
zenflows testing
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nav_template.eex (806B)

      1 <%= head_template(config, %{title: "Table Of Contents"}) %>
      2     <h1>Table of contents</h1>
      3     <nav epub:type="toc">
      4       <ol>
      5         <%= for {title, extras} <- config.extras do %>
      6           <%= if title do %>
      7           <li><span><%= title %></span>
      8             <ol>
      9           <% end %>
     10           <%= for extra <- extras do %>
     11             <li><a href="<%= extra.id %>.xhtml"><%= extra.title %></a></li>
     12           <% end %>
     13           <%= if title do %>
     14             </ol>
     15           </li>
     16           <% end %>
     17         <% end %>
     19         <%= nav_item_template "Modules", nodes.modules %>
     20         <%= nav_item_template "Mix Tasks", nodes.tasks %>
     21       </ol>
     22     </nav>
     23     <%# Extra content specified by the user (e.g. custom Javascript) %>
     24     <%= config.before_closing_body_tag.(:epub) %>
     25   </body>
     26 </html>