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migration.ex (50239B)

      1 defmodule Ecto.Migration do
      2   @moduledoc """
      3   Migrations are used to modify your database schema over time.
      5   This module provides many helpers for migrating the database,
      6   allowing developers to use Elixir to alter their storage in
      7   a way that is database independent.
      9   Migrations typically provide two operations: `up` and `down`,
     10   allowing us to migrate the database forward or roll it back
     11   in case of errors.
     13   In order to manage migrations, Ecto creates a table called
     14   `schema_migrations` in the database, which stores all migrations
     15   that have already been executed. You can configure the name of
     16   this table with the `:migration_source` configuration option.
     18   You can configure a different database for the table that
     19   manages your migrations by setting the `:migration_repo`
     20   configuration option to a different repository.
     22   Ecto also locks the `schema_migrations` table when running
     23   migrations, guaranteeing two different servers cannot run the same
     24   migration at the same time.
     26   ## Creating your first migration
     28   Migrations are defined inside the "priv/REPO/migrations" where REPO
     29   is the last part of the repository name in underscore. For example,
     30   migrations for `MyApp.Repo` would be found in "priv/repo/migrations".
     31   For `MyApp.CustomRepo`, it would be found in "priv/custom_repo/migrations".
     33   Each file in the migrations directory has the following structure:
     35   ```text
     36   NUMBER_NAME.exs
     37   ```
     39   The NUMBER is a unique number that identifies the migration. It is
     40   usually the timestamp of when the migration was created. The NAME
     41   must also be unique and it quickly identifies what the migration
     42   does. For example, if you need to track the "weather" in your system,
     43   you can start a new file at "priv/repo/migrations/20190417140000_add_weather_table.exs"
     44   that will have the following contents:
     46       defmodule MyRepo.Migrations.AddWeatherTable do
     47         use Ecto.Migration
     49         def up do
     50           create table("weather") do
     51             add :city,    :string, size: 40
     52             add :temp_lo, :integer
     53             add :temp_hi, :integer
     54             add :prcp,    :float
     56             timestamps()
     57           end
     58         end
     60         def down do
     61           drop table("weather")
     62         end
     63       end
     65   The `up/0` function is responsible to migrate your database forward.
     66   the `down/0` function is executed whenever you want to rollback.
     67   The `down/0` function must always do the opposite of `up/0`.
     68   Inside those functions, we invoke the API defined in this module,
     69   you will find conveniences for managing tables, indexes, columns,
     70   references, as well as running custom SQL commands.
     72   To run a migration, we generally use Mix tasks. For example, you can
     73   run the migration above by going to the root of your project and
     74   typing:
     76       $ mix ecto.migrate
     78   You can also roll it back by calling:
     80       $ mix ecto.rollback --step 1
     82   Note rollback requires us to say how much we want to rollback.
     83   On the other hand, `mix ecto.migrate` will always run all pending
     84   migrations.
     86   In practice, we don't create migration files by hand either, we
     87   typically use `mix ecto.gen.migration` to generate the file with
     88   the proper timestamp and then we just fill in its contents:
     90       $ mix ecto.gen.migration add_weather_table
     92   ## Mix tasks
     94   As seen above, Ecto provides many Mix tasks to help developers work
     95   with migrations. We summarize them below:
     97     * `mix ecto.gen.migration` - generates a
     98       migration that the user can fill in with particular commands
     99     * `mix ecto.migrate` - migrates a repository
    100     * `mix ecto.migrations` - shows all migrations and their status
    101     * `mix ecto.rollback` - rolls back a particular migration
    103   Run `mix help COMMAND` for more information on a particular command.
    104   For a lower level API for running migrations, see `Ecto.Migrator`.
    106   ## Change
    108   Having to write both `up/0` and `down/0` functions for every
    109   migration is tedious and error prone. For this reason, Ecto allows
    110   you to defined a `change/0` callback with all of the code you want
    111   to execute when migrating and Ecto will automatically figure out
    112   the `down/0` for you. For example, the migration above can be
    113   written as:
    115       defmodule MyRepo.Migrations.AddWeatherTable do
    116         use Ecto.Migration
    118         def change do
    119           create table("weather") do
    120             add :city,    :string, size: 40
    121             add :temp_lo, :integer
    122             add :temp_hi, :integer
    123             add :prcp,    :float
    125             timestamps()
    126           end
    127         end
    128       end
    130   However, note that not all commands are reversible. Trying to rollback
    131   a non-reversible command will raise an `Ecto.MigrationError`.
    133   A notable command in this regard is `execute/2`, which is reversible in
    134   `change/0` by accepting a pair of plain SQL strings. The first is run on
    135   forward migrations (`up/0`) and the second when rolling back (`down/0`).
    137   If `up/0` and `down/0` are implemented in a migration, they take precedence,
    138   and `change/0` isn't invoked.
    140   ## Field Types
    142   The Ecto primitive types are mapped to the appropriate database
    143   type by the various database adapters. For example, `:string` is
    144   converted to `:varchar`, `:binary` to `:bytea` or `:blob`, and so on.
    146   In particular, note that:
    148     * the `:string` type in migrations by default has a limit of 255 characters.
    149       If you need more or less characters, pass the `:size` option, such
    150       as `add :field, :string, size: 10`. If you don't want to impose a limit,
    151       most databases support a `:text` type or similar
    153     * the `:binary` type in migrations by default has no size limit. If you want
    154       to impose a limit, pass the `:size` option accordingly. In MySQL, passing
    155       the size option changes the underlying field from "blob" to "varbinary"
    157   Any other type will be given as is to the database. For example, you
    158   can use `:text`, `:char`, or `:varchar` as types. Types that have spaces
    159   in their names can be wrapped in double quotes, such as `:"int unsigned"`,
    160   `:"time without time zone"`, etc.
    162   ## Executing and flushing
    164   Instructions inside of migrations are not executed immediately. Instead
    165   they are performed after the relevant `up`, `change`, or `down` callback
    166   terminates.
    168   However, in some situations you may want to guarantee that all of the
    169   previous steps have been executed before continuing. This is useful when
    170   you need to apply a set of changes to the table before continuing with the
    171   migration. This can be done with `flush/0`:
    173       def up do
    174         ...
    175         flush()
    176         ...
