
zenflows testing
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mix.exs (2587B)

      1 defmodule Plug.MixProject do
      2   use Mix.Project
      4   @version "1.14.0"
      5   @description "Compose web applications with functions"
      6   @xref_exclude [Plug.Cowboy, :telemetry, :ssl]
      8   def project do
      9     [
     10       app: :plug,
     11       version: @version,
     12       elixir: "~> 1.10",
     13       deps: deps(),
     14       package: package(),
     15       description: @description,
     16       name: "Plug",
     17       xref: [exclude: @xref_exclude],
     18       consolidate_protocols: Mix.env() != :test,
     19       docs: [
     20         extras: [
     21           "README.md",
     22           "guides/https.md"
     23         ],
     24         main: "readme",
     25         groups_for_modules: groups_for_modules(),
     26         groups_for_extras: groups_for_extras(),
     27         source_ref: "v#{@version}",
     28         source_url: "https://github.com/elixir-plug/plug"
     29       ]
     30     ]
     31   end
     33   # Configuration for the OTP application
     34   def application do
     35     [
     36       extra_applications: [:logger, :eex],
     37       mod: {Plug.Application, []},
     38       env: [validate_header_keys_during_test: true]
     39     ]
     40   end
     42   def deps do
     43     [
     44       {:mime, "~> 1.0 or ~> 2.0"},
     45       {:plug_crypto, "~> 1.1.1 or ~> 1.2"},
     46       {:telemetry, "~> 0.4.3 or ~> 1.0"},
     47       {:ex_doc, "~> 0.21", only: :docs}
     48     ]
     49   end
     51   defp package do
     52     %{
     53       licenses: ["Apache-2.0"],
     54       maintainers: ["Gary Rennie", "José Valim"],
     55       links: %{"GitHub" => "https://github.com/elixir-plug/plug"},
     56       files: ["lib", "mix.exs", "README.md", "CHANGELOG.md", "LICENSE", "src", ".formatter.exs"]
     57     }
     58   end
     60   defp groups_for_modules do
     61     # Ungrouped Modules
     62     #
     63     # Plug
     64     # Plug.Builder
     65     # Plug.Conn
     66     # Plug.HTML
     67     # Plug.Router
     68     # Plug.Test
     69     # Plug.Upload
     71     [
     72       Plugs: [
     73         Plug.BasicAuth,
     74         Plug.CSRFProtection,
     75         Plug.Head,
     76         Plug.Logger,
     77         Plug.MethodOverride,
     78         Plug.Parsers,
     79         Plug.RequestId,
     80         Plug.RewriteOn,
     81         Plug.SSL,
     82         Plug.Session,
     83         Plug.Static,
     84         Plug.Telemetry
     85       ],
     86       "Error handling": [
     87         Plug.Debugger,
     88         Plug.ErrorHandler,
     89         Plug.Exception
     90       ],
     91       "Plug.Conn": [
     92         Plug.Conn.Adapter,
     93         Plug.Conn.Cookies,
     94         Plug.Conn.Query,
     95         Plug.Conn.Status,
     96         Plug.Conn.Unfetched,
     97         Plug.Conn.Utils
     98       ],
     99       "Plug.Parsers": [
    100         Plug.Parsers.JSON,
    101         Plug.Parsers.MULTIPART,
    102         Plug.Parsers.URLENCODED
    103       ],
    104       "Plug.Session": [
    105         Plug.Session.COOKIE,
    106         Plug.Session.ETS,
    107         Plug.Session.Store
    108       ]
    109     ]
    110   end
    112   defp groups_for_extras do
    113     [
    114       Guides: ~r/guides\/[^\/]+\.md/
    115     ]
    116   end
    117 end