.transaction(fn ->
   1114         Enum.to_list(stream)
   1115       end)
   1116   """
   1117   @doc group: "Query API"
   1118   @callback stream(queryable :: Ecto.Queryable.t(), opts :: Keyword.t()) :: Enum.t()
   1120   @doc """
   1121   Updates all entries matching the given query with the given values.
   1123   It returns a tuple containing the number of entries and any returned
   1124   result as second element. The second element is `nil` by default
   1125   unless a `select` is supplied in the update query. Note, however,
   1126   not all databases support returning data from UPDATEs.
   1128   Keep in mind this `update_all` will not update autogenerated
   1129   fields like the `updated_at` columns.
   1131   See `Ecto.Query.update/3` for update operations that can be
   1132   performed on fields.
   1134   ## Options
   1136     * `:prefix` - The prefix to run the query on (such as the schema path
   1137       in Postgres or the database in MySQL). This overrides the prefix set
   1138       in the query and any `@schema_prefix` set in the schema.
   1140   See the ["Shared options"](#module-shared-options) section at the module
   1141   documentation for remaining options.
   1143   ## Examples
   1145       MyRepo.update_all(Post, set: [title: "New title"])
   1147       MyRepo.update_all(Post, inc: [visits: 1])
   1149       from(p in Post, where: p.id < 10, select: p.visits)
   1150       |> MyRepo.update_all(set: [title: "New title"])
   1152       from(p in Post, where: p.id < 10, update: [set: [title: "New title"]])
   1153       |> MyRepo.update_all([])
   1155       from(p in Post, where: p.id < 10, update: [set: [title: ^new_title]])
   1156       |> MyRepo.update_all([])
   1158       from(p in Post, where: p.id < 10, update: [set: [title: fragment("upper(?)", ^new_title)]])
   1159       |> MyRepo.update_all([])
   1161       from(p in Post, where: p.id < 10, update: [set: [visits: p.visits * 1000]])
   1162       |> MyRepo.update_all([])
   1164   """
   1165   @doc group: "Query API"
   1166   @callback update_all(
   1167               queryable :: Ecto.Queryable.t(),
   1168               updates :: Keyword.t(),
   1169               opts :: Keyword.t()
   1170             ) :: {non_neg_integer, nil | [term]}
   1172   @doc """
   1173   Deletes all entries matching the given query.
   1175   It returns a tuple containing the number of entries and any returned
   1176   result as second element. The second element is `nil` by default
   1177   unless a `select` is supplied in the delete query. Note, however,
   1178   not all databases support returning data from DELETEs.
   1180   ## Options
   1182     * `:prefix` - The prefix to run the query on (such as the schema path
   1183       in Postgres or the database in MySQL). This overrides the prefix set
   1184       in the query and any `@schema_prefix` set in the schema.
   1186   See the ["Shared options"](#module-shared-options) section at the module
   1187   documentation for remaining options.
   1189   ## Examples
   1191       MyRepo.delete_all(Post)
   1193       from(p in Post, where: p.id < 10) |> MyRepo.delete_all
   1194   """
   1195   @doc group: "Query API"
   1196   @callback delete_all(queryable :: Ecto.Queryable.t(), opts :: Keyword.t()) ::
   1197               {non_neg_integer, nil | [term]}
   1199   ## Ecto.Adapter.Schema
   1201   @optional_callbacks insert_all: 3, insert: 2, insert!: 2, update: 2, update!: 2,
   1202                       delete: 2, delete!: 2, insert_or_update: 2, insert_or_update!: 2,
   1203                       prepare_query: 3
   1205   @doc """
   1206   Inserts all entries into the repository.
   1208   It expects a schema module (`MyApp.User`) or a source (`"users"`) or
   1209   both (`{"users", MyApp.User}`) as the first argument. The second
   1210   argument is a list of entries to be inserted, either as keyword
   1211   lists or as maps. The keys of the entries are the field names as
   1212   atoms and the value should be the respective value for the field
   1213   type or, optionally, an `Ecto.Query` that returns a single entry
   1214   with a single value.
   1216   It returns a tuple containing the number of entries
   1217   and any returned result as second element. If the database
   1218   does not support RETURNING in INSERT statements or no
   1219   return result was selected, the second element will be `nil`.