    177       end
    179   However `flush/0` will raise if it would be called from `change` function when doing a rollback.
    180   To avoid that we recommend to use `execute/2` with anonymous functions instead.
    181   For more information and example usage please take a look at `execute/2` function.
    183   ## Repo configuration
    185   ### Migrator configuration
    187   These options configure how the underlying migration engine works:
    189     * `:migration_source` - Version numbers of migrations will be saved in a
    190       table named `schema_migrations` by default. You can configure the name of
    191       the table via:
    193           config :app, App.Repo, migration_source: "my_migrations"
    195     * `:migration_lock` - By default, Ecto will lock the migration source to throttle
    196       multiple nodes to run migrations one at a time. You can disable the `migration_lock`
    197       by setting it to `false`. You may also select a different locking strategy if
    198       supported by the adapter. See the adapter docs for more information.
    200           config :app, App.Repo, migration_lock: false
    202           # Or use a different locking strategy. For example, Postgres can use advisory
    203           # locks but be aware that your database configuration might not make this a good
    204           # fit. See the Ecto.Adapters.Postgres for more information:
    205           config :app, App.Repo, migration_lock: :pg_advisory_lock
    207     * `:migration_repo` - The migration repository is where the table managing the
    208       migrations will be stored (`migration_source` defines the table name). It defaults
    209       to the given repository itself but you can configure it via:
    211           config :app, App.Repo, migration_repo: App.MigrationRepo
    213     * `:priv` - the priv directory for the repo with the location of important assets,
    214       such as migrations. For a repository named `MyApp.FooRepo`, `:priv` defaults to
    215       "priv/foo_repo" and migrations should be placed at "priv/foo_repo/migrations"
    217     * `:start_apps_before_migration` - A list of applications to be started before
    218       running migrations. Used by `Ecto.Migrator.with_repo/3` and the migration tasks:
    220           config :app, App.Repo, start_apps_before_migration: [:ssl, :some_custom_logger]
    222   ### Migrations configuration
    224   These options configure how each migration works. **It is generally discouraged
    225   to change any of those configurations after your database is deployed to production,
    226   as changing these options will retroactively change how all migrations work**.
    228     * `:migration_primary_key` - By default, Ecto uses the `:id` column with type
    229       `:bigserial`, but you can configure it via:
    231           config :app, App.Repo, migration_primary_key: [name: :uuid, type: :binary_id]
    233           config :app, App.Repo, migration_primary_key: false
    235     * `:migration_foreign_key` - By default, Ecto uses the `primary_key` type
    236       for foreign keys when `references/2` is used, but you can configure it via:
    238           config :app, App.Repo, migration_foreign_key: [column: :uuid, type: :binary_id]
    240     * `:migration_timestamps` - By default, Ecto uses the `:naive_datetime` as the type,
    241       `:inserted_at` as the name of the column for storing insertion times, `:updated_at` as
    242       the name of the column for storing last-updated-at times, but you can configure it
    243       via:
    245           config :app, App.Repo, migration_timestamps: [
    246             type: :utc_datetime,
    247             inserted_at: :created_at,
    248             updated_at: :changed_at
    249           ]
    251     * `:migration_default_prefix` - Ecto defaults to `nil` for the database prefix for
    252       migrations, but you can configure it via:
    254           config :app, App.Repo, migration_default_prefix: "my_prefix"
    256   ## Comments
    258   Migrations where you create or alter a table support specifying table
    259   and column comments. The same can be done when creating constraints
    260   and indexes. Not all databases support this feature.
    262       def up do
    263         create index("posts", [:name], comment: "Index Comment")
    264         create constraint("products", "price_must_be_positive", check: "price > 0", comment: "Constraint Comment")
    265         create table("weather", prefix: "north_america", comment: "Table Comment") do
    266           add :city, :string, size: 40, comment: "Column Comment"
    267           timestamps()
    268         end
    269       end
    271   ## Prefixes
    273   Migrations support specifying a table prefix or index prefix which will
    274   target either a schema (if using PostgreSQL) or a different database (if using
    275   MySQL). If no prefix is provided, the default schema or database is used.
    277   Any reference declared in the table migration refers by default to the table
    278   with the same declared prefix. The prefix is specified in the table options:
    280       def up do
    281         create table("weather", prefix: "north_america") do
    282           add :city,    :string, size: 40
    283           add :temp_lo, :integer
    284           add :temp_hi, :integer
    285           add :prcp,    :float
    286           add :group_id, references(:groups)
    288           timestamps()
    289         end
    291         create index("weather", [:city], prefix: "north_america")
    292       end
    294   Note: if using MySQL with a prefixed table, you must use the same prefix
    295   for the references since cross-database references are not supported.
    297   When using a prefixed table with either MySQL or PostgreSQL, you must use the
    298   same prefix for the index field to ensure that you index the prefix-qualified
    299   table.
    301   ## Transaction Callbacks
    303   If possible, each migration runs inside a transaction. This is true for Postgres,
    304   but not true for MySQL, as the latter does not support DDL transactions.
    306   In some rare cases, you may need to execute some common behavior after beginning
    307   a migration transaction, or before committing that transaction. For instance, one
    308   might desire to set a `lock_timeout` for each lock in the migration transaction.
    310   You can do so by defining `c:after_begin/0` and `c:before_commit/0` callbacks to
    311   your migration.
    313   However, if you need do so for every migration module, implement this callback
    314   for every migration can be quite repetitive. Luckily, you can handle this by
    315   providing your migration module:
    317       defmodule MyApp.Migration do
    318         defmacro __using__(_) do
    319           quote do
    320             use Ecto.Migration
    322             def after_begin() do
    323               repo().query! "SET lock_timeout TO '5s'"
    324             end
    325           end
    326         end
    327       end
    329   Then in your migrations you can `use MyApp.Migration` to share this behavior
    330   among all your migrations.
    332   ## Additional resources
    334     * The [Safe Ecto Migrations guide](https://fly.io/phoenix-files/safe-ecto-migrations/)
    336   """
    338   @doc """
    339   Migration code to run immediately after the transaction is opened.
    341   Keep in mind that it is treated like any normal migration code, and should
    342   consider both the up *and* down cases of the migration.
    343   """
    344   @callback after_begin() :: term
    346   @doc """
    347   Migration code to run immediately before the transaction is closed.
    349   Keep in mind that it is treated like any normal migration code, and should
    350   consider both the up *and* down cases of the migration.
