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telemetry.erl (15287B)

      1 %%%-------------------------------------------------------------------
      2 %% @doc `telemetry' allows you to invoke certain functions whenever a
      3 %% particular event is emitted.
      4 %%
      5 %% For more information see the documentation for {@link attach/4}, {@link attach_many/4}
      6 %% and {@link execute/2}.
      7 %% @end
      8 %%%-------------------------------------------------------------------
      9 -module(telemetry).
     11 -export([attach/4,
     12          attach_many/4,
     13          detach/1,
     14          list_handlers/1,
     15          execute/2,
     16          execute/3,
     17          span/3]).
     19 -export([report_cb/1]).
     21 -include("telemetry.hrl").
     23 -type handler_id() :: term().
     24 -type event_name() :: [atom(), ...].
     25 -type event_measurements() :: map().
     26 -type event_metadata() :: map().
     27 -type event_value() :: number().
     28 -type event_prefix() :: [atom()].
     29 -type handler_config() :: term().
     30 -type handler_function() :: fun((event_name(), event_measurements(), event_metadata(), handler_config()) -> any()).
     31 -type span_result() :: term().
     32 -type span_function() :: fun(() -> {span_result(), event_metadata()}).
     33 -type handler() :: #{id := handler_id(),
     34                      event_name := event_name(),
     35                      function := handler_function(),
     36                      config := handler_config()}.
     38 -export_type([handler_id/0,
     39               event_name/0,
     40               event_measurements/0,
     41               event_metadata/0,
     42               event_value/0,
     43               event_prefix/0,
     44               handler_config/0,
     45               handler_function/0,
     46               handler/0,
     47               span_result/0,
     48               span_function/0]).
     50 -import_lib("kernel/import/logger.hrl").
     52 %% @doc Attaches the handler to the event.
     53 %%
     54 %% `handler_id' must be unique, if another handler with the same ID already exists the
     55 %% `{error, already_exists}' tuple is returned.
     56 %%
     57 %% See {@link execute/3} to learn how the handlers are invoked.
     58 %%
     59 %% <b>Note:</b> due to how anonymous functions are implemented in the Erlang VM, it is best to use
     60 %% function captures (i.e. `fun mod:fun/4' in Erlang or `&Mod.fun/4' in Elixir) as event handlers
     61 %% to achieve maximum performance. In other words, avoid using literal anonymous functions
     62 %% (`fun(...) -> ... end' or `fn ... -> ... end') or local function captures (`fun handle_event/4'
     63 %% or `&handle_event/4' ) as event handlers.
     64 %%
     65 %% All the handlers are executed by the process dispatching event. If the function fails (raises,
     66 %% exits or throws) then the handler is removed and a failure event is emitted.
     67 %%
     68 %% Handler failure events `[telemetry, handler, failure]' should only be used for monitoring
     69 %% and diagnostic purposes. Re-attaching a failed handler will likely result in the handler
     70 %% failing again.
     71 %%
     72 %% Note that you should not rely on the order in which handlers are invoked.
     73 -spec attach(HandlerId, EventName, Function, Config) -> ok | {error, already_exists} when
     74       HandlerId :: handler_id(),
     75       EventName :: event_name(),
     76       Function :: handler_function(),
     77       Config :: handler_config().
     78 attach(HandlerId, EventName, Function, Config) ->
     79     attach_many(HandlerId, [EventName], Function, Config).
     81 %% @doc Attaches the handler to many events.
     82 %%
     83 %% The handler will be invoked whenever any of the events in the `event_names' list is emitted. Note
     84 %% that failure of the handler on any of these invocations will detach it from all the events in
     85 %% `event_name' (the same applies to manual detaching using {@link detach/1}).
     86 %%
     87 %% <b>Note:</b> due to how anonymous functions are implemented in the Erlang VM, it is best to use
     88 %% function captures (i.e. `fun mod:fun/4' in Erlang or `&Mod.fun/4' in Elixir) as event handlers
     89 %% to achieve maximum performance. In other words, avoid using literal anonymous functions
     90 %% (`fun(...) -> ... end' or `fn ... -> ... end') or local function captures (`fun handle_event/4'
     91 %% or `&handle_event/4' ) as event handlers.
     92 %%
     93 %% All the handlers are executed by the process dispatching event. If the function fails (raises,
     94 %% exits or throws) a handler failure event is emitted and then the handler is removed.