   1221   When a schema module is given, the entries given will be properly dumped
   1222   before being sent to the database. If the schema primary key has type
   1223   `:id` or `:binary_id`, it will be handled either at the adapter
   1224   or the storage layer. However any other primary key type or autogenerated
   1225   value, like `Ecto.UUID` and timestamps, won't be autogenerated when
   1226   using `c:insert_all/3`. You must set those fields explicitly. This is by
   1227   design as this function aims to be a more direct way to insert data into
   1228   the database without the conveniences of `c:insert/2`. This is also
   1229   consistent with `c:update_all/3` that does not handle auto generated
   1230   values as well.
   1232   It is also not possible to use `insert_all` to insert across multiple
   1233   tables, therefore associations are not supported.
   1235   If a source is given, without a schema module, the given fields are passed
   1236   as is to the adapter.
   1238   ## Options
   1240     * `:returning` - selects which fields to return. When `true`,
   1241       returns all fields in the given schema. May be a list of
   1242       fields, where a struct is still returned but only with the
   1243       given fields. Or `false`, where nothing is returned (the default).
   1244       This option is not supported by all databases.
   1246     * `:prefix` - The prefix to run the query on (such as the schema path
   1247       in Postgres or the database in MySQL). This overrides the prefix set
   1248       in the query and any `@schema_prefix` set in the schema.
   1250     * `:on_conflict` - It may be one of `:raise` (the default), `:nothing`,
   1251       `:replace_all`, `{:replace_all_except, fields}`, `{:replace, fields}`,
   1252       a keyword list of update instructions or an `Ecto.Query`
   1253       query for updates. See the "Upserts" section for more information.
   1255     * `:conflict_target` - A list of column names to verify for conflicts.
   1256       It is expected those columns to have unique indexes on them that may conflict.
   1257       If none is specified, the conflict target is left up to the database.
   1258       It may also be `{:unsafe_fragment, binary_fragment}` to pass any
   1259       expression to the database without any sanitization, this is useful
   1260       for partial index or index with expressions, such as
   1261       `{:unsafe_fragment, "(coalesce(firstname, ""), coalesce(lastname, "")) WHERE middlename IS NULL"}` for
   1262       `ON CONFLICT (coalesce(firstname, ""), coalesce(lastname, "")) WHERE middlename IS NULL` SQL query.
   1264     * `:placeholders` - A map with placeholders. This feature is not supported
   1265       by all databases. See the "Placeholders" section for more information.
   1267   See the ["Shared options"](#module-shared-options) section at the module
   1268   documentation for remaining options.
   1270   ## Source query
   1272   A query can be given instead of a list with entries. This query needs to select
   1273   into a map containing only keys that are available as writeable columns in the
   1274   schema.
   1276   ## Examples
   1278       MyRepo.insert_all(Post, [[title: "My first post"], [title: "My second post"]])
   1280       MyRepo.insert_all(Post, [%{title: "My first post"}, %{title: "My second post"}])
   1282       query = from p in Post,
   1283         join: c in assoc(p, :comments),
   1284         select: %{
   1285           author_id: p.author_id,
   1286           posts: count(p.id, :distinct),
   1287           interactions: sum(p.likes) + count(c.id)
   1288         },
   1289         group_by: p.author_id
   1290       MyRepo.insert_all(AuthorStats, query)
   1292   ## Upserts
   1294   `c:insert_all/3` provides upserts (update or inserts) via the `:on_conflict`
   1295   option. The `:on_conflict` option supports the following values:
   1297     * `:raise` - raises if there is a conflicting primary key or unique index
   1299     * `:nothing` - ignores the error in case of conflicts
   1301     * `:replace_all` - replace **all** values on the existing row with the values
   1302       in the schema/changeset, including fields not explicitly set in the changeset,
   1303       such as IDs and autogenerated timestamps (`inserted_at` and `updated_at`).
   1304       Do not use this option if you have auto-incrementing primary keys, as they
   1305       will also be replaced. You most likely want to use `{:replace_all_except, [:id]}`
   1306       or `{:replace, fields}` explicitly instead. This option requires a schema
   1308     * `{:replace_all_except, fields}` - same as above except the given fields
   1309       are not replaced. This option requires a schema
   1311     * `{:replace, fields}` - replace only specific columns. This option requires
   1312       `:conflict_target`
   1314     * a keyword list of update instructions - such as the one given to
   1315       `c:update_all/3`, for example: `[set: [title: "new title"]]`
   1317     * an `Ecto.Query` that will act as an `UPDATE` statement, such as the
   1318       one given to `c:update_all/3`
   1320   Upserts map to "ON CONFLICT" on databases like Postgres and "ON DUPLICATE KEY"
   1321   on databases such as MySQL.
