
zenflows testing
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module_template.eex (1948B)

      1 <%= head_template(config, %{title: module.title, type: module.type}) %>
      2 <%= sidebar_template(config, nodes_map) %>
      4 <h1>
      5   <%= settings_button_template() %>
      6   <%= if module.source_url do %>
      7     <a href="<%= module.source_url %>" title="View Source" class="view-source" rel="help">
      8       <i class="ri-code-s-slash-line" aria-hidden="true"></i>
      9       <span class="sr-only">View Source</span>
     10     </a>
     11   <% end %>
     12   <span translate="no"><%= module.title %></span> <%= module_type(module) %>
     13   <small class="app-vsn" translate="no">(<%= config.project %> v<%= config.version %>)</small>
     14   <%= for annotation <- module.annotations do %>
     15     <span class="note">(<%= annotation %>)</span>
     16   <% end %>
     17 </h1>
     19 <%= if deprecated = module.deprecated do %>
     20   <div class="deprecated">
     21     This <%= module.type %> is deprecated. <%= h(deprecated) %>.
     22   </div>
     23 <% end %>
     25 <%= if doc = module.rendered_doc do %>
     26   <section id="moduledoc">
     27     <%= link_moduledoc_headings(doc) %>
     28   </section>
     29 <% end %>
     31 <%= if Enum.any?(summary, fn {_, v} -> v != [] end) do %>
     32   <section id="summary" class="details-list">
     33     <h1 class="section-heading">
     34       <a class="hover-link" href="#summary">
     35         <i class="ri-link-m" aria-hidden="true"></i>
     36         <span class="sr-only">Link to this section</span>
     37       </a>
     38       Summary
     39     </h1>
     40     <%= for {name, nodes} <- summary, do: summary_template(name, nodes) %>
     41   </section>
     42 <% end %>
     44 <%= for {name, nodes} <- summary, nodes != [], key = HTML.text_to_id(name) do %>
     45   <section id="<%= key %>" class="details-list">
     46     <h1 class="section-heading">
     47       <a class="hover-link" href="#<%= key %>">
     48         <i class="ri-link-m" aria-hidden="true"></i>
     49         <span class="sr-only">Link to this section</span>
     50       </a>
     51       <%= name %>
     52     </h1>
     53     <div class="<%= key %>-list">
     54       <%= for node <- nodes, do: detail_template(node, module) %>
     55     </div>
     56   </section>
     57 <% end %>
     58 <%= footer_template(config, module) %>