    351   """
    352   @callback before_commit() :: term
    353   @optional_callbacks after_begin: 0, before_commit: 0
    355   defmodule Index do
    356     @moduledoc """
    357     Used internally by adapters.
    359     To define an index in a migration, see `Ecto.Migration.index/3`.
    360     """
    361     defstruct table: nil,
    362               prefix: nil,
    363               name: nil,
    364               columns: [],
    365               unique: false,
    366               concurrently: false,
    367               using: nil,
    368               include: [],
    369               nulls_distinct: nil,
    370               where: nil,
    371               comment: nil,
    372               options: nil
    374     @type t :: %__MODULE__{
    375       table: String.t,
    376       prefix: atom,
    377       name: atom,
    378       columns: [atom | String.t],
    379       unique: boolean,
    380       concurrently: boolean,
    381       using: atom | String.t,
    382       include: [atom | String.t],
    383       nulls_distinct: boolean | nil,
    384       where: atom | String.t,
    385       comment: String.t | nil,
    386       options: String.t
    387     }
    388   end
    390   defmodule Table do
    391     @moduledoc """
    392     Used internally by adapters.
    394     To define a table in a migration, see `Ecto.Migration.table/2`.
    395     """
    396     defstruct name: nil, prefix: nil, comment: nil, primary_key: true, engine: nil, options: nil
    397     @type t :: %__MODULE__{name: String.t, prefix: atom | nil, comment: String.t | nil, primary_key: boolean | keyword(),
    398                            engine: atom, options: String.t}
    399   end
    401   defmodule Reference do
    402     @moduledoc """
    403     Used internally by adapters.
    405     To define a reference in a migration, see `Ecto.Migration.references/2`.
    406     """
    407     defstruct name: nil, prefix: nil, table: nil, column: :id, type: :bigserial,
    408               on_delete: :nothing, on_update: :nothing, validate: true,
    409               with: [], match: nil
    410     @type t :: %__MODULE__{table: String.t, prefix: atom | nil, column: atom, type: atom,
    411                            on_delete: atom, on_update: atom, validate: boolean,
    412                            with: list, match: atom | nil}
    413   end
    415   defmodule Constraint do
    416     @moduledoc """
    417     Used internally by adapters.
    419     To define a constraint in a migration, see `Ecto.Migration.constraint/3`.
    420     """
    421     defstruct name: nil, table: nil, check: nil, exclude: nil, prefix: nil, comment: nil, validate: true
    422     @type t :: %__MODULE__{name: atom, table: String.t, prefix: atom | nil,
    423                            check: String.t | nil, exclude: String.t | nil, comment: String.t | nil, validate: boolean}
    424   end
    426   defmodule Command do
    427     @moduledoc """
    428     Used internally by adapters.
    430     This represents the up and down legs of a reversible raw command
    431     that is usually defined with `Ecto.Migration.execute/1`.
    433     To define a reversible command in a migration, see `Ecto.Migration.execute/2`.
    434     """
    435     defstruct up: nil, down: nil
    436     @type t :: %__MODULE__{up: String.t, down: String.t}
    437   end
    439   alias Ecto.Migration.Runner
    441   @doc false
    442   defmacro __using__(_) do
    443     quote location: :keep do
    444       import Ecto.Migration
    445       @disable_ddl_transaction false
    446       @disable_migration_lock false
    447       @before_compile Ecto.Migration
    448     end
    449   end
    451   @doc false
    452   defmacro __before_compile__(_env) do
    453     quote do
    454       def __migration__ do
    455         [
    456           disable_ddl_transaction: @disable_ddl_transaction,
    457           disable_migration_lock: @disable_migration_lock
    458         ]
    459       end
    460     end
    461   end
    463   @doc """
    464   Creates a table.
    466   By default, the table will also include an `:id` primary key field that
    467   has a type of `:bigserial`. Check the `table/2` docs for more information.
    469   ## Examples
    471       create table(:posts) do
    472         add :title, :string, default: "Untitled"
    473         add :body,  :text
    475         timestamps()
    476       end
    478   """
    479   defmacro create(object, do: block) do
    480     expand_create(object, :create, block)
    481   end
    483   @doc """
    484   Creates a table if it does not exist.
    486   Works just like `create/2` but does not raise an error when the table
    487   already exists.
    488   """
    489   defmacro create_if_not_exists(object, do: block) do
    490     expand_create(object, :create_if_not_exists, block)
    491   end
    493   defp expand_create(object, command, block) do
    494     quote do
    495       table = %Table{} = unquote(object)
    496       Runner.start_command({unquote(command), Ecto.Migration.__prefix__(table)})
    498       if primary_key = Ecto.Migration.__primary_key__(table) do
    499         {name, type, opts} = primary_key
    500         add(name, type, opts)
    501       end
    503       unquote(block)
    504       Runner.end_command()
    505       table
    506     end
    507   end
    509   @doc """
    510   Alters a table.
    512   ## Examples
    514       alter table("posts") do
    515         add :summary, :text
    516         modify :title, :text
    517         remove :views
    518       end
    520   """
    521   defmacro alter(object, do: block) do
    522     quote do
    523       table = %Table{} = unquote(object)
    524       Runner.start_command({:alter, Ecto.Migration.__prefix__(table)})
    525       unquote(block)
    526       Runner.end_command()
    527     end
    528   end
    530   @doc """
    531   Creates one of the following:
    533     * an index
    534     * a table with only the :id primary key
    535     * a constraint
    537   When reversing (in a `change/0` running backwards), indexes are only dropped
    538   if they exist, and no errors are raised. To enforce dropping an index, use
    539   `drop/1`.
