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backend.ex (2422B)

      1 require Logger
      3 defmodule FileSystem.Backend do
      4   @moduledoc """
      5   FileSystem Backend Behaviour.
      6   """
      8   @callback bootstrap() :: :ok | {:error, atom()}
      9   @callback supported_systems() :: [{atom(), atom()}]
     10   @callback known_events() :: [atom()]
     12   @doc """
     13   Get and validate backend module, return `{:ok, backend_module}` when success and
     14   return `{:error, reason}` when fail.
     15   When `nil` is given, will return default backend by os.
     16   When a custom module is given, make sure `start_link/1`, `bootstrap/0` and
     17   `supported_system/0` are defnied.
     18   """
     19   @spec backend(atom) :: {:ok, atom()} | {:error, atom()}
     20   def backend(backend) do
     21     with {:ok, module} <- backend_module(backend),
     22          :ok <- validate_os(backend, module),
     23          :ok <- module.bootstrap
     24     do
     25       {:ok, module}
     26     else
     27       {:error, reason} -> {:error, reason}
     28     end
     29   end
     31   defp backend_module(nil) do
     32     case :os.type() do
     33       {:unix,  :darwin}  -> :fs_mac
     34       {:unix,  :linux}   -> :fs_inotify
     35       {:unix,  :freebsd} -> :fs_inotify
     36       {:unix,  :openbsd} -> :fs_inotify
     37       {:win32, :nt}      -> :fs_windows
     38       system             -> {:unsupported_system, system}
     39     end |> backend_module
     40   end
     41   defp backend_module(:fs_mac),     do: {:ok, FileSystem.Backends.FSMac}
     42   defp backend_module(:fs_inotify), do: {:ok, FileSystem.Backends.FSInotify}
     43   defp backend_module(:fs_windows), do: {:ok, FileSystem.Backends.FSWindows}
     44   defp backend_module(:fs_poll),    do: {:ok, FileSystem.Backends.FSPoll}
     45   defp backend_module({:unsupported_system, system}) do
     46     Logger.error "I'm so sorry but `file_system` does NOT support your current system #{inspect system} for now."
     47     {:error, :unsupported_system}
     48   end
     49   defp backend_module(module) do
     50     functions = module.__info__(:functions)
     51     {:start_link, 1} in functions &&
     52     {:bootstrap, 0} in functions &&
     53     {:supported_systems, 0} in functions ||
     54       raise "illegal backend"
     55   rescue
     56     _ ->
     57       Logger.error "You are using custom backend `#{inspect module}`, make sure it's a legal file_system backend module."
     58       {:error, :illegal_backend}
     59   end
     61   defp validate_os(backend, module) do
     62     os_type = :os.type()
     63     if os_type in module.supported_systems() do
     64       :ok
     65     else
     66       Logger.error "The backend `#{backend}` you are using does NOT support your current system #{inspect os_type}."
     67       {:error, :unsupported_system}
     68     end
     69   end
     70 end