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mix.exs (3896B)

      1 defmodule Ecto.MixProject do
      2   use Mix.Project
      4   @source_url "https://github.com/elixir-ecto/ecto"
      5   @version "3.9.1"
      7   def project do
      8     [
      9       app: :ecto,
     10       version: @version,
     11       elixir: "~> 1.10",
     12       deps: deps(),
     13       consolidate_protocols: Mix.env() != :test,
     14       elixirc_paths: elixirc_paths(Mix.env()),
     16       # Hex
     17       description: "A toolkit for data mapping and language integrated query for Elixir",
     18       package: package(),
     20       # Docs
     21       name: "Ecto",
     22       docs: docs()
     23     ]
     24   end
     26   def application do
     27     [
     28       extra_applications: [:logger, :crypto, :eex],
     29       mod: {Ecto.Application, []}
     30     ]
     31   end
     33   defp deps do
     34     [
     35       {:telemetry, "~> 0.4 or ~> 1.0"},
     36       {:decimal, "~> 1.6 or ~> 2.0"},
     37       {:jason, "~> 1.0", optional: true},
     38       {:ex_doc, "~> 0.20", only: :docs}
     39     ]
     40   end
     42   defp package do
     43     [
     44       maintainers: ["Eric Meadows-Jönsson", "José Valim", "James Fish", "Michał Muskała", "Felipe Stival"],
     45       licenses: ["Apache-2.0"],
     46       links: %{"GitHub" => @source_url},
     47       files:
     48         ~w(.formatter.exs mix.exs README.md CHANGELOG.md lib) ++
     49           ~w(integration_test/cases integration_test/support)
     50     ]
     51   end
     53   defp docs do
     54     [
     55       main: "Ecto",
     56       source_ref: "v#{@version}",
     57       logo: "guides/images/e.png",
     58       extra_section: "GUIDES",
     59       source_url: @source_url,
     60       skip_undefined_reference_warnings_on: ["CHANGELOG.md"],
     61       extras: extras(),
     62       groups_for_extras: groups_for_extras(),
     63       groups_for_functions: [
     64         group_for_function("Query API"),
     65         group_for_function("Schema API"),
     66         group_for_function("Transaction API"),
     67         group_for_function("Runtime API"),
     68         group_for_function("User callbacks")
     69       ],
     70       groups_for_modules: [
     71         # Ecto,
     72         # Ecto.Changeset,
     73         # Ecto.Multi,
     74         # Ecto.Query,
     75         # Ecto.Repo,
     76         # Ecto.Schema,
     77         # Ecto.Schema.Metadata,
     78         # Mix.Ecto,
     80         "Types": [
     81           Ecto.Enum,
     82           Ecto.ParameterizedType,
     83           Ecto.Type,
     84           Ecto.UUID
     85         ],
     86         "Query APIs": [
     87           Ecto.Query.API,
     88           Ecto.Query.WindowAPI,
     89           Ecto.Queryable,
     90           Ecto.SubQuery
     91         ],
     92         "Adapter specification": [
     93           Ecto.Adapter,
     94           Ecto.Adapter.Queryable,
     95           Ecto.Adapter.Schema,
     96           Ecto.Adapter.Storage,
     97           Ecto.Adapter.Transaction
     98         ],
     99         "Relation structs": [
    100           Ecto.Association.BelongsTo,
    101           Ecto.Association.Has,
    102           Ecto.Association.HasThrough,
    103           Ecto.Association.ManyToMany,
    104           Ecto.Association.NotLoaded,
    105           Ecto.Embedded
    106         ]
    107       ]
    108     ]
    109   end
    111   def extras() do
    112     [
    113       "guides/introduction/Getting Started.md",
    114       "guides/introduction/Embedded Schemas.md",
    115       "guides/introduction/Testing with Ecto.md",
    116       "guides/howtos/Aggregates and subqueries.md",
    117       "guides/howtos/Composable transactions with Multi.md",
    118       "guides/howtos/Constraints and Upserts.md",
    119       "guides/howtos/Data mapping and validation.md",
    120       "guides/howtos/Dynamic queries.md",
    121       "guides/howtos/Multi tenancy with query prefixes.md",
    122       "guides/howtos/Multi tenancy with foreign keys.md",
    123       "guides/howtos/Self-referencing many to many.md",
    124       "guides/howtos/Polymorphic associations with many to many.md",
    125       "guides/howtos/Replicas and dynamic repositories.md",
    126       "guides/howtos/Schemaless queries.md",
    127       "guides/howtos/Test factories.md",
    128       "CHANGELOG.md"
    129     ]
    130   end
    132   defp group_for_function(group), do: {String.to_atom(group), &(&1[:group] == group)}
    134   defp groups_for_extras do
    135     [
    136       "Introduction": ~r/guides\/introduction\/.?/,
    137       "How-To's": ~r/guides\/howtos\/.?/
    138     ]
    139   end
    141   defp elixirc_paths(:test), do: ["lib", "test/support"]
    142   defp elixirc_paths(_), do: ["lib"]
    143 end