     95 %%
     96 %% Handler failure events `[telemetry, handler, failure]' should only be used for monitoring
     97 %% and diagnostic purposes. Re-attaching a failed handler will likely result in the handler
     98 %% failing again.
     99 %%
    100 %% Note that you should not rely on the order in which handlers are invoked.
    101 -spec attach_many(HandlerId, [EventName], Function, Config) -> ok | {error, already_exists} when
    102       HandlerId :: handler_id(),
    103       EventName :: event_name(),
    104       Function :: handler_function(),
    105       Config :: handler_config().
    106 attach_many(HandlerId, EventNames, Function, Config) when is_function(Function, 4) ->
    107     assert_event_names(EventNames),
    108     case erlang:fun_info(Function, type) of
    109         {type, external} ->
    110             ok;
    111         {type, local} ->
    112             ?LOG_INFO(#{handler_id => HandlerId,
    113                         event_names => EventNames,
    114                         function => Function,
    115                         config => Config,
    116                         type => local},
    117                       #{report_cb => fun ?MODULE:report_cb/1})
    118     end,
    119     telemetry_handler_table:insert(HandlerId, EventNames, Function, Config).
    121 %% @doc Removes the existing handler.
    122 %%
    123 %% If the handler with given ID doesn't exist, `{error, not_found}' is returned.
    124 -spec detach(handler_id()) -> ok | {error, not_found}.
    125 detach(HandlerId) ->
    126     telemetry_handler_table:delete(HandlerId).
    128 %% @doc Emits the event, invoking handlers attached to it.
    129 %%
    130 %% When the event is emitted, the handler function provided to {@link attach/4} is called with four
    131 %% arguments:
    132 %% <ul>
    133 %% <li>the event name</li>
    134 %% <li>the map of measurements</li>
    135 %% <li>the map of event metadata</li>
    136 %% <li>the handler configuration given to {@link attach/4}</li>
    137 %% </ul>
    138 %%
    139 %% <h4>Best practices and conventions:</h4>
    140 %%
    141 %% <p>
    142 %% While you are able to emit messages of any `event_name' structure, it is recommended that you follow the
    143 %% the guidelines laid out in {@link span/3} if you are capturing start/stop events.
    144 %% </p>
    145 -spec execute(EventName, Measurements, Metadata) -> ok when
    146       EventName :: event_name(),
    147       Measurements :: event_measurements() | event_value(),
    148       Metadata :: event_metadata().
    149 execute(EventName, Value, Metadata) when is_number(Value) ->
    150     ?LOG_WARNING("Using execute/3 with a single event value is deprecated. "
    151                  "Use a measurement map instead.", []),
    152     execute(EventName, #{value => Value}, Metadata);
    153 execute([_ | _] = EventName, Measurements, Metadata) when is_map(Measurements) and is_map(Metadata) ->
    154     Handlers = telemetry_handler_table:list_for_event(EventName),
    155     ApplyFun =
    156         fun(#handler{id=HandlerId,
    157                      function=HandlerFunction,
    158                      config=Config}) ->
    159             try
    160                 HandlerFunction(EventName, Measurements, Metadata, Config)
    161             catch
    162                 ?WITH_STACKTRACE(Class, Reason, Stacktrace)
    163                     detach(HandlerId),
    164                     FailureMetadata = #{event_name => EventName,
    165                                         handler_id => HandlerId,
    166                                         handler_config => Config,
    167                                         kind => Class,
    168                                         reason => Reason,
    169                                         stacktrace => Stacktrace},
    170                     FailureMeasurements = #{monotonic_time => erlang:monotonic_time(), system_time => erlang:system_time()},
    171                     execute([telemetry, handler, failure], FailureMeasurements, FailureMetadata),
    172                     ?LOG_ERROR("Handler ~p has failed and has been detached. "
    173                                "Class=~p~nReason=~p~nStacktrace=~p~n",
    174                                [HandlerId, Class, Reason, Stacktrace])
    175             end
    176         end,
    177     lists:foreach(ApplyFun, Handlers).
    179 %% @doc Runs the provided `SpanFunction', emitting start and stop/exception events, invoking the handlers attached to each.
    180 %%
    181 %% The `SpanFunction' must return a `{result, stop_metadata}' tuple.