    541   ## Examples
    543       create index("posts", [:name])
    544       create table("version")
    545       create constraint("products", "price_must_be_positive", check: "price > 0")
    547   """
    548   def create(%Index{} = index) do
    549     Runner.execute {:create, __prefix__(index)}
    550     index
    551   end
    553   def create(%Constraint{} = constraint) do
    554     Runner.execute {:create, __prefix__(constraint)}
    555     constraint
    556   end
    558   def create(%Table{} = table) do
    559     do_create table, :create
    560     table
    561   end
    563   @doc """
    564   Creates an index or a table with only `:id` field if one does not yet exist.
    566   ## Examples
    568       create_if_not_exists index("posts", [:name])
    570       create_if_not_exists table("version")
    572   """
    573   def create_if_not_exists(%Index{} = index) do
    574     Runner.execute {:create_if_not_exists, __prefix__(index)}
    575   end
    577   def create_if_not_exists(%Table{} = table) do
    578     do_create table, :create_if_not_exists
    579   end
    581   defp do_create(table, command) do
    582     columns =
    583       if primary_key = Ecto.Migration.__primary_key__(table) do
    584         {name, type, opts} = primary_key
    585         [{:add, name, type, opts}]
    586       else
    587         []
    588       end
    590     Runner.execute {command, __prefix__(table), columns}
    591   end
    593   @doc """
    594   Drops one of the following:
    596     * an index
    597     * a table
    598     * a constraint
    600   ## Examples
    602       drop index("posts", [:name])
    603       drop table("posts")
    604       drop constraint("products", "price_must_be_positive")
    605       drop index("posts", [:name]), mode: :cascade
    606       drop table("posts"), mode: :cascade
    608   ## Options
    610     * `:mode` - when set to `:cascade`, automatically drop objects that depend
    611       on the index, and in turn all objects that depend on those objects
    612       on the table. Default is `:restrict`
    614   """
    615   def drop(%{} = index_or_table_or_constraint, opts \\ []) when is_list(opts) do
    616     Runner.execute {:drop, __prefix__(index_or_table_or_constraint), Keyword.get(opts, :mode, :restrict)}
    617     index_or_table_or_constraint
    618   end
    620   @doc """
    621   Drops a table or index if it exists.
    623   Does not raise an error if the specified table or index does not exist.
    625   ## Examples
    627       drop_if_exists index("posts", [:name])
    628       drop_if_exists table("posts")
    629       drop_if_exists index("posts", [:name]), mode: :cascade
    630       drop_if_exists table("posts"), mode: :cascade
    632   ## Options
    634     * `:mode` - when set to `:cascade`, automatically drop objects that depend
    635       on the index, and in turn all objects that depend on those objects
    636       on the table. Default is `:restrict`
    638   """
    639   def drop_if_exists(%{} = index_or_table, opts \\ []) when is_list(opts) do
    640     Runner.execute {:drop_if_exists, __prefix__(index_or_table), Keyword.get(opts, :mode, :restrict)}
    642     index_or_table
    643   end
    645   @doc """
    646   Returns a table struct that can be given to `create/2`, `alter/2`, `drop/1`,
    647   etc.
    649   ## Examples
    651       create table("products") do
    652         add :name, :string
    653         add :price, :decimal
    654       end
    656       drop table("products")
    658       create table("products", primary_key: false) do
    659         add :name, :string
    660         add :price, :decimal
    661       end
    663   ## Options
    665     * `:primary_key` - when `false`, a primary key field is not generated on table
    666       creation. Alternatively, a keyword list in the same style of the
    667       `:migration_primary_key` repository configuration can be supplied
    668       to control the generation of the primary key field. The keyword list
    669       must include `:name` and `:type`. See `add/3` for further options.
    670     * `:engine` - customizes the table storage for supported databases. For MySQL,
    671       the default is InnoDB.
    672     * `:prefix` - the prefix for the table. This prefix will automatically be used
    673       for all constraints and references defined for this table unless explicitly
    674       overridden in said constraints/references.
    675     * `:comment` - adds a comment to the table.
    676     * `:options` - provide custom options that will be appended after the generated
    677       statement. For example, "WITH", "INHERITS", or "ON COMMIT" clauses.
    679   """
    680   def table(name, opts \\ [])
    682   def table(name, opts) when is_atom(name) do
    683     table(Atom.to_string(name), opts)
    684   end
    686   def table(name, opts) when is_binary(name) and is_list(opts) do
    687     struct(%Table{name: name}, opts)
    688   end
    690   @doc ~S"""
    691   Returns an index struct that can be given to `create/1`, `drop/1`, etc.
    693   Expects the table name as the first argument and the index field(s) as
    694   the second. The fields can be atoms, representing columns, or strings,
    695   representing expressions that are sent as-is to the database.
    697   ## Options
    699     * `:name` - the name of the index. Defaults to "#{table}_#{column}_index".
    700     * `:unique` - indicates whether the index should be unique. Defaults to
    701       `false`.
    702     * `:concurrently` - indicates whether the index should be created/dropped
    703       concurrently.
    704     * `:using` - configures the index type.
    705     * `:prefix` - specify an optional prefix for the index.
    706     * `:where` - specify conditions for a partial index.
    707     * `:include` - specify fields for a covering index. This is not supported
    708       by all databases. For more information on PostgreSQL support, please
    709       [read the official docs](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/indexes-index-only-scans.html).
    710     * `:nulls_distinct` - specify whether null values should be considered
    711       distinct for a unique index. Defaults to `nil`, which will not add the
    712       parameter to the generated SQL and thus use the database default.
    713       This option is currently only supported by PostgreSQL 15+.
    714       For MySQL, it is always false. For MSSQL, it is always true.
    715       See the dedicated section on this option for more information.
    716     * `:comment` - adds a comment to the index.
    718   ## Adding/dropping indexes concurrently
    720   PostgreSQL supports adding/dropping indexes concurrently (see the
    721   [docs](http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/sql-createindex.html)).
    722   However, this feature does not work well with the transactions used by
    723   Ecto to guarantee integrity during migrations.
    725   You can address this with two changes:
    727     1. Change your repository to use PG advisory locks as the migration lock.
    728        Note this may not be supported by Postgres-like databases and proxies.
    730     2. Disable DDL transactions. Doing this removes the guarantee that all of
    731       the changes in the migration will happen at once, so you will want to
    732       keep it short.
    734   If the database adapter supports several migration lock strategies, such as
    735   Postgrex, then review those strategies and consider using a strategy that
    736   utilizes advisory locks to faciliate running migrations one at a time even
    737   across multiple nodes. For example:
    739       # Config the Repo (PostgreSQL example)
    740       config MyApp.Repo, migration_lock: :pg_advisory_lock
    742       # Migrate with your concurrent operation
    743       defmodule MyRepo.Migrations.CreateIndexes do
    744         use Ecto.Migration
    745         @disable_ddl_transaction true
    747         def change do
    748           create index("posts", [:slug], concurrently: true)
    749         end
    750       end
    752   ## Index types
    754   When creating an index, the index type can be specified with the `:using`
    755   option. The `:using` option can be an atom or a string, and its value is
    756   passed to the generated `USING` clause as-is.