   1323   ## Return values
   1325   By default, both Postgres and MySQL will return the number of entries
   1326   inserted on `c:insert_all/3`. However, when the `:on_conflict` option
   1327   is specified, Postgres and MySQL will return different results.
   1329   Postgres will only count a row if it was affected and will
   1330   return 0 if no new entry was added.
   1332   MySQL will return, at a minimum, the number of entries attempted. For example,
   1333   if `:on_conflict` is set to `:nothing`, MySQL will return
   1334   the number of entries attempted to be inserted, even when no entry
   1335   was added.
   1337   Also note that if `:on_conflict` is a query, MySQL will return
   1338   the number of attempted entries plus the number of entries modified
   1339   by the UPDATE query.
   1341   ## Placeholders
   1343   Passing in a map for the `:placeholders` allows you to send less
   1344   data over the wire when you have many entries with the same value
   1345   for a field. To use a placeholder, replace its value in each of your
   1346   entries with `{:placeholder, key}`,  where `key` is the key you
   1347   are using in the `:placeholders` option map. For example:
   1349       placeholders = %{blob: large_blob_of_text(...)}
   1351       entries = [
   1352         %{title: "v1", body: {:placeholder, :blob}},
   1353         %{title: "v2", body: {:placeholder, :blob}}
   1354       ]
   1356       Repo.insert_all(Post, entries, placeholders: placeholders)
   1358   Keep in mind that:
   1360     * placeholders cannot be nested in other values. For example, you
   1361       cannot put a placeholder inside an array. Instead, the whole
   1362       array has to be the placeholder
   1364     * a placeholder key can only be used with columns of the same type
   1366     * placeholders require a database that supports index parameters,
   1367       so they are not currently compatible with MySQL
   1369   """
   1370   @doc group: "Schema API"
   1371   @callback insert_all(
   1372               schema_or_source :: binary | {binary, module} | module,
   1373               entries_or_query :: [%{atom => value} | Keyword.t(value)] | Ecto.Query.t,
   1374               opts :: Keyword.t()
   1375             ) :: {non_neg_integer, nil | [term]} when value: term | Ecto.Query.t()
   1377   @doc """
   1378   Inserts a struct defined via `Ecto.Schema` or a changeset.
   1380   In case a struct is given, the struct is converted into a changeset
   1381   with all non-nil fields as part of the changeset.
   1383   In case a changeset is given, the changes in the changeset are
   1384   merged with the struct fields, and all of them are sent to the
   1385   database. If more than one database operation is required, they're
   1386   automatically wrapped in a transaction.
   1388   It returns `{:ok, struct}` if the struct has been successfully
   1389   inserted or `{:error, changeset}` if there was a validation
   1390   or a known constraint error.
   1392   ## Options
   1394     * `:returning` - selects which fields to return. It accepts a list
   1395       of fields to be returned from the database. When `true`, returns
   1396       all fields. When `false`, no extra fields are returned. It will
   1397       always include all fields in `read_after_writes` as well as any
   1398       autogenerated id. Not all databases support this option and it
   1399       may not be available during upserts. See the "Upserts" section
   1400       for more information.
   1402     * `:prefix` - The prefix to run the query on (such as the schema path
   1403       in Postgres or the database in MySQL). This overrides the prefix set
   1404       in the query and any `@schema_prefix` set any schemas. Also, the
   1405       `@schema_prefix` for the parent record will override all default
   1406       `@schema_prefix`s set in any child schemas for associations.
   1408     * `:on_conflict` - It may be one of `:raise` (the default), `:nothing`,
   1409       `:replace_all`, `{:replace_all_except, fields}`, `{:replace, fields}`,
   1410       a keyword list of update instructions or an `Ecto.Query` query for updates.
   1411       See the "Upserts" section for more information.
   1413     * `:conflict_target` - A list of column names to verify for conflicts.
