
Netcat prebuilt executable for Windows machines
git clone
Log | Files | Refs | LICENSE

commit e8b4df3258191e1417e3f49b13582db567cd2bc2
Author: srket <>
Date:   Fri, 27 Aug 2021 13:30:08 +0300

Initial Commit

ALICENSE | 340+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
AMakefile | 14++++++++++++++
Adoexec.c | 463+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ageneric.h | 237+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Agetopt.c | 756+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Agetopt.h | 133+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Ahobbit.txt | 946+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Anc.exe | 0
Anc64.exe | 0
Anetcat.c | 2094+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Areadme.txt | 157+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11 files changed, 5140 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.> + Copyright (C) <year> <name of author> + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA + + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ + +CC=i686-pc-mingw32-gcc +#CC=x86_64-pc-mingw32-gcc + +CFLAGS=-DNDEBUG -DWIN32 -D_CONSOLE -DTELNET -DGAPING_SECURITY_HOLE +LDFLAGS=-s -lkernel32 -luser32 -lwsock32 -lwinmm + +all: nc.exe + +nc.exe: getopt.c doexec.c netcat.c + $(CC) $(CFLAGS) getopt.c doexec.c netcat.c $(LDFLAGS) -o nc.exe + +clean: + rm nc.exe diff --git a/doexec.c b/doexec.c @@ -0,0 +1,462 @@ +// for license see license.txt + +// Modified 12/27/2004 by Chris Wysopal <> +// fixed vulnerability found by hat-squad + +// portions Copyright (C) 1994 Nathaniel W. Mishkin +// code taken from rlogind.exe + +#include <stdlib.h> +#include <winsock2.h> +#include <winbase.h> + +#ifdef GAPING_SECURITY_HOLE + + +#define BUFFER_SIZE 200 + +extern char * pr00gie; +void holler(char * str, char * p1, char * p2, char * p3, char * p4, char * p5, char * p6); +char smbuff[20]; +// +// Structure used to describe each session +// +typedef struct { + + // + // These fields are filled in at session creation time + // + HANDLE ReadPipeHandle; // Handle to shell stdout pipe + HANDLE WritePipeHandle; // Handle to shell stdin pipe + HANDLE ProcessHandle; // Handle to shell process + + // + // + // These fields are filled in at session connect time and are only + // valid when the session is connected + // + SOCKET ClientSocket; + HANDLE ReadShellThreadHandle; // Handle to session shell-read thread + HANDLE WriteShellThreadHandle; // Handle to session shell-read thread + +} SESSION_DATA, *PSESSION_DATA; + + +// +// Private prototypes +// + +static HANDLE +StartShell( + HANDLE StdinPipeHandle, + HANDLE StdoutPipeHandle + ); + +static VOID +SessionReadShellThreadFn( + LPVOID Parameter + ); + +static VOID +SessionWriteShellThreadFn( + LPVOID Parameter + ); + + + +// ********************************************************************** +// +// CreateSession +// +// Creates a new session. Involves creating the shell process and establishing +// pipes for communication with it. +// +// Returns a handle to the session or NULL on failure. +// + +static PSESSION_DATA +CreateSession( + VOID + ) +{ + PSESSION_DATA Session = NULL; + BOOL Result; + SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES SecurityAttributes; + HANDLE ShellStdinPipe = NULL; + HANDLE ShellStdoutPipe = NULL; + + // + // Allocate space for the session data + // + Session = (PSESSION_DATA) malloc(sizeof(SESSION_DATA)); + if (Session == NULL) { + return(NULL); + } + + // + // Reset fields in preparation for failure + // + Session->ReadPipeHandle = NULL; + Session->WritePipeHandle = NULL; + + + // + // Create the I/O pipes for the shell + // + SecurityAttributes.nLength = sizeof(SecurityAttributes); + SecurityAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; // Use default ACL + SecurityAttributes.bInheritHandle = TRUE; // Shell will inherit handles + + Result = CreatePipe(&Session->ReadPipeHandle, &ShellStdoutPipe, + &SecurityAttributes, 0); + if (!Result) { + holler("Failed to create shell stdout pipe, error = %s", + itoa(GetLastError(), smbuff, 10), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); + goto Failure; + } + Result = CreatePipe(&ShellStdinPipe, &Session->WritePipeHandle, + &SecurityAttributes, 0); + + if (!Result) { + holler("Failed to create shell stdin pipe, error = %s", + itoa(GetLastError(), smbuff, 10), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); + goto Failure; + } + // + // Start the shell + // + Session->ProcessHandle = StartShell(ShellStdinPipe, ShellStdoutPipe); + + // + // We're finished with our copy of the shell pipe handles + // Closing the runtime handles will close the pipe handles for us. + // + CloseHandle(ShellStdinPipe); + CloseHandle(ShellStdoutPipe); + + // + // Check result of shell start + // + if (Session->ProcessHandle == NULL) { + holler("Failed to execute shell", NULL, + NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); + + goto Failure; + } + + // + // The session is not connected, initialize variables to indicate that + // + Session->ClientSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; + + // + // Success, return the session pointer as a handle + // + return(Session); + +Failure: + + // + // We get here for any failure case. + // Free up any resources and exit + // + + if (ShellStdinPipe != NULL) + CloseHandle(ShellStdinPipe); + if (ShellStdoutPipe != NULL) + CloseHandle(ShellStdoutPipe); + if (Session->ReadPipeHandle != NULL) + CloseHandle(Session->ReadPipeHandle); + if (Session->WritePipeHandle != NULL) + CloseHandle(Session->WritePipeHandle); + + free(Session); + + return(NULL); +} + + + +BOOL +doexec( + SOCKET ClientSocket + ) +{ + PSESSION_DATA Session = CreateSession(); + SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES SecurityAttributes; + DWORD ThreadId; + HANDLE HandleArray[3]; + int i; + + SecurityAttributes.nLength = sizeof(SecurityAttributes); + SecurityAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; // Use default ACL + SecurityAttributes.bInheritHandle = FALSE; // No inheritance + + // + // Store the client socket handle in the session structure so the thread + // can get at it. This also signals that the session is connected. + // + Session->ClientSocket = ClientSocket; + + // + // Create the session threads + // + Session->ReadShellThreadHandle = + CreateThread(&SecurityAttributes, 0, + (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) SessionReadShellThreadFn, + (LPVOID) Session, 0, &ThreadId); + + if (Session->ReadShellThreadHandle == NULL) { + holler("Failed to create ReadShell session thread, error = %s", + itoa(GetLastError(), smbuff, 10), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); + + // + // Reset the client pipe handle to indicate this session is disconnected + // + Session->ClientSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; + return(FALSE); + } + + Session->WriteShellThreadHandle = + CreateThread(&SecurityAttributes, 0, + (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) SessionWriteShellThreadFn, + (LPVOID) Session, 0, &ThreadId); + + if (Session->WriteShellThreadHandle == NULL) { + holler("Failed to create ReadShell session thread, error = %s", + itoa(GetLastError(), smbuff, 10), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); + + // + // Reset the client pipe handle to indicate this session is disconnected + // + Session->ClientSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; + + TerminateThread(Session->WriteShellThreadHandle, 0); + return(FALSE); + } + + // + // Wait for either thread or the shell process to finish + // + + HandleArray[0] = Session->ReadShellThreadHandle; + HandleArray[1] = Session->WriteShellThreadHandle; + HandleArray[2] = Session->ProcessHandle; + + + i = WaitForMultipleObjects(3, HandleArray, FALSE, 0xffffffff); + + + switch (i) { + case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 0: + TerminateThread(Session->WriteShellThreadHandle, 0); + TerminateProcess(Session->ProcessHandle, 1); + break; + + case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: + TerminateThread(Session->ReadShellThreadHandle, 0); + TerminateProcess(Session->ProcessHandle, 1); + break; + case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 2: + TerminateThread(Session->WriteShellThreadHandle, 0); + TerminateThread(Session->ReadShellThreadHandle, 0); + break; + + default: + holler("WaitForMultipleObjects error: %s", + itoa(GetLastError(), smbuff, 10), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); + + break; + } + + + // Close my handles to the threads, the shell process, and the shell pipes + shutdown(Session->ClientSocket, SD_BOTH); + closesocket(Session->ClientSocket); + + DisconnectNamedPipe(Session->ReadPipeHandle); + CloseHandle(Session->ReadPipeHandle); + + DisconnectNamedPipe(Session->WritePipeHandle); + CloseHandle(Session->WritePipeHandle); + + + CloseHandle(Session->ReadShellThreadHandle); + CloseHandle(Session->WriteShellThreadHandle); + + CloseHandle(Session->ProcessHandle); + + free(Session); + + return(TRUE); +} + + +// ********************************************************************** +// +// StartShell +// +// Execs the shell with the specified handle as stdin, stdout/err +// +// Returns process handle or NULL on failure +// + +static HANDLE +StartShell( + HANDLE ShellStdinPipeHandle, + HANDLE ShellStdoutPipeHandle + ) +{ + PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInformation; + STARTUPINFO si; + HANDLE ProcessHandle = NULL; + + // + // Initialize process startup info + // + si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); + si.lpReserved = NULL; + si.lpTitle = NULL; + si.lpDesktop = NULL; + si.dwX = si.dwY = si.dwXSize = si.dwYSize = 0L; + si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; + si.lpReserved2 = NULL; + si.cbReserved2 = 0; + + si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES | STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; + + si.hStdInput = ShellStdinPipeHandle; + si.hStdOutput = ShellStdoutPipeHandle; + + DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), ShellStdoutPipeHandle, + GetCurrentProcess(), &si.hStdError, + DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS, TRUE, 0); + + if (CreateProcess(NULL, pr00gie, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, + &si, &ProcessInformation)) + { + ProcessHandle = ProcessInformation.hProcess; + CloseHandle(ProcessInformation.hThread); + } + else + holler("Failed to execute shell, error = %s", + itoa(GetLastError(), smbuff, 10), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); + + + return(ProcessHandle); +} + + +// ********************************************************************** +// SessionReadShellThreadFn +// +// The read thread procedure. Reads from the pipe connected to the shell +// process, writes to the socket. +// + +static VOID +SessionReadShellThreadFn( + LPVOID Parameter + ) +{ + PSESSION_DATA Session = Parameter; + BYTE Buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; + BYTE Buffer2[BUFFER_SIZE*2+30]; + DWORD BytesRead; + + // this bogus peek is here because win32 won't let me close the pipe if it is + // in waiting for input on a read. + while (PeekNamedPipe(Session->ReadPipeHandle, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), + &BytesRead, NULL, NULL)) + { + DWORD BufferCnt, BytesToWrite; + BYTE PrevChar = 0; + + if (BytesRead > 0) + { + ReadFile(Session->ReadPipeHandle, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), + &BytesRead, NULL); + } + else + { + Sleep(50); + continue; + } + + + + // + // Process the data we got from the shell: replace any naked LF's + // with CR-LF pairs. + // + for (BufferCnt = 0, BytesToWrite = 0; BufferCnt < BytesRead; BufferCnt++) { + if (Buffer[BufferCnt] == '\n' && PrevChar != '\r') + Buffer2[BytesToWrite++] = '\r'; + PrevChar = Buffer2[BytesToWrite++] = Buffer[BufferCnt]; + } + + if (send(Session->ClientSocket, Buffer2, BytesToWrite, 0) <= 0) + break; + } + + if (GetLastError() != ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE) + holler("SessionReadShellThreadFn exitted, error = %s", + itoa(GetLastError(), smbuff, 10), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); + + ExitThread(0); +} + + +// ********************************************************************** +// SessionWriteShellThreadFn +// +// The write thread procedure. Reads from socket, writes to pipe connected +// to shell process. + + +static VOID +SessionWriteShellThreadFn( + LPVOID Parameter + ) +{ + PSESSION_DATA Session = Parameter; + BYTE RecvBuffer[1]; + BYTE Buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; + DWORD BytesWritten; + DWORD BufferCnt; + + BufferCnt = 0; + + // + // Loop, reading one byte at a time from the socket. + // + while (recv(Session->ClientSocket, RecvBuffer, sizeof(RecvBuffer), 0) != 0) { + + Buffer[BufferCnt++] = RecvBuffer[0]; + if (RecvBuffer[0] == '\r') + Buffer[BufferCnt++] = '\n'; + + + // Trap exit as it causes problems + if (strnicmp(Buffer, "exit\r\n", 6) == 0) + ExitThread(0); + + + // + // If we got a CR, it's time to send what we've buffered up down to the + // shell process. + // SECURITY FIX: CW 12/27/04 Add BufferCnt size check. If we hit end of buffer, flush it + if (RecvBuffer[0] == '\n' || RecvBuffer[0] == '\r' || BufferCnt > BUFFER_SIZE-1) { + if (! WriteFile(Session->WritePipeHandle, Buffer, BufferCnt, + &BytesWritten, NULL)) + { + break; + } + BufferCnt = 0; + } + } + + ExitThread(0); +} + +#endif+ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/generic.h b/generic.h @@ -0,0 +1,237 @@ +/* generic.h -- anything you don't #undef at the end remains in effect. + The ONLY things that go in here are generic indicator flags; it's up + to your programs to declare and call things based on those flags. + + You should only need to make changes via a minimal system-specific section + at the end of this file. To build a new section, rip through this and + check everything it mentions on your platform, and #undef that which needs + it. If you generate a system-specific section you didn't find in here, + please mail me a copy so I can update the "master". + + I realize I'm probably inventing another pseudo-standard here, but + goddamnit, everybody ELSE has already, and I can't include all of their + hairball schemes too. HAVE_xx conforms to the gnu/autoconf usage and + seems to be the most common format. In fact, I dug a lot of these out + of autoconf and tried to common them all together using "stupidh" to + collect data from platforms. + + In disgust... _H* 940910, 941115. Pseudo-version: 1.1 */ + +#ifndef GENERIC_H /* only run through this once */ +#define GENERIC_H + +/* =============================== */ +/* System calls, lib routines, etc */ +/* =============================== */ + +/* How does your system declare malloc, void or char? Usually void, but go + ask the SunOS people why they had to be different... */ +#define VOID_MALLOC + +/* notably from fwtk/firewall.h: posix locking? */ +#define HAVE_FLOCK /* otherwise it's lockf() */ + +/* if you don't have setsid(), you might have setpgrp(). +#define HAVE_SETSID + +/* random() is generally considered better than rand() */ +/* xxx: rand48? */ +#define HAVE_RANDOM + +/* if your machine doesn't have lstat(), it should have stat() [dos...] */ +#define HAVE_LSTAT + +/* different kinds of term ioctls. How to recognize them, very roughly: + sysv/POSIX_ME_HARDER: termio[s].h, struct termio[s], tty.c_*[] + bsd/old stuff: sgtty.h, ioctl(TIOCSETP), sgttyb.sg_*, tchars.t_* +#define HAVE_TERMIOS + +/* dbm vs ndbm */ +#define HAVE_NDBM + +/* extended utmp/wtmp stuff. MOST machines still do NOT have this SV-ism */ +#define UTMPX + +/* some systems have nice() which takes *relative* values... [resource.h] */ +#define HAVE_SETPRIORITY + +/* a sysvism, I think, but ... */ +#define HAVE_SYSINFO + +/* punted for now: setown / siocspgrp ... see firewall.h */ + +/* ============= */ +/* Include files */ +/* ============= */ + +/* Presence of these can be determined via a script that sniffs them + out if you aren't sure. */ + +/* stdlib comes with most modern compilers, but ya never know */ +#define HAVE_STDLIB_H + +/* not on a DOS box! */ +#define HAVE_UNISTD_H + +/* stdarg is a weird one */ +#define HAVE_STDARG_H + +/* dir.h or maybe ndir.h otherwise. */ +#define HAVE_DIRENT_H + +/* string or strings */ +#define HAVE_STRINGS_H + +/* if you don't have lastlog.h, what you want might be in login.h */ +#define HAVE_LASTLOG_H + +/* predefines for _PATH_various */ +#define HAVE_PATHS_H + +/* assorted others */ +#define HAVE_PARAM_H +#define HAVE_SYSMACROS_H /* in sys/! */ +#define HAVE_TTYENT_H /* securetty et al */ + +/* ==================== */ + +/* Still maybe have to do something about the following, if it's even + worth it. I just grepped a lot of these out of various code, without + looking them up yet: + +#define HAVE_EINPROGRESS +#define HAVE_F_SETOWN +#define HAVE_SETENV ... now *there's* a hairy one; **environ is portable +#define BIG_ENDIAN/little_endian ... *please* try to avoid this stupidity +#define HAVE_GETUSERSHELL ... you could always pull it out of getpwent() +#define HAVE_SETE[UG]ID ... lib or syscall, it varies on diff platforms +#define HAVE_STRCHR ... should actually be handled by string/strings +#define HAVE_PSTAT +#define HAVE_ST_BLKSIZE ... a stat() thing? +#define HAVE_IP_TOS +#define HAVE_STRFTIME ... screw this, we should just INCLUDE one for lame + old boxes that don't have it [sunos 3.x, early 4.x?] +#define HAVE_VFPRINTF +#define HAVE_SHADOW_PASSWD ... in its multitudinous schemes?? ... how + about sumpin' like #define SHADOW_PASSWD_TYPE ... could get grody. +#define SIG* ... what a swamp, punt for now; should all be in signal.h +#define HAVE_STRCSPN ... see larry wall's comment in the fwtk regex code +#define ULTRIX_AUTH ... bwahaha. +#define HAVE_YP or NIS or whatever you wanna call it this week +randomness about VARARGS?? + +There's also the issue about WHERE various .h files live, sys/ or otherwise. +There's a BIG swamp lurking where network code of any sort lives. + +*/ + +/* ======================== */ +/* System-specific sections */ +/* ======================== */ + +/* By turning OFF various bits of the above, you can customize for + a given platform. /* + +/* DOS boxes, with MSC; you may need to adapt to a different compiler. */ +#ifdef MSDOS +#undef HAVE_FLOCK +#undef HAVE_RANDOM +#undef HAVE_LSTAT +#undef HAVE_TERMIOS +#undef UTMPX +#undef HAVE_SYSINFO +#undef HAVE_UNISTD_H +#undef HAVE_DIRENT_H /* unless you have the k00l little wrapper from L5!! */ +#undef HAVE_STRINGS_H +#undef HAVE_LASTLOG_H +#undef HAVE_PATHS_H +#undef HAVE_PARAM_H +#undef HAVE_SYSMACROS_H +#undef HAVE_TTYENT_H +#endif /* MSDOS */ + +/* buglix 4.x; dunno about 3.x on down. should be bsd4.2. */ +#ifdef ULTRIX +#undef UTMPX +#undef HAVE_PATHS_H +#undef HAVE_SYSMACROS_H +#endif /* buglix */ + +/* some of this might still be broken on older sunoses */ +#ifdef SUNOS +#undef VOID_MALLOC +#undef UTMPX +#undef HAVE_PATHS_H +#endif /* sunos */ + +/* "contact your vendor for a fix" */ +#ifdef SOLARIS +/* has UTMPX */ +#undef HAVE_SETPRIORITY +#undef HAVE_STRINGS_H /* this is genuinely the case, go figure */ +#undef HAVE_PATHS_H +#undef HAVE_TTYENT_H +#endif /* SOLARIS */ + +/* whatever aix variant MIT had at the time */ +#ifdef AIX +#undef UTMPX +#undef HAVE_LASTLOG_H +#define HAVE_LOGIN_H /* "special", in the educational sense */ +#endif /* aix */ + +/* linux, which is trying as desperately as the gnu folks can to be + POSIXLY_CORRECT. I think I'm gonna hurl... */ +#ifdef LINUX +#undef UTMPX +#undef HAVE_SYSINFO +#undef HAVE_TTYENT_H +#endif /* linux */ + +/* irix 5.x; may not be correct for earlier ones */ +#ifdef IRIX +/* wow, does irix really have everything?! */ +#endif /* irix */ + +/* osf on alphas */ +#ifdef OSF +#undef UTMPX +#endif /* osf */ + +/* they's some FUCKED UP paths in this one! */ +#ifdef FREEBSD +#undef UTMPX +#undef HAVE_SYSINFO +#undef HAVE_LASTLOG_H +#undef HAVE_SYSMACROS_H +#endif /* freebsd */ + +/* From the sidewinder site, of all places; may be unreliable */ +#ifdef BSDI +#undef UTMPX +#undef HAVE_LASTLOG_H +#undef HAVE_SYSMACROS_H +#undef HAVE_TTYENT_H +/* and their malloc.h was in sys/ ?! */ +#endif /* bsdi */ + +/* netbsd/44lite, jives with amiga-netbsd from cactus */ +#ifdef NETBSD +#undef UTMPX +#undef HAVE_SYSINFO +#undef HAVE_LASTLOG_H +#endif /* netbsd */ + +/* Make some "generic" assumptions if all else fails */ +#ifdef GENERIC +#undef HAVE_FLOCK +#if defined(SYSV) && (SYSV < 4) /* TW leftover: old SV doesnt have symlinks */ +#undef HAVE_LSTAT +#endif /* old SYSV */ +#undef HAVE_TERMIOS +#undef UTMPX +#undef HAVE_PATHS_H +#endif /* generic */ + +/* ================ */ +#endif /* GENERIC_H */ diff --git a/getopt.c b/getopt.c @@ -0,0 +1,756 @@ +/* Getopt for GNU. + NOTE: getopt is now part of the C library, so if you don't know what + "Keep this file name-space clean" means, talk to + before changing it! + + Copyright (C) 1987, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94 + Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +This file is part of the GNU C Library. Its master source is NOT part of +the C library, however. The master source lives in /gd/gnu/lib. + +The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as +published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the +License, or (at your option) any later version. + +The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +Library General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public +License along with the GNU C Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If +not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, +Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ + +/* This tells Alpha OSF/1 not to define a getopt prototype in <stdio.h>. + Ditto for AIX 3.2 and <stdlib.h>. */ +#ifndef _NO_PROTO +#define _NO_PROTO +#endif + +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H +#include <config.h> +#endif + +#if !defined (__STDC__) || !