    182 %%
    183 %% When this function is called, 2 events will be emitted via {@link execute/3}. Those events will be one of the following
    184 %% pairs:
    185 %% <ul>
    186 %% <li>`EventPrefix ++ [start]' and `EventPrefix ++ [stop]'</li>
    187 %% <li>`EventPrefix ++ [start]' and `EventPrefix ++ [exception]'</li>
    188 %% </ul>
    189 %%
    190 %% However, note that in case the current process crashes due to an exit signal
    191 %% of another process, then none or only part of those events would be emitted.
    192 %% Below is a breakdown of the measurements and metadata associated with each individual event.
    193 %%
    194 %% When providing `StartMetadata' and `StopMetadata', these values will be sent independently to `start' and
    195 %% `stop' events. If an exception occurs, exception metadata will be merged onto the `StartMetadata'. In general,
    196 %% `StopMetadata' should only provide values that are additive to `StartMetadata' so that handlers, such as those
    197 %% used for metrics, can rely entirely on the `stop' event.
    198 %%
    199 %% A default span context is added to event metadata under the `telemetry_span_context' key if none is provided by
    200 %% the user in the `StartMetadata'. This context is useful for tracing libraries to identify unique
    201 %% executions of span events within a process to match start, stop, and exception events. Users
    202 %% should ensure this value is unique within the context of a process at a minimum if overriding this key and
    203 %% that the same value is provided to both `StartMetadata' and `StopMetadata'.
    204 %%
    205 %% For `telemetry' events denoting the <strong>start</strong> of a larger event, the following data is provided:
    206 %%
    207 %% <p>
    208 %% <ul>
    209 %% <li>
    210 %% Event:
    211 %% ```
    212 %% EventPrefix ++ [start]
    213 %% '''
    214 %% </li>
    215 %% <li>
    216 %% Measurements:
    217 %% ```
    218 %% #{
    219 %%   % The current system time in native units from
    220 %%   % calling: erlang:system_time()
    221 %%   system_time => integer(),
    222 %%   monotonic_time => integer(),
    223 %% }
    224 %% '''
    225 %% </li>
    226 %% <li>
    227 %% Metadata:
    228 %% ```
    229 %% #{
    230 %%   telemetry_span_context => term(),
    231 %%   % User defined metadata as provided in StartMetadata
    232 %%   ...
    233 %% }
    234 %% '''
    235 %% </li>
    236 %% </ul>
    237 %% </p>
    238 %%
    239 %% For `telemetry' events denoting the <strong>stop</strong> of a larger event, the following data is provided:
    240 %% <p>
    241 %% <ul>
    242 %% <li>
    243 %% Event:
    244 %% ```
    245 %% EventPrefix ++ [stop]
    246 %% '''
    247 %% </li>
    248 %% <li>
    249 %% Measurements:
    250 %% ```
    251 %% #{
    252 %%   % The current monotonic time minus the start monotonic time in native units
    253 %%   % by calling: erlang:monotonic_time() - start_monotonic_time
    254 %%   duration => integer(),
    255 %%   monotonic_time => integer()
    256 %% }
    257 %% '''
    258 %% </li>
    259 %% <li>
    260 %% Metadata:
    261 %% ```
    262 %% #{
    263 %%   % An optional error field if the stop event is the result of an error
    264 %%   % but not necessarily an exception.
    265 %%   error => term(),
    266 %%   telemetry_span_context => term(),
    267 %%   % User defined metadata as provided in StopMetadata
    268 %%   ...
    269 %% }
    270 %% '''
    271 %% </li>
    272 %% </ul>
    273 %% </p>
    274 %%
    275 %% For `telemetry' events denoting an <strong>exception</strong> of a larger event, the following data is provided:
    276 %% <p>
    277 %% <ul>
    278 %% <li>
    279 %% Event:
    280 %% ```
    281 %% EventPrefix ++ [exception]
    282 %% '''
    283 %% </li>
    284 %% <li>
    285 %% Measurements:
    286 %% ```
    287 %% #{
    288 %%   % The current monotonic time minus the start monotonic time in native units
    289 %%   % derived by calling: erlang:monotonic_time() - start_monotonic_time
    290 %%   duration => integer(),
    291 %%   monotonic_time => integer()
    292 %% }
    293 %% '''
    294 %% </li>
    295 %% <li>
    296 %% Metadata:
    297 %% ```
    298 %% #{
    299 %%   kind => throw | error | exit,
    300 %%   reason => term(),
    301 %%   stacktrace => list(),
    302 %%   telemetry_span_context => term(),
    303 %%   % User defined metadata as provided in StartMetadata
    304 %%    ...
