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footer_template.eex (1567B)

      1       <footer class="footer">
      2         <%= if config.package do %>
      3           <p>
      4             On Hex.pm:
      6             <span class="line">
      7               <a href="https://hex.pm/packages/<%= config.package %>/<%= config.version %>" class="line footer-hex-package">Package</a>
      8               <a href="https://preview.hex.pm/preview/<%= config.package %>/<%= config.version %>" class="line">Preview</a>
     10               <%= source_path = node && Map.get(node, :source_path); if source_path do %>
     11                 <a href="https://preview.hex.pm/preview/<%= config.package %>/<%= config.version %>/show/<%= source_path %>">(current file)</a>
     12               <% end %>
     13             </span>
     15             <button class="a-main line footer-button display-quick-switch">
     16               Search
     17             </button>
     18           </p>
     19         <% end %>
     21         <p>
     22           Built using
     23           <a href="https://github.com/elixir-lang/ex_doc" title="ExDoc" target="_blank" rel="help noopener" translate="no">ExDoc</a> (v<%= ExDoc.version() %>) for the
     24           <%= if config.proglang == :erlang do %>
     25             <a href="https://erlang.org" title="Erlang" target="_blank" translate="no">Erlang programming language</a>
     26           <% else %>
     27             <a href="https://elixir-lang.org" title="Elixir" target="_blank" translate="no">Elixir programming language</a>
     28           <% end %>
     29         </p>
     30       </footer>
     31     </div>
     32   </div>
     33 </section>
     34 </div>
     35   <%# Extra content specified by the user (e.g. custom Javascript) %>
     36   <%= config.before_closing_body_tag.(:html) %>
     37   </body>
     38 </html>