   1414       It is expected those columns to have unique indexes on them that may conflict.
   1415       If none is specified, the conflict target is left up to the database.
   1416       It may also be `{:unsafe_fragment, binary_fragment}` to pass any
   1417       expression to the database without any sanitization, this is useful
   1418       for partial index or index with expressions, such as
   1419       `{:unsafe_fragment, "(coalesce(firstname, ""), coalesce(lastname, "")) WHERE middlename IS NULL"}` for
   1420       `ON CONFLICT (coalesce(firstname, ""), coalesce(lastname, "")) WHERE middlename IS NULL` SQL query.
   1422     * `:stale_error_field` - The field where stale errors will be added in
   1423       the returning changeset. This option can be used to avoid raising
   1424       `Ecto.StaleEntryError`.
   1426     * `:stale_error_message` - The message to add to the configured
   1427       `:stale_error_field` when stale errors happen, defaults to "is stale".
   1429   See the ["Shared options"](#module-shared-options) section at the module
   1430   documentation for more options.
   1432   ## Examples
   1434   A typical example is calling `MyRepo.insert/1` with a struct
   1435   and acting on the return value:
   1437       case MyRepo.insert %Post{title: "Ecto is great"} do
   1438         {:ok, struct}       -> # Inserted with success
   1439         {:error, changeset} -> # Something went wrong
   1440       end
   1442   ## Upserts
   1444   `c:insert/2` provides upserts (update or inserts) via the `:on_conflict`
   1445   option. The `:on_conflict` option supports the following values:
   1447     * `:raise` - raises if there is a conflicting primary key or unique index
   1449     * `:nothing` - ignores the error in case of conflicts
   1451     * `:replace_all` - replace **all** values on the existing row with the values
   1452       in the schema/changeset, including fields not explicitly set in the changeset,
   1453       such as IDs and autogenerated timestamps (`inserted_at` and `updated_at`).
   1454       Do not use this option if you have auto-incrementing primary keys, as they
   1455       will also be replaced. You most likely want to use `{:replace_all_except, [:id]}`
   1456       or `{:replace, fields}` explicitly instead. This option requires a schema
   1458     * `{:replace_all_except, fields}` - same as above except the given fields are
   1459       not replaced. This option requires a schema
   1461     * `{:replace, fields}` - replace only specific columns. This option requires
   1462       `:conflict_target`
   1464     * a keyword list of update instructions - such as the one given to
   1465       `c:update_all/3`, for example: `[set: [title: "new title"]]`
   1467     * an `Ecto.Query` that will act as an `UPDATE` statement, such as the
   1468       one given to `c:update_all/3`. Similarly to `c:update_all/3`, auto
   1469       generated values, such as timestamps are not automatically updated.
   1470       If the struct cannot be found, `Ecto.StaleEntryError` will be raised.
   1472   Upserts map to "ON CONFLICT" on databases like Postgres and "ON DUPLICATE KEY"
   1473   on databases such as MySQL.
   1475   As an example, imagine `:title` is marked as a unique column in
   1476   the database:
   1478       {:ok, inserted} = MyRepo.insert(%Post{title: "this is unique"})
   1480   Now we can insert with the same title but do nothing on conflicts:
   1482       {:ok, ignored} = MyRepo.insert(%Post{title: "this is unique"}, on_conflict: :nothing)
   1484   Because we used `on_conflict: :nothing`, instead of getting an error,
   1485   we got `{:ok, struct}`. However the returned struct does not reflect
   1486   the data in the database. If the primary key is auto-generated by the
   1487   database, the primary key in the `ignored` record will be nil if there
   1488   was no insertion. For example, if you use the default primary key
   1489   (which has name `:id` and a type of `:id`), then `ignored.id` above
   1490   will be nil if there was no insertion.
   1492   If your id is generated by your application (typically the case for
   1493   `:binary_id`) or if you pass another value for `:on_conflict`, detecting
   1494   if an insert or update happened is slightly more complex, as the database
   1495   does not actually inform us what happened. Let's insert a post with the
   1496   same title but use a query to update the body column in case of conflicts:
   1498       # In Postgres (it requires the conflict target for updates):
   1499       on_conflict = [set: [body: "updated"]]
   1500       {:ok, updated} = MyRepo.insert(%Post{title: "this is unique"},
   1501                                      on_conflict: on_conflict, conflict_target: :title)
   1503       # In MySQL (conflict target is not supported):
   1504       on_conflict = [set: [title: "updated"]]
   1505       {:ok, updated} = MyRepo.insert(%Post{id: inserted.id, title: "updated"},
   1506                                      on_conflict: on_conflict)
   1508   In the examples above, even though it returned `:ok`, we do not know
   1509   if we inserted new data or if we updated only the `:on_conflict` fields.