__STDC__ +/* This is a separate conditional since some stdc systems + reject `defined (const)'. */ +#ifndef const +#define const +#endif +#endif + +#include <stdio.h> + +#ifdef WIN32 +#include <string.h> +#endif + +/* Comment out all this code if we are using the GNU C Library, and are not + actually compiling the library itself. This code is part of the GNU C + Library, but also included in many other GNU distributions. Compiling + and linking in this code is a waste when using the GNU C library + (especially if it is a shared library). Rather than having every GNU + program understand `configure --with-gnu-libc' and omit the object files, + it is simpler to just do this in the source for each such file. */ + +#if defined (_LIBC) || !defined (__GNU_LIBRARY__) + + +/* This needs to come after some library #include + to get __GNU_LIBRARY__ defined. */ +#ifdef __GNU_LIBRARY__ +/* Don't include stdlib.h for non-GNU C libraries because some of them + contain conflicting prototypes for getopt. */ +#include <stdlib.h> +#endif /* GNU C library. */ + +/* This version of `getopt' appears to the caller like standard Unix `getopt' + but it behaves differently for the user, since it allows the user + to intersperse the options with the other arguments. + + As `getopt' works, it permutes the elements of ARGV so that, + when it is done, all the options precede everything else. Thus + all application programs are extended to handle flexible argument order. + + Setting the environment variable POSIXLY_CORRECT disables permutation. + Then the behavior is completely standard. + + GNU application programs can use a third alternative mode in which + they can distinguish the relative order of options and other arguments. */ + +#include "getopt.h" + +/* For communication from `getopt' to the caller. + When `getopt' finds an option that takes an argument, + the argument value is returned here. + Also, when `ordering' is RETURN_IN_ORDER, + each non-option ARGV-element is returned here. */ + +char *optarg = NULL; + +/* Index in ARGV of the next element to be scanned. + This is used for communication to and from the caller + and for communication between successive calls to `getopt'. + + On entry to `getopt', zero means this is the first call; initialize. + + When `getopt' returns EOF, this is the index of the first of the + non-option elements that the caller should itself scan. + + Otherwise, `optind' communicates from one call to the next + how much of ARGV has been scanned so far. */ + +/* XXX 1003.2 says this must be 1 before any call. */ +int optind = 0; + +/* The next char to be scanned in the option-element + in which the last option character we returned was found. + This allows us to pick up the scan where we left off. + + If this is zero, or a null string, it means resume the scan + by advancing to the next ARGV-element. */ + +static char *nextchar; + +/* Callers store zero here to inhibit the error message + for unrecognized options. */ + +int opterr = 1; + +/* Set to an option character which was unrecognized. + This must be initialized on some systems to avoid linking in the + system's own getopt implementation. */ + +int optopt = '?'; + +/* Describe how to deal with options that follow non-option ARGV-elements. + + If the caller did not specify anything, + the default is REQUIRE_ORDER if the environment variable + POSIXLY_CORRECT is defined, PERMUTE otherwise. + + REQUIRE_ORDER means don't recognize them as options; + stop option processing when the first non-option is seen. + This is what Unix does. + This mode of operation is selected by either setting the environment + variable POSIXLY_CORRECT, or using `+' as the first character + of the list of option characters. + + PERMUTE is the default. We permute the contents of ARGV as we scan, + so that eventually all the non-options are at the end. This allows options + to be given in any order, even with programs that were not written to + expect this. + + RETURN_IN_ORDER is an option available to programs that were written + to expect options and other ARGV-elements in any order and that care about + the ordering of the two. We describe each non-option ARGV-element + as if it were the argument of an option with character code 1. + Using `-' as the first character of the list of option characters + selects this mode of operation. + + The special argument `--' forces an end of option-scanning regardless + of the value of `ordering'. In the case of RETURN_IN_ORDER, only + `--' can cause `getopt' to return EOF with `optind' != ARGC. */ + +static enum +{ + REQUIRE_ORDER, PERMUTE, RETURN_IN_ORDER +} ordering; + +/* Value of POSIXLY_CORRECT environment variable. */ +static char *posixly_correct; + +#ifdef __GNU_LIBRARY__ +/* We want to avoid inclusion of string.h with non-GNU libraries + because there are many ways it can cause trouble. + On some systems, it contains special magic macros that don't work + in GCC. */ +#include <string.h> +#define my_index strchr +#else + +/* Avoid depending on library functions or files + whose names are inconsistent. */ + +char *getenv (); + +static char * +my_index (str, chr) + const char *str; + int chr; +{ + while (*str) + { + if (*str == chr) + return (char *) str; + str++; + } + return 0; +} + +/* If using GCC, we can safely declare strlen this way. + If not using GCC, it is ok not to declare it. */ +#ifdef __GNUC__ +/* Note that Motorola Delta 68k R3V7 comes with GCC but not stddef.h. + That was relevant to code that was here before. */ +#if !defined (__STDC__) || !__STDC__ +/* gcc with -traditional declares the built-in strlen to return int, + and has done so at least since version 2.4.5. -- rms. */ +extern int strlen (const char *); +#endif /* not __STDC__ */ +#endif /* __GNUC__ */ + +#endif /* not __GNU_LIBRARY__ */ + +/* Handle permutation of arguments. */ + +/* Describe the part of ARGV that contains non-options that have + been skipped. `first_nonopt' is the index in ARGV of the first of them; + `last_nonopt' is the index after the last of them. */ + +static int first_nonopt; +static int last_nonopt; + +/* Exchange two adjacent subsequences of ARGV. + One subsequence is elements [first_nonopt,last_nonopt) + which contains all the non-options that have been skipped so far. + The other is elements [last_nonopt,optind), which contains all + the options processed since those non-options were skipped. + + `first_nonopt' and `last_nonopt' are relocated so that they describe + the new indices of the non-options in ARGV after they are moved. */ + +static void +exchange (argv) + char **argv; +{ + int bottom = first_nonopt; + int middle = last_nonopt; + int top = optind; + char *tem; + + /* Exchange the shorter segment with the far end of the longer segment. + That puts the shorter segment into the right place. + It leaves the longer segment in the right place overall, + but it consists of two parts that need to be swapped next. */ + + while (top > middle && middle > bottom) + { + if (top - middle > middle - bottom) + { + /* Bottom segment is the short one. */ + int len = middle - bottom; + register int i; + + /* Swap it with the top part of the top segment. */ + for (i = 0; i < len; i++) + { + tem = argv[bottom + i]; + argv[bottom + i] = argv[top - (middle - bottom) + i]; + argv[top - (middle - bottom) + i] = tem; + } + /* Exclude the moved bottom segment from further swapping. */ + top -= len; + } + else + { + /* Top segment is the short one. */ + int len = top - middle; + register int i; + + /* Swap it with the bottom part of the bottom segment. */ + for (i = 0; i < len; i++) + { + tem = argv[bottom + i]; + argv[bottom + i] = argv[middle + i]; + argv[middle + i] = tem; + } + /* Exclude the moved top segment from further swapping. */ + bottom += len; + } + } + + /* Update records for the slots the non-options now occupy. */ + + first_nonopt += (optind - last_nonopt); + last_nonopt = optind; +} + +/* Initialize the internal data when the first call is made. */ + +static const char * +_getopt_initialize (optstring) + const char *optstring; +{ + /* Start processing options with ARGV-element 1 (since ARGV-element 0 + is the program name); the sequence of previously skipped + non-option ARGV-elements is empty. */ + + first_nonopt = last_nonopt = optind = 1; + + nextchar = NULL; + + posixly_correct = getenv ("POSIXLY_CORRECT"); + + /* Determine how to handle the ordering of options and nonoptions. */ + + if (optstring[0] == '-') + { + ordering = RETURN_IN_ORDER; + ++optstring; + } + else if (optstring[0] == '+') + { + ordering = REQUIRE_ORDER; + ++optstring; + } + else if (posixly_correct != NULL) + ordering = REQUIRE_ORDER; + else + ordering = PERMUTE; + + return optstring; +} + +/* Scan elements of ARGV (whose length is ARGC) for option characters + given in OPTSTRING. + + If an element of ARGV starts with '-', and is not exactly "-" or "--", + then it is an option element. The characters of this element + (aside from the initial '-') are option characters. If `getopt' + is called repeatedly, it returns successively each of the option characters + from each of the option elements. + + If `getopt' finds another option character, it returns that character, + updating `optind' and `nextchar' so that the next call to `getopt' can + resume the scan with the following option character or ARGV-element. + + If there are no more option characters, `getopt' returns `EOF'. + Then `optind' is the index in ARGV of the first ARGV-element + that is not an option. (The ARGV-elements have been permuted + so that those that are not options now come last.) + + OPTSTRING is a string containing the legitimate option characters. + If an option character is seen that is not listed in OPTSTRING, + return '?' after printing an error message. If you set `opterr' to + zero, the error message is suppressed but we still return '?'. + + If a char in OPTSTRING is followed by a colon, that means it wants an arg, + so the following text in the same ARGV-element, or the text of the following + ARGV-element, is returned in `optarg'. Two colons mean an option that + wants an optional arg; if there is text in the current ARGV-element, + it is returned in `optarg', otherwise `optarg' is set to zero. + + If OPTSTRING starts with `-' or `+', it requests different methods of + handling the non-option ARGV-elements. + See the comments about RETURN_IN_ORDER and REQUIRE_ORDER, above. + + Long-named options begin with `--' instead of `-'. + Their names may be abbreviated as long as the abbreviation is unique + or is an exact match for some defined option. If they have an + argument, it follows the option name in the same ARGV-element, separated + from the option name by a `=', or else the in next ARGV-element. + When `getopt' finds a long-named option, it returns 0 if that option's + `flag' field is nonzero, the value of the option's `val' field + if the `flag' field is zero. + + The elements of ARGV aren't really const, because we permute them. + But we pretend they're const in the prototype to be compatible + with other systems. + + LONGOPTS is a vector of `struct option' terminated by an + element containing a name which is zero. + + LONGIND returns the index in LONGOPT of the long-named option found. + It is only valid when a long-named option has been found by the most + recent call. + + If LONG_ONLY is nonzero, '-' as well as '--' can introduce + long-named options. */ + +int +_getopt_internal (argc, argv, optstring, longopts, longind, long_only) + int argc; + char *const *argv; + const char *optstring; + const struct option *longopts; + int *longind; + int long_only; +{ + optarg = NULL; + + if (optind == 0) + optstring = _getopt_initialize (optstring); + + if (nextchar == NULL || *nextchar == '\0') + { + /* Advance to the next ARGV-element. */ + + if (ordering == PERMUTE) + { + /* If we have just processed some options following some non-options, + exchange them so that the options come first. */ + + if (first_nonopt != last_nonopt && last_nonopt != optind) + exchange ((char **) argv); + else if (last_nonopt != optind) + first_nonopt = optind; + + /* Skip any additional non-options + and extend the range of non-options previously skipped. */ + + while (optind < argc + && (argv[optind][0] != '-' || argv[optind][1] == '\0')) + optind++; + last_nonopt = optind; + } + + /* The special ARGV-element `--' means premature end of options. + Skip it like a null option, + then exchange with previous non-options as if it were an option, + then skip everything else like a non-option. */ + + if (optind != argc && !strcmp (argv[optind], "--")) + { + optind++; + + if (first_nonopt != last_nonopt && last_nonopt != optind) + exchange ((char **) argv); + else if (first_nonopt == last_nonopt) + first_nonopt = optind; + last_nonopt = argc; + + optind = argc; + } + + /* If we have done all the ARGV-elements, stop the scan + and back over any non-options that we skipped and permuted. */ + + if (optind == argc) + { + /* Set the next-arg-index to point at the non-options + that we previously skipped, so the caller will digest them. */ + if (first_nonopt != last_nonopt) + optind = first_nonopt; + return EOF; + } + + /* If we have come to a non-option and did not permute it, + either stop the scan or describe it to the caller and pass it by. */ + + if ((argv[optind][0] != '-' || argv[optind][1] == '\0')) + { + if (ordering == REQUIRE_ORDER) + return EOF; + optarg = argv[optind++]; + return 1; + } + + /* We have found another option-ARGV-element. + Skip the initial punctuation. */ + + nextchar = (argv[optind] + 1 + + (longopts != NULL && argv[optind][1] == '-')); + } + + /* Decode the current option-ARGV-element. */ + + /* Check whether the ARGV-element is a long option. + + If long_only and the ARGV-element has the form "-f", where f is + a valid short option, don't consider it an abbreviated form of + a long option that starts with f. Otherwise there would be no + way to give the -f short option. + + On the other hand, if there's a long option "fubar" and + the ARGV-element is "-fu", do consider that an abbreviation of + the long option, just like "--fu", and not "-f" with arg "u". + + This distinction seems to be the most useful approach. */ + + if (longopts != NULL + && (argv[optind][1] == '-' + || (long_only && (argv[optind][2] || !my_index (optstring, argv[optind][1]))))) + { + char *nameend; + const struct option *p; + const struct option *pfound = NULL; + int exact = 0; + int ambig = 0; + int indfound; + int option_index; + + for (nameend = nextchar; *nameend && *nameend != '='; nameend++) + /* Do nothing. */ ; + + /* Test all long options for either exact match + or abbreviated matches. */ + for (p = longopts, option_index = 0; p->name; p++, option_index++) + if (!strncmp (p->name, nextchar, nameend - nextchar)) + { + if ((unsigned int)(nameend - nextchar) == (unsigned int)strlen (p->name)) + { + /* Exact match found. */ + pfound = p; + indfound = option_index; + exact = 1; + break; + } + else if (pfound == NULL) + { + /* First nonexact match found. */ + pfound = p; + indfound = option_index; + } + else + /* Second or later nonexact match found. */ + ambig = 1; + } + + if (ambig && !exact) + { + if (opterr) + fprintf (stderr, "%s: option `%s' is ambiguous\n", + argv[0], argv[optind]); + nextchar += strlen (nextchar); + optind++; + return '?'; + } + + if (pfound != NULL) + { + option_index = indfound; + optind++; + if (*nameend) + { + /* Don't test has_arg with >, because some C compilers don't + allow it to be used on enums. */ + if (pfound->has_arg) + optarg = nameend + 1; + else + { + if (opterr) + { + if (argv[optind - 1][1] == '-') + /* --option */ + fprintf (stderr, + "%s: option `--%s' doesn't allow an argument\n", + argv[0], pfound->name); + else + /* +option or -option */ + fprintf (stderr, + "%s: option `%c%s' doesn't allow an argument\n", + argv[0], argv[optind - 1][0], pfound->name); + } + nextchar += strlen (nextchar); + return '?'; + } + } + else if (pfound->has_arg == 1) + { + if (optind < argc) + optarg = argv[optind++]; + else + { + if (opterr) + fprintf (stderr, "%s: option `%s' requires an argument\n", + argv[0], argv[optind - 1]); + nextchar += strlen (nextchar); + return optstring[0] == ':' ? ':' : '?'; + } + } + nextchar += strlen (nextchar); + if (longind != NULL) + *longind = option_index; + if (pfound->flag) + { + *(pfound->flag) = pfound->val; + return 0; + } + return pfound->val; + } + + /* Can't find it as a long option. If this is not getopt_long_only, + or the option starts with '--' or is not a valid short + option, then it's an error. + Otherwise interpret it as a short option. */ + if (!long_only || argv[optind][1] == '-' + || my_index (optstring, *nextchar) == NULL) + { + if (opterr) + { + if (argv[optind][1] == '-') + /* --option */ + fprintf (stderr, "%s: unrecognized option `--%s'\n", + argv[0], nextchar); + else + /* +option or -option */ + fprintf (stderr, "%s: unrecognized option `%c%s'\n", + argv[0], argv[optind][0], nextchar); + } + nextchar = (char *) ""; + optind++; + return '?'; + } + } + + /* Look at and handle the next short option-character. */ + + { + char c = *nextchar++; + char *temp = my_index (optstring, c); + + /* Increment `optind' when we start to process its last character. */ + if (*nextchar == '\0') + ++optind; + + if (temp == NULL || c == ':') + { + if (opterr) + { + if (posixly_correct) + /* 1003.2 specifies the format of this message. */ + fprintf (stderr, "%s: illegal option -- %c\n", argv[0], c); + else + fprintf (stderr, "%s: invalid option -- %c\n", argv[0], c); + } + optopt = c; + return '?'; + } + if (temp[1] == ':') + { + if (temp[2] == ':') + { + /* This is an option that accepts an argument optionally. */ + if (*nextchar != '\0') + { + optarg = nextchar; + optind++; + } + else + optarg = NULL; + nextchar = NULL; + } + else + { + /* This is an option that requires an argument. */ + if (*nextchar != '\0') + { + optarg = nextchar; + /* If we end this ARGV-element by taking the rest as an arg, + we must advance to the next element now. */ + optind++; + } + else if (optind == argc) + { + if (opterr) + { + /* 1003.2 specifies the format of this message. */ + fprintf (stderr, "%s: option requires an argument -- %c\n", + argv[0], c); + } + optopt = c; + if (optstring[0] == ':') + c = ':'; + else + c = '?'; + } + else + /* We already incremented `optind' once; + increment it again when taking next ARGV-elt as argument. */ + optarg = argv[optind++]; + nextchar = NULL; + } + } + return c; + } +} + +int +getopt (argc, argv, optstring) + int argc; + char *const *argv; + const char *optstring; +{ + return _getopt_internal (argc, argv, optstring, + (const struct option *) 0, + (int *) 0, + 0); +} + +#endif /* _LIBC or not __GNU_LIBRARY__. */ + +#ifdef TEST + +/* Compile with -DTEST to make an executable for use in testing + the above definition of `getopt'. */ + +int +main (argc, argv) + int argc; + char **argv; +{ + int c; + int digit_optind = 0; + + while (1) + { + int this_option_optind = optind ? optind : 1; + + c = getopt (argc, argv, "abc:d:0123456789"); + if (c == EOF) + break; + + switch (c) + { + case '0': + case '1': + case '2': + case '3': + case '4': + case '5': + case '6': + case '7': + case '8': + case '9': + if (digit_optind != 0 && digit_optind != this_option_optind) + printf ("digits occur in two different argv-elements.\n"); + digit_optind = this_option_optind; + printf ("option %c\n", c); + break; + + case 'a': + printf ("option a\n"); + break; + + case 'b': + printf ("option b\n"); + break; + + case 'c': + printf ("option c with value `%s'\n", optarg); + break; + + case '?': + break; + + default: + printf ("?? getopt returned character code 0%o ??\n", c); + } + } + + if (optind < argc) + { + printf ("non-option ARGV-elements: "); + while (optind < argc) + printf ("%s ", argv[optind++]); + printf ("\n"); + } + + exit (0); +} + +#endif /* TEST */ diff --git a/getopt.h b/getopt.h @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +/* Declarations for getopt. + Copyright (C) 1989, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +This file is part of the GNU C Library. Its master source is NOT part of +the C library, however. The master source lives in /gd/gnu/lib. + +The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as +published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the +License, or (at your option) any later version. + +The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +Library General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public +License along with the GNU C Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If +not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, +Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ + +#ifndef _GETOPT_H +#define _GETOPT_H 1 + +#ifdef __cplusplus +extern "C" { +#endif + +/* For communication from `getopt' to the caller. + When `getopt' finds an option that takes an argument, + the argument value is returned here. + Also, when `ordering' is RETURN_IN_ORDER, + each non-option ARGV-element is returned here. */ + +extern char *optarg; + +/* Index in ARGV of the next element to be scanned. + This is used for communication to and from the caller + and for communication between successive calls to `getopt'. + + On entry to `getopt', zero means this is the first call; initialize. + + When `getopt' returns EOF, this is the index of the first of the + non-option elements that the caller should itself scan. + + Otherwise, `optind' communicates from one call to the next + how much of ARGV has been scanned so far. */ + +extern int optind; + +/* Callers store zero here to inhibit the error message `getopt' prints + for unrecognized options. */ + +extern int opterr; + +/* Set to an option character which was unrecognized. */ + +extern int optopt; + +/* Describe the long-named options requested by the application. + The LONG_OPTIONS argument to getopt_long or getopt_long_only is a vector + of `struct option' terminated by an element containing a name which is + zero. + + The field `has_arg' is: + no_argument (or 0) if the option does not take an argument, + required_argument (or 1) if the option requires an argument, + optional_argument (or 2) if the option takes an optional argument. + + If the field `flag' is not NULL, it points to a variable that is set + to the value given in the field `val' when the option is found, but + left unchanged if the option is not found. + + To have a long-named option do something other than set an `int' to + a compiled-in constant, such as set a value from `optarg', set the + option's `flag' field to zero and its `val' field to a nonzero + value (the equivalent single-letter option character, if there is + one). For long options that have a zero `flag' field, `getopt' + returns the contents of the `val' field. */ + +struct option +{ +#if defined (__STDC__) && __STDC__ + const char *name; +#else + char *name; +#endif + /* has_arg can't be an enum because some compilers complain about + type mismatches in all the code that assumes it is an int. */ + int has_arg; + int *flag; + int val; +}; + +/* Names for the values of the `has_arg' field of `struct option'. */ + +#define no_argument 0 +#define required_argument 1 +#define optional_argument 2 + +#if defined (__STDC__) && __STDC__ +#ifdef __GNU_LIBRARY__ +/* Many other libraries have conflicting prototypes for getopt, with + differences in the consts, in stdlib.h. To avoid compilation + errors, only prototype getopt for the GNU C library. */ +extern int getopt (int argc, char *const *argv, const char *shortopts); +#else /* not __GNU_LIBRARY__ */ +extern int getopt (); +#endif /* __GNU_LIBRARY__ */ +extern int getopt_long (int argc, char *const *argv, const char *shortopts, + const struct option *longopts, int *longind); +extern int getopt_long_only (int argc, char *const *argv, + const char *shortopts, + const struct option *longopts, int *longind); + +/* Internal only. Users should not call this directly. */ +extern int _getopt_internal (int argc, char *const *argv, + const char *shortopts, + const struct option *longopts, int *longind, + int long_only); +#else /* not __STDC__ */ +extern int getopt (); +extern int getopt_long (); +extern int getopt_long_only (); + +extern int _getopt_internal (); +#endif /* __STDC__ */ + +#ifdef __cplusplus +} +#endif + +#endif /* _GETOPT_H */ diff --git a/hobbit.txt b/hobbit.txt @@ -0,0 +1,946 @@ +Netcat 1.10 +=========== /\_/\ + / 0 0 \ +Netcat is a simple Unix utility which reads and writes data ====v==== +across network connections, using TCP or UDP protocol. \ W / +It is designed to be a reliable "back-end" tool that can | | _ +be used directly or easily driven by other programs and / ___ \ / +scripts. At the same time, it is a feature-rich network / / \ \ | +debugging and exploration tool, since it can create almost (((-----)))-' +any kind of connection you would need and has several / +interesting built-in capabilities. Netcat, or "nc" as the ( ___ +actual program is named, should have been supplied long ago \__.