    758   For example, PostgreSQL supports several index types like B-tree (the
    759   default), Hash, GIN, and GiST. More information on index types can be found
    760   in the [PostgreSQL docs](http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/indexes-types.html).
    762   ## Partial indexes
    764   Databases like PostgreSQL and MSSQL support partial indexes.
    766   A partial index is an index built over a subset of a table. The subset
    767   is defined by a conditional expression using the `:where` option.
    768   The `:where` option can be an atom or a string; its value is passed
    769   to the generated `WHERE` clause as-is.
    771   More information on partial indexes can be found in the [PostgreSQL
    772   docs](http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/indexes-partial.html).
    774   ## The `:nulls_distinct` option
    776   A unique index does not prevent multiple null values by default in most databases.
    778   For example, imagine we have a "products" table and need to guarantee that
    779   sku's are unique within their category, but the category is optional.
    780   Creating a regular unique index over the sku and category_id fields with:
    782       create index("products", [:sku, :category_id], unique: true)
    784   will allow products with the same sku to be inserted if their category_id is `nil`.
    785   The `:nulls_distinct` option can be used to change this behavior by considering
    786   null values as equal, i.e. not distinct:
    788       create index("products", [:sku, :category_id], unique: true, nulls_distinct: false)
    790   This option is currently only supported by PostgreSQL 15+.
    791   As a workaround for older PostgreSQL versions and other databases, an
    792   additional partial unique index for the sku can be created:
    794       create index("products", [:sku, :category_id], unique: true)
    795       create index("products", [:sku], unique: true, where: "category_id IS NULL")
    797   ## Examples
    799       # With no name provided, the name of the below index defaults to
    800       # products_category_id_sku_index
    801       create index("products", [:category_id, :sku], unique: true)
    803       # The name can also be set explicitly
    804       create index("products", [:category_id, :sku], name: :my_special_name)
    806       # Indexes can be added concurrently
    807       create index("products", [:category_id, :sku], concurrently: true)
    809       # The index type can be specified
    810       create index("products", [:name], using: :hash)
    812       # Partial indexes are created by specifying a :where option
    813       create index("products", [:user_id], where: "price = 0", name: :free_products_index)
    815       # Covering indexes are created by specifying a :include option
    816       create index("products", [:user_id], include: [:category_id])
    818   Indexes also support custom expressions. Some databases may require the
    819   index expression to be written between parentheses:
    821       # Create an index on a custom expression
    822       create index("products", ["(lower(name))"], name: :products_lower_name_index)
    824       # Create a tsvector GIN index on PostgreSQL
    825       create index("products", ["(to_tsvector('english', name))"],
    826                    name: :products_name_vector, using: "GIN")
    827   """
    828   def index(table, columns, opts \\ [])
    830   def index(table, columns, opts) when is_atom(table) do
    831     index(Atom.to_string(table), columns, opts)
    832   end
    834   def index(table, column, opts) when is_binary(table) and is_atom(column) do
    835     index(table, [column], opts)
    836   end
    838   def index(table, columns, opts) when is_binary(table) and is_list(columns) and is_list(opts) do
    839     validate_index_opts!(opts)
    840     index = struct(%Index{table: table, columns: columns}, opts)
    841     %{index | name: index.name || default_index_name(index)}
    842   end
    844   @doc """
    845   Shortcut for creating a unique index.
    847   See `index/3` for more information.
    848   """
    849   def unique_index(table, columns, opts \\ [])
    851   def unique_index(table, columns, opts) when is_list(opts) do
    852     index(table, columns, [unique: true] ++ opts)
    853   end
    855   defp default_index_name(index) do
    856     [index.table, index.columns, "index"]
    857     |> List.flatten
    858     |> Enum.map(&to_string(&1))
    859     |> Enum.map(&String.replace(&1, ~r"[^\w_]", "_"))
    860     |> Enum.map(&String.replace_trailing(&1, "_", ""))
    861     |> Enum.join("_")
    862     |> String.to_atom
    863   end
    865   @doc """
    866   Executes arbitrary SQL, anonymous function or a keyword command.
    868   The argument is typically a string, containing the SQL command to be executed.
    869   Keyword commands exist for non-SQL adapters and are not used in most situations.
    871   Supplying an anonymous function does allow for arbitrary code to execute as
    872   part of the migration. This is most often used in combination with `repo/0`
    873   by library authors who want to create high-level migration helpers.
    875   Reversible commands can be defined by calling `execute/2`.
    877   ## Examples
    879       execute "CREATE EXTENSION postgres_fdw"
    881       execute create: "posts", capped: true, size: 1024
    883       execute(fn -> repo().query!("SELECT $1::integer + $2", [40, 2], [log: :info]) end)
    885       execute(fn -> repo().update_all("posts", set: [published: true]) end)
    886   """
    887   def execute(command) when is_binary(command) or is_function(command, 0) or is_list(command) do
    888     Runner.execute command
    889   end
    891   @doc """
    892   Executes reversible SQL commands.
    894   This is useful for database-specific functionality that does not
    895   warrant special support in Ecto, for example, creating and dropping
    896   a PostgreSQL extension. The `execute/2` form avoids having to define
    897   separate `up/0` and `down/0` blocks that each contain an `execute/1`
    898   expression.
    900   The allowed parameters are explained in `execute/1`.
    902   ## Examples
    904       defmodule MyApp.MyMigration do
    905         use Ecto.Migration
    907         def change do
    908           execute "CREATE EXTENSION postgres_fdw", "DROP EXTENSION postgres_fdw"
    909           execute(&execute_up/0, &execute_down/0)
    910         end
    912         defp execute_up, do: repo().query!("select 'Up query …';", [], [log: :info])
    913         defp execute_down, do: repo().query!("select 'Down query …';", [], [log: :info])
    914       end
    915   """
    916   def execute(up, down) when (is_binary(up) or is_function(up, 0) or is_list(up)) and
    917                              (is_binary(down) or is_function(down, 0) or is_list(down)) do
    918     Runner.execute %Command{up: up, down: down}
    919   end
    921   @doc """
    922   Gets the migrator direction.
    923   """
    924   @spec direction :: :up | :down
    925   def direction do
    926     Runner.migrator_direction()
    927   end
    929   @doc """
    930   Gets the migrator repo.
    931   """
    932   @spec repo :: Ecto.Repo.t
    933   def repo do
    934     Runner.repo()
    935   end
    937   @doc """
    938   Gets the migrator prefix.
    939   """
    940   def prefix do
    941     Runner.prefix()
    942   end
    944   @doc """
    945   Adds a column when creating or altering a table.
    947   This function also accepts Ecto primitive types as column types
    948   that are normalized by the database adapter. For example,
    949   `:string` is converted to `:varchar`, `:binary` to `:bits` or `:blob`,
    950   and so on.
