
zenflows testing
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testing.ex (697B)

      1 defmodule Makeup.Lexers.ElixirLexer.Testing do
      2   @moduledoc false
      3   # The tests need to be checked manually!!! (remove this line when they've been checked)
      4   alias Makeup.Lexers.ElixirLexer
      5   alias Makeup.Lexer.Postprocess
      7   # This function has two purposes:
      8   # 1. Ensure deterministic lexer output (no random prefix)
      9   # 2. Convert the token values into binaries so that the output
     10   #    is more obvious on visual inspection
     11   #    (iolists are hard to parse by a human)
     12   def lex(text) do
     13     text
     14     |> ElixirLexer.lex(group_prefix: "group")
     15     |> Postprocess.token_values_to_binaries()
     16     |> Enum.map(fn {ttype, meta, value} -> {ttype, Map.delete(meta, :language), value} end)
     17   end
     18 end