=|___E +as another one of those cryptic but standard Unix tools. / + +In the simplest usage, "nc host port" creates a TCP connection to the given +port on the given target host. Your standard input is then sent to the host, +and anything that comes back across the connection is sent to your standard +output. This continues indefinitely, until the network side of the connection +shuts down. Note that this behavior is different from most other applications +which shut everything down and exit after an end-of-file on the standard input. + +Netcat can also function as a server, by listening for inbound connections +on arbitrary ports and then doing the same reading and writing. With minor +limitations, netcat doesn't really care if it runs in "client" or "server" +mode -- it still shovels data back and forth until there isn't any more left. +In either mode, shutdown can be forced after a configurable time of inactivity +on the network side. + +And it can do this via UDP too, so netcat is possibly the "udp telnet-like" +application you always wanted for testing your UDP-mode servers. UDP, as the +"U" implies, gives less reliable data transmission than TCP connections and +some systems may have trouble sending large amounts of data that way, but it's +still a useful capability to have. + +You may be asking "why not just use telnet to connect to arbitrary ports?" +Valid question, and here are some reasons. Telnet has the "standard input +EOF" problem, so one must introduce calculated delays in driving scripts to +allow network output to finish. This is the main reason netcat stays running +until the *network* side closes. Telnet also will not transfer arbitrary +binary data, because certain characters are interpreted as telnet options and +are thus removed from the data stream. Telnet also emits some of its +diagnostic messages to standard output, where netcat keeps such things +religiously separated from its *output* and will never modify any of the real +data in transit unless you *really* want it to. And of course telnet is +incapable of listening for inbound connections, or using UDP instead. Netcat +doesn't have any of these limitations, is much smaller and faster than telnet, +and has many other advantages. + +Some of netcat's major features are: + + Outbound or inbound connections, TCP or UDP, to or from any ports + Full DNS forward/reverse checking, with appropriate warnings + Ability to use any local source port + Ability to use any locally-configured network source address + Built-in port-scanning capabilities, with randomizer + Built-in loose source-routing capability + Can read command line arguments from standard input + Slow-send mode, one line every N seconds + Hex dump of transmitted and received data + Optional ability to let another program service established connections + Optional telnet-options responder + +Efforts have been made to have netcat "do the right thing" in all its various +modes. If you believe that it is doing the wrong thing under whatever +circumstances, please notify me and tell me how you think it should behave. +If netcat is not able to do some task you think up, minor tweaks to the code +will probably fix that. It provides a basic and easily-modified template for +writing other network applications, and I certainly encourage people to make +custom mods and send in any improvements they make to it. This is the second +release; the overall differences from 1.00 are relatively minor and have mostly +to do with portability and bugfixes. Many people provided greatly appreciated +fixes and comments on the 1.00 release. Continued feedback from the Internet +community is always welcome! + +Netcat is entirely my own creation, although plenty of other code was used as +examples. It is freely given away to the Internet community in the hope that +it will be useful, with no restrictions except giving credit where it is due. +No GPLs, Berkeley copyrights or any of that nonsense. The author assumes NO +responsibility for how anyone uses it. If netcat makes you rich somehow and +you're feeling generous, mail me a check. If you are affiliated in any way +with Microsoft Network, get a life. Always ski in control. Comments, +questions, and patches to + +Building +======== + +Compiling is fairly straightforward. Examine the Makefile for a SYSTYPE that +matches yours, and do "make <systype>". The executable "nc" should appear. +If there is no relevant SYSTYPE section, try "generic". If you create new +sections for generic.h and Makefile to support another platform, please follow +the given format and mail back the diffs. + +There are a couple of other settable #defines in netcat.c, which you can +include as DFLAGS="-DTHIS -DTHAT" to your "make" invocation without having to +edit the Makefile. See the following discussions for what they are and do. + +If you want to link against the resolver library on SunOS [recommended] and +you have BIND 4.9.x, you may need to change XLIBS=-lresolv in the Makefile to +XLIBS="-lresolv -l44bsd". + +Linux sys/time.h does not really support presetting of FD_SETSIZE; a harmless +warning is issued. + +Some systems may warn about pointer types for signal(). No problem, though. + +Exploration of features +======================= + +Where to begin? Netcat is at the same time so simple and versatile, it's like +trying to describe everything you can do with your Swiss Army knife. This will +go over the basics; you should also read the usage examples and notes later on +which may give you even more ideas about what this sort of tool is good for. + +If no command arguments are given at all, netcat asks for them, reads a line +from standard input, and breaks it up into arguments internally. This can be +useful when driving netcat from certain types of scripts, with the side effect +of hiding your command line arguments from "ps" displays. + +The host argument can be a name or IP address. If -n is specified, netcat +will only accept numeric IP addresses and do no DNS lookups for anything. If +-n is not given and -v is turned on, netcat will do a full forward and reverse +name and address lookup for the host, and warn you about the all-too-common +problem of mismatched names in the DNS. This often takes a little longer for +connection setup, but is useful to know about. There are circumstances under +which this can *save* time, such as when you want to know the name for some IP +address and also connect there. Netcat will just tell you all about it, saving +the manual steps of looking up the hostname yourself. Normally mismatch- +checking is case-insensitive per the DNS spec, but you can define ANAL at +compile time to make it case-sensitive -- sometimes useful for uncovering minor +errors in your own DNS files while poking around your networks. + +A port argument is required for outbound connections, and can be numeric or a +name as listed in /etc/services. If -n is specified, only numeric arguments +are valid. Special syntax and/or more than one port argument cause different +behavior -- see details below about port-scanning. + +The -v switch controls the verbosity level of messages sent to standard error. +You will probably want to run netcat most of the time with -v turned on, so you +can see info about the connections it is trying to make. You will probably +also want to give a smallish -w argument, which limits the time spent trying to +make a connection. I usually alias "nc" to "nc -v -w 3", which makes it +function just about the same for things I would otherwise use telnet to do. +The timeout is easily changed by a subsequent -w argument which overrides the +earlier one. Specifying -v more than once makes diagnostic output MORE +verbose. If -v is not specified at all, netcat silently does its work unless +some error happens, whereupon it describes the error and exits with a nonzero +status. Refused network connections are generally NOT considered to be errors, +unless you only asked for a single TCP port and it was refused. + +Note that -w also sets the network inactivity timeout. This does not have any +effect until standard input closes, but then if nothing further arrives from +the network in the next <timeout> seconds, netcat tries to read the net once +more for good measure, and then closes and exits. There are a lot of network +services now that accept a small amount of input and return a large amount of +output, such as Gopher and Web servers, which is the main reason netcat was +written to "block" on the network staying open rather than standard input. +Handling the timeout this way gives uniform behavior with network servers that +*don't* close by themselves until told to. + +UDP connections are opened instead of TCP when -u is specified. These aren't +really "connections" per se since UDP is a connectionless protocol, although +netcat does internally use the "connected UDP socket" mechanism that most +kernels support. Although netcat claims that an outgoing UDP connection is +"open" immediately, no data is sent until something is read from standard +input. Only thereafter is it possible to determine whether there really is a +UDP server on the other end, and often you just can't tell. Most UDP protocols +use timeouts and retries to do their thing and in many cases won't bother +answering at all, so you should specify a timeout and hope for the best. You +will get more out of UDP connections if standard input is fed from a source +of data that looks like various kinds of server requests. + +To obtain a hex dump file of the data sent either way, use "-o logfile". The +dump lines begin with "<" or ">" to respectively indicate "from the net" or +"to the net", and contain the total count per direction, and hex and ascii +representations of the traffic. Capturing a hex dump naturally slows netcat +down a bit, so don't use it where speed is critical. + +Netcat can bind to any local port, subject to privilege restrictions and ports +that are already in use. It is also possible to use a specific local network +source address if it is that of a network interface on your machine. [Note: +this does not work correctly on all platforms.] Use "-p portarg" to grab a +specific local port, and "-s ip-addr" or "-s name" to have that be your source +IP address. This is often referred to as "anchoring the socket". Root users +can grab any unused source port including the "reserved" ones less than 1024. +Absence of -p will bind to whatever unused port the system gives you, just like +any other normal client connection, unless you use -r [see below]. + +Listen mode will cause netcat to wait for an inbound connection, and then the +same data transfer happens. Thus, you can do "nc -l -p 1234 < filename" and +when someone else connects to your port 1234, the file is sent to them whether +they wanted it or not. Listen mode is generally used along with a local port +argument -- this is required for UDP mode, while TCP mode can have the system +assign one and tell you what it is if -v is turned on. If you specify a target +host and optional port in listen mode, netcat will accept an inbound connection +only from that host and if you specify one, only from that foreign source port. +In verbose mode you'll be informed about the inbound connection, including what +address and port it came from, and since listening on "any" applies to several +possibilities, which address it came *to* on your end. If the system supports +IP socket options, netcat will attempt to retrieve any such options from an +inbound connection and print them out in hex. + +If netcat is compiled with -DGAPING_SECURITY_HOLE, the -e argument specifies +a program to exec after making or receiving a successful connection. In the +listening mode, this works similarly to "inetd" but only for a single instance. +Use with GREAT CARE. This piece of the code is normally not enabled; if you +know what you're doing, have fun. This hack also works in UDP mode. Note that +you can only supply -e with the name of the program, but no arguments. If you +want to launch something with an argument list, write a two-line wrapper script +or just use inetd like always. + +If netcat is compiled with -DTELNET, the -t argument enables it to respond +to telnet option negotiation [always in the negative, i.e. DONT or WONT]. +This allows it to connect to a telnetd and get past the initial negotiation +far enough to get a login prompt from the server. Since this feature has +the potential to modify the data stream, it is not enabled by default. You +have to understand why you might need this and turn on the #define yourself. + +Data from the network connection is always delivered to standard output as +efficiently as possible, using large 8K reads and writes. Standard input is +normally sent to the net the same way, but the -i switch specifies an "interval +time" which slows this down considerably. Standard input is still read in +large batches, but netcat then tries to find where line breaks exist and sends +one line every interval time. Note that if standard input is a terminal, data +is already read line by line, so unless you make the -i interval rather long, +what you type will go out at a fairly normal rate. -i is really designed +for use when you want to "measure out" what is read from files or pipes. + +Port-scanning is a popular method for exploring what's out there. Netcat +accepts its commands with options first, then the target host, and everything +thereafter is interpreted as port names or numbers, or ranges of ports in M-N +syntax. CAVEAT: some port names in /etc/services contain hyphens -- netcat +currently will not correctly parse those, so specify ranges using numbers if +you can. If more than one port is thus specified, netcat connects to *all* of +them, sending the same batch of data from standard input [up to 8K worth] to +each one that is successfully connected to. Specifying multiple ports also +suppresses diagnostic messages about refused connections, unless -v is +specified twice for "more verbosity". This way you normally get notified only +about genuinely open connections. Example: "nc -v -w 2 -z target 20-30" will +try connecting to every port between 20 and 30 [inclusive] at the target, and +will likely inform you about an FTP server, telnet server, and mailer along the +way. The -z switch prevents sending any data to a TCP connection and very +limited probe data to a UDP connection, and is thus useful as a fast scanning +mode just to see what ports the target is listening on. To limit scanning +speed if desired, -i will insert a delay between each port probe. There are +some pitfalls with regard to UDP scanning, described later, but in general it +works well. + +For each range of ports specified, scanning is normally done downward within +that range. If the -r switch is used, scanning hops randomly around within +that range and reports open ports as it finds them. [If you want them listed +in order regardless, pipe standard error through "sort"...] In addition, if +random mode is in effect, the local source ports are also randomized. This +prevents netcat from exhibiting any kind of regular pattern in its scanning. +You can exert fairly fine control over your scan by judicious use of -r and +selected port ranges to cover. If you use -r for a single connection, the +source port will have a random value above 8192, rather than the next one the +kernel would have assigned you. Note that selecting a specific local port +with -p overrides any local-port randomization. + +Many people are interested in testing network connectivity using IP source +routing, even if it's only to make sure their own firewalls are blocking +source-routed packets. On systems that support it, the -g switch can be used +multiple times [up to 8] to construct a loose-source-routed path for your +connection, and the -G argument positions the "hop pointer" within the list. +If your network allows source-routed traffic in and out, you can test +connectivity to your own services via remote points in the internet. Note that +although newer BSD-flavor telnets also have source-routing capability, it isn't +clearly documented and the command syntax is somewhat clumsy. Netcat's +handling of "-g" is modeled after "traceroute". + +Netcat tries its best to behave just like "cat". It currently does nothing to +terminal input modes, and does no end-of-line conversion. Standard input from +a terminal is read line by line with normal editing characters in effect. You +can freely suspend out of an interactive connection and resume. ^C or whatever +your interrupt character is will make netcat close the network connection and +exit. A switch to place the terminal in raw mode has been considered, but so +far has not been necessary. You can send raw binary data by reading it out of +a file or piping from another program, so more meaningful effort would be spent +writing an appropriate front-end driver. + +Netcat is not an "arbitrary packet generator", but the ability to talk to raw +sockets and/or nit/bpf/dlpi may appear at some point. Such things are clearly +useful; I refer you to Darren Reed's excellent ip_filter package, which now +includes a tool to construct and send raw packets with any contents you want. + +Example uses -- the light side +============================== + +Again, this is a very partial list of possibilities, but it may get you to +think up more applications for netcat. Driving netcat with simple shell or +expect scripts is an easy and flexible way to do fairly complex tasks, +especially if you're not into coding network tools in C. My coding isn't +particularly strong either [although undoubtedly better after writing this +thing!], so I tend to construct bare-metal tools like this that I can trivially +plug into other applications. Netcat doubles as a teaching tool -- one can +learn a great deal about more complex network protocols by trying to simulate +them through raw connections! + +An example of netcat as a backend for something else is the shell-script +Web browser, which simply asks for the relevant parts of a URL and pipes +"GET /what/ever" into a netcat connection to the server. I used to do this +with telnet, and had to use calculated sleep times and other stupidity to +kludge around telnet's limitations. Netcat guarantees that I get the whole +page, and since it transfers all the data unmodified, I can even pull down +binary image files and display them elsewhere later. Some folks may find the +idea of a shell-script web browser silly and strange, but it starts up and +gets me my info a hell of a lot faster than a GUI browser and doesn't hide +any contents of links and forms and such. This is included, as scripts/web, +along with several other web-related examples. + +Netcat is an obvious replacement for telnet as a tool for talking to daemons. +For example, it is easier to type "nc host 25", talk to someone's mailer, and +just ^C out than having to type ^]c or QUIT as telnet would require you to do. +You can quickly catalog the services on your network by telling netcat to +connect to well-known services and collect greetings, or at least scan for open +ports. You'll probably want to collect netcat's diagnostic messages in your +output files, so be sure to include standard error in the output using +`>& file' in *csh or `> file 2>&1' in bourne shell. + +A scanning example: "echo QUIT | nc -v -w 5 target 20-250 500-600 5990-7000" +will inform you about a target's various well-known TCP servers, including +r-services, X, IRC, and maybe a few you didn't expect. Sending in QUIT and +using the timeout will almost guarantee that you see some kind of greeting or +error from each service, which usually indicates what it is and what version. +[Beware of the "chargen" port, though...] SATAN uses exactly this technique to +collect host information, and indeed some of the ideas herein were taken from +the SATAN backend tools. If you script this up to try every host in your +subnet space and just let it run, you will not only see all the services, +you'll find out about hosts that aren't correctly listed in your DNS. Then you +can compare new snapshots against old snapshots to see changes. For going +after particular services, a more intrusive example is in scripts/probe. + +Netcat can be used as a simple data transfer agent, and it doesn't really +matter which end is the listener and which end is the client -- input at one +side arrives at the other side as output. It is helpful to start the listener +at the receiving side with no timeout specified, and then give the sending side +a small timeout. That way the listener stays listening until you contact it, +and after data stops flowing the client will time out, shut down, and take the +listener with it. Unless the intervening network is fraught with problems, +this should be completely reliable, and you can always increase the timeout. A +typical example of something "rsh" is often used for: on one side, + + nc -l -p 1234 | uncompress -c | tar xvfp - + +and then on the other side + + tar cfp - /some/dir | compress -c | nc -w 3 othermachine 1234 + +will transfer the contents of a directory from one machine to another, without +having to worry about .rhosts files, user accounts, or inetd configurations +at either end. Again, it matters not which is the listener or receiver; the +"tarring" machine could just as easily be running the listener instead. One +could conceivably use a scheme like this for backups, by having cron-jobs fire +up listeners and backup handlers [which can be restricted to specific addresses +and ports between each other] and pipe "dump" or "tar" on one machine to "dd +of=/dev/tapedrive" on another as usual. Since netcat returns a nonzero exit +status for a denied listener connection, scripts to handle such tasks could +easily log and reject connect attempts from third parties, and then retry. + +Another simple data-transfer example: shipping things to a PC that doesn't have +any network applications yet except a TCP stack and a web browser. Point the +browser at an arbitrary port on a Unix server by telling it to download +something like http://unixbox:4444/foo, and have a listener on the Unix side +ready to ship out a file when the connect comes in. The browser may pervert +binary data when told to save the URL, but you can dig the raw data out of +the on-disk cache. + +If you build netcat with GAPING_SECURITY_HOLE defined, you can use it as an +"inetd" substitute to test experimental network servers that would otherwise +run under "inetd". A script or program will have its input and output hooked +to the network the same way, perhaps sans some fancier signal handling. Given +that most network services do not bind to a particular local address, whether +they are under "inetd" or not, it is possible for netcat avoid the "address +already in use" error by binding to a specific address. This lets you [as +root, for low ports] place netcat "in the way" of a standard service, since +inbound connections are generally sent to such specifically-bound listeners +first and fall back to the ones bound to "any". This allows for a one-off +experimental simulation of some service, without having to screw around with +inetd.conf. Running with -v turned on and collecting a connection log from +standard error is recommended. + +Netcat as well can make an outbound connection and then run a program or script +on the originating end, with input and output connected to the same network +port. This "inverse inetd" capability could enhance the backup-server concept +described above or help facilitate things such as a "network dialback" concept. +The possibilities are many and varied here; if such things are intended as +security mechanisms, it may be best to modify netcat specifically for the +purpose instead of wrapping such functions in scripts. + +Speaking of inetd, netcat will function perfectly well *under* inetd as a TCP +connection redirector for inbound services, like a "plug-gw" without the +authentication step. This is very useful for doing stuff like redirecting +traffic through your firewall out to other places like web servers and mail +hubs, while posing no risk to the firewall machine itself. Put netcat behind +inetd and tcp_wrappers, perhaps thusly: + + www stream tcp nowait nobody /etc/tcpd /bin/nc -w 3 realwww 80 + +and you have a simple and effective "application relay" with access control +and logging. Note use of the wait time as a "safety" in case realwww isn't +reachable or the calling user aborts the connection -- otherwise the relay may +hang there forever. + +You can use netcat to generate huge amounts of useless network data for +various performance testing. For example, doing + + yes AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA | nc -v -v -l -p 2222 > /dev/null + +on one side and then hitting it with + + yes BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB | nc othermachine 2222 > /dev/null + +from another host will saturate your wires with A's and B's. The "very +verbose" switch usage will tell you how many of each were sent and received +after you interrupt either side. Using UDP mode produces tremendously MORE +trash per unit time in the form of fragmented 8 Kbyte mobygrams -- enough to +stress-test kernels and network interfaces. Firing random binary data into +various network servers may help expose bugs in their input handling, which +nowadays is a popular thing to explore. A simple example data-generator is +given in data/data.c included in this package, along with a small collection +of canned input files to generate various packet contents. This program is +documented in its beginning comments, but of interest here is using "%r" to +generate random bytes at well-chosen points in a data stream. If you can +crash your daemon, you likely have a security problem. + +The hex dump feature may be useful for debugging odd network protocols, +especially if you don't have any network monitoring equipment handy or aren't +root where you'd need to run "tcpdump" or something. Bind a listening netcat +to a local port, and have it run a script which in turn runs another netcat +to the real service and captures the hex dump to a log file. This sets up a +transparent relay between your local port and wherever the real service is. +Be sure that the script-run netcat does *not* use -v, or the extra info it +sends to standard error may confuse the protocol. Note also that you cannot +have the "listen/exec" netcat do the data capture, since once the connection +arrives it is no longer netcat that is running. + +Binding to an arbitrary local port allows you to simulate things like r-service +clients, if you are root locally. For example, feeding "^@root^@joe^@pwd^@" +[where ^@ is a null, and root/joe could be any other local/remote username +pair] into a "rsh" or "rlogin" server, FROM your port 1023 for example, +duplicates what the server expects to receive. Thus, you can test for insecure +.rhosts files around your network without having to create new user accounts on +your client machine. The program data/rservice.c can aid this process by +constructing the "rcmd" protocol bytes. Doing this also prevents "rshd" from +trying to create that separate standard-error socket and still gives you an +input path, as opposed to the usual action of "rsh -n". Using netcat for +things like this can be really useful sometimes, because rsh and rlogin +generally want a host *name* as an argument and won't accept IP addresses. If +your client-end DNS is hosed, as may be true when you're trying to extract +backup sets on to a dumb client, "netcat -n" wins where normal rsh/rlogin is +useless. + +If you are unsure that a remote syslogger is working, test it with netcat. +Make a UDP connection to port 514 and type in "<0>message", which should +correspond to "kern.emerg" and cause syslogd to scream into every file it has +open [and possibly all over users' terminals]. You can tame this down by +using a different number and use netcat inside routine scripts to send syslog +messages to places that aren't configured in syslog.conf. For example, +"echo '<38>message' | nc -w 1 -u loggerhost 514" should send to auth.notice +on loggerhost. The exact number may vary; check against your syslog.h first. + +Netcat provides several ways for you to test your own packet filters. If you +bind to a port normally protected against outside access and make a connection +to somewhere outside your own network, the return traffic will be coming to +your chosen port from the "outside" and should be blocked. TCP may get through +if your filter passes all "ack syn", but it shouldn't be even doing that to low +ports on your network. Remember to test with UDP traffic as well! If your +filter passes at least outbound source-routed IP packets, bouncing a connection +back to yourself via some gateway outside your network will create "incoming" +traffic with your source address, which should get dropped by a correctly +configured anti-spoofing filter. This is a "non-test" if you're also dropping +source-routing, but it's good to be able to test for that too. Any packet +filter worth its salt will be blocking source-routed packets in both +directions, but you never know what interesting quirks you might turn up by +playing around with source ports and addresses and watching the wires with a +network monitor. + +You can use netcat to protect your own workstation's X server against outside +access. X is stupid enough to listen for connections on "any" and never tell +you when new connections arrive, which is one reason it is so vulnerable. Once +you have all your various X windows up and running you can use netcat to bind +just to your ethernet address and listen to port 6000. Any new connections +from outside the machine will hit netcat instead your X server, and you get a +log of who's trying. You can either tell netcat to drop the connection, or +perhaps run another copy of itself to relay to your actual X server on +"localhost". This may not work for dedicated X terminals, but it may be +possible to authorize your X terminal only for its boot server, and run a relay +netcat over on the server that will in turn talk to your X terminal. Since +netcat only handles one listening connection per run, make sure that whatever +way you rig it causes another one to run and listen on 6000 soon afterward, or +your real X server will be reachable once again. A very minimal script just +to protect yourself could be + + while true ; do + nc -v -l -s <your-addr> -p 6000 localhost 2 + done + +which causes netcat to accept and then close any inbound connection to your +workstation's normal ethernet address, and another copy is immediately run by +the script. Send standard error to a file for a log of connection attempts. +If your system can't do the "specific bind" thing all is not lost; run your +X server on display ":1" or port 6001, and netcat can still function as a probe +alarm by listening on 6000. + +Does your shell-account provider allow personal Web pages, but not CGI scripts? +You can have netcat listen on a particular port to execute a program or script +of your choosing, and then just point to the port with a URL in your homepage. +The listener could even exist on a completely different machine, avoiding the +potential ire of the homepage-host administrators. Since the script will get +the raw browser query as input it won't look like a typical CGI script, and +since it's running under your UID you need to write it carefully. You may want +to write a netcat-based script as a wrapper that reads a query and sets up +environment variables for a regular CGI script. The possibilities for using +netcat and scripts to handle Web stuff are almost endless. Again, see the +examples under scripts/. + +Example uses -- the dark side +============================= + +Equal time is deserved here, since a versatile tool like this can be useful +to any Shade of Hat. I could use my Victorinox to either fix your car or +disassemble it, right? You can clearly use something like netcat to attack +or defend -- I don't try to govern anyone's social outlook, I just build tools. +Regardless of your intentions, you should still be aware of these threats to +your own systems. + +The first obvious thing is scanning someone *else's* network for vulnerable +services. Files containing preconstructed data, be it exploratory or +exploitive, can be fed in as standard input, including command-line arguments +to netcat itself to keep "ps" ignorant of your doings. The more random the +scanning, the less likelihood of detection by humans, scan-detectors, or +dynamic filtering, and with -i you'll wait longer but avoid loading down the +target's network. Some examples for crafting various standard UDP probes are +given in data/*.d. + +Some configurations of packet filters attempt to solve the FTP-data problem by +just allowing such connections from the outside. These come FROM port 20, TO +high TCP ports inside -- if you locally bind to port 20, you may find yourself +able to bypass filtering in some cases. Maybe not to low ports "inside", but +perhaps to TCP NFS servers, X servers, Prospero, ciscos that listen on 200x +and 400x... Similar bypassing may be possible for UDP [and maybe TCP too] if a +connection comes from port 53; a filter may assume it's a nameserver response. + +Using -e in conjunction with binding to a specific address can enable "server +takeover" by getting in ahead of the real ones, whereupon you can snarf data +sent in and feed your own back out. At the very least you can log a hex dump +of someone else's session. If you are root, you can certainly use -s and -e to +run various hacked daemons without having to touch inetd.conf or the real +daemons themselves. You may not always have the root access to deal with low +ports, but what if you are on a machine that also happens to be an NFS server? +You might be able to collect some interesting things from port 2049, including +local file handles. There are several other servers that run on high ports +that are likely candidates for takeover, including many of the RPC services on +some platforms [yppasswdd, anyone?]. Kerberos tickets, X cookies, and IRC +traffic also come to mind. RADIUS-based terminal servers connect incoming +users to shell-account machines on a high port, usually 1642 or thereabouts. +SOCKS servers run on 1080. Do "netstat -a" and get creative. + +There are some daemons that are well-written enough to bind separately to all +the local interfaces, possibly with an eye toward heading off this sort of +problem. Named from recent BIND releases, and NTP, are two that come to mind. +Netstat will show these listening on address.53 instead of *.53. You won't +be able to get in front of these on any of the real interface addresses, which +of course is especially interesting in the case of named, but these servers +sometimes forget about things like "alias" interface addresses or interfaces +that appear later on such as dynamic PPP links. There are some hacked web +servers and versions of "inetd" floating around that specifically bind as well, +based on a configuration file -- these generally *are* bound to alias addresses +to offer several different address-based services from one machine. + +Using -e to start a remote backdoor shell is another obvious sort of thing, +easier than constructing a file for inetd to listen on "ingreslock" or +something, and you can access-control it against other people by specifying a +client host and port. Experience with this truly demonstrates how fragile the +barrier between being "logged in" or not really is, and is further expressed by +scripts/bsh. If you're already behind a firewall, it may be easier to make an +*outbound* connection and then run a shell; a small wrapper script can +periodically try connecting to a known place and port, you can later listen +there until the inbound connection arrives, and there's your shell. Running +a shell via UDP has several interesting features, although be aware that once +"connected", the UDP stub sockets tend to show up in "netstat" just like TCP +connections and may not be quite as subtle as you wanted. Packets may also be +lost, so use TCP if you need reliable connections. But since UDP is +connectionless, a hookup of this sort will stick around almost forever, even if +you ^C out of netcat or do a reboot on your side, and you only need to remember +the ports you used on both ends to reestablish. And outbound UDP-plus-exec +connection creates the connected socket and starts the program immediately. On +a listening UDP connection, the socket is created once a first packet is +received. In either case, though, such a "connection" has the interesting side +effect that only your client-side IP address and [chosen?] source port will +thereafter be able to talk to it. Instant access control! A non-local third +party would have to do ALL of the following to take over such a session: + + forge UDP with your source address [trivial to do; see below] + guess the port numbers of BOTH ends, or sniff the wire for them + arrange to block ICMP or UDP return traffic between it and your real + source, so the session doesn't die with a network write error. + +The companion program data/rservice.c is helpful in scripting up any sort of +r-service username or password guessing attack. The arguments to "rservice" +are simply the strings that get null-terminated and passed over an "rcmd"-style +connection, with the assumption that the client does not need a separate +standard-error port. Brute-force password banging is best done via "rexec" if +it is available since it is less likely to log failed attempts. Thus, doing +"rservice joe joespass pwd | nc target exec" should return joe's home dir if +the password is right, or "Permission denied." Plug in a dictionary and go to +town. If you're attacking rsh/rlogin, remember to be root and bind to a port +between 512 and 1023 on your end, and pipe in "rservice joe joe pwd" and such. + +Netcat can prevent inadvertently sending extra information over a telnet +connection. Use "nc -t" in place of telnet, and daemons that try to ask for +things like USER and TERM environment variables will get no useful answers, as +they otherwise would from a more recent telnet program. Some telnetds actually +try to collect this stuff and then plug the USER variable into "login" so that +the caller is then just asked for a password! This mechanism could cause a +login attempt as YOUR real username to be logged over there if you use a +Borman-based telnet instead of "nc -t". + +Got an unused network interface configured in your kernel [e.g. SLIP], or +support for alias addresses? Ifconfig one to be any address you like, and bind +to it with -s to enable all sorts of shenanigans with bogus source addresses. +The interface probably has to be UP before this works; some SLIP versions +need a far-end address before this is true. Hammering on UDP services is then +a no-brainer. What you can do to an unfiltered syslog daemon should be fairly +obvious; trimming the conf file can help protect against it. Many routers out +there still blindly believe what they receive via RIP and other routing +protocols. Although most UDP echo and chargen servers check if an incoming +packet was sent from *another* "internal" UDP server, there are many that still +do not, any two of which [or many, for that matter] could keep each other +entertained for hours at the expense of bandwidth. And you can always make +someone wonder why she's being probed by + +Your TCP spoofing possibilities are mostly limited to destinations you can +source-route to while locally bound to your phony address. Many sites block +source-routed packets these days for precisely this reason. If your kernel +does oddball things when sending source-routed packets, try moving the pointer +around with -G. You may also have to fiddle with the routing on your own +machine before you start receiving packets back. Warning: some machines still +send out traffic using the source address of the outbound interface, regardless +of your binding, especially in the case of localhost. Check first. If you can +open a connection but then get no data back from it, the target host is +probably killing the IP options on its end [this is an option inside TCP +wrappers and several other packages], which happens after the 3-way handshake +is completed. If you send some data and observe the "send-q" side of "netstat" +for that connection increasing but never getting sent, that's another symptom. +Beware: if Sendmail 8.7.x detects a source-routed SMTP connection, it extracts +the hop list and sticks it in the Received: header! + +SYN bombing [sometimes called "hosing"] can disable many TCP servers, and if +you hit one often enough, you can keep it unreachable for days. As is true of +many other denial-of-service attacks, there is currently no defense against it +except maybe at the human level. Making kernel SOMAXCONN considerably larger +than the default and the half-open timeout smaller can help, and indeed some +people running large high-performance web servers have *had* to do that just to +handle normal traffic. Taking out mailers and web servers is sociopathic, but +on the other hand it is sometimes useful to be able to, say, disable a site's +identd daemon for a few minutes. If someone realizes what is going on, +backtracing will still be difficult since the packets have a phony source +address, but calls to enough ISP NOCs might eventually pinpoint the source. +It is also trivial for a clueful ISP to watch for or even block outgoing +packets with obviously fake source addresses, but as we know many of them are +not clueful or willing to get involved in such hassles. Besides, outbound +packets with an [otherwise unreachable] source address in one of their net +blocks would look fairly legitimate. + +Notes +===== + +A discussion of various caveats, subtleties, and the design of the innards. + +As of version 1.07 you can construct a single file containing command arguments +and then some data to transfer. Netcat is now smart enough to pick out the +first line and build the argument list, and send any remaining data across the +net to one or multiple ports. The first release of netcat had trouble with +this -- it called fgets() for the command line argument, which behind the +scenes does a large read() from standard input, perhaps 4096 bytes or so, and +feeds that out to the fgets() library routine. By the time netcat 1.00 started +directly read()ing stdin for more data, 4096 bytes of it were gone. It now +uses raw read() everywhere and does the right thing whether reading from files, +pipes, or ttys. If you use this for multiple-port connections, the single +block of data will now be a maximum of 8K minus the first line. Improvements +have been made to the logic in sending the saved chunk to each new port. Note +that any command-line arguments hidden using this mechanism could still be +extracted from a core dump. + +When netcat receives an inbound UDP connection, it creates a "connected socket" +back to the source of the connection so that it can also send out data using +normal write(). Using this mechanism instead of recvfrom/sendto has several +advantages -- the read/write select loop is simplified, and ICMP errors can in +effect be received by non-root users. However, it has the subtle side effect +that if further UDP packets arrive from the caller but from different source +ports, the listener will not receive them. UDP