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ecto.drop.ex (2871B)

      1 defmodule Mix.Tasks.Ecto.Drop do
      2   use Mix.Task
      3   import Mix.Ecto
      5   @shortdoc "Drops the repository storage"
      6   @default_opts [force: false, force_drop: false]
      8   @aliases [
      9     f: :force,
     10     q: :quiet,
     11     r: :repo
     12   ]
     14   @switches [
     15     force: :boolean,
     16     force_drop: :boolean,
     17     quiet: :boolean,
     18     repo: [:keep, :string],
     19     no_compile: :boolean,
     20     no_deps_check: :boolean,
     21   ]
     23   @moduledoc """
     24   Drop the storage for the given repository.
     26   The repositories to drop are the ones specified under the
     27   `:ecto_repos` option in the current app configuration. However,
     28   if the `-r` option is given, it replaces the `:ecto_repos` config.
     30   Since Ecto tasks can only be executed once, if you need to drop
     31   multiple repositories, set `:ecto_repos` accordingly or pass the `-r`
     32   flag multiple times.
     34   ## Examples
     36       $ mix ecto.drop
     37       $ mix ecto.drop -r Custom.Repo
     39   ## Command line options
     41     * `-r`, `--repo` - the repo to drop
     42     * `-q`, `--quiet` - run the command quietly
     43     * `-f`, `--force` - do not ask for confirmation when dropping the database.
     44       Configuration is asked only when `:start_permanent` is set to true
     45       (typically in production)
     46     * `--force-drop` - force the database to be dropped even
     47       if it has connections to it (requires PostgreSQL 13+)
     48     * `--no-compile` - do not compile before dropping
     49     * `--no-deps-check` - do not compile before dropping
     51   """
     53   @impl true
     54   def run(args) do
     55     repos = parse_repo(args)
     56     {opts, _} = OptionParser.parse! args, strict: @switches, aliases: @aliases
     57     opts = Keyword.merge(@default_opts, opts)
     59     Enum.each repos, fn repo ->
     60       ensure_repo(repo, args)
     61       ensure_implements(repo.__adapter__, Ecto.Adapter.Storage,
     62                                           "drop storage for #{inspect repo}")
     64       if skip_safety_warnings?() or
     65          opts[:force] or
     66          Mix.shell().yes?("Are you sure you want to drop the database for repo #{inspect repo}?") do
     67         drop_database(repo, opts)
     68       end
     69     end
     70   end
     72   defp skip_safety_warnings? do
     73     Mix.Project.config()[:start_permanent] != true
     74   end
     76   defp drop_database(repo, opts) do
     77     config =
     78       opts
     79       |> Keyword.take([:force_drop])
     80       |> Keyword.merge(repo.config)
     81     case repo.__adapter__.storage_down(config) do
     82       :ok ->
     83         unless opts[:quiet] do
     84           Mix.shell().info "The database for #{inspect repo} has been dropped"
     85         end
     86       {:error, :already_down} ->
     87         unless opts[:quiet] do
     88           Mix.shell().info "The database for #{inspect repo} has already been dropped"
     89         end
     90       {:error, term} when is_binary(term) ->
     91         Mix.raise "The database for #{inspect repo} couldn't be dropped: #{term}"
     92       {:error, term} ->
     93         Mix.raise "The database for #{inspect repo} couldn't be dropped: #{inspect term}"
     94     end
     95   end
     96 end