
zenflows testing
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file_helpers.exs (1020B)

      1 defmodule Support.FileHelpers do
      2   import ExUnit.Assertions
      4   @doc """
      5   Returns the `tmp_path` for tests.
      6   """
      7   def tmp_path do
      8     Path.expand("../../tmp", __DIR__)
      9   end
     11   @doc """
     12   Executes the given function in a temp directory
     13   tailored for this test case and test.
     14   """
     15   defmacro in_tmp(fun) do
     16     path = Path.join([tmp_path(), "#{__CALLER__.module}", "#{elem(__CALLER__.function, 0)}"])
     17     quote do
     18       path = unquote(path)
     19       File.rm_rf!(path)
     20       File.mkdir_p!(path)
     21       File.cd!(path, fn -> unquote(fun).(path) end)
     22     end
     23   end
     25   @doc """
     26   Asserts a file was generated.
     27   """
     28   def assert_file(file) do
     29     assert File.regular?(file), "Expected #{file} to exist, but does not"
     30   end
     32   @doc """
     33   Asserts a file was generated and that it matches a given pattern.
     34   """
     35   def assert_file(file, callback) when is_function(callback, 1) do
     36     assert_file(file)
     37     callback.(File.read!(file))
     38   end
     40   def assert_file(file, match) do
     41     assert_file file, &(assert &1 =~  match)
     42   end
     43 end