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src_monitor.ex (1222B)

      1 require Logger
      3 defmodule ExSync.SrcMonitor do
      4   def start_link do
      5     GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [])
      6   end
      8   def init([]) do
      9     {:ok, watcher_pid} =
     10       FileSystem.start_link(
     11         dirs: ExSync.Config.src_dirs(),
     12         backend: Application.get_env(:file_system, :backend)
     13       )
     15     FileSystem.subscribe(watcher_pid)
     16     {:ok, %{watcher_pid: watcher_pid}}
     17   end
     19   def handle_info({:file_event, watcher_pid, {path, events}}, %{watcher_pid: watcher_pid}=state) do
     20     if Path.extname(path) in ExSync.Config.src_extensions do
     21       # This may also vary based on editor - when saving a file in neovim on linux,
     22       # events received ar3e:
     23       #   :modified
     24       #   :modified, :closed
     25       #   :attribute
     26       # Rather than coding specific behaviors for each OS, look for the modified event in
     27       # isolation to trigger things.
     28       # TODO: untested assumption that this behavior is common across Mac/Linux/Win
     29       if :modified in events do
     30         ExSync.Utils.recomplete
     31       end
     32     end
     34     {:noreply, state}
     35   end
     37   def handle_info({:file_event, watcher_pid, :stop}, %{watcher_pid: watcher_pid} = state) do
     38     Logger.debug("ExSync src monitor stopped.")
     39     {:noreply, state}
     40   end
     41 end