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mint_shims.erl (8364B)

      1 %% Shims for functions introduced in recent Erlang/OTP releases,
      2 %% to enable use of Mint on older releases. The code in this module
      3 %% was taken directly from the Erlang/OTP project.
      4 %%
      5 %% File: lib/public_key/src/public_key.erl
      6 %% Tag: OTP-20.3.4
      7 %% Commit: f2c1d537dc28ffbde5d42aedec70bf4c6574c3ea
      8 %% Changes from original file:
      9 %% - extracted pkix_verify_hostname/2 and /3, and any private
     10 %%   functions they depend upon
     11 %% - replaced local calls to other public functions in the
     12 %%   'public_key' module with fully qualified equivalents
     13 %% - replaced local type references with fully qualified equivalents
     14 %%
     15 %% The original license follows:
     17 %% %CopyrightBegin%
     18 %%
     19 %% Copyright Ericsson AB 2013-2017. All Rights Reserved.
     20 %%
     21 %% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     22 %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     23 %% You may obtain a copy of the License at
     24 %%
     25 %%     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     26 %%
     27 %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     28 %% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     29 %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     30 %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     31 %% limitations under the License.
     32 %%
     33 %% %CopyrightEnd%
     34 %%
     35 -module(mint_shims).
     37 -include_lib("public_key/include/public_key.hrl").
     39 -export([pkix_verify_hostname/2, pkix_verify_hostname/3]).
     41 %--------------------------------------------------------------------
     42 -spec pkix_verify_hostname(Cert :: #'OTPCertificate'{} | binary(),
     43 			   ReferenceIDs :: [{uri_id | dns_id | ip | srv_id | public_key:oid(),  string()}]) -> boolean().
     45 -spec pkix_verify_hostname(Cert :: #'OTPCertificate'{} | binary(),
     46 			   ReferenceIDs :: [{uri_id | dns_id | ip | srv_id | public_key:oid(),  string()}],
     47 			   Options :: proplists:proplist()) -> boolean().
     49 %% Description: Validates a hostname to RFC 6125
     50 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
     51 pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, ReferenceIDs) ->
     52     pkix_verify_hostname(Cert, ReferenceIDs, []).
     54 pkix_verify_hostname(BinCert, ReferenceIDs, Options)  when is_binary(BinCert) ->
     55     pkix_verify_hostname(public_key:pkix_decode_cert(BinCert,otp), ReferenceIDs, Options);
     57 pkix_verify_hostname(Cert = #'OTPCertificate'{tbsCertificate = TbsCert}, ReferenceIDs0, Opts) ->
     58     MatchFun = proplists:get_value(match_fun,     Opts, undefined),
     59     FailCB   = proplists:get_value(fail_callback, Opts, fun(_Cert) -> false end),
     60     FqdnFun  = proplists:get_value(fqdn_fun,      Opts, fun verify_hostname_extract_fqdn_default/1),
     62     ReferenceIDs = [{T,to_string(V)} || {T,V} <- ReferenceIDs0],
     63     PresentedIDs =
     64 	try lists:keyfind(?'id-ce-subjectAltName',
     65 			  #'Extension'.extnID,
     66 			  TbsCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.extensions)
     67 	of
     68 	    #'Extension'{extnValue = ExtVals} ->
     69 		[{T,to_string(V)} || {T,V} <- ExtVals];
     70 	    false ->
     71 		[]
     72 	catch
     73 	    _:_ -> []
     74 	end,
     75     %% PresentedIDs example: [{dNSName,"ewstest.ericsson.com"}, {dNSName,"www.ericsson.com"}]}
     76     case PresentedIDs of
     77 	[] ->
     78 	    %% Fallback to CN-ids [rfc6125, ch6]
     79 	    case TbsCert#'OTPTBSCertificate'.subject of
     80 		{rdnSequence,RDNseq} ->
     81 		    PresentedCNs =
     82 			[{cn, to_string(V)}
     83 			 || ATVs <- RDNseq, % RDNseq is list-of-lists
     84 			    #'AttributeTypeAndValue'{type = ?'id-at-commonName',
     85 						     value = {_T,V}} <- ATVs
     86 						% _T = kind of string (teletexString etc)
     87 			],
     88 		    %% Example of PresentedCNs:  [{cn,"www.ericsson.se"}]
     89 		    %% match ReferenceIDs to PresentedCNs
     90 		    verify_hostname_match_loop(verify_hostname_fqnds(ReferenceIDs, FqdnFun),
     91 					       PresentedCNs,
     92 					       MatchFun, FailCB, Cert);
     94 		_ ->
     95 		    false
     96 	    end;
     97 	_ ->
     98 	    %% match ReferenceIDs to PresentedIDs
     99 	    case verify_hostname_match_loop(ReferenceIDs, PresentedIDs,
    100 					    MatchFun, FailCB, Cert) of
    101 		false ->
    102 		    %% Try to extract DNS-IDs from URIs etc
    103 		    DNS_ReferenceIDs =
    104 			[{dns_id,X} || X <- verify_hostname_fqnds(ReferenceIDs, FqdnFun)],
    105 		    verify_hostname_match_loop(DNS_ReferenceIDs, PresentedIDs,
    106 					       MatchFun, FailCB, Cert);
    107 		true ->
    108 		    true
    109 	    end
    110     end.
    112 %%%----------------------------------------------------------------
    113 %%% pkix_verify_hostname help functions
    114 verify_hostname_extract_fqdn_default({dns_id,S}) ->
    115     S;
    116 verify_hostname_extract_fqdn_default({uri_id,URI}) ->
    117     % Modified from original to remove dependency on http_uri:parse/1 from inets
    118     #{scheme := <<"https">>, host := Host} = 'Elixir.URI':parse(list_to_binary(URI)),
    119     binary_to_list(Host).