    952   However, the column type is not always the same as the type used in your
    953   schema. For example, a schema that has a `:string` field can be supported by
    954   columns of type `:char`, `:varchar`, `:text`, and others. For this reason,
    955   this function also accepts `:text` and other type annotations that are native
    956   to the database. These are passed to the database as-is.
    958   To sum up, the column type may be either an Ecto primitive type,
    959   which is normalized in cases where the database does not understand it,
    960   such as `:string` or `:binary`, or a database type which is passed as-is.
    961   Custom Ecto types like `Ecto.UUID` are not supported because
    962   they are application-level concerns and may not always map to the database.
    964   Note: It may be necessary to quote case-sensitive, user-defined type names.
    965   For example, PostgreSQL normalizes all identifiers to lower case unless
    966   they are wrapped in double quotes. To ensure a case-sensitive type name
    967   is sent properly, it must be defined `:'"LikeThis"'` or `:"\"LikeThis\""`.
    968   This is not necessary for column names because Ecto quotes them automatically.
    969   Type names are not automatically quoted because they may be expressions such
    970   as `varchar(255)`.
    972   ## Examples
    974       create table("posts") do
    975         add :title, :string, default: "Untitled"
    976       end
    978       alter table("posts") do
    979         add :summary, :text               # Database type
    980         add :object,  :map                # Elixir type which is handled by the database
    981         add :custom, :'"UserDefinedType"' # A case-sensitive, user-defined type name
    982       end
    984   ## Options
    986     * `:primary_key` - when `true`, marks this field as the primary key.
    987       If multiple fields are marked, a composite primary key will be created.
    988     * `:default` - the column's default value. It can be a string, number, empty
    989       list, list of strings, list of numbers, or a fragment generated by
    990       `fragment/1`.
    991     * `:null` - determines whether the column accepts null values. When not specified,
    992       the database will use its default behaviour (which is to treat the column as nullable
    993       in most databases).
    994     * `:size` - the size of the type (for example, the number of characters).
    995       The default is no size, except for `:string`, which defaults to `255`.
    996     * `:precision` - the precision for a numeric type. Required when `:scale` is
    997       specified.
    998     * `:scale` - the scale of a numeric type. Defaults to `0`.
    999     * `:comment` - adds a comment to the added column.
   1000     * `:after` - positions field after the specified one. Only supported on MySQL,
   1001       it is ignored by other databases.
   1003   """
   1004   def add(column, type, opts \\ []) when is_atom(column) and is_list(opts) do
   1005     validate_precision_opts!(opts, column)
   1006     validate_type!(type)
   1007     Runner.subcommand {:add, column, type, opts}
   1008   end
   1010   @doc """
   1011   Adds a column if it not exists yet when altering a table.
   1013   If the `type` value is a `%Reference{}`, it is used to add a constraint.
   1015   `type` and `opts` are exactly the same as in `add/3`.
   1017   This command is not reversible as Ecto does not know about column existence before the creation attempt.
   1019   ## Examples
   1021       alter table("posts") do
   1022         add_if_not_exists :title, :string, default: ""
   1023       end
   1025   """
   1026   def add_if_not_exists(column, type, opts \\ []) when is_atom(column) and is_list(opts) do
   1027     validate_precision_opts!(opts, column)
   1028     validate_type!(type)
   1029     Runner.subcommand {:add_if_not_exists, column, type, opts}
   1030   end
   1032   @doc """
   1033   Renames a table.
   1035   ## Examples
   1037       rename table("posts"), to: table("new_posts")
   1038   """
   1039   def rename(%Table{} = table_current, to: %Table{} = table_new) do
   1040     Runner.execute {:rename, __prefix__(table_current), __prefix__(table_new)}
   1041     table_new
   1042   end
   1044   @doc """
   1045   Renames a column.
   1047   Note that this occurs outside of the `alter` statement.
   1049   ## Examples
   1051       rename table("posts"), :title, to: :summary
   1052   """
   1053   def rename(%Table{} = table, current_column, to: new_column) when is_atom(current_column) and is_atom(new_column) do
   1054     Runner.execute {:rename, __prefix__(table), current_column, new_column}
   1055     table
   1056   end
   1058   @doc """
   1059   Generates a fragment to be used as a default value.
   1061   ## Examples
   1063       create table("posts") do
   1064         add :inserted_at, :naive_datetime, default: fragment("now()")
   1065       end
   1066   """
   1067   def fragment(expr) when is_binary(expr) do
   1068     {:fragment, expr}
   1069   end
   1071   @doc """
   1072   Adds `:inserted_at` and `:updated_at` timestamp columns.
   1074   Those columns are of `:naive_datetime` type and by default cannot be null. A
   1075   list of `opts` can be given to customize the generated fields.
   1077   Following options will override the repo configuration specified by
   1078   `:migration_timestamps` option.
   1080   ## Options
   1082     * `:inserted_at` - the name of the column for storing insertion times.
   1083       Setting it to `false` disables the column.
   1084     * `:updated_at` - the name of the column for storing last-updated-at times.
   1085       Setting it to `false` disables the column.
   1086     * `:type` - the type of the `:inserted_at` and `:updated_at` columns.
   1087       Defaults to `:naive_datetime`.
   1088     * `:default` - the columns' default value. It can be a string, number, empty
   1089       list, list of strings, list of numbers, or a fragment generated by
   1090       `fragment/1`.
   1092   """
   1093   def timestamps(opts \\ []) when is_list(opts) do
   1094     opts = Keyword.merge(Runner.repo_config(:migration_timestamps, []), opts)
   1095     opts = Keyword.put_new(opts, :null, false)
   1097     {type, opts} = Keyword.pop(opts, :type, :naive_datetime)
   1098     {inserted_at, opts} = Keyword.pop(opts, :inserted_at, :inserted_at)
   1099     {updated_at, opts} = Keyword.pop(opts, :updated_at, :updated_at)
   1101     if inserted_at != false, do: add(inserted_at, type, opts)
   1102     if updated_at != false, do: add(updated_at, type, opts)
   1103   end
   1105   @doc """
   1106   Modifies the type of a column when altering a table.
   1108   This command is not reversible unless the `:from` option is provided.
   1109   When the `:from` option is set, the adapter will try to drop
   1110   the corresponding foreign key constraints before modifying the type.
