
zenflows testing
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commit 0919386d5cf10952f28537d3dd1976779b7ba8b7
parent 298b8c1c11bf38ae6c6139d3c051db249c9e6ad1
Author: srfsh <dev@srf.sh>
Date:   Fri, 10 Jun 2022 15:59:04 +0300

dep: move deps to .deps and update some deps

The reasoning behind this is that elixir not only keeps the source files of the
dependencies in the deps directory, but it also keeps the auto-generated files
in the same directory (such as absinthe, erlex), which makes it harder to track
the source file changes, since there's no way to clean the auto-generated files
(from what I researched).

Diff is too large, output suppressed.