
zenflows testing
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type.ex (4173B)

      1 # Zenflows is designed to implement the Valueflows vocabulary,
      2 # written and maintained by srfsh <info@dyne.org>.
      3 # Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Dyne.org foundation <foundation@dyne.org>.
      4 #
      5 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
      6 # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
      7 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
      8 # (at your option) any later version.
      9 #
     10 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     11 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     13 # GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
     14 #
     15 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
     16 # along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
     18 defmodule Zenflows.GQL.Type do
     19 @moduledoc "Custom types or overrides for Absinthe."
     21 use Absinthe.Schema.Notation
     23 alias Absinthe.Blueprint.Input
     24 alias Zenflows.DB.ID
     26 @desc "A [Unified Resource Identity](https://w.wiki/4W2Y) as String."
     27 scalar :uri, name: "URI" do
     28 	parse &uri_parse/1
     29 	serialize & &1
     30 end
     32 @desc "A base64-encoded (requires padding and ignores whitespace) as String."
     33 scalar :base64, name: "Base64" do
     34 	parse &base64_parse/1
     35 	serialize & &1
     36 end
     38 @desc "A base64url-encoded (requires nonpadding and ignores whitespace) as String."
     39 scalar :url64, name: "Url64" do
     40 	parse &url64_parse/1
     41 	serialize & &1
     42 end
     44 @desc "A JSON document encoded as string."
     45 scalar :json, name: "JSON" do
     46 	parse &json_parse/1
     47 	serialize & &1
     48 end
     50 @desc "Cursors for pagination"
     51 object :page_info do
     52 	@desc """
     53 	Cursor pointing to the first of the results returned, to be
     54 	used with `before` query parameter if the backend supports
     55 	reverse pagination.
     56 	"""
     57 	field :start_cursor, :id
     59 	@desc """
     60 	Cursor pointing to the last of the results returned, to be used
     61 	with `after` query parameter if the backend supports forward
     62 	pagination.
     63 	"""
     64 	field :end_cursor, :id
     66 	@desc """
     67 	True if there are more results before `startCursor`.  If unable
     68 	to be determined, implementations should return `true` to allow
     69 	for requerying.
     70 	"""
     71 	field :has_previous_page, non_null(:boolean)
     73 	@desc """
     74 	True if there are more results after `endCursor`.  If unable
     75 	to be determined, implementations should return `true` to allow
     76 	for requerying.
     77 	"""
     78 	field :has_next_page, non_null(:boolean)
     80 	@desc "The total result count, if it can be determined."
     81 	field :total_count, :integer
     83 	@desc """
     84 	The number of items requested per page.  Allows the storage
     85 	backend to indicate this when it is responsible for setting a
     86 	default and the client does not provide it.  Note this may be
     87 	different to the number of items returned, if there is less than
     88 	1 page of results.
     89 	"""
     90 	field :page_limit, :integer
     91 end
     93 # TODO: Decide whether we really want these to be valid URIs or just
     94 # Strings.
     95 @spec uri_parse(Input.t()) :: {:ok, String.t() | nil} | :error
     96 defp uri_parse(%Input.String{value: v}), do: {:ok, v}
     97 defp uri_parse(%Input.Null{}), do: {:ok, nil}
     98 defp uri_parse(_), do: :error
    100 @spec base64_parse(Input.t()) :: {:ok, String.t() | nil} | :error
    101 defp base64_parse(%Input.String{value: v}) do
    102 	case Base.decode64(v, ignore: :whitespace, padding: true) do
    103 		{:ok, _} -> {:ok, v}
    104 		:error -> :error
    105 	end
    106 end
    107 defp base64_parse(%Input.Null{}), do: {:ok, nil}
    108 defp base64_parse(_), do: :error
    110 @spec url64_parse(Input.t()) :: {:ok, String.t() | nil} | :error
    111 defp url64_parse(%Input.String{value: v}) do
    112 	case Base.url_decode64(v, ignore: :whitespace, padding: false) do
    113 		{:ok, _} -> {:ok, v}
    114 		:error -> :error
    115 	end
    116 end
    117 defp url64_parse(%Input.Null{}), do: {:ok, nil}
    118 defp url64_parse(_), do: :error
    120 @spec json_parse(Input.t()) :: {:ok, String.t() | nil} | :error
    121 defp json_parse(%Input.String{value: v}) do
    122 	case Jason.decode(v) do
    123 		{:ok, map} -> {:ok, map}
    124 		{:error, _} -> :error
    125 	end
    126 end
    127 defp json_parse(%Input.Null{}), do: {:ok, nil}
    128 defp json_parse(_), do: :error
    130 @spec id_parse(Input.t()) :: {:ok, ID.t() | nil} | :error
    131 def id_parse(%Input.String{value: v}), do: ID.cast(v)
    132 def id_parse(%Input.Null{}), do: {:ok, nil}
    133 def id_parse(_), do: :error
    134 end