   1111   Generally speaking, you want to pass the type and each option
   1112   you are modifying to `:from`, so the column can be rolled back properly.
   1113   However, note that `:from` cannot be be used to modify primary keys,
   1114   as those are generally trickier to revert.
   1116   See `add/3` for more information on supported types.
   1118   If you want to modify a column without changing its type,
   1119   such as adding or dropping a null constraints, consider using
   1120   the `execute/2` command with the relevant SQL command instead
   1121   of `modify/3`, if supported by your database. This may avoid
   1122   redundant type updates and be more efficient, as an unnecessary
   1123   type update can lock the table, even if the type actually
   1124   doesn't change.
   1126   ## Examples
   1128       alter table("posts") do
   1129         modify :title, :text
   1130       end
   1132       # Self rollback when using the :from option
   1133       alter table("posts") do
   1134         modify :title, :text, from: :string
   1135       end
   1137       # Modify column with rollback options
   1138       alter table("posts") do
   1139         modify :title, :text, null: false, from: {:string, null: true}
   1140       end
   1142   ## Options
   1144     * `:null` - determines whether the column accepts null values. If this option is
   1145       not set, the nullable behaviour of the underlying column is not modified.
   1146     * `:default` - changes the default value of the column.
   1147     * `:from` - specifies the current type and options of the column.
   1148     * `:size` - specifies the size of the type (for example, the number of characters).
   1149       The default is no size.
   1150     * `:precision` - the precision for a numeric type. Required when `:scale` is
   1151       specified.
   1152     * `:scale` - the scale of a numeric type. Defaults to `0`.
   1153     * `:comment` - adds a comment to the modified column.
   1154   """
   1155   def modify(column, type, opts \\ []) when is_atom(column) and is_list(opts) do
   1156     validate_precision_opts!(opts, column)
   1157     validate_type!(type)
   1158     Runner.subcommand {:modify, column, type, opts}
   1159   end
   1161   @doc """
   1162   Removes a column when altering a table.
   1164   This command is not reversible as Ecto does not know what type it should add
   1165   the column back as. See `remove/3` as a reversible alternative.
   1167   ## Examples
   1169       alter table("posts") do
   1170         remove :title
   1171       end
   1173   """
   1174   def remove(column) when is_atom(column) do
   1175     Runner.subcommand {:remove, column}
   1176   end
   1178   @doc """
   1179   Removes a column in a reversible way when altering a table.
   1181   `type` and `opts` are exactly the same as in `add/3`, and
   1182   they are used when the command is reversed.
   1184   If the `type` value is a `%Reference{}`, it is used to remove the constraint.
   1186   ## Examples
   1188       alter table("posts") do
   1189         remove :title, :string, default: ""
   1190       end
   1192   """
   1193   def remove(column, type, opts \\ []) when is_atom(column) do
   1194     validate_type!(type)
   1195     Runner.subcommand {:remove, column, type, opts}
   1196   end
   1198   @doc """
   1199   Removes a column only if the column exists when altering the constraint if the reference type is passed
   1200   once it only has the constraint name on reference structure.
   1202   This command is not reversible as Ecto does not know about column existence before the removal attempt.
   1204   ## Examples
   1206       alter table("posts") do
   1207         remove_if_exists :title, :string
   1208       end
   1210   """
   1211   def remove_if_exists(column, type) when is_atom(column) do
   1212     validate_type!(type)
   1213     Runner.subcommand {:remove_if_exists, column, type}
   1214   end
   1216   @doc ~S"""
   1217   Defines a foreign key.
   1219   By default it assumes you are linking to the referenced table
   1220   via its primary key with name `:id`. If you are using a non-default
   1221   key setup (e.g. using `uuid` type keys) you must ensure you set the
   1222   options, such as `:name` and `:type`, to match your target key.
   1224   ## Examples
   1226       create table("products") do
   1227         add :group_id, references("groups")
   1228       end
   1230       create table("categories") do
   1231         add :group_id, :integer
   1232         # A composite foreign that points from categories (product_id, group_id)
   1233         # to products (id, group_id)
   1234         add :product_id, references("products", with: [group_id: :group_id])
   1235       end
   1237   ## Options
   1239     * `:name` - The name of the underlying reference, which defaults to
   1240       "#{table}_#{column}_fkey".
   1241     * `:column` - The column name in the referenced table, which defaults to `:id`.
   1242     * `:prefix` - The prefix for the reference. Defaults to the prefix
   1243       defined by the block's `table/2` struct (the "products" table in
   1244       the example above), or `nil`.
   1245     * `:type` - The foreign key type, which defaults to `:bigserial`.
   1246     * `:on_delete` - What to do if the referenced entry is deleted. May be
   1247       `:nothing` (default), `:delete_all`, `:nilify_all`, or `:restrict`.
   1248     * `:on_update` - What to do if the referenced entry is updated. May be
   1249       `:nothing` (default), `:update_all`, `:nilify_all`, or `:restrict`.
   1250     * `:validate` - Whether or not to validate the foreign key constraint on
   1251        creation or not. Only available in PostgreSQL, and should be followed by
   1252        a command to validate the foreign key in a following migration if false.
   1253     * `:with` - defines additional keys to the foreign key in order to build
   1254       a composite primary key
   1255     * `:match` - select if the match is `:simple`, `:partial`, or `:full`. This is
   1256       [supported only by PostgreSQL](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-createtable.html)
   1257       at the moment.