    305 %% }
    306 %% '''
    307 %% </li>
    308 %% </ul>
    309 %% </p>
    310 -spec span(event_prefix(), event_metadata(), span_function()) -> span_result().
    311 span(EventPrefix, StartMetadata, SpanFunction) ->
    312     StartTime = erlang:monotonic_time(),
    313     DefaultCtx = erlang:make_ref(),
    314     execute(
    315         EventPrefix ++ [start],
    316         #{monotonic_time => StartTime, system_time => erlang:system_time()},
    317         merge_ctx(StartMetadata, DefaultCtx)
    318     ),
    320     try {_, #{}} = SpanFunction() of
    321       {Result, StopMetadata} ->
    322           StopTime = erlang:monotonic_time(),
    323           execute(
    324               EventPrefix ++ [stop],
    325               #{duration => StopTime - StartTime, monotonic_time => StopTime},
    326               merge_ctx(StopMetadata, DefaultCtx)
    327           ),
    328           Result
    329     catch
    330         ?WITH_STACKTRACE(Class, Reason, Stacktrace)
    331             StopTime = erlang:monotonic_time(),
    332             execute(
    333                 EventPrefix ++ [exception],
    334                 #{duration => StopTime - StartTime, monotonic_time => StopTime},
    335                 merge_ctx(StartMetadata#{kind => Class, reason => Reason, stacktrace => Stacktrace}, DefaultCtx)
    336             ),
    337             erlang:raise(Class, Reason, Stacktrace)
    338     end.
    340 %% @equiv execute(EventName, Measurements, #{})
    341 -spec execute(EventName, Measurements) -> ok when
    342       EventName :: event_name(),
    343       Measurements :: event_measurements() | event_value().
    344 execute(EventName, Measurements) ->
    345     execute(EventName, Measurements, #{}).
    347 %% @doc Returns all handlers attached to events with given prefix.
    348 %%
    349 %% Handlers attached to many events at once using {@link attach_many/4} will be listed once for each
    350 %% event they're attached to.
    351 %% Note that you can list all handlers by feeding this function an empty list.
    352 -spec list_handlers(event_prefix()) -> [handler()].
    353 list_handlers(EventPrefix) ->
    354     assert_event_prefix(EventPrefix),
    355     [#{id => HandlerId,
    356        event_name => EventName,
    357        function => Function,
    358        config => Config} || #handler{id=HandlerId,
    359                                      event_name=EventName,
    360                                      function=Function,
    361                                      config=Config} <- telemetry_handler_table:list_by_prefix(EventPrefix)].
    363 %%
    365 -spec assert_event_names(term()) -> [ok].
    366 assert_event_names(List) when is_list(List) ->
    367     [assert_event_name(E) || E <- List];
    368 assert_event_names(Term) ->
    369     erlang:error(badarg, Term).
    371 -spec assert_event_prefix(term()) -> ok.
    372 assert_event_prefix(List) when is_list(List) ->
    373     case lists:all(fun erlang:is_atom/1, List) of
    374         true ->
    375             ok;
    376         false ->
    377             erlang:error(badarg, List)
    378     end;
    379 assert_event_prefix(List) ->
    380     erlang:error(badarg, List).
    382 -spec assert_event_name(term()) -> ok.
    383 assert_event_name([_ | _] = List) ->
    384     case lists:all(fun erlang:is_atom/1, List) of
    385         true ->
    386             ok;
    387         false ->
    388             erlang:error(badarg, List)
    389     end;
    390 assert_event_name(Term) ->
    391     erlang:error(badarg, Term).
    393 -spec merge_ctx(event_metadata(), any()) -> event_metadata().
    394 merge_ctx(#{telemetry_span_context := _} = Metadata, _Ctx) -> Metadata;
    395 merge_ctx(Metadata, Ctx) -> Metadata#{telemetry_span_context => Ctx}.
    397 %% @private
    398 report_cb(#{handler_id := Id}) ->
    399     {"The function passed as a handler with ID ~w is a local function.\n"
    400      "This means that it is either an anonymous function or a capture of a function "
    401      "without a module specified. That may cause a performance penalty when calling "
    402      "that handler. For more details see the note in `telemetry:attach/4` "
    403      "documentation.\n\n"
    404      "https://hexdocs.pm/telemetry/telemetry.html#attach/4", [Id]}.