   1510   In case an update happened, the data in the struct most likely does
   1511   not match the data in the database. For example, autogenerated fields
   1512   such as `inserted_at` will point to now rather than the time the
   1513   struct was actually inserted.
   1515   If you need to guarantee the data in the returned struct mirrors the
   1516   database, you have three options:
   1518     * Use `on_conflict: :replace_all`, although that will replace all
   1519       fields in the database with the ones in the struct/changeset,
   1520       including autogenerated fields such as `inserted_at` and `updated_at`:
   1522           MyRepo.insert(%Post{title: "this is unique"},
   1523                         on_conflict: :replace_all, conflict_target: :title)
   1525     * Specify `read_after_writes: true` in your schema for choosing
   1526       fields that are read from the database after every operation.
   1527       Or pass `returning: true` to `insert` to read all fields back:
   1529           MyRepo.insert(%Post{title: "this is unique"}, returning: true,
   1530                         on_conflict: on_conflict, conflict_target: :title)
   1532     * Alternatively, read the data again from the database in a separate
   1533       query. This option requires the primary key to be generated by the
   1534       database:
   1536           {:ok, updated} = MyRepo.insert(%Post{title: "this is unique"}, on_conflict: on_conflict)
   1537           Repo.get(Post, updated.id)
   1539   Because of the inability to know if the struct is up to date or not,
   1540   inserting a struct with associations and using the `:on_conflict` option
   1541   at the same time is not recommended, as Ecto will be unable to actually
   1542   track the proper status of the association.
   1543   """
   1544   @doc group: "Schema API"
   1545   @callback insert(
   1546               struct_or_changeset :: Ecto.Schema.t() | Ecto.Changeset.t(),
   1547               opts :: Keyword.t()
   1548             ) :: {:ok, Ecto.Schema.t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()}
   1550   @doc """
   1551   Updates a changeset using its primary key.
   1553   A changeset is required as it is the only mechanism for
   1554   tracking dirty changes. Only the fields present in the `changes` part
   1555   of the changeset are sent to the database. Any other, in-memory
   1556   changes done to the schema are ignored. If more than one database
   1557   operation is required, they're automatically wrapped in a transaction.
   1559   If the struct has no primary key, `Ecto.NoPrimaryKeyFieldError`
   1560   will be raised.
   1562   If the struct cannot be found, `Ecto.StaleEntryError` will be raised.
   1564   It returns `{:ok, struct}` if the struct has been successfully
   1565   updated or `{:error, changeset}` if there was a validation
   1566   or a known constraint error.
   1568   ## Options
   1570     * `:returning` - selects which fields to return. It accepts a list
   1571       of fields to be returned from the database. When `true`, returns
   1572       all fields. When `false`, no extra fields are returned. It will
   1573       always include all fields in `read_after_writes`. Not all
   1574       databases support this option.
   1576     * `:force` - By default, if there are no changes in the changeset,
   1577       `c:update/2` is a no-op. By setting this option to true, update
   1578       callbacks will always be executed, even if there are no changes
   1579       (including timestamps).
   1581     * `:prefix` - The prefix to run the query on (such as the schema path
   1582       in Postgres or the database in MySQL). This overrides the prefix set
   1583       in the query and any `@schema_prefix` set any schemas. Also, the
   1584       `@schema_prefix` for the parent record will override all default
   1585       `@schema_prefix`s set in any child schemas for associations.
   1587     * `:stale_error_field` - The field where stale errors will be added in
   1588       the returning changeset. This option can be used to avoid raising
   1589       `Ecto.StaleEntryError`.
   1591     * `:stale_error_message` - The message to add to the configured
   1592       `:stale_error_field` when stale errors happen, defaults to "is stale".
   1594   See the ["Shared options"](#module-shared-options) section at the module
   1595   documentation for more options.
   1597   ## Example
   1599       post = MyRepo.get!(Post, 42)
   1600       post = Ecto.Changeset.change post, title: "New title"
   1601       case MyRepo.update post do
   1602         {:ok, struct}       -> # Updated with success
   1603         {:error, changeset} -> # Something went wrong
   1604       end
   1605   """
   1606   @doc group: "Schema API"
   1607   @callback update(changeset :: Ecto.Changeset.t(), opts :: Keyword.t()) ::
   1608               {:ok, Ecto.Schema.t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()}
   1610   @doc """
   1611   Inserts or updates a changeset depending on whether the struct is persisted
   1612   or not.
