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nodes.ex (3438B)

      1 defmodule ExDoc.ModuleNode do
      2   @moduledoc """
      3   Structure that represents a module.
      4   """
      6   defstruct id: nil,
      7             title: nil,
      8             nested_context: nil,
      9             nested_title: nil,
     10             module: nil,
     11             group: nil,
     12             deprecated: nil,
     13             doc: nil,
     14             rendered_doc: nil,
     15             doc_line: nil,
     16             function_groups: [],
     17             docs: [],
     18             typespecs: [],
     19             source_path: nil,
     20             source_url: nil,
     21             type: nil,
     22             language: nil,
     23             annotations: []
     25   @typep annotation :: atom()
     27   @type t :: %__MODULE__{
     28           id: String.t(),
     29           title: String.t(),
     30           nested_context: String.t() | nil,
     31           nested_title: String.t() | nil,
     32           module: module(),
     33           group: atom() | nil,
     34           deprecated: String.t() | nil,
     35           doc: ExDoc.DocAST.t() | nil,
     36           rendered_doc: String.t() | nil,
     37           doc_line: non_neg_integer(),
     38           function_groups: [atom()],
     39           docs: [ExDoc.FunctionNode.t()],
     40           typespecs: [ExDoc.TypeNode.t()],
     41           source_path: String.t(),
     42           source_url: String.t() | nil,
     43           type: atom(),
     44           language: module(),
     45           annotations: [annotation()]
     46         }
     47 end
     49 defmodule ExDoc.FunctionNode do
     50   @moduledoc """
     51   Structure that represents an individual function.
     52   """
     54   defstruct id: nil,
     55             name: nil,
     56             arity: 0,
     57             defaults: [],
     58             deprecated: nil,
     59             doc: nil,
     60             rendered_doc: nil,
     61             type: nil,
     62             signature: nil,
     63             specs: [],
     64             annotations: [],
     65             group: nil,
     66             doc_line: nil,
     67             source_path: nil,
     68             source_url: nil
     70   @typep annotation :: String.t()
     71   @typep function_default :: {name :: atom(), arity :: non_neg_integer()}
     73   @type t :: %__MODULE__{
     74           id: String.t(),
     75           name: atom(),
     76           arity: non_neg_integer(),
     77           defaults: [function_default()],
     78           deprecated: String.t() | nil,
     79           doc: ExDoc.DocAST.t() | nil,
     80           rendered_doc: String.t() | nil,
     81           type: atom(),
     82           signature: String.t(),
     83           specs: [ExDoc.Language.spec_ast()],
     84           annotations: [annotation()],
     85           group: atom() | nil,
     86           doc_line: non_neg_integer(),
     87           source_path: String.t(),
     88           source_url: String.t() | nil
     89         }
     90 end
     92 defmodule ExDoc.TypeNode do
     93   @moduledoc """
     94   Structure that represents an individual type.
     95   """
     97   defstruct id: nil,
     98             name: nil,
     99             arity: 0,
    100             type: nil,
    101             deprecated: nil,
    102             doc: nil,
    103             rendered_doc: nil,
    104             doc_line: nil,
    105             source_path: nil,
    106             source_url: nil,
    107             spec: nil,
    108             signature: nil,
    109             annotations: []
    111   @typep annotation :: String.t()
    113   @type t :: %__MODULE__{
    114           id: String.t(),
    115           name: atom(),
    116           arity: non_neg_integer(),
    117           type: atom(),
    118           deprecated: nil,
    119           doc: ExDoc.DocAST.t() | nil,
    120           rendered_doc: String.t() | nil,
    121           doc_line: non_neg_integer(),
    122           source_path: String.t(),
    123           source_url: String.t() | nil,
    124           spec: ExDoc.Language.spec_ast(),
    125           signature: String.t(),
    126           annotations: [annotation()]
    127         }
    128 end