listen mode on a multihomed +machine may have similar quirks unless you specifically bind to one of its +addresses. It is not clear that kernel support for UDP connected sockets +and/or my understanding of it is entirely complete here, so experiment... + +You should be aware of some subtleties concerning UDP scanning. If -z is on, +netcat attempts to send a single null byte to the target port, twice, with a +small time in between. You can either use the -w timeout, or netcat will try +to make a "sideline" TCP connection to the target to introduce a small time +delay equal to the round-trip time between you and the target. Note that if +you have a -w timeout and -i timeout set, BOTH take effect and you wait twice +as long. The TCP connection is to a normally refused port to minimize traffic, +but if you notice a UDP fast-scan taking somewhat longer than it should, it +could be that the target is actually listening on the TCP port. Either way, +any ICMP port-unreachable messages from the target should have arrived in the +meantime. The second single-byte UDP probe is then sent. Under BSD kernels, +the ICMP error is delivered to the "connected socket" and the second write +returns an error, which tells netcat that there is NOT a UDP service there. +While Linux seems to be a fortunate exception, under many SYSV derived kernels +the ICMP is not delivered, and netcat starts reporting that *all* the ports are +"open" -- clearly wrong. [Some systems may not even *have* the "udp connected +socket" concept, and netcat in its current form will not work for UDP at all.] +If -z is specified and only one UDP port is probed, netcat's exit status +reflects whether the connection was "open" or "refused" as with TCP. + +It may also be that UDP packets are being blocked by filters with no ICMP error +returns, in which case everything will time out and return "open". This all +sounds backwards, but that's how UDP works. If you're not sure, try "echo +w00gumz | nc -u -w 2 target 7" to see if you can reach its UDP echo port at +all. You should have no trouble using a BSD-flavor system to scan for UDP +around your own network, although flooding a target with the high activity that +-z generates will cause it to occasionally drop packets and indicate false +"opens". A more "correct" way to do this is collect and analyze the ICMP +errors, as does SATAN's "udp_scan" backend, but then again there's no guarantee +that the ICMP gets back to you either. Udp_scan also does the zero-byte +probes but is excruciatingly careful to calculate its own round-trip timing +average and dynamically set its own response timeouts along with decoding any +ICMP received. Netcat uses a much sleazier method which is nonetheless quite +effective. Cisco routers are known to have a "dead time" in between ICMP +responses about unreachable UDP ports, so a fast scan of a cisco will show +almost everything "open". If you are looking for a specific UDP service, you +can construct a file containing the right bytes to trigger a response from the +other end and send that as standard input. Netcat will read up to 8K of the +file and send the same data to every UDP port given. Note that you must use a +timeout in this case [as would any other UDP client application] since the +two-write probe only happens if -z is specified. + +Many telnet servers insist on a specific set of option negotiations before +presenting a login banner. On a raw connection you will see this as small +amount of binary gook. My attempts to create fixed input bytes to make a +telnetd happy worked some places but failed against newer BSD-flavor ones, +possibly due to timing problems, but there are a couple of much better +workarounds. First, compile with -DTELNET and use -t if you just want to get +past the option negotiation and talk to something on a telnet port. You will +still see the binary gook -- in fact you'll see a lot more of it as the options +are responded to behind the scenes. The telnet responder does NOT update the +total byte count, or show up in the hex dump -- it just responds negatively to +any options read from the incoming data stream. If you want to use a normal +full-blown telnet to get to something but also want some of netcat's features +involved like settable ports or timeouts, construct a tiny "foo" script: + + #! /bin/sh + exec nc -otheroptions targethost 23 + +and then do + + nc -l -p someport -e foo localhost & + telnet localhost someport + +and your telnet should connect transparently through the exec'ed netcat to +the target, using whatever options you supplied in the "foo" script. Don't +use -t inside the script, or you'll wind up sending *two* option responses. + +I've observed inconsistent behavior under some Linuxes [perhaps just older +ones?] when binding in listen mode. Sometimes netcat binds only to "localhost" +if invoked with no address or port arguments, and sometimes it is unable to +bind to a specific address for listening if something else is already listening +on "any". The former problem can be worked around by specifying "-s", +which will do the right thing despite netcat claiming that it's listening on +[]. This is a known problem -- for example, there's a mention of it +in the makefile for SOCKS. On the flip side, binding to localhost and sending +packets to some other machine doesn't work as you'd expect -- they go out with +the source address of the sending interface instead. The Linux kernel contains +a specific check to ensure that packets from are never sent to the +wire; other kernels may contain similar code. Linux, of course, *still* +doesn't support source-routing, but they claim that it and many other network +improvements are at least breathing hard. + +There are several possible errors associated with making TCP connections, but +to specifically see anything other than "refused", one must wait the full +kernel-defined timeout for a connection to fail. Netcat's mechanism of +wrapping an alarm timer around the connect prevents the *real* network error +from being returned -- "errno" at that point indicates "interrupted system +call" since the connect attempt was interrupted. Some old 4.3 BSD kernels +would actually return things like "host unreachable" immediately if that was +the case, but most newer kernels seem to wait the full timeout and *then* pass +back the real error. Go figure. In this case, I'd argue that the old way was +better, despite those same kernels generally being the ones that tear down +*established* TCP connections when ICMP-bombed. + +Incoming socket options are passed to applications by the kernel in the +kernel's own internal format. The socket-options structure for source-routing +contains the "first-hop" IP address first, followed by the rest of the real +options list. The kernel uses this as is when sending reply packets -- the +structure is therefore designed to be more useful to the kernel than to humans, +but the hex dump of it that netcat produces is still useful to have. + +Kernels treat source-routing options somewhat oddly, but it sort of makes sense +once one understands what's going on internally. The options list of addresses +must contain hop1, hop2, ..., destination. When a source-routed packet is sent +by the kernel [at least BSD], the actual destination address becomes irrelevant +because it is replaced with "hop1", "hop1" is removed from the options list, +and all the other addresses in the list are shifted up to fill the hole. Thus +the outbound packet is sent from your chosen source address to the first +*gateway*, and the options list now contains hop2, ..., destination. During +all this address shuffling, the kernel does NOT change the pointer value, which +is why it is useful to be able to set the pointer yourself -- you can construct +some really bizarre return paths, and send your traffic fairly directly to the +target but around some larger loop on the way back. Some Sun kernels seem to +never flip the source-route around if it contains less than three hops, never +reset the pointer anyway, and tries to send the packet [with options containing +a "completed" source route!!] directly back to the source. This is way broken, +of course. [Maybe ipforwarding has to be on? I haven't had an opportunity to +beat on it thoroughly yet.] + +"Credits" section: The original idea for netcat fell out of a long-standing +desire and fruitless search for a tool resembling it and having the same +features. After reading some other network code and realizing just how many +cool things about sockets could be controlled by the calling user, I started +on the basics and the rest fell together pretty quickly. Some port-scanning +ideas were taken from Venema/Farmer's SATAN tool kit, and Pluvius' "pscan" +utility. Healthy amounts of BSD kernel source were perused in an attempt to +dope out socket options and source-route handling; additional help was obtained +from Dave Borman's telnet sources. The select loop is loosely based on fairly +well-known code from "rsh" and Richard Stevens' "sock" program [which itself is +sort of a "netcat" with more obscure features], with some more paranoid +sanity-checking thrown in to guard against the distinct likelihood that there +are subtleties about such things I still don't understand. I found the +argument-hiding method cleanly implemented in Barrett's "deslogin"; reading the +line as input allows greater versatility and is much less prone to cause +bizarre problems than the more common trick of overwriting the argv array. +After the first release, several people contributed portability fixes; they are +credited in generic.h and the Makefile. Lauren Burka inspired the ascii art +for this revised document. Dean Gaudet at Wired supplied a precursor to +the hex-dump code, and originally experimented with and +supplied code for the telnet-options responder. Outbound "-e <prog>" resulted +from a need to quietly bypass a firewall installation. Other suggestions and +patches have rolled in for which I am always grateful, but there are only 26 +hours per day and a discussion of feature creep near the end of this document. + +Netcat was written with the Russian railroad in mind -- conservatively built +and solid, but it *will* get you there. While the coding style is fairly +"tight", I have attempted to present it cleanly [keeping *my* lines under 80 +characters, dammit] and put in plenty of comments as to why certain things +are done. Items I know to be questionable are clearly marked with "XXX". +Source code was made to be modified, but determining where to start is +difficult with some of the tangles of spaghetti code that are out there. +Here are some of the major points I feel are worth mentioning about netcat's +internal design, whether or not you agree with my approach. + +Except for generic.h, which changes to adapt more platforms, netcat is a single +source file. This has the distinct advantage of only having to include headers +once and not having to re-declare all my functions in a billion different +places. I have attempted to contain all the gross who's-got-what-.h-file +things in one small dumping ground. Functions are placed "dependencies-first", +such that when the compiler runs into the calls later, it already knows the +type and arguments and won't complain. No function prototyping -- not even the +__P(()) crock -- is used, since it is more portable and a file of this size is +easy enough to check manually. Each function has a standard-format comment +ahead of it, which is easily found using the regexp " :$". I freely use gotos. +Loops and if-clauses are made as small and non-nested as possible, and the ends +of same *marked* for clarity [I wish everyone would do this!!]. + +Large structures and buffers are all malloc()ed up on the fly, slightly larger +than the size asked for and zeroed out. This reduces the chances of damage +from those "end of the buffer" fencepost errors or runaway pointers escaping +off the end. These things are permanent per run, so nothing needs to be freed +until the program exits. + +File descriptor zero is always expected to be standard input, even if it is +closed. If a new network descriptor winds up being zero, a different one is +asked for which will be nonzero, and fd zero is simply left kicking around +for the rest of the run. Why? Because everything else assumes that stdin is +always zero and "netfd" is always positive. This may seem silly, but it was a +lot easier to code. The new fd is obtained directly as a new socket, because +trying to simply dup() a new fd broke subsequent socket-style use of the new fd +under Solaris' stupid streams handling in the socket library. + +The catch-all message and error handlers are implemented with an ample list of +phoney arguments to get around various problems with varargs. Varargs seems +like deliberate obfuscation in the first place, and using it would also +require use of vfprintf() which not all platforms support. The trailing +sleep in bail() is to allow output to flush, which is sometimes needed if +netcat is already on the other end of a network connection. + +The reader may notice that the section that does DNS lookups seems much +gnarlier and more confusing than other parts. This is NOT MY FAULT. The +sockaddr and hostent abstractions are an abortion that forces the coder to +deal with it. Then again, a lot of BSD kernel code looks like similar +struct-pointer hell. I try to straighten it out somewhat by defining my own +HINF structure, containing names, ascii-format IP addresses, and binary IP +addresses. I fill this structure exactly once per host argument, and squirrel +everything safely away and handy for whatever wants to reference it later. + +Where many other network apps use the FIONBIO ioctl to set non-blocking I/O +on network sockets, netcat uses straightforward blocking I/O everywhere. +This makes everything very lock-step, relying on the network and filesystem +layers to feed in data when needed. Data read in is completely written out +before any more is fetched. This may not be quite the right thing to do under +some OSes that don't do timed select() right, but this remains to be seen. + +The hexdump routine is written to be as fast as possible, which is why it does +so much work itself instead of just sprintf()ing everything together. Each +dump line is built into a single buffer and atomically written out using the +lowest level I/O calls. Further improvements could undoubtedly be made by +using writev() and eliminating all sprintf()s, but it seems to fly right along +as is. If both exec-a-prog mode and a hexdump file is asked for, the hexdump +flag is deliberately turned off to avoid creating random zero-length files. +Files are opened in "truncate" mode; if you want "append" mode instead, change +the open flags in main(). + +main() may look a bit hairy, but that's only because it has to go down the +argv list and handle multiple ports, random mode, and exit status. Efforts +have been made to place a minimum of code inside the getopt() loop. Any real +work is sent off to functions in what is hopefully a straightforward way. + +Obligatory vendor-bash: If "nc" had become a standard utility years ago, +the commercial vendors would have likely packaged it setuid root and with +-DGAPING_SECURITY_HOLE turned on but not documented. It is hoped that netcat +will aid people in finding and fixing the no-brainer holes of this sort that +keep appearing, by allowing easier experimentation with the "bare metal" of +the network layer. + +It could be argued that netcat already has too many features. I have tried +to avoid "feature creep" by limiting netcat's base functionality only to those +things which are truly relevant to making network connections and the everyday +associated DNS lossage we're used to. Option switches already have slightly +overloaded functionality. Random port mode is sort of pushing it. The +hex-dump feature went in later because it *is* genuinely useful. The +telnet-responder code *almost* verges on the gratuitous, especially since it +mucks with the data stream, and is left as an optional piece. Many people have +asked for example "how 'bout adding encryption?" and my response is that such +things should be separate entities that could pipe their data *through* netcat +instead of having their own networking code. I am therefore not completely +enthusiastic about adding any more features to this thing, although you are +still free to send along any mods you think are useful. + +Nonetheless, at this point I think of netcat as my tcp/ip swiss army knife, +and the numerous companion programs and scripts to go with it as duct tape. +Duct tape of course has a light side and a dark side and binds the universe +together, and if I wrap enough of it around what I'm trying to accomplish, +it *will* work. Alternatively, if netcat is a large hammer, there are many +network protocols that are increasingly looking like nails by now... + +_H* 960320 v1.10 RELEASE -- happy spring! diff --git a/nc.exe b/nc.exe Binary files differ. diff --git a/nc64.exe b/nc64.exe Binary files differ. diff --git a/netcat.c b/netcat.c @@ -0,0 +1,2094 @@ +// for license see license.txt + +/* Netcat 1.00 951010 + + A damn useful little "backend" utility begun 950915 or thereabouts, + as *Hobbit*'s first real stab at some sockets programming. Something that + should have and indeed may have existed ten years ago, but never became a + standard Unix utility. IMHO, "nc" could take its place right next to cat, + cp, rm, mv, dd, ls, and all those other cryptic and Unix-like things. + + Read the README for the whole story, doc, applications, etc. + + Layout: + conditional includes: + includes: + handy defines: + globals: + malloced globals: + cmd-flag globals: + support routines: + main: + + todo: + more of the portability swamp, and an updated generic.h + frontend progs to generate various packets, raw or otherwise... + char-mode [cbreak, fcntl-unbuffered, etc...] + connect-to-all-A-records hack + bluesky: + RAW mode! + backend progs to grab a pty and look like a real telnetd?! +*/ + +#include "generic.h" /* same as with L5, skey, etc */ + +#ifdef WIN32 +#pragma comment (lib, "ws2_32") /* winsock support */ +#endif + +/* conditional includes -- a very messy section: */ +/* #undef _POSIX_SOURCE /* might need this for something? */ +#define HAVE_BIND /* XXX -- for now, see below... */ +#define HAVE_HELP /* undefine if you dont want the help text */ +/* #define ANAL /* if you want case-sensitive DNS matching */ +#ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H +#include <stdlib.h> +#else +#include <malloc.h> /* xxx: or does it live in sys/ ?? */ +#endif + +/* have to do this *before* including types.h. xxx: Linux still has it wrong */ +#ifdef FD_SETSIZE /* should be in types.h, butcha never know. */ +#undef FD_SETSIZE /* if we ever need more than 16 active */ +#endif /* fd's, something is horribly wrong! */ +#ifdef WIN32 +#define FD_SETSIZE 64 /* WIN32 does this as an array not a bitfield and it likes 64 */ +#else +#define FD_SETSIZE 16 /* <-- this'll give us a long anyways, wtf */ +#endif +#include <sys/types.h> /* *now* do it. Sigh, this is broken */ + + +#ifdef WIN32 +#undef HAVE_RANDOM +#undef IP_OPTIONS +#undef SO_REUSEPORT +#include <windows.h> +#endif + + +#ifdef HAVE_RANDOM +#define SRAND srandom +#define RAND random +#else +#define SRAND srand +#define RAND rand +#endif /* HAVE_RANDOM */ + +/* xxx: these are rsh leftovers, move to new generic.h */ +/* will we even need any nonblocking shit? Doubt it. */ +/* get FIONBIO from sys/filio.h, so what if it is a compatibility feature */ +/* #include <sys/filio.h> */ +/* +#include <sys/ioctl.h> +#include <sys/file.h> +*/ + +/* includes: */ + +#ifdef WIN32 +#include "getopt.h" +#define sleep _sleep +#define strcasecmp strcmpi +#define EADDRINUSE WSAEADDRINUSE +#define ETIMEDOUT WSAETIMEDOUT +#define ECONNREFUSED WSAECONNREFUSED +#endif + +#ifndef WIN32 +#include <sys/time.h> /* timeval, time_t */ +#else +#include <time.h> +#endif + +#include <setjmp.h> /* jmp_buf et al */ + +#ifndef WIN32 +#include <sys/socket.h> /* basics, SO_ and AF_ defs, sockaddr, ... */ +#include <netinet/in.h> /* sockaddr_in, htons, in_addr */ +#include <netinet/in_systm.h> /* misc crud that netinet/ip.h references */ +#include <netinet/ip.h> /* IPOPT_LSRR, header stuff */ +#include <netdb.h> /* hostent, gethostby*, getservby* */ +#include <arpa/inet.h> /* inet_ntoa */ +#else +#include <fcntl.h> +#include <io.h> +#include <conio.h> +//#include <winsock2.h> +#endif + +#include <stdio.h> +#include <string.h> /* strcpy, strchr, yadda yadda */ +#include <errno.h> +#include <signal.h> + +/* handy stuff: */ +#define SA struct sockaddr /* socket overgeneralization braindeath */ +#define SAI struct sockaddr_in /* ... whoever came up with this model */ +#define IA struct in_addr /* ... should be taken out and shot, */ + /* ... not that TLI is any better. sigh.. */ +#define SLEAZE_PORT 31337 /* for UDP-scan RTT trick, change if ya want */ +#define USHORT unsigned short /* use these for options an' stuff */ +#define BIGSIZ 8192 /* big buffers */ +#define SMALLSIZ 256 /* small buffers, hostnames, etc */ + +#ifndef INADDR_NONE +#define INADDR_NONE 0xffffffff +#endif +#ifdef MAXHOSTNAMELEN +#undef MAXHOSTNAMELEN /* might be too small on aix, so fix it */ +#endif +#define MAXHOSTNAMELEN 256 +struct host_poop { + char name[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; /* dns name */ + char addrs[8][24]; /* ascii-format IP addresses */ + struct in_addr iaddrs[8]; /* real addresses: in_addr.s_addr: ulong */ +}; +#define HINF struct host_poop +struct port_poop { + char name [64]; /* name in /etc/services */ + char anum [8]; /* ascii-format number */ + USHORT num; /* real host-order number */ +}; +#define PINF struct port_poop + +/* globals: */ +jmp_buf jbuf; /* timer crud */ +int jval = 0; /* timer crud */ +int netfd = -1; +int ofd = 0; /* hexdump output fd */ +static char unknown[] = "(UNKNOWN)"; +static char p_tcp[] = "tcp"; /* for getservby* */ +static char p_udp[] = "udp"; + +#ifndef WIN32 +#ifdef HAVE_BIND +extern int h_errno; +#endif +#endif +int gatesidx = 0; /* LSRR hop count */ +int gatesptr = 4; /* initial LSRR pointer, settable */ +USHORT Single = 1; /* zero if scanning */ +unsigned int insaved = 0; /* stdin-buffer size for multi-mode */ +unsigned int wrote_out = 0; /* total stdout bytes */ +unsigned int wrote_net = 0; /* total net bytes */ +static char wrote_txt[] = " sent %d, rcvd %d"; +static char hexnibs[20] = "0123456789abcdef "; + +/* will malloc up the following globals: */ +struct timeval * timer1 = NULL; +struct timeval * timer2 = NULL; +SAI * lclend = NULL; /* sockaddr_in structs */ +SAI * remend = NULL; +HINF ** gates = NULL; /* LSRR hop hostpoop */ +char * optbuf = NULL; /* LSRR or sockopts */ +char * bigbuf_in; /* data buffers */ +char * bigbuf_net; +fd_set * ding1; /* for select loop */ +fd_set * ding2; +PINF * portpoop = NULL; /* for getportpoop / getservby* */ +unsigned char * stage = NULL; /* hexdump line buffer */ + +#ifdef WIN32 + char * setsockopt_c; +int nnetfd; +#endif + +/* global cmd flags: */ +USHORT o_alla = 0; +unsigned int o_interval = 0; +USHORT o_listen = 0; +USHORT o_nflag = 0; +USHORT o_wfile = 0; +USHORT o_random = 0; +USHORT o_udpmode = 0; +USHORT o_verbose = 0; +unsigned int o_wait = 0; +USHORT o_zero = 0; +USHORT o_crlf = 0; + +/* Debug macro: squirt whatever to stderr and sleep a bit so we can see it go + by. need to call like Debug ((stuff)) [with no ; ] so macro args match! + Beware: writes to stdOUT... */ +#ifdef DEBUG +#define Debug(x) printf x; printf ("\n"); fflush (stdout); sleep (1); +#else +#define Debug(x) /* nil... */ +#endif + +/* support routines -- the bulk of this thing. Placed in such an order that + we don't have to forward-declare anything: */ + +int helpme(); /* oop */ + +#ifdef WIN32 + +/* res_init + winsock needs to be initialized. Might as well do it as the res_init + call for Win32 */ + +void res_init() +{ +WORD wVersionRequested; +WSADATA wsaData; +int err; +wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(1, 1); + +err = WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData); + +if (err != 0) + /* Tell the user that we couldn't find a useable */ + /* winsock.dll. */ + return; + +/* Confirm that the Windows Sockets DLL supports 1.1.