   1614   The distinction whether to insert or update will be made on the
   1615   `Ecto.Schema.Metadata` field `:state`. The `:state` is automatically set by
   1616   Ecto when loading or building a schema.
   1618   Please note that for this to work, you will have to load existing structs from
   1619   the database. So even if the struct exists, this won't work:
   1621       struct = %Post{id: "existing_id", ...}
   1622       MyRepo.insert_or_update changeset
   1623       # => {:error, changeset} # id already exists
   1625   ## Options
   1627     * `:prefix` - The prefix to run the query on (such as the schema path
   1628       in Postgres or the database in MySQL). This overrides the prefix set
   1629       in the query and any `@schema_prefix` set any schemas. Also, the
   1630       `@schema_prefix` for the parent record will override all default
   1631       `@schema_prefix`s set in any child schemas for associations.
   1632     * `:stale_error_field` - The field where stale errors will be added in
   1633       the returning changeset. This option can be used to avoid raising
   1634       `Ecto.StaleEntryError`. Only applies to updates.
   1635     * `:stale_error_message` - The message to add to the configured
   1636       `:stale_error_field` when stale errors happen, defaults to "is stale".
   1637       Only applies to updates.
   1639   See the ["Shared options"](#module-shared-options) section at the module
   1640   documentation for more options.
   1642   ## Example
   1644       result =
   1645         case MyRepo.get(Post, id) do
   1646           nil  -> %Post{id: id} # Post not found, we build one
   1647           post -> post          # Post exists, let's use it
   1648         end
   1649         |> Post.changeset(changes)
   1650         |> MyRepo.insert_or_update
   1652       case result do
   1653         {:ok, struct}       -> # Inserted or updated with success
   1654         {:error, changeset} -> # Something went wrong
   1655       end
   1656   """
   1657   @doc group: "Schema API"
   1658   @callback insert_or_update(changeset :: Ecto.Changeset.t(), opts :: Keyword.t()) ::
   1659               {:ok, Ecto.Schema.t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()}
   1661   @doc """
   1662   Deletes a struct using its primary key.
   1664   If the struct has no primary key, `Ecto.NoPrimaryKeyFieldError`
   1665   will be raised. If the struct has been removed prior to the call,
   1666   `Ecto.StaleEntryError` will be raised. If more than one database
   1667   operation is required, they're automatically wrapped in a transaction.
   1669   It returns `{:ok, struct}` if the struct has been successfully
   1670   deleted or `{:error, changeset}` if there was a validation
   1671   or a known constraint error. By default, constraint errors will
   1672   raise the `Ecto.ConstraintError` exception, unless a changeset is
   1673   given as the first argument with the relevant constraints declared
   1674   in it (see `Ecto.Changeset`).
   1676   ## Options
   1678     * `:prefix` - The prefix to run the query on (such as the schema path
   1679       in Postgres or the database in MySQL). This overrides the prefix set
   1680       in the query and any `@schema_prefix` set in the schema.
   1682     * `:stale_error_field` - The field where stale errors will be added in
   1683       the returning changeset. This option can be used to avoid raising
   1684       `Ecto.StaleEntryError`.
   1686     * `:stale_error_message` - The message to add to the configured
   1687       `:stale_error_field` when stale errors happen, defaults to "is stale".
   1689   See the ["Shared options"](#module-shared-options) section at the module
   1690   documentation for more options.
   1692   ## Example
   1694       post = MyRepo.get!(Post, 42)
   1695       case MyRepo.delete post do
   1696         {:ok, struct}       -> # Deleted with success
   1697         {:error, changeset} -> # Something went wrong
   1698       end
   1700   """
   1701   @doc group: "Schema API"
   1702   @callback delete(
   1703               struct_or_changeset :: Ecto.Schema.t() | Ecto.Changeset.t(),
   1704               opts :: Keyword.t()
   1705             ) :: {:ok, Ecto.Schema.t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()}
   1707   @doc """
   1708   Same as `c:insert/2` but returns the struct or raises if the changeset is invalid.
   1709   """
   1710   @doc group: "Schema API"
   1711   @callback insert!(
   1712               struct_or_changeset :: Ecto.Schema.t() | Ecto.Changeset.t(),
   1713               opts :: Keyword.t()
   1714             ) :: Ecto.Schema.t()
   1716   @doc """
   1717   Same as `c:update/2` but returns the struct or raises if the changeset is invalid.
   1718   """
   1719   @doc group: "Schema API"
   1720   @callback update!(changeset :: Ecto.Changeset.t(), opts :: Keyword.t()) ::
   1721               Ecto.Schema.t()
   1723   @doc """
   1724   Same as `c:insert_or_update/2` but returns the struct or raises if the changeset
   1725   is invalid.
