
zenflows testing
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commit 5101c2d6bae4a82ffcaef20d669d7638ad285c5d
parent 27863bb40541969b5b430f3f7f290ed2de84c756
Author: srfsh <dev@srf.sh>
Date:   Thu, 21 Jul 2022 20:08:31 +0300

gql/mw/sign: simplify

Msrc/zenflows/gql/mw/sign.ex | 17+++++------------
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/zenflows/gql/mw/sign.ex b/src/zenflows/gql/mw/sign.ex @@ -27,19 +27,12 @@ alias Zenflows.VF.Person @impl true def call(res, _opts) do - # if this is admin-related call (such as createPerson and importRepos mutations), - # skip it (since the `middleware/3` callback in # `Zenflows.GQL.Schema` is - # called over and over. - if match?(%{gql_admin: _}, res.context) do + with %{gql_user: user, gql_sign: sign, gql_body: body} <- res.context, + per when not is_nil(per) <- Person.Domain.by_user(user), + true <- Restroom.verify_graphql?(body, sign, per.eddsa_public_key) do res - else - with %{gql_user: user, gql_sign: sign, gql_body: body} <- res.context, - per when not is_nil(per) <- Person.Domain.by_user(user), - true <- Restroom.verify_graphql?(body, sign, per.eddsa_public_key) do - res - else _ -> - Absinthe.Resolution.put_result(res, {:error, "you are not authenticated"}) - end + else _ -> + Absinthe.Resolution.put_result(res, {:error, "you are not authenticated"}) end end end