
zenflows testing
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mix.exs (1887B)

      1 defmodule FileSystem.Mixfile do
      2   use Mix.Project
      4   def project do
      5     [ app: :file_system,
      6       version: "0.2.10",
      7       elixir: "~> 1.3",
      8       deps: deps(),
      9       description: "A file system change watcher wrapper based on [fs](https://github.com/synrc/fs)",
     10       source_url: "https://github.com/falood/file_system",
     11       package: package(),
     12       compilers: [:file_system | Mix.compilers()],
     13       aliases: ["compile.file_system": &file_system/1],
     14       docs: [
     15         extras: ["README.md"],
     16         main: "readme",
     17       ]
     18     ]
     19   end
     21   def application do
     22     [
     23       applications: [:logger],
     24     ]
     25   end
     27   defp deps do
     28     [
     29       { :ex_doc, "~> 0.14", only: :docs },
     30     ]
     31   end
     33   defp file_system(_args) do
     34     case :os.type() do
     35       {:unix, :darwin} -> compile_mac()
     36       _ -> :ok
     37     end
     38   end
     40   defp compile_mac do
     41     require Logger
     42     source = "c_src/mac/*.c"
     43     target = "priv/mac_listener"
     45     if Mix.Utils.stale?(Path.wildcard(source), [target]) do
     46       Logger.info "Compiling file system watcher for Mac..."
     47       cmd = "clang -framework CoreFoundation -framework CoreServices -Wno-deprecated-declarations #{source} -o #{target}"
     48       if Mix.shell().cmd(cmd) > 0 do
     49         Logger.error "Could not compile file system watcher for Mac, try to run #{inspect cmd} manually inside the dependency."
     50       else
     51         Logger.info "Done."
     52       end
     53       :ok
     54     else
     55       :noop
     56     end
     57   end
     59   defp package do
     60     %{ maintainers: ["Xiangrong Hao", "Max Veytsman"],
     61        files: [
     62          "lib", "README.md", "mix.exs",
     63          "c_src/mac/cli.c",
     64          "c_src/mac/cli.h",
     65          "c_src/mac/common.h",
     66          "c_src/mac/compat.c",
     67          "c_src/mac/compat.h",
     68          "c_src/mac/main.c",
     69          "priv/inotifywait.exe",
     70        ],
     71        licenses: ["WTFPL"],
     72        links: %{"Github" => "https://github.com/falood/file_system"}
     73      }
     74   end
     75 end