   1726   """
   1727   @doc group: "Schema API"
   1728   @callback insert_or_update!(changeset :: Ecto.Changeset.t(), opts :: Keyword.t()) ::
   1729               Ecto.Schema.t()
   1731   @doc """
   1732   Same as `c:delete/2` but returns the struct or raises if the changeset is invalid.
   1733   """
   1734   @doc group: "Schema API"
   1735   @callback delete!(
   1736               struct_or_changeset :: Ecto.Schema.t() | Ecto.Changeset.t(),
   1737               opts :: Keyword.t()
   1738             ) :: Ecto.Schema.t()
   1740   ## Ecto.Adapter.Transaction
   1742   @optional_callbacks transaction: 2, in_transaction?: 0, rollback: 1
   1744   @doc """
   1745   Runs the given function or `Ecto.Multi` inside a transaction.
   1747   ## Use with function
   1749   `c:transaction/2` can be called with both a function of arity
   1750   zero or one. The arity zero function will just be executed as is:
   1752       import Ecto.Changeset, only: [change: 2]
   1754       MyRepo.transaction(fn ->
   1755         MyRepo.update!(change(alice, balance: alice.balance - 10))
   1756         MyRepo.update!(change(bob, balance: bob.balance + 10))
   1757       end)
   1759   While the arity one function will receive the repo of the transaction
   1760   as its first argument:
   1762       MyRepo.transaction(fn repo ->
   1763         repo.insert!(%Post{})
   1764       end)
   1766   If an Elixir exception occurs the transaction will be rolled back
   1767   and the exception will bubble up from the transaction function.
   1768   If no exception occurs, the transaction is committed when the
   1769   function returns. A transaction can be explicitly rolled back
   1770   by calling `c:rollback/1`, this will immediately leave the function
   1771   and return the value given to `rollback` as `{:error, value}`.
   1773   A successful transaction returns the value returned by the function
   1774   wrapped in a tuple as `{:ok, value}`.
   1776   ### Nested transactions
   1778   If `c:transaction/2` is called inside another transaction, the function
   1779   is simply executed, without wrapping the new transaction call in any
   1780   way. If there is an error in the inner transaction and the error is
   1781   rescued, or the inner transaction is rolled back, the whole outer
   1782   transaction is aborted, guaranteeing nothing will be committed.
   1784   Below is an example of how rollbacks work with nested transactions:
   1786       {:error, :rollback} =
   1787         MyRepo.transaction(fn ->
   1788           {:error, :posting_not_allowed} =
   1789             MyRepo.transaction(fn ->
   1790               # This function call causes the following to happen:
   1791               #
   1792               #   * the transaction is rolled back in the database,
   1793               #   * code execution is stopped within the current function,
   1794               #   * and the value, passed to `rollback/1` is returned from
   1795               #     `MyRepo.transaction/1` as the second element in the error
   1796               #     tuple.
   1797               #
   1798               MyRepo.rollback(:posting_not_allowed)
   1800               # `rollback/1` stops execution, so code here won't be run
   1801             end)
   1803           # The transaction here is now aborted and any further
   1804           # operation will raise an exception.
   1805         end)
   1807   See the "Aborted transactions" section for more examples of aborted
   1808   transactions and how to handle them.
   1810   In practice, managing nested transactions can become complex quickly.
   1811   For this reason, Ecto provides `Ecto.Multi` for composing transactions.
   1813   ## Use with Ecto.Multi
   1815   `c:transaction/2` also accepts the `Ecto.Multi` struct as first argument.
   1816   `Ecto.Multi` allows you to compose transactions operations, step by step,
   1817   and manage what happens in case of success or failure.