    122 verify_hostname_fqnds(L, FqdnFun) ->
    123     [E || E0 <- L,
    124 	  E <- [try case FqdnFun(E0) of
    125 			default -> verify_hostname_extract_fqdn_default(E0);
    126                         undefined -> undefined; % will make the "is_list(E)" test fail
    127 			Other -> Other
    128 		    end
    129 		catch _:_-> undefined % will make the "is_list(E)" test fail
    130 		end],
    131 	  is_list(E),
    132 	  E =/= "",
    133 	  {error,einval} == inet:parse_address(E)
    134     ].
    137 -define(srvName_OID, {1,3,6,1,4,1,434,2,2,1,37,0}).
    139 verify_hostname_match_default(Ref, Pres) ->
    140     verify_hostname_match_default0(to_lower_ascii(Ref), to_lower_ascii(Pres)).
    142 verify_hostname_match_default0(FQDN=[_|_], {cn,FQDN}) ->
    143     not lists:member($*, FQDN);
    144 verify_hostname_match_default0(FQDN=[_|_], {cn,Name=[_|_]}) ->
    145     [F1|Fs] = string:tokens(FQDN, "."),
    146     [N1|Ns] = string:tokens(Name, "."),
    147     match_wild(F1,N1) andalso Fs==Ns;
    148 verify_hostname_match_default0({dns_id,R}, {dNSName,P}) ->
    149     R==P;
    150 verify_hostname_match_default0({uri_id,R}, {uniformResourceIdentifier,P}) ->
    151     R==P;
    152 verify_hostname_match_default0({ip,R}, {iPAddress,P}) when length(P) == 4 ->
    153     %% IPv4
    154     try
    155         list_to_tuple(P)
    156             == if is_tuple(R), size(R)==4 -> R;
    157                   is_list(R) -> ok(inet:parse_ipv4strict_address(R))
    158                end
    159     catch
    160         _:_ ->
    161             false
    162     end;
    164 verify_hostname_match_default0({ip,R}, {iPAddress,P}) when length(P) == 16 ->
    165     %% IPv6. The length 16 is due to the certificate specification.
    166     try
    167         l16_to_tup(P)
    168             == if is_tuple(R), size(R)==8 -> R;
    169                   is_list(R) -> ok(inet:parse_ipv6strict_address(R))
    170                end
    171     catch
    172         _:_ ->
    173             false
    174     end;
    175 verify_hostname_match_default0({srv_id,R}, {srvName,P}) ->
    176     R==P;
    177 verify_hostname_match_default0({srv_id,R}, {?srvName_OID,P}) ->
    178     R==P;
    179 verify_hostname_match_default0(_, _) ->
    180     false.
    182 ok({ok,X}) -> X.
    184 l16_to_tup(L) -> list_to_tuple(l16_to_tup(L, [])).
    185 %%
    186 l16_to_tup([A,B|T], Acc) -> l16_to_tup(T, [(A bsl 8) bor B | Acc]);
    187 l16_to_tup([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc).
    189 match_wild(A,     [$*|B]) -> match_wild_suffixes(A, B);
    190 match_wild([C|A], [ C|B]) -> match_wild(A, B);
    191 match_wild([],        []) -> true;
    192 match_wild(_,          _) -> false.
    194 %% Match the parts after the only wildcard by comparing them from the end
    195 match_wild_suffixes(A, B) -> match_wild_sfx(lists:reverse(A), lists:reverse(B)).
    197 match_wild_sfx([$*|_],      _) -> false; % Bad name (no wildcards allowed)
    198 match_wild_sfx(_,      [$*|_]) -> false; % Bad pattern (no more wildcards allowed)
    199 match_wild_sfx([A|Ar], [A|Br]) -> match_wild_sfx(Ar, Br);
    200 match_wild_sfx(Ar,         []) -> not lists:member($*, Ar); % Chk for bad name (= wildcards)
    201 match_wild_sfx(_,           _) -> false.
    204 verify_hostname_match_loop(Refs0, Pres0, undefined, FailCB, Cert) ->
    205     Pres = lists:map(fun to_lower_ascii/1, Pres0),
    206     Refs = lists:map(fun to_lower_ascii/1, Refs0),
    207     lists:any(
    208       fun(R) ->
    209 	      lists:any(fun(P) ->
    210                                 verify_hostname_match_default(R,P) orelse FailCB(Cert)
    211 			end, Pres)
    212       end, Refs);
    213 verify_hostname_match_loop(Refs, Pres, MatchFun, FailCB, Cert) ->
    214     lists:any(
    215       fun(R) ->
    216 	      lists:any(fun(P) ->
    217 				(case MatchFun(R,P) of
    218 				     default -> verify_hostname_match_default(R,P);
    219 				     Bool -> Bool
    220 				 end) orelse FailCB(Cert)
    221 			end,
    222 			Pres)
    223       end,
    224       Refs).
    227 to_lower_ascii({ip,_}=X) -> X;
    228 to_lower_ascii({iPAddress,_}=X) -> X;
    229 to_lower_ascii(S) when is_list(S) -> lists:map(fun to_lower_ascii/1, S);
    230 to_lower_ascii({T,S}) -> {T, to_lower_ascii(S)};
    231 to_lower_ascii(C) when $A =< C,C =< $Z -> C + ($a-$A);
    232 to_lower_ascii(C) -> C.
    234 to_string(S) when is_list(S) -> S;
    235 to_string(B) when is_binary(B) -> binary_to_list(B);
    236 to_string(X) -> X.