   1259   """
   1260   def references(table, opts \\ [])
   1262   def references(table, opts) when is_atom(table) do
   1263     references(Atom.to_string(table), opts)
   1264   end
   1266   def references(table, opts) when is_binary(table) and is_list(opts) do
   1267     opts = Keyword.merge(foreign_key_repo_opts(), opts)
   1268     reference = struct(%Reference{table: table}, opts)
   1270     unless reference.on_delete in [:nothing, :delete_all, :nilify_all, :restrict] do
   1271       raise ArgumentError, "unknown :on_delete value: #{inspect reference.on_delete}"
   1272     end
   1274     unless reference.on_update in [:nothing, :update_all, :nilify_all, :restrict] do
   1275       raise ArgumentError, "unknown :on_update value: #{inspect reference.on_update}"
   1276     end
   1278     reference
   1279   end
   1281   defp foreign_key_repo_opts() do
   1282     case Runner.repo_config(:migration_primary_key, []) do
   1283       false -> []
   1284       opts -> opts
   1285     end
   1286     |> Keyword.take([:type])
   1287     |> Keyword.merge(Runner.repo_config(:migration_foreign_key, []))
   1288   end
   1290   @doc ~S"""
   1291   Defines a constraint (either a check constraint or an exclusion constraint)
   1292   to be evaluated by the database when a row is inserted or updated.
   1294   ## Examples
   1296       create constraint("users", :price_must_be_positive, check: "price > 0")
   1297       create constraint("size_ranges", :no_overlap, exclude: ~s|gist (int4range("from", "to", '[]') WITH &&)|)
   1298       drop   constraint("products", "price_must_be_positive")
   1300   ## Options
   1302     * `:check` - A check constraint expression. Required when creating a check constraint.
   1303     * `:exclude` - An exclusion constraint expression. Required when creating an exclusion constraint.
   1304     * `:prefix` - The prefix for the table.
   1305     * `:validate` - Whether or not to validate the constraint on creation (true by default). Only
   1306        available in PostgreSQL, and should be followed by a command to validate the new constraint in
   1307        a following migration if false.
   1308     * `:comment` - adds a comment to the constraint.
   1310   """
   1311   def constraint(table, name, opts \\ [])
   1313   def constraint(table, name, opts) when is_atom(table) do
   1314     constraint(Atom.to_string(table), name, opts)
   1315   end
   1317   def constraint(table, name, opts) when is_binary(table) and is_list(opts) do
   1318     struct(%Constraint{table: table, name: name}, opts)
   1319   end
   1321   @doc "Executes queue migration commands."
   1322   defmacro flush do
   1323     quote do
   1324       if direction() == :down and not function_exported?(__MODULE__, :down, 0) do
   1325         raise "calling flush() inside change when doing rollback is not supported."
   1326       else
   1327         Runner.flush()
   1328       end
   1329     end
   1330   end
   1332   # Validation helpers
   1333   defp validate_type!(:datetime) do
   1334     raise ArgumentError, "the :datetime type in migrations is not supported, " <>
   1335                          "please use :utc_datetime or :naive_datetime instead"
   1336   end
   1338   defp validate_type!(type) when is_atom(type) do
   1339     case Atom.to_string(type) do
   1340       "Elixir." <> _ ->
   1341         raise ArgumentError,
   1342           "#{inspect type} is not a valid database type, " <>
   1343           "please use an atom like :string, :text and so on"
   1344       _ ->
   1345         :ok
   1346     end
   1347   end
   1349   defp validate_type!({type, subtype}) when is_atom(type) and is_atom(subtype) do
   1350     validate_type!(subtype)
   1351   end
   1353   defp validate_type!({type, subtype}) when is_atom(type) and is_tuple(subtype) do
   1354     for t <- Tuple.to_list(subtype), do: validate_type!(t)
   1355   end
   1357   defp validate_type!(%Reference{} = reference) do
   1358     reference
   1359   end
   1361   defp validate_type!(type) do
   1362     raise ArgumentError, """
   1363     invalid migration type: #{inspect(type)}. Expected one of:
   1365       * an atom, such as :string
   1366       * a quoted atom, such as :"integer unsigned"
   1367       * an Ecto.Type, such as Ecto.UUID
   1368       * a tuple of the above, such as {:array, :integer} or {:array, Ecto.UUID}
   1369       * a reference, such as references(:users)
   1371     All Ecto types are allowed and properly translated.
   1372     All other types are sent to the database as is.
   1373     """
   1374   end
   1376   defp validate_index_opts!(opts) when is_list(opts) do
   1377     if opts[:nulls_distinct] != nil and opts[:unique] != true do
   1378       raise ArgumentError, "the `nulls_distinct` option can only be used with unique indexes"
   1379     end
   1381     case Keyword.get_values(opts, :where) do
   1382       [_, _ | _] ->
   1383         raise ArgumentError,
   1384               "only one `where` keyword is supported when declaring a partial index. " <>
   1385                 "To specify multiple conditions, write a single WHERE clause using AND between them"
   1387       _ ->
   1388         :ok
   1389     end
   1390   end
   1392   defp validate_index_opts!(opts), do: opts
   1394   defp validate_precision_opts!(opts, column) when is_list(opts) do
   1395     if opts[:scale] && !opts[:precision] do
   1396       raise ArgumentError, "column #{Atom.to_string(column)} is missing precision option"
   1397     end
   1398   end
   1400   @doc false
   1401   def __prefix__(%{prefix: prefix} = index_or_table) do
   1402     runner_prefix = Runner.prefix()
   1404     cond do
   1405       is_nil(prefix) ->
   1406         prefix = runner_prefix || Runner.repo_config(:migration_default_prefix, nil)
   1407         %{index_or_table | prefix: prefix}
   1408       is_nil(runner_prefix) or runner_prefix == to_string(prefix) ->
   1409         index_or_table
   1410       true ->
   1411         raise Ecto.MigrationError,  message:
   1412           "the :prefix option `#{prefix}` does not match the migrator prefix `#{runner_prefix}`"
   1413     end
   1414   end
   1416   @doc false
   1417   def __primary_key__(table) do
   1418     case table.primary_key do
   1419       false -> false
   1421       true ->
   1422         case Runner.repo_config(:migration_primary_key, []) do
   1423           false -> false
   1424           opts when is_list(opts) -> pk_opts_to_tuple(opts)
   1425         end
   1427       opts when is_list(opts) -> pk_opts_to_tuple(opts)
   1429       _ ->
   1430         raise ArgumentError, ":primary_key option must be either a boolean or a keyword list of options"
   1431     end
   1432   end
   1434   defp pk_opts_to_tuple(opts) do
   1435     opts = Keyword.put(opts, :primary_key, true)
   1436     {name, opts} = Keyword.pop(opts, :name, :id)
   1437     {type, opts} = Keyword.pop(opts, :type, :bigserial)
   1438     {name, type, opts}
   1439   end
   1440 end