   1819   When an `Ecto.Multi` is given to this function, a transaction will be started,
   1820   all operations applied and in case of success committed returning `{:ok, changes}`:
   1822       # With Ecto.Multi
   1823       Ecto.Multi.new()
   1824       |> Ecto.Multi.insert(:post, %Post{})
   1825       |> MyRepo.transaction
   1827   In case of any errors the transaction will be rolled back and
   1828   `{:error, failed_operation, failed_value, changes_so_far}` will be returned.
   1830   Explore the `Ecto.Multi` documentation to learn more and find detailed examples.
   1832   ## Aborted transactions
   1834   When an operation inside a transaction fails, the transaction is aborted in the database. 
   1835   For instance, if you attempt an insert that violates a unique constraint, the insert fails 
   1836   and the transaction is aborted. In such cases, any further operation inside the transaction 
   1837   will raise exceptions.
   1839   Take the following transaction as an example:
   1841       Repo.transaction(fn repo ->
   1842         case repo.insert(changeset) do
   1843           {:ok, post} ->
   1844             repo.insert(%Status{value: "success"})
   1846           {:error, changeset} ->
   1847             repo.insert(%Status{value: "failure"})
   1848         end
   1849       end)
   1851   If the changeset is valid, but the insert operation fails due to a database constraint,
   1852   the subsequent `repo.insert(%Failure{})` operation will raise an exception because the
   1853   database has already aborted the transaction and thus making the operation invalid.
   1854   In Postgres, the exception would look like this:
   1856       ** (Postgrex.Error) ERROR 25P02 (in_failed_sql_transaction) current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
   1858   If the changeset is invalid before it reaches the database due to a validation error, 
   1859   no statement is sent to the database, an `:error` tuple is returned, and `repo.insert(%Failure{})` 
   1860   operation will execute as usual. 
   1862   We have two options to deal with such scenarios:
   1864   If don't want to change the semantics of your code,  you can also use the savepoints 
   1865   feature by passing the `:mode` option like this: `repo.insert(changeset, mode: :savepoint)`. 
   1866   In case of an exception, the transaction will rollback to the savepoint and prevent 
   1867   the transaction from failing.
   1869   Another alternative is to handle this operation outside of the transaction. 
   1870   For example, you can choose to perform an explicit `repo.rollback` call in the 
   1871   `{:error, changeset}` clause and then perform the `repo.insert(%Failure{})` outside 
   1872   of the transaction. You might also consider using `Ecto.Multi`, as they automatically 
   1873   rollback whenever an operation fails.
   1875   ## Working with processes
   1877   The transaction is per process. A separate process started inside a
   1878   transaction won't be part of the same transaction and will use a separate
   1879   connection altogether.
   1881   When using the the `Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox` in tests, while it may be
   1882   possible to share the connection between processes, the parent process
   1883   will typically hold the connection until the transaction completes. This
   1884   may lead to a deadlock if the child process attempts to use the same connection.
   1885   See the docs for
   1886   [`Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox`](https://hexdocs.pm/ecto_sql/Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox.html)
   1887   for more information.
   1889   ## Options
   1891   See the ["Shared options"](#module-shared-options) section at the module
   1892   documentation for more options.
   1893   """
   1894   @doc group: "Transaction API"
   1895   @callback transaction(fun_or_multi :: fun | Ecto.Multi.t(), opts :: Keyword.t()) ::
   1896               {:ok, any}
   1897               | {:error, any}
   1898               | {:error, Ecto.Multi.name(), any, %{Ecto.Multi.name() => any}}
   1900   @doc """
   1901   Returns true if the current process is inside a transaction.
   1903   If you are using the `Ecto.Adapters.SQL.Sandbox` in tests, note that even
   1904   though each test is inside a transaction, `in_transaction?/0` will only
   1905   return true inside transactions explicitly created with `transaction/2`. This
   1906   is done so the test environment mimics dev and prod.
   1908   ## Examples
   1910       MyRepo.in_transaction?
   1911       #=> false
   1913       MyRepo.transaction(fn ->
   1914         MyRepo.in_transaction? #=> true
   1915       end)
   1917   """
   1918   @doc group: "Transaction API"
   1919   @callback in_transaction?() :: boolean
   1921   @doc """
   1922   Rolls back the current transaction.
   1924   The transaction will return the value given as `{:error, value}`.
   1926   Note that calling `rollback` causes the code in the transaction to stop executing.
   1927   """
   1928   @doc group: "Transaction API"
   1929   @callback rollback(value :: any) :: no_return
   1930 end