*/ +/* Note that if the DLL supports versions greater */ +/* than 1.1 in addition to 1.1, it will still return */ +/* 1.1 in wVersion since that is the version we */ +/* requested. */ + +if ( LOBYTE( wsaData.wVersion ) != 1 || + HIBYTE( wsaData.wVersion ) != 1 ) { + /* Tell the user that we couldn't find a useable */ + /* winsock.dll. */ + WSACleanup(); + return; + } + +} + + + + +/* winsockstr + Windows Sockets cannot report errors through perror() so we need to define + our own error strings to print. Someday all the string should be prettied up. + Prettied the errors I usually get */ +char * winsockstr(error) +int error; +{ + switch (error) + { + case WSAEINTR : return("INTR "); + case WSAEBADF : return("BADF "); + case WSAEACCES : return("ACCES "); + case WSAEFAULT : return("FAULT "); + case WSAEINVAL : return("INVAL "); + case WSAEMFILE : return("MFILE "); + case WSAEWOULDBLOCK : return("WOULDBLOCK "); + case WSAEINPROGRESS : return("INPROGRESS "); + case WSAEALREADY : return("ALREADY "); + case WSAENOTSOCK : return("NOTSOCK "); + case WSAEDESTADDRREQ : return("DESTADDRREQ "); + case WSAEMSGSIZE : return("MSGSIZE "); + case WSAEPROTOTYPE : return("PROTOTYPE "); + case WSAENOPROTOOPT : return("NOPROTOOPT "); + case WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT: return("PROTONOSUPPORT"); + case WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT: return("SOCKTNOSUPPORT"); + case WSAEOPNOTSUPP : return("OPNOTSUPP "); + case WSAEPFNOSUPPORT : return("PFNOSUPPORT "); + case WSAEAFNOSUPPORT : return("AFNOSUPPORT "); + case WSAEADDRINUSE : return("ADDRINUSE "); + case WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL : return("ADDRNOTAVAIL "); + case WSAENETDOWN : return("NETDOWN "); + case WSAENETUNREACH : return("NETUNREACH "); + case WSAENETRESET : return("NETRESET "); + case WSAECONNABORTED : return("CONNABORTED "); + case WSAECONNRESET : return("CONNRESET "); + case WSAENOBUFS : return("NOBUFS "); + case WSAEISCONN : return("ISCONN "); + case WSAENOTCONN : return("NOTCONN "); + case WSAESHUTDOWN : return("SHUTDOWN "); + case WSAETOOMANYREFS : return("TOOMANYREFS "); + case WSAETIMEDOUT : return("TIMEDOUT "); + case WSAECONNREFUSED : return("connection refused"); + case WSAELOOP : return("LOOP "); + case WSAENAMETOOLONG : return("NAMETOOLONG "); + case WSAEHOSTDOWN : return("HOSTDOWN "); + case WSAEHOSTUNREACH : return("HOSTUNREACH "); + case WSAENOTEMPTY : return("NOTEMPTY "); + case WSAEPROCLIM : return("PROCLIM "); + case WSAEUSERS : return("USERS "); + case WSAEDQUOT : return("DQUOT "); + case WSAESTALE : return("STALE "); + case WSAEREMOTE : return("REMOTE "); + case WSAEDISCON : return("DISCON "); + case WSASYSNOTREADY : return("SYSNOTREADY "); + case WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED: return("VERNOTSUPPORTED"); + case WSANOTINITIALISED : return("NOTINITIALISED "); + case WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND : return("HOST_NOT_FOUND "); + case WSATRY_AGAIN : return("TRY_AGAIN "); + case WSANO_RECOVERY : return("NO_RECOVERY "); + case WSANO_DATA : return("NO_DATA "); + default : return("unknown socket error"); + } +} +#endif + + + + + +/* holler : + fake varargs -- need to do this way because we wind up calling through + more levels of indirection than vanilla varargs can handle, and not all + machines have vfprintf/vsyslog/whatever! 6 params oughta be enough. */ +void holler (str, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) + char * str; + char * p1, * p2, * p3, * p4, * p5, * p6; +{ + if (o_verbose) { + fprintf (stderr, str, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6); +#ifdef WIN32 + if (h_errno) + fprintf (stderr, ": %s\n",winsockstr(h_errno)); +#else + if (errno) { /* this gives funny-looking messages, but */ + perror (" "); /* it's more portable than sys_errlist[]... */ + } /* xxx: do something better. */ +#endif + else + fprintf (stderr, "\n"); + fflush (stderr); + } +} /* holler */ + +/* bail : + error-exit handler, callable from anywhere */ +void bail (str, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) + char * str; + char * p1, * p2, * p3, * p4, * p5, * p6; +{ + o_verbose = 1; + holler (str, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6); +#ifdef WIN32 + shutdown(netfd, 0x02); /* Kirby */ + closesocket (netfd); +#else + close (netfd); +#endif + sleep (1); + exit (1); +} /* bail */ + +/* catch : + no-brainer interrupt handler */ +void catch () +{ + errno = 0; + if (o_verbose > 1) /* normally we don't care */ + bail (wrote_txt, wrote_net, wrote_out); + + bail (" punt!"); +} + +/* timeout and other signal handling cruft */ +void tmtravel () +{ +#ifdef NTFIXTHIS + signal (SIGALRM, SIG_IGN); + alarm (0); +#endif + if (jval == 0) + bail ("spurious timer interrupt!"); + longjmp (jbuf, jval); +} + + + +UINT theTimer; + +/* arm : + set the timer. Zero secs arg means unarm */ +void arm (num, secs) + unsigned int num; + unsigned int secs; +{ + +#ifdef WIN32 + HANDLE stdhnd; + stdhnd = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); +#ifdef DEBUG + if (stdhnd != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) + printf("handle is %ld\n", stdhnd); + else + printf("failed to get stdhndl\n"); +#endif +#else +if (secs == 0) { /* reset */ + signal (SIGALRM, SIG_IGN); + alarm (0); + jval = 0; + } else { /* set */ + signal (SIGALRM, tmtravel); + alarm (secs); + jval = num; + } /* if secs */ +#endif /* WIN32 */ +} /* arm */ + +/* Hmalloc : + malloc up what I want, rounded up to *4, and pre-zeroed. Either succeeds + or bails out on its own, so that callers don't have to worry about it. */ +char * Hmalloc (size) + unsigned int size; +{ + unsigned int s = (size + 4) & 0xfffffffc; /* 4GB?! */ + char * p = malloc (s); + if (p != NULL) + memset (p, 0, s); + else + bail ("Hmalloc %d failed", s); + return (p); +} /* Hmalloc */ + +/* findline : + find the next newline in a buffer; return inclusive size of that "line", + or the entire buffer size, so the caller knows how much to then write(). + Not distinguishing \n vs \r\n for the nonce; it just works as is... */ +unsigned int findline (buf, siz) + char * buf; + unsigned int siz; +{ + register char * p; + register int x; + if (! buf) /* various sanity checks... */ + return (0); + if (siz > BIGSIZ) + return (0); + x = siz; + for (p = buf; x > 0; x--) { + if (*p == '\n') { + x = (int) (p - buf); + x++; /* 'sokay if it points just past the end! */ +Debug (("findline returning %d", x)) + return (x); + } + p++; + } /* for */ +Debug (("findline returning whole thing: %d", siz)) + return (siz); +} /* findline */ + +/* comparehosts : + cross-check the host_poop we have so far against new gethostby*() info, + and holler about mismatches. Perhaps gratuitous, but it can't hurt to + point out when someone's DNS is fukt. Returns 1 if mismatch, in case + someone else wants to do something about it. */ +int comparehosts (poop, hp) + HINF * poop; + struct hostent * hp; +{ + errno = 0; +#ifndef WIN32 + h_errno = 0; +#endif +/* The DNS spec is officially case-insensitive, but for those times when you + *really* wanna see any and all discrepancies, by all means define this. */ +#ifdef ANAL + if (strcmp (poop->name, hp->h_name) != 0) { /* case-sensitive */ +#else + if (strcasecmp (poop->name, hp->h_name) != 0) { /* normal */ +#endif + holler ("DNS fwd/rev mismatch: %s != %s", poop->name, hp->h_name); + return (1); + } + return (0); +/* ... do we need to do anything over and above that?? */ +} /* comparehosts */ + +/* gethostpoop : + resolve a host 8 ways from sunday; return a new host_poop struct with its + info. The argument can be a name or [ascii] IP address; it will try its + damndest to deal with it. "numeric" governs whether we do any DNS at all, + and we also check o_verbose for what's appropriate work to do. */ +HINF * gethostpoop (name, numeric) + char * name; + USHORT numeric; +{ + struct hostent * hostent; + struct in_addr iaddr; + register HINF * poop = NULL; + register int x; + +/* I really want to strangle the twit who dreamed up all these sockaddr and + hostent abstractions, and then forced them all to be incompatible with + each other so you *HAVE* to do all this ridiculous casting back and forth. + If that wasn't bad enough, all the doc insists on referring to local ports + and addresses as "names", which makes NO sense down at the bare metal. + + What an absolutely horrid paradigm, and to think of all the people who + have been wasting significant amounts of time fighting with this stupid + deliberate obfuscation over the last 10 years... then again, I like + languages wherein a pointer is a pointer, what you put there is your own + business, the compiler stays out of your face, and sheep are nervous. + Maybe that's why my C code reads like assembler half the time... */ + +/* If we want to see all the DNS stuff, do the following hair -- + if inet_addr, do reverse and forward with any warnings; otherwise try + to do forward and reverse with any warnings. In other words, as long + as we're here, do a complete DNS check on these clowns. Yes, it slows + things down a bit for a first run, but once it's cached, who cares? */ + + errno = 0; +#ifndef WIN32 + h_errno = 0; +#endif + if (name) + poop = (HINF *) Hmalloc (sizeof (HINF)); + if (! poop) + bail ("gethostpoop fuxored"); + strcpy (poop->name, unknown); /* preload it */ +/* see wzv:workarounds.c for dg/ux return-a-struct inet_addr lossage */ + iaddr.s_addr = inet_addr (name); + + if (iaddr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE) { /* here's the great split: names... */ + if (numeric) + bail ("Can't parse %s as an IP address", name); + hostent = gethostbyname (name); + if (! hostent) +/* failure to look up a name is fatal, since we can't do anything with it */ +/* XXX: h_errno only if BIND? look up how telnet deals with this */ + bail ("%s: forward host lookup failed: h_errno %d", name, h_errno); + strncpy (poop->name, hostent->h_name, sizeof (poop->name)); + for (x = 0; hostent->h_addr_list[x] && (x < 8); x++) { + memcpy (&poop->iaddrs[x], hostent->h_addr_list[x], sizeof (IA)); + strncpy (poop->addrs[x], inet_ntoa (poop->iaddrs[x]), + sizeof (poop->addrs[0])); + } /* for x -> addrs, part A */ + if (! o_verbose) /* if we didn't want to see the */ + return (poop); /* inverse stuff, we're done. */ +/* do inverse lookups in separate loop based on our collected forward addrs, + since gethostby* tends to crap into the same buffer over and over */ + for (x = 0; poop->iaddrs[x].s_addr && (x < 8); x++) { + hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *)&poop->iaddrs[x], + sizeof (IA), AF_INET); + if ((! hostent) || (! hostent-> h_name)) + holler ("Warning: inverse host lookup failed for %s: h_errno %d", + poop->addrs[x], h_errno); + else + (void) comparehosts (poop, hostent); + } /* for x -> addrs, part B */ + + } else { /* not INADDR_NONE: numeric addresses... */ + memcpy (poop->iaddrs, &iaddr, sizeof (IA)); + strncpy (poop->addrs[0], inet_ntoa (iaddr), sizeof (poop->addrs)); + if (numeric) /* if numeric-only, we're done */ + return (poop); + if (! o_verbose) /* likewise if we don't want */ + return (poop); /* the full DNS hair */ + hostent = gethostbyaddr ((char *) &iaddr, sizeof (IA), AF_INET); +/* numeric or not, failure to look up a PTR is *not* considered fatal */ + if (! hostent) + holler ("%s: inverse host lookup failed: h_errno %d", name, h_errno); + else { + strncpy (poop->name, hostent->h_name, MAXHOSTNAMELEN - 2); + hostent = gethostbyname (poop->name); + if ((! hostent) || (! hostent->h_addr_list[0])) + holler ("Warning: forward host lookup failed for %s: h_errno %d", + poop->name, h_errno); + else + (void) comparehosts (poop, hostent); + } /* if hostent */ + } /* INADDR_NONE Great Split */ + +/* whatever-all went down previously, we should now have a host_poop struct + with at least one IP address in it. */ +#ifndef WIN32 + h_errno = 0; +#endif + return (poop); +} /* gethostpoop */ + +/* getportpoop : + Same general idea as gethostpoop -- look up a port in /etc/services, fill + in global port_poop, but return the actual port *number*. Pass ONE of: + pstring to resolve stuff like "23" or "exec"; + pnum to reverse-resolve something that's already a number. + If o_nflag is on, fill in what we can but skip the getservby??? stuff. + Might as well have consistent behavior here... */ +USHORT getportpoop (pstring, pnum) + char * pstring; + unsigned int pnum; +{ + struct servent * servent; +#ifndef WIN32 + register int x; + register int y; +#else + u_short x; + u_short y; +#endif + char * whichp = p_tcp; + if (o_udpmode) + whichp = p_udp; + portpoop->name[0] = '?'; /* fast preload */ + portpoop->name[1] = '\0'; + +/* case 1: reverse-lookup of a number; placed first since this case is much + more frequent if we're scanning */ + if (pnum) { + if (pstring) /* one or the other, pleeze */ + return (0); + x = pnum; + if (o_nflag) /* go faster, skip getservbyblah */ + goto gp_finish; + y = htons (x); /* gotta do this -- see Fig.1 below */ + servent = getservbyport (y, whichp); + if (servent) { + y = ntohs (servent->s_port); + if (x != y) /* "never happen" */ + holler ("Warning: port-bynum mismatch, %d != %d", x, y); + strncpy (portpoop->name, servent->s_name, sizeof (portpoop->name)); + } /* if servent */ + goto gp_finish; + } /* if pnum */ + +/* case 2: resolve a string, but we still give preference to numbers instead + of trying to resolve conflicts. None of the entries in *my* extensive + /etc/services begins with a digit, so this should "always work" unless + you're at 3com and have some company-internal services defined... */ + if (pstring) { + if (pnum) /* one or the other, pleeze */ + return (0); + x = atoi (pstring); + if (x) + return (getportpoop (NULL, x)); /* recurse for numeric-string-arg */ + if (o_nflag) /* can't use names! */ + return (0); + servent = getservbyname (pstring, whichp); + if (servent) { + strncpy (portpoop->name, servent->s_name, sizeof (portpoop->name)); + x = ntohs (servent->s_port); + goto gp_finish; + } /* if servent */ + } /* if pstring */ + + return (0); /* catches any problems so far */ + +/* Obligatory netdb.h-inspired rant: servent.s_port is supposed to be an int. + Despite this, we still have to treat it as a short when copying it around. + Not only that, but we have to convert it *back* into net order for + getservbyport to work. Manpages generally aren't clear on all this, but + there are plenty of examples in which it is just quietly done. More BSD + lossage... since everything getserv* ever deals with is local to our own + host, why bother with all this network-order/host-order crap at all?! + That should be saved for when we want to actually plug the port[s] into + some real network calls -- and guess what, we have to *re*-convert at that + point as well. Fuckheads. */ + +gp_finish: +/* Fall here whether or not we have a valid servent at this point, with + x containing our [host-order and therefore useful, dammit] port number */ + sprintf (portpoop->anum, "%d", x); /* always load any numeric specs! */ + portpoop->num = (x & 0xffff); /* ushort, remember... */ + return (portpoop->num); +} /* getportpoop */ + +/* nextport : + Come up with the next port to try, be it random or whatever. "block" is + a ptr to randports array, whose bytes [so far] carry these meanings: + 0 ignore + 1 to be tested + 2 tested [which is set as we find them here] + returns a USHORT random port, or 0 if all the t-b-t ones are used up. */ +USHORT nextport (block) + char * block; +{ + register unsigned int x; + register unsigned int y; + + y = 70000; /* high safety count for rnd-tries */ + while (y > 0) { + x = (RAND() & 0xffff); + if (block[x] == 1) { /* try to find a not-done one... */ + block[x] = 2; + break; + } + x = 0; /* bummer. */ + y--; + } /* while y */ + if (x) + return (x); + + y = 65535; /* no random one, try linear downsearch */ + while (y > 0) { /* if they're all used, we *must* be sure! */ + if (block[y] == 1) { + block[y] = 2; + break; + } + y--; + } /* while y */ + if (y) + return (y); /* at least one left */ + + return (0); /* no more left! */ +} /* nextport */ + +/* loadports : + set "to be tested" indications in BLOCK, from LO to HI. Almost too small + to be a separate routine, but makes main() a little cleaner... */ +void loadports (block, lo, hi) + char * block; + USHORT lo; + USHORT hi; +{ + USHORT x; + + if (! block) + bail ("loadports: no block?!"); + if ((! lo) || (! hi)) + bail ("loadports: bogus values %d, %d", lo, hi); + x = hi; + while (lo <= x) { + block[x] = 1; + x--; + } +} /* loadports */ + +#ifdef GAPING_SECURITY_HOLE +char * pr00gie = NULL; /* global ptr to -e arg */ +#ifdef WIN32 +BOOL doexec(SOCKET ClientSocket); // this is in doexec.c +#else + +/* doexec : + fiddle all the file descriptors around, and hand off to another prog. Sort + of like a one-off "poor man's inetd". This is the only section of code + that would be security-critical, which is why it's ifdefed out by default. + Use at your own hairy risk; if you leave shells lying around behind open + listening ports you deserve to lose!! */ +doexec (fd) + int fd; +{ + register char * p; + + dup2 (fd, 0); /* the precise order of fiddlage */ +#ifdef WIN32 + shutdown(fd, SD_BOTH); /* Kirby */ + closesocket (fd); +#else + close (fd); /* is apparently crucial; this is */ +#endif + dup2 (0, 1); /* swiped directly out of "inetd". */ + dup2 (0, 2); + p = strrchr (pr00gie, '/'); /* shorter argv[0] */ + if (p) + p++; + else + p = pr00gie; +Debug (("gonna exec %s as %s...", pr00gie, p)) + execl (pr00gie, p, NULL); + bail ("exec %s failed", pr00gie); /* this gets sent out. Hmm... */ +} /* doexec */ +#endif +#endif /* GAPING_SECURITY_HOLE */ + +/* doconnect : + do all the socket stuff, and return an fd for one of + an open outbound TCP connection + a UDP stub-socket thingie + with appropriate socket options set up if we wanted source-routing, or + an unconnected TCP or UDP socket to listen on. + Examines various global o_blah flags to figure out what-all to do. */ +int doconnect (rad, rp, lad, lp) + IA * rad; + USHORT rp; + IA * lad; + USHORT lp; +{ +#ifndef WIN32 + register int nnetfd; +#endif + register int rr; + int x, y; + + errno = 0; +#ifdef WIN32 + WSASetLastError(0); +#endif +/* grab a socket; set opts */ + if (o_udpmode) + nnetfd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); + else + nnetfd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); + if (nnetfd < 0) + bail ("Can't get socket"); + if (nnetfd == 0) /* might *be* zero if stdin was closed! */ + nnetfd = dup (nnetfd); /* so fix it. Leave the old 0 hanging. */ +#ifdef WIN32 + rr = setsockopt (nnetfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char FAR *)setsockopt_c, sizeof (setsockopt_c)); +#else + x = 1; + rr = setsockopt (nnetfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &x, sizeof (x)); +#endif + if (rr == -1) + holler ("nnetfd reuseaddr failed"); /* ??? */ +#ifdef SO_REUSEPORT /* doesnt exist everywhere... */ +#ifdef WIN32 + rr = setsockopt (nnetfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, &c, sizeof (c)); +#else + rr = setsockopt (nnetfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, &x, sizeof (x)); +#endif + if (rr == -1) + holler ("nnetfd reuseport failed"); /* ??? */ +#endif + +/* fill in all the right sockaddr crud */ + lclend->sin_family = AF_INET; + remend->sin_family = AF_INET; + +/* if lad/lp, do appropriate binding */ + if (lad) + memcpy (&lclend->sin_addr.s_addr, lad, sizeof (IA)); + if (lp) + lclend->sin_port = htons (lp); + rr = 0; + if (lad || lp) { + x = (int) lp; +/* try a few times for the local bind, a la ftp-data-port... */ + for (y = 4; y > 0; y--) { + rr = bind (nnetfd, (SA *)lclend, sizeof (SA)); + if (rr == 0) + break; + if (errno != EADDRINUSE) + break; + else { + holler ("retrying local %s:%d", inet_ntoa (lclend->sin_addr), lp); + sleep (1); + errno = 0; /* clear from sleep */ + } /* if EADDRINUSE */ + } /* for y counter */ + } /* if lad or lp */ + if (rr) + bail ("Can't grab %s:%d with bind", + inet_ntoa(lclend->sin_addr), lp); + + if (o_listen) + return (nnetfd); /* thanks, that's all for today */ + + memcpy (&remend->sin_addr.s_addr, rad, sizeof (IA)); + remend->sin_port = htons (rp); + +/* rough format of LSRR option and explanation of weirdness. +-Option comes after IP-hdr dest addr in packet, padded to *4, and ihl > 5. +-IHL is multiples of 4, i.e. real len = ip_hl << 2. +- type 131 1 ; 0x83: copied, option class 0, number 3 +- len 1 ; of *whole* option! +- pointer 1 ; nxt-hop-addr; 1-relative, not 0-relative +- addrlist... var ; 4 bytes per hop-addr +- pad-to-32 var ; ones, i.e. "NOP" +- +-If we want to route A -> B via hops C and D, we must add C, D, *and* B to the +-options list. Why? Because when we hand the kernel A -> B with list C, D, B +-the "send shuffle" inside the kernel changes it into A -> C with list D, B and +-the outbound packet gets sent to C. If B wasn't also in the hops list, the +-final destination would have been lost at this point. +- +-When C gets the packet, it changes it to A -> D with list C', B where C' is +-the interface address that C used to forward the packet. This "records" the +-route hop from B's point of view, i.e. which address points "toward" B. This +-is to make B better able to return the packets. The pointer gets bumped by 4, +-so that D does the right thing instead of trying to forward back to C. +- +-When B finally gets the packet, it sees that the pointer is at the end of the +-LSRR list and is thus "completed". B will then try to use the packet instead +-of forwarding it, i.e. deliver it up to some application. +- +-Note that by moving the pointer yourself, you could send the traffic directly +-to B but have it return via your preconstructed source-route. Playing with +-this and watching "tcpdump -v" is the best way to understand what's going on. +- +-Only works for TCP in BSD-flavor kernels. UDP is a loss; udp_input calls +-stripoptions() early on, and the code to save the srcrt is notdef'ed. +-Linux is also still a loss at 1.3.x it looks like; the lsrr code is { }... +-*/ + + +/* if any -g arguments were given, set up source-routing. We hit this after + the gates are all looked up and ready to rock, any -G pointer is set, + and gatesidx is now the *number* of hops */ + if (gatesidx) { /* if we wanted any srcrt hops ... */ +/* don't even bother compiling if we can't do IP options here! */ +/* #ifdef IP_OPTIONS */ +#ifndef WIN32 + if (! optbuf) { /* and don't already *have* a srcrt set */ + char * opp; /* then do all this setup hair */ + optbuf = Hmalloc (48); + opp = optbuf; + *opp++ = IPOPT_LSRR; /* option */ + *opp++ = (char) + (((gatesidx + 1) * sizeof (IA)) + 3) & 0xff; /* length */ + *opp++ = gatesptr; /* pointer */ +/* opp now points at first hop addr -- insert the intermediate gateways */ + for ( x = 0; x < gatesidx; x++) { + memcpy (opp, gates[x]->iaddrs, sizeof (IA)); + opp += sizeof (IA); + } +/* and tack the final destination on the end [needed!] */ + memcpy (opp, rad, sizeof (IA)); + opp += sizeof (IA); + *opp = IPOPT_NOP; /* alignment filler */ + } /* if empty optbuf */ +/* calculate length of whole option mess, which is (3 + [hops] + [final] + 1), + and apply it [have to do this every time through, of course] */ + x = ((gatesidx + 1) * sizeof (IA)) + 4; + rr = setsockopt (nnetfd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_OPTIONS, optbuf, x); + if (rr == -1) + bail ("srcrt setsockopt fuxored"); +#else /* IP_OPTIONS */ + holler ("Warning: source routing unavailable on this machine, ignoring"); +#endif /* IP_OPTIONS*/ + } /* if gatesidx */ + +/* wrap connect inside a timer, and hit it */ + arm (1, o_wait); + if (setjmp (jbuf) == 0) { + rr = connect (nnetfd, (SA *)remend, sizeof (SA)); + } else { /* setjmp: connect failed... */ + rr = -1; +#ifdef WIN32 + WSASetLastError(WSAETIMEDOUT); /* fake it */ +#else + errno = ETIMEDOUT; /* fake it */ +#endif + } + arm (0, 0); + if (rr == 0) + return (nnetfd); +#ifdef WIN32 + errno = h_errno; + shutdown(nnetfd, 0x02); /* Kirby */ + closesocket (nnetfd); + WSASetLastError(errno); /* don't want to lose connect error */ +#else + close (nnetfd); /* clean up junked socket FD!! */ +#endif + return (-1); +} /* doconnect */ + +/* dolisten : + just like doconnect, and in fact calls a hunk of doconnect, but listens for + incoming and returns an open connection *from* someplace. If we were + given host/port args, any connections from elsewhere are rejected. This + in conjunction with local-address binding should limit things nicely... */ +int dolisten (rad, rp, lad, lp) + IA * rad; + USHORT rp; + IA * lad; + USHORT lp; +{ + register int nnetfd; + register int rr; + HINF * whozis = NULL; + int x; + char * cp; + USHORT z; + errno = 0; + +/* Pass everything off to doconnect, who in o_listen mode just gets a socket */ + nnetfd = doconnect (rad, rp, lad, lp); + if (nnetfd <= 0) + return (-1); + if (o_udpmode) { /* apparently UDP can listen ON */ + if (! lp) /* "port 0", but that's not useful */ + bail ("UDP listen needs -p arg"); + } else { + rr = listen (nnetfd, 1); /* gotta listen() before we can get */ + if (rr < 0) /* our local random port. sheesh. */ + bail ("local listen fuxored"); + } + +/* I can't believe I have to do all this to get my own goddamn bound address + and port number. It should just get filled in during bind() or something. + All this is only useful if we didn't say -p for listening, since if we + said -p we *know* what port we're listening on. At any rate we won't bother + with it all unless we wanted to see it, although listening quietly on a + random unknown port is probably not very useful without "netstat". */ + if (o_verbose) { + x = sizeof (SA); /* how 'bout getsockNUM instead, pinheads?! */ + rr = getsockname (nnetfd, (SA *) lclend, &x); + if (rr < 0) + holler ("local getsockname failed"); + strcpy (bigbuf_net, "listening on ["); /* buffer reuse... */ + if (lclend->sin_addr.s_addr) + strcat (bigbuf_net, inet_ntoa (lclend->sin_addr)); + else + strcat (bigbuf_net, "any"); + strcat (bigbuf_net, "] %d ..."); + z = ntohs (lclend->sin_port); + holler (bigbuf_net, z); + } /* verbose -- whew!! */ + +/* UDP is a speeeeecial case -- we have to do I/O *and* get the calling + party's particulars all at once, listen() and accept() don't apply. + At least in the BSD universe, however, recvfrom/PEEK is enough to tell + us something came in, and we can set things up so straight read/write + actually does work after all. Yow. YMMV on strange platforms! */ + if (o_udpmode) { + x = sizeof (SA); /* retval for recvfrom */ + arm (2, o_wait); /* might as well timeout this, too */ + if (setjmp (jbuf) == 0) { /* do timeout for initial connect */ + rr = recvfrom /* and here we block... */ + (nnetfd, bigbuf_net, BIGSIZ, MSG_PEEK, (SA *) remend, &x); +Debug (("dolisten/recvfrom ding, rr = %d, netbuf %s ", rr, bigbuf_net)) + } else + goto dol_tmo; /* timeout */ + arm (0, 0); +/* I'm not completely clear on how this works -- BSD seems to make UDP + just magically work in a connect()ed context, but we'll undoubtedly run + into systems this deal doesn't work on. For now, we apparently have to + issue a connect() on our just-tickled socket so we can write() back. + Again, why the fuck doesn't it just get filled in and taken care of?! + This hack is anything but optimal. Basically, if you want your listener + to also be able to send data back, you need this connect() line, which + also has the side effect that now anything from a different source or even a + different port on the other end won't show up and will cause ICMP errors. + I guess that's what they meant by "connect". + Let's try to remember what the "U" is *really* for, eh? +*/ + rr = connect (nnetfd, (SA *)remend, sizeof (SA)); + goto whoisit; + } /* o_udpmode */ + +/* fall here for TCP */ + x = sizeof (SA); /* retval for accept */ + arm (2, o_wait); /* wrap this in a timer, too; 0 = forever */ + if (setjmp (jbuf) == 0) { + rr = accept (nnetfd, (SA *)remend, &x); + } else + goto dol_tmo; /* timeout */ + arm (0, 0); +#ifdef WIN32 + shutdown(nnetfd, 0x02); /* Kirby */ + closesocket (nnetfd); +#else + close (nnetfd); /* dump the old socket */ +#endif + nnetfd = rr; /* here's our new one */ + +whoisit: + if (rr < 0) + goto dol_err; /* bail out if any errors so far */ + +/* Various things that follow temporarily trash bigbuf_net, which might contain + a copy of any recvfrom()ed packet, but we'll read() another copy later. */ + +/* If we can, look for any IP options. Useful for testing the receiving end of + such things, and is a good exercise in dealing with it. We do this before + the connect message, to ensure that the connect msg is uniformly the LAST + thing to emerge after all the intervening crud. Doesn't work for UDP on + any machines I've tested, but feel free to surprise me. */ +/* #ifdef IP_OPTIONS */ +#ifndef WIN32 + if (! o_verbose) /* if we wont see it, we dont care */ + goto dol_noop; + optbuf = Hmalloc (40); + x = 40; + rr = getsockopt (nnetfd, IPPROTO_IP, IP_OPTIONS, optbuf, &x); + if (rr < 0) + holler ("getsockopt failed"); +Debug (("ipoptions ret len %d", x)) + if (x) { /* we've got options, lessee em... */ + unsigned char * q = (unsigned char *) optbuf; + char * p = bigbuf_net; /* local variables, yuk! */ + char * pp = &bigbuf_net[128]; /* get random space farther out... */ + memset (bigbuf_net, 0, 256); /* clear it all first */ + while (x > 0) { + sprintf (pp, "%2.2x ", *q); /* clumsy, but works: turn into hex */ + strcat (p, pp); /* and build the final string */ + q++; p++; + x--; + } + holler ("IP options: %s", bigbuf_net); + } /* if x, i.e. any options */ +dol_noop: +#endif /* IP_OPTIONS */ + +/* find out what address the connection was *to* on our end, in case we're + doing a listen-on-any on a multihomed machine. This allows one to + offer different services via different alias addresses, such as the + "virtual web site" hack. */ + memset (bigbuf_net, 0, 64); + cp = &bigbuf_net[32]; + x = sizeof (SA); + rr = getsockname (nnetfd, (SA *) lclend, &x); + if (rr < 0) + holler ("post-rcv getsockname failed"); + strcpy (cp, inet_ntoa (lclend->sin_addr)); + + +/* now check out who it is. We don't care about mismatched DNS names here, + but any ADDR and PORT we specified had better fucking well match the caller. + Converting from addr to inet_ntoa and back again is a bit of a kludge, but + gethostpoop wants a string and there's much gnarlier code out there already, + so I don't feel bad. + The *real* question is why BFD sockets wasn't designed to allow listens for + connections *from* specific hosts/ports, instead of requiring the caller to + accept the connection and then reject undesireable ones by closing. */ + z = ntohs (remend->sin_port); + strcpy (bigbuf_net, inet_ntoa (remend->sin_addr)); + whozis = gethostpoop (bigbuf_net, o_nflag); + errno = 0; + x = 0; /* use as a flag... */ + if (rad) + if (memcmp (rad, whozis->iaddrs, sizeof (SA))) + x = 1; + if (rp) + if (z != rp) + x = 1; + if (x) /* guilty! */ + bail ("invalid connection to [%s] from %s [%s] %d", + cp, whozis->name, whozis->addrs[0], z); + holler ("connect to [%s] from %s [%s] %d", /* oh, you're okay.. */ + cp, whozis->name, whozis->addrs[0], z); + + return (nnetfd); /* open! */ + +dol_tmo: + errno = ETIMEDOUT; /* fake it */ +dol_err: +#ifdef WIN32 + shutdown(nnetfd, 0x02); /* Kirby */ + closesocket (nnetfd); +#else + close (nnetfd); +#endif + return (-1); +} /* dolisten */ + +/* udptest : + fire a couple of packets at a UDP target port, just to see if it's really + there. On BSD kernels, ICMP host/port-unreachable errors get delivered to + our socket as ECONNREFUSED write errors. On SV kernels, we lose; we'll have + to collect and analyze raw ICMP ourselves a la satan's probe_udp_ports + backend. Guess where could swipe the appropriate code from... + + Use the time delay between writes if given, otherwise use the "tcp ping" + trick for getting the RTT. [I got that idea from pluvius, and warped it.] + Return either the original fd, or clean up and return -1. */ +udptest (fd, where) + int fd; + IA * where; +{ + register int rr; + +#ifdef WIN32 + rr = send (fd, bigbuf_in, 1, 0); +#else + rr = write (fd, bigbuf_in, 1); +#endif + if (rr != 1) + holler ("udptest first write failed?! errno %d", errno); + if (o_wait) + sleep (o_wait); + else { +/* use the tcp-ping trick: try connecting to a normally refused port, which + causes us to block for the time that SYN gets there and RST gets back. + Not completely reliable, but it *does* mostly work. */ + o_udpmode = 0; /* so doconnect does TCP this time */ +/* Set a temporary connect timeout, so packet filtration doesnt cause + us to hang forever, and hit it */ + o_wait = 5; /* XXX: enough to notice?? */ + rr = doconnect (where, SLEAZE_PORT, 0, 0); + if (rr > 0) +#ifdef WIN32 + shutdown(fd, 0x02); /* Kirby */ + closesocket (rr); +#else + close (rr); /* in case it *did* open */ +#endif + o_wait = 0; /* reset it */ + o_udpmode++; /* we *are* still doing UDP, right? */ + } /* if o_wait */ + errno = 0; /* clear from sleep */ +#ifdef WIN32 + rr = send (fd, bigbuf_in, 1, 0); +#else + rr = write (fd, bigbuf_in, 1); +#endif + if (rr == 1) /* if write error, no UDP listener */ + return (fd); +#ifdef WIN32 + shutdown(fd, 0x02); /* Kirby */ + closesocket (fd); +#else + close (fd); /* use it or lose it! */ +#endif + return (-1); +} /* udptest */ + +/* oprint : + Hexdump bytes shoveled either way to a running logfile, in the format: +D offset - - - - --- 16 bytes --- - - - - # .... ascii ..... + where "which" sets the direction indicator, D: + 0 -- sent to network, or ">" + 1 -- rcvd and printed to stdout, or "<" + and "buf" and "n" are data-block and length. If the current block generates + a partial line, so be it; we *want* that lockstep indication of who sent + what when. Adapted from dgaudet's original example -- but must be ripping + *fast*, since we don't want to be too disk-bound... */ +void oprint (which, buf, n) + int which; + char * buf; + int n; +{ + int bc; /* in buffer count */ + int obc; /* current "global" offset */ + int soc; /* stage write count */ + register unsigned char * p; /* main buf ptr; m.b. unsigned here */ + register unsigned char * op; /* out hexdump ptr */ + register unsigned char * a; /* out asc-dump ptr */ + register int x; + register unsigned int y; + + if (! ofd) + bail ("oprint called with no open fd?!"); + if (n == 0) + return; + + op = stage; + if (which) { + *op = '<'; + obc = wrote_out; /* use the globals! */ + } else { + *op = '>'; + obc = wrote_net; + } + op++; /* preload "direction" */ + *op = ' '; + p = (unsigned char *) buf; + bc = n; + stage[59] = '#'; /* preload separator */ + stage[60] = ' '; + + while (bc) { /* for chunk-o-data ... */ + x = 16; + soc = 78; /* len of whole formatted line */ + if (bc < x) { + soc = soc - 16 + bc; /* fiddle for however much is left */ + x = (bc * 3) + 11; /* 2 digits + space per, after D & offset */ + op = &stage[x]; + x = 16 - bc; + while (x) { + *op++ = ' '; /* preload filler spaces */ + *op++ = ' '; + *op++ = ' '; + x--; + } + x = bc; /* re-fix current linecount */ + } /* if bc < x */ + + bc -= x; /* fix wrt current line size */ + sprintf (&stage[2], "%8.8x ", obc); /* xxx: still slow? */ + obc += x; /* fix current offset */ + op = &stage[11]; /* where hex starts */ + a = &stage[61]; /* where ascii starts */ + + while (x) { /* for line of dump, however long ... */ + y = (int)(*p >> 4); /* hi half */ + *op = hexnibs[y]; + op++; + y = (int)(*p & 0x0f); /* lo half */ + *op = hexnibs[y]; + op++; + *op = ' '; + op++; + if ((*p > 31) && (*p < 127)) + *a = *p; /* printing */ + else + *a = '.'; /* nonprinting, loose def */ + a++; + p++; + x--; + } /* while x */ + *a = '\n'; /* finish the line */ + x = write (ofd, stage, soc); + if (x < 0) + bail ("ofd write err"); + } /* while bc */ +} /* oprint */ + +#ifdef TELNET +USHORT o_tn = 0; /* global -t option */ + +/* atelnet : + Answer anything that looks like telnet negotiation with don't/won't. + This doesn't modify any data buffers, update the global output count, + or show up in a hexdump -- it just shits into the outgoing stream. + Idea and codebase from */ +void atelnet (buf, size) + unsigned char * buf; /* has to be unsigned here! */ + unsigned int size; +{ + static unsigned char obuf [4]; /* tiny thing to build responses into */ + register int x; + register unsigned char y; + register unsigned char * p; + + y = 0; + p = buf; + x = size; + while (x > 0) { + if (*p != 255) /* IAC? */ + goto notiac; + obuf[0] = 255; + p++; x--; + if ((*p == 251) || (*p == 252)) /* WILL or WONT */ + y = 254; /* -> DONT */ + if ((*p == 253) || (*p == 254)) /* DO or DONT */ + y = 252; /* -> WONT */ + if (y) { + obuf[1] = y; + p++; x--; + obuf[2] = *p; /* copy actual option byte */ +#ifdef WIN32 + (void) send (netfd, obuf, 3, 0); /* one line, or the whole buffer */ +#else + (void) write (netfd, obuf, 3); +#endif +/* if one wanted to bump wrote_net or do a hexdump line, here's the place */ + y = 0; + } /* if y */ +notiac: + p++; x--; + } /* while x */ +} /* atelnet */ +#endif /* TELNET */ + + +/* readwrite : + handle stdin/stdout/network I/O. Bwahaha!! -- the select loop from hell. + In this instance, return what might become our exit status. */ +int readwrite (fd) +#ifdef WIN32 + unsigned int fd; +#else + int fd; +#endif +{ + register int rr; + register char * zp; /* stdin buf ptr */ + register char * np; /* net-in buf ptr */ + unsigned int rzleft; + unsigned int rnleft; + USHORT netretry; /* net-read retry counter */ + USHORT wretry; /* net-write sanity counter */ + USHORT wfirst; /* one-shot flag to skip first net read */ + +#ifdef WIN32 /* (weld) WIN32 must poll because of weak stdin handling so we need a + short timer */ + struct timeval timer3; + int istty; + time_t start, current; + int foo; + + timer3.tv_sec = 0; + timer3.tv_usec = 1000; + + /* save the time so we can bail when we reach timeout */ + time( &start ); + + + /* sets stdin and stdout to binary so no crlf translation if its a tty */ + if (!_isatty( 1 )) + _setmode( 1, _O_BINARY ); + + if ((istty = _isatty( 0 )) == FALSE) + _setmode( 0, _O_BINARY ); /* (weld) I think we want to do this */ + +#endif + +/* if you don't have all this FD_* macro hair in sys/types.h, you'll have to + either find it or do your own bit-bashing: *ding1 |= (1 << fd), etc... */ +#ifndef WIN32 /* fd is not implemented as a real file handle in WIN32 */ + if (fd > FD_SETSIZE) { + holler ("Preposterous fd value %d", fd); + return (1); + } +#endif + FD_SET (fd, ding1); /* global: the net is open */ + netretry = 2; + wfirst = 0; + rzleft = rnleft = 0; + if (insaved) { + rzleft = insaved; /* preload multi-mode fakeouts */ + zp = bigbuf_in; + + wfirst = 1; + if (Single) /* if not scanning, this is a one-off first */ + insaved = 0; /* buffer left over from argv construction, */ + else { + FD_CLR (0, ding1); /* OR we've already got our repeat chunk, */ + close (0); /* so we won't need any more stdin */ + } /* Single */ + } /* insaved */ + + if (o_interval) + sleep (o_interval); /* pause *before* sending stuff, too */ + errno = 0; /* clear from sleep */ +#ifdef WIN32 + WSASetLastError(0); +#endif + +/* and now the big ol' select shoveling loop ... */ + while (FD_ISSET (fd, ding1)) { /* i.e. till the *net* closes! */ + wretry = 8200; /* more than we'll ever hafta write */ + if (wfirst) { /* any saved stdin buffer? */ + wfirst = 0; /* clear flag for the duration */ + goto shovel; /* and go handle it first */ + } + *ding2 = *ding1; /* FD_COPY ain't portable... */ + +/* some systems, notably linux, crap into their select timers on return, so + we create a expendable copy and give *that* to select. *Fuck* me ... */ + if (timer1) + memcpy (timer2, timer1, sizeof (struct timeval)); +#ifdef WIN32 /* (weld)we must use our own small timeval to poll */ + rr = select (16, ding2, 0, 0, &timer3); /* here it is, kiddies */ +#else + rr = select (16, ding2, 0, 0, timer2); /* here it is, kiddies */ +#endif + if (rr < 0) { +#ifdef WIN32 + if (h_errno != WSAEINTR) { /* might have gotten ^Zed, etc ?*/ +#else + if (errno != EINTR) { /* might have gotten ^Zed, etc ?*/ +#endif + foo = h_errno; + holler ("select fuxored"); +#ifdef WIN32 + shutdown(fd, 0x02); /* Kirby */ + closesocket (fd); +#else + close (fd); +#endif + return (1); + } + } /* select fuckup */ +/* if we have a timeout AND stdin is closed AND we haven't heard anything + from the net during that time, assume it's dead and close it too. */ +#ifndef WIN32 /* (weld) need to write some code here */ + if (rr == 0) { + if (! FD_ISSET (0, ding1)) + netretry--; /* we actually try a coupla times. */ + if (! netretry) { + if (o_verbose > 1) /* normally we don't care */ + holler ("net timeout"); + close (fd); + return (0); /* not an error! */ + } + } /* select timeout */ +#else + if (rr == 0) { + time( &current ); + if ( o_wait > 0 && (current - start) > timer1->tv_sec) { + if (o_verbose > 1) /* normally we don't care */ + holler ("net timeout"); + shutdown(fd, 0x02); /* Kirby */ + closesocket (fd); + FD_ZERO(ding1); + WSASetLastError(0); + return (0); /* not an error! */ + } + } /* select timeout */ +#endif +/* xxx: should we check the exception fds too? The read fds seem to give + us the right info, and none of the examples I found bothered. */ + +/* Ding!! Something arrived, go check all the incoming hoppers, net first */ + if (FD_ISSET (fd, ding2)) { /* net: ding! */ +#ifdef WIN32 + // reset timer + time( &start ); + + rr = recv (fd, bigbuf_net, BIGSIZ, 0); +#else + rr = read (fd, bigbuf_net, BIGSIZ); +#endif + if (rr <= 0) { + FD_CLR (fd, ding1); /* net closed, we'll finish up... */ + rzleft = 0; /* can't write anymore: broken pipe */ + } else { + rnleft = rr; + np = bigbuf_net; +#ifdef TELNET + if (o_tn) + atelnet (np, rr); /* fake out telnet stuff */ +#endif /* TELNET */ + } /* if rr */ +Debug (("got %d from the net, errno %d", rr, errno)) + } /* net:ding */ + +/* if we're in "slowly" mode there's probably still stuff in the stdin + buffer, so don't read unless we really need MORE INPUT! MORE INPUT! */ + if (rzleft) + goto shovel; + +/* okay, suck more stdin */ +#ifndef WIN32 + if (FD_ISSET (0, ding2)) { /* stdin: ding! */ + rr = read (0, bigbuf_in, BIGSIZ); + +/* xxx: maybe make reads here smaller for UDP mode, so that the subsequent + writes are smaller -- 1024 or something? "oh, frag it", etc, although + mobygrams are kinda fun and exercise the reassembler. */ + if (rr <= 0) { /* at end, or fukt, or ... */ + FD_CLR (0, ding1); /* disable and close stdin */ + close (0); + } else { + rzleft = rr; + zp = bigbuf_in; +/* special case for multi-mode -- we'll want to send this one buffer to every + open TCP port or every UDP attempt, so save its size and clean up stdin */ + if (! Single) { /* we might be scanning... */ + insaved = rr; /* save len */ + FD_CLR (0, ding1); /* disable further junk from stdin */ + close (0); /* really, I mean it */ + } /* Single */ + } /* if rr/read */ + } /* stdin:ding */ +#else + if (istty) { + /* (weld) cool, we can actually peek a tty and not have to block */ + /* needs to be cleaned up */ + if (kbhit()) { +/* bigbuf_in[0] = getche(); */ + gets(bigbuf_in); + if (o_crlf) + strcat(bigbuf_in, "\x0d"); + strcat(bigbuf_in, "\x0a"); + rr = strlen(bigbuf_in); + rzleft = rr; + zp = bigbuf_in; +/* special case for multi-mode -- we'll want to send this one buffer to every + open TCP port or every UDP attempt, so save its size and clean up stdin */ + if (! Single) { /* we might be scanning... */ + insaved = rr; /* save len */ + close (0); /* really, I mean it */ + } + } + } else { + /* (weld) this is gonna block until a <cr> so it kinda sucks */ + rr = read (0, bigbuf_in, BIGSIZ); + if (rr <= 0) { /* at end, or fukt, or ... */ + close (0); + } else { + rzleft = rr; + zp = bigbuf_in; +/* special case for multi-mode -- we'll want to send this one buffer to every + open TCP port or every UDP attempt, so save its size and clean up stdin */ + if (! Single) { /* we might be scanning... */ + insaved = rr; /* save len */ + close (0); /* really, I mean it */ + } /* Single */ + } /* if rr/read */ + } + +#endif +shovel: +/* now that we've dingdonged all our thingdings, send off the results. + Geez, why does this look an awful lot like the big loop in "rsh"? ... + not sure if the order of this matters, but write net -> stdout first. */ + +/* sanity check. Works because they're both unsigned... */ + if ((rzleft > 8200) || (rnleft > 8200)) { + holler ("Preposterous Pointers: %d, %d", rzleft, rnleft); + rzleft = rnleft = 0; + } +/* net write retries sometimes happen on UDP connections */ + if (! wretry) { /* is something hung? */ + holler ("too many output retries"); + return (1); + } + if (rnleft) { + rr = write (1, np, rnleft); + fflush(stdin); + if (rr > 0) { + if (o_wfile) + oprint (1, np, rr); /* log the stdout */ + np += rr; /* fix up ptrs and whatnot */ + rnleft -= rr; /* will get sanity-checked above */ + wrote_out += rr; /* global count */ + } +Debug (("wrote %d to stdout, errno %d", rr, errno)) + } /* rnleft */ + if (rzleft) { + if (o_interval) /* in "slowly" mode ?? */ + rr = findline (zp, rzleft); + else + rr = rzleft; +#ifdef WIN32 + rr = send (fd, zp, rr, 0); /* one line, or the whole buffer */ +#else + rr = write (fd, zp, rr); /* one line, or the whole buffer */ +#endif + if (rr > 0) { + zp += rr; + rzleft -= rr; + wrote_net += rr; /* global count */ + } +Debug (("wrote %d to net, errno %d", rr, errno)) + } /* rzleft */ + if (o_interval) { /* cycle between slow lines, or ... */ + sleep (o_interval); + errno = 0; /* clear from sleep */ + continue; /* ...with hairy select loop... */ + } + if ((rzleft) || (rnleft)) { /* shovel that shit till they ain't */ + wretry--; /* none left, and get another load */ + goto shovel; + } + } /* while ding1:netfd is open */ + +/* XXX: maybe want a more graceful shutdown() here, or screw around with + linger times?? I suspect that I don't need to since I'm always doing + blocking reads and writes and my own manual "last ditch" efforts to read + the net again after a timeout. I haven't seen any screwups yet, but it's + not like my test network is particularly busy... */ +#ifdef WIN32 + shutdown(fd, 0x02); /* Kirby */ + closesocket (fd); +#else + close (fd); +#endif + return (0); +} /* readwrite */ + +/* main : + now we pull it all together... */ +main (argc, argv) + int argc; + char ** argv; +{ +#ifndef HAVE_GETOPT + extern char * optarg; + extern int optind, optopt; +#endif + register int x; + register char *cp; + HINF * gp; + HINF * whereto = NULL; + HINF * wherefrom = NULL; + IA * ouraddr = NULL; + IA * themaddr = NULL; + USHORT o_lport = 0; + USHORT ourport = 0; + USHORT loport = 0; /* for scanning stuff */ + USHORT hiport = 0; + USHORT curport = 0; + char * randports = NULL; + int cycle = 0; + +#ifdef HAVE_BIND +/* can *you* say "cc -yaddayadda netcat.c -lresolv -l44bsd" on SunLOSs? */ + res_init(); +#endif +/* I was in this barbershop quartet in Skokie IL ... */ +/* round up the usual suspects, i.e. malloc up all the stuff we need */ + lclend = (SAI *) Hmalloc (sizeof (SA)); + remend = (SAI *) Hmalloc (sizeof (SA)); + bigbuf_in = Hmalloc (BIGSIZ); + bigbuf_net = Hmalloc (BIGSIZ); + ding1 = (fd_set *) Hmalloc (sizeof (fd_set)); + ding2 = (fd_set *) Hmalloc (sizeof (fd_set)); + portpoop = (PINF *) Hmalloc (sizeof (PINF)); + +#ifdef WIN32 + setsockopt_c = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)); + *setsockopt_c = 1; +#endif + + errno = 0; + gatesptr = 4; +#ifndef WIN32 + h_errno = 0; +#endif +/* catch a signal or two for cleanup */ +#ifdef NTFIXTHIS + signal (SIGINT, catch); + signal (SIGQUIT, catch); + signal (SIGTERM, catch); + signal (SIGURG, SIG_IGN); +#endif + +recycle: + +/* if no args given at all, get 'em from stdin and construct an argv. */ + if (argc == 1) { + cp = argv[0]; + argv = (char **) Hmalloc (128 * sizeof (char *)); /* XXX: 128? */ + argv[0] = cp; /* leave old prog name intact */ + cp = Hmalloc (BIGSIZ); + argv[1] = cp; /* head of new arg block */ + fprintf (stderr, "Cmd line: "); + fflush (stderr); /* I dont care if it's unbuffered or not! */ + insaved = read (0, cp, BIGSIZ); /* we're gonna fake fgets() here */ + if (insaved <= 0) + bail ("wrong"); + x = findline (cp, insaved); + if (x) + insaved -= x; /* remaining chunk size to be sent */ + if (insaved) /* which might be zero... */ + memcpy (bigbuf_in, &cp[x], insaved); + cp = strchr (argv[1], '\n'); + if (cp) + *cp = '\0'; + cp = strchr (argv[1], '\r'); /* look for ^M too */ + if (cp) + *cp = '\0'; + +/* find and stash pointers to remaining new "args" */ + cp = argv[1]; + cp++; /* skip past first char */ + x = 2; /* we know argv 0 and 1 already */ + for (; *cp != '\0'; cp++) { + if (*cp == ' ') { + *cp = '\0'; /* smash all spaces */ + continue; + } else { + if (*(cp-1) == '\0') { + argv[x] = cp; + x++; + } + } /* if space */ + } /* for cp */ + argc = x; + } /* if no args given */ + +/* If your shitbox doesn't have getopt, step into the nineties already. */ +/* optarg, optind = next-argv-component [i.e. flag arg]; optopt = last-char */ + while ((x = getopt (argc, argv, "ade:g:G:hi:lLno:p:rs:tcuvw:z")) != EOF) { +/* Debug (("in go: x now %c, optarg %x optind %d", x, optarg, optind)) */ + switch (x) { + case 'a': + bail ("all-A-records NIY"); + o_alla++; break; +#ifdef GAPING_SECURITY_HOLE + case 'e': /* prog to exec */ + pr00gie = optarg; + break; +#endif + case 'L': /* listen then cycle back to start instead of exiting */ + o_listen++; + cycle = 1; + break; + + + case 'd': /* detach from console */ + FreeConsole();; + break; + + + case 'G': /* srcrt gateways pointer val */ + x = atoi (optarg); + if ((x) && (x == (x & 0x1c))) /* mask off bits of fukt values */ + gatesptr = x; + else + bail ("invalid hop pointer %d, must be multiple of 4 <= 28", x); + break; + case 'g': /* srcroute hop[s] */ + if (gatesidx > 8) + bail ("too many -g hops"); + if (gates == NULL) /* eat this, Billy-boy */ + gates = (HINF **) Hmalloc (sizeof (HINF *) * 10); + gp = gethostpoop (optarg, o_nflag); + if (gp) + gates[gatesidx] = gp; + gatesidx++; + break; + case 'h': + errno = 0; +#ifdef HAVE_HELP + helpme(); /* exits by itself */ +#else + bail ("no help available, dork -- RTFS"); +#endif + case 'i': /* line-interval time */ + o_interval = atoi (optarg) & 0xffff; +#ifdef WIN32 + o_interval *= 1000; +#endif + if (! o_interval) + bail ("invalid interval time %s", optarg); + break; + case 'l': /* listen mode */ + o_listen++; break; + case 'n': /* numeric-only, no DNS lookups */ + o_nflag++; break; + case 'o': /* hexdump log */ + stage = (unsigned char *) optarg; + o_wfile++; break; + case 'p': /* local source port */ + o_lport = getportpoop (optarg, 0); + if (o_lport == 0) + bail ("invalid local port %s", optarg); + break; + case 'r': /* randomize various things */ + o_random++; break; + case 's': /* local source address */ +/* do a full lookup [since everything else goes through the same mill], + unless -n was previously specified. In fact, careful placement of -n can + be useful, so we'll still pass o_nflag here instead of forcing numeric. */ + wherefrom = gethostpoop (optarg, o_nflag); + ouraddr = &wherefrom->iaddrs[0]; + break; +#ifdef TELNET + case 't': /* do telnet fakeout */ + o_tn++; break; +#endif /* TELNET */ + + case 'c': /* do telnet fakeout */ + o_crlf++; break; + case 'u': /* use UDP */ + o_udpmode++; break; + case 'v': /* verbose */ + o_verbose++; break; + case 'w': /* wait time */ + o_wait = atoi (optarg); + if (o_wait <= 0) + bail ("invalid wait-time %s", optarg); + timer1 = (struct timeval *) Hmalloc (sizeof (struct timeval)); + timer2 = (struct timeval *) Hmalloc (sizeof (struct timeval)); + timer1->tv_sec = o_wait; /* we need two. see readwrite()... */ + break; + case 'z': /* little or no data xfer */ + o_zero++; + break; + default: + errno = 0; + bail ("nc -h for help"); + } /* switch x */ + } /* while getopt */ + +/* other misc initialization */ +#ifndef WIN32 /* Win32 doesn't like to mix file handles and sockets */ + Debug (("fd_set size %d", sizeof (*ding1))) /* how big *is* it? */ + FD_SET (0, ding1); /* stdin *is* initially open */ +#endif + if (o_random) { + SRAND (time (0)); + randports = Hmalloc (65536); /* big flag array for ports */ + } +#ifdef GAPING_SECURITY_HOLE + if (pr00gie) { + close (0); /* won't need stdin */ + o_wfile = 0; /* -o with -e is meaningless! */ + ofd = 0; + } +#endif /* G_S_H */ + if (o_wfile) { + ofd = open (stage, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0664); + if (ofd <= 0) /* must be > extant 0/1/2 */ + bail ("can't open %s", stage); + stage = (unsigned char *) Hmalloc (100); + } + + +/* optind is now index of first non -x arg */ +Debug (("after go: x now %c, optarg %x optind %d", x, optarg, optind)) +/* Debug (("optind up to %d at host-arg %s", optind, argv[optind])) */ +/* gonna only use first addr of host-list, like our IQ was normal; if you wanna + get fancy with addresses, look up the list yourself and plug 'em in for now. + unless we finally implement -a, that is. */ + if (argv[optind]) + whereto = gethostpoop (argv[optind], o_nflag); + if (whereto && whereto->iaddrs) + themaddr = &whereto->iaddrs[0]; + if (themaddr) + optind++; /* skip past valid host lookup */ + errno = 0; +#ifndef WIN32 + h_errno = 0; +#endif + +/* Handle listen mode here, and exit afterward. Only does one connect; + this is arguably the right thing to do. A "persistent listen-and-fork" + mode a la inetd has been thought about, but not implemented. A tiny + wrapper script can handle such things... */ + if (o_listen) { + curport = 0; /* rem port *can* be zero here... */ + if (argv[optind]) { /* any rem-port-args? */ + curport = getportpoop (argv[optind], 0); + if (curport == 0) /* if given, demand correctness */ + bail ("invalid port %s", argv[optind]); + } /* if port-arg */ + netfd = dolisten (themaddr, curport, ouraddr, o_lport); +/* dolisten does its own connect reporting, so we don't holler anything here */ + if (netfd > 0) { +#ifdef GAPING_SECURITY_HOLE + if (pr00gie) /* -e given? */ + doexec (netfd); +#ifdef WIN32 + if (!pr00gie) // doexec does the read/write for win32 +#endif + +#endif /* GAPING_SECURITY_HOLE */ + x = readwrite (netfd); /* it even works with UDP! */ + if (o_verbose > 1) /* normally we don't care */ + holler (wrote_txt, wrote_net, wrote_out); + if (cycle == 1) + goto recycle; + exit (x); /* "pack out yer trash" */ + } else + bail ("no connection"); + } /* o_listen */ + +/* fall thru to outbound connects. Now we're more picky about args... */ + if (! themaddr) + bail ("no destination"); + if (argv[optind] == NULL) + bail ("no port[s] to connect to"); + if (argv[optind + 1]) /* look ahead: any more port args given? */ + Single = 0; /* multi-mode, case A */ + ourport = o_lport; /* which can be 0 */ + +/* everything from here down is treated as as ports and/or ranges thereof, so + it's all enclosed in this big ol' argv-parsin' loop. Any randomization is + done within each given *range*, but in separate chunks per each succeeding + argument, so we can control the pattern somewhat. */ + while (argv[optind]) { + hiport = loport = 0; + cp = strchr (argv[optind], '-'); /* nn-mm range? */ + if (cp) { + *cp = '\0'; + cp++; + hiport = getportpoop (cp, 0); + if (hiport == 0) + bail ("invalid port %s", cp); + } /* if found a dash */ + loport = getportpoop (argv[optind], 0); + if (loport == 0) + bail ("invalid port %s", argv[optind]); + if (hiport > loport) { /* was it genuinely a range? */ + Single = 0; /* multi-mode, case B */ + curport = hiport; /* start high by default */ + if (o_random) { /* maybe populate the random array */ + loadports (randports, loport, hiport); + curport = nextport (randports); + } + } else /* not a range, including args like "25-25" */ + curport = loport; +Debug (("Single %d, curport %d", Single, curport)) + +/* Now start connecting to these things. curport is already preloaded. */ + while (loport <= curport) { + if ((! o_lport) && (o_random)) { /* -p overrides random local-port */ + ourport = (RAND() & 0xffff); /* random local-bind -- well above */ + if (ourport < 8192) /* resv and any likely listeners??? */ + ourport += 8192; /* xxx: may still conflict; use -s? */ + } + curport = getportpoop (NULL, curport); + netfd = doconnect (themaddr, curport, ouraddr, ourport); +Debug (("netfd %d from port %d to port %d", netfd, ourport, curport)) + if (netfd > 0) + if (o_zero && o_udpmode) /* if UDP scanning... */ + netfd = udptest (netfd, themaddr); + if (netfd > 0) { /* Yow, are we OPEN YET?! */ + x = 0; /* pre-exit status */ + holler ("%s [%s] %d (%s) open", + whereto->name, whereto->addrs[0], curport, portpoop->name); +#ifdef GAPING_SECURITY_HOLE + if (pr00gie) /* exec is valid for outbound, too */ + doexec (netfd); +#endif /* GAPING_SECURITY_HOLE */ + if (! o_zero) +#ifdef WIN32 +#ifdef GAPING_SECURITY_HOLE + if (!pr00gie) // doexec does the read/write for win32 +#endif +#endif + x = readwrite (netfd); /* go shovel shit */ + } else { /* no netfd... */ + x = 1; /* preload exit status for later */ +/* if we're scanning at a "one -v" verbosity level, don't print refusals. + Give it another -v if you want to see everything. */ +#ifdef WIN32 + if ((Single || (o_verbose > 1)) || (h_errno != WSAECONNREFUSED)) +#else + if ((Single || (o_verbose > 1)) || (errno != ECONNREFUSED)) +#endif + holler ("%s [%s] %d (%s)", + whereto->name, whereto->addrs[0], curport, portpoop->name); + } /* if netfd */ +#ifdef WIN32 + shutdown(netfd, 0x02); /* Kirby */ + closesocket (netfd); /* just in case we didn't already */ +#else + close (netfd); /* just in case we didn't already */ +#endif + if (o_interval) + sleep (o_interval); /* if -i, delay between ports too */ + if (o_random) + curport = nextport (randports); + else + curport--; /* just decrement... */ + } /* while curport within current range */ + optind++; + } /* while remaining port-args -- end of big argv-ports loop*/ + + errno = 0; + if (o_verbose > 1) /* normally we don't care */ + holler ("sent %d, rcvd %d", wrote_net, wrote_out); + +#ifdef WIN32 + WSACleanup(); +#endif + + if (cycle == 1) + goto recycle; + + if (Single) + exit (x); /* give us status on one connection */ + exit (0); /* otherwise, we're just done */ + return(0); +} /* main */ + +#ifdef HAVE_HELP /* unless we wanna be *really* cryptic */ +/* helpme : + the obvious */ +int helpme() +{ + o_verbose = 1; + holler ("[v1.12 NT]\n\ +connect to somewhere: nc [-options] hostname port[s] [ports] ... \n\ +listen for inbound: nc -l -p port [options] [hostname] [port]\n\ +options:"); + holler ("\ + -d detach from console, background mode\n"); + +#ifdef GAPING_SECURITY_HOLE /* needs to be separate holler() */ + holler ("\ + -e prog inbound program to exec [dangerous!!]"); +#endif + holler ("\ + -g gateway source-routing hop point[s], up to 8\n\ + -G num source-routing pointer: 4, 8, 12, ...\n\ + -h this cruft\n\ + -i secs delay interval for lines sent, ports scanned\n\ + -l listen mode, for inbound connects\n\ + -L listen harder, re-listen on socket close\n\ + -n numeric-only IP addresses, no DNS\n\ + -o file hex dump of traffic\n\ + -p port local port number\n\ + -r randomize local and remote ports\n\ + -s addr local source address"); +#ifdef TELNET + holler ("\ + -t answer TELNET negotiation"); +#endif + holler ("\ + -c send CRLF instead of just LF\n\ + -u UDP mode\n\ + -v verbose [use twice to be more verbose]\n\ + -w secs timeout for connects and final net reads\n\ + -z zero-I/O mode [used for scanning]"); + bail ("port numbers can be individual or ranges: m-n [inclusive]"); + return(0); +} /* helpme */ +#endif /* HAVE_HELP */ + + + + +/* None genuine without this seal! _H*/ diff --git a/readme.txt b/readme.txt @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +Update 2011-09-17 - added -c option to send CRLF + + +UPDATE 12/27/04 security fix in -e option for Windows + +Netcat 1.11 for NT - + +The original version of Netcat was written by *hobbit* <> +The NT version was done by Weld Pond <> + +Netcat for NT is the tcp/ip "Swiss Army knife" that never made it into any +of the resource kits. It has proved to be an extremely versatile tool on +the unix platform. So why should NT always be unix's poor cousin when it +comes to tcp/ip testing and exploration? I bet many NT admins out there +keep a unix box around to use tools such as Netcat or to test their systems +with the unix version of an NT vulnerability exploit. With Netcat for NT +part of that feeling disempowerment is over. + +Included with this release is Hobbit's original description of the powers +of Netcat. In this document I will briefly describe some of the things an +NT admin might want to do and know about with Netcat on NT. For more +detailed technical information please read hobbit.txt included in the archive. + + Basic Features + + * Outbound or inbound connections, TCP or UDP, to or from any ports + * Full DNS forward/reverse checking, with appropriate warnings + * Ability to use any local source port + * Ability to use any locally-configured network source address + * Built-in port-scanning capabilities, with randomizer + * Can read command line arguments from standard input + * Slow-send mode, one line every N seconds + * Hex dump of transmitted and received data + * Ability to let another program service established + connections + * Telnet-options responder + + New for NT + + * Ability to run in the background without a console window + * Ability to restart as a single-threaded server to handle a new + connection + + +A simple example of using Netcat is to pull down a web page from a web +server. With Netcat you get to see the full HTTP header so you can see +which web server a particular site is running. + +Since NT has a rather anemic command processor, some of the things that are +easy in unix may be a bit more clunky in NT. For the web page example first +create a file get.txt that contains the following line and then a blank +line: + +GET / HTTP/1.0 + +To use Netcat to retrieve the home page of a web site use the command: +nc -v 80 < get.txt + +You will see Netcat make a connection to port 80, send the text contained +in the file get.txt, and then output the web server's response to stdout. +The -v is for verbose. It tells you a little info about the connection +when it starts. + +It is a bit easier to just open the connection and then type at the console +to do the same thing. +nc -v 80 + +Then just type in GET / HTTP/1.0 and hit a couple of returns. You will +see the same thing as above. + +A far more exciting thing to do is to get a quick shell going on a remote +machine by using the -l or "listen" option and the -e or "execute" +option. You run Netcat listening on particular port for a connection. +When a connection is made, Netcat executes the program of your choice +and connects the stdin and stdout of the program to the network connection. + +nc -l -p 23 -t -e cmd.exe + +will get Netcat listening on port 23 (telnet). When it gets connected to +by a client it will spawn a shell (cmd.exe). The -t option tells Netcat +to handle any telnet negotiation the client might expect. + +This will allow you to telnet to the machine you have Netcat listening on +and get a cmd.exe shell when you connect. You could just as well use +Netcat instead of telnet: + +nc 23 + +will get the job done. There is no authentication on the listening side +so be a bit careful here. The shell is running with the permissions of the +process that started Netcat so be very careful. If you were to use the +AT program to schedule Netcat to run listening on a port with the +-e cmd.exe option, when you connected you would get a shell with user +NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. + +The beauty of Netcat really shines when you realize that you can get it +listening on ANY port doing the same thing. Do a little exploring and +see if the firewall you may be behind lets port 53 through. Run Netcat +listening behind the firewall on port 53. + +nc -L -p 53 -e cmd.exe + +Then from outside the firewall connect to the listening machine: + +nc -v 53 + +If you get a command prompt then you are executing commands on the +listening machine. Use 'exit' at the command prompt for a clean +disconnect. The -L (note the capital L) option will restart Netcat with +the same command line when the connection is terminated. This way you can +connect over and over to the same Netcat process. + +A new feature for the NT version is the -d or detach from console flag. +This will let Netcat run without an ugly console window cluttering up the +screen or showing up in the task list. + +You can even get Netcat to listen on the NETBIOS ports that are probably +running on most NT machines. This way you can get a connection to a +machine that may have port filtering enabled in the TCP/IP Security Network +control panel. Unlike Unix, NT does not seem to have any security around +which ports that user programs are allowed to bind to. This means any +user can run a program that will bind to the NETBIOS ports. + +You will need to bind "in front of" some services that may already be +listening on those ports. An example is the NETBIOS Session Service that +is running on port 139 of NT machines that are sharing files. You need +to bind to a specific source address (one of the IP addresses of the +machine) to accomplish this. This gives Netcat priority over the NETBIOS +service which is at a lower priority because it is bound to ANY IP address. +This is done with the Netcat -s option: + +nc -v -L -e cmd.exe -p 139 -s + +Now you can connect to the machine on port 139 and Netcat will field +the connection before NETBIOS does. You have effectively shut off +file sharing on this machine by the way. You have done this with just +user privileges to boot. + +PROBLEMS with Netcat 1.1 for NT + +There are a few known problems that will eventually be fixed. One is +the -w or timeout option. This works for final net reads but not +for connections. Another problem is using the -e option in UDP mode. +You may find that some of the features work on Windows 95. Most +of the listening features will not work on Windows 95 however. These will +be fixed in a later release. + +Netcat is distributed with full source code so that people can build +upon this work. If you add something useful or discover something +interesting about NT TCP/IP let met know. + +Weld Pond